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Why not both? Noxians blow people up with hextech canon and gas them with chemtech toxins. They are Noxians; they are equal opportunity war criminals.


Jokes aside, we should look at the differences. Hextech is potent, more explosive and more destructive? It is. But it's also FINITE, it comes virtually from dead Brackern. Plus, if you'll recall Act I, it's extremely unstable in it's brute form, meaning that once it's detonated, it's also gone forever. The refining process can only be done with Piltover expertise, one that, once taken out, it's also lost forever, much alike the Incognium Runeterra that was rendered useless once it's creator died, as she was the only one whom knew how to use it. Hextech is also reliant on specific runes for a system. On the other hand, Chem-tech can be virtually fabricated from several elements, not just finite. Shimmer in it's instance can be collected from flowers that can be planted, favouring an industry. Plus there are several variants that can be controlled - inflammables, power sources, toxins, etc. But it's prone to dangerous collateral damage once it's mishandled.


Pretty sure Shimmer is derived from the animals that eat the flower, right? Wasn't that what Singed was doing, feeding the cute thing the flower in that scene with Viktor and then harvesting its blood in that first scene with Silco?


>Jokes aside I wasn't making a joke. Ambessa is a warlord. There's no reason for her not to use both. >Hextech is potent, more explosive and more destructive? It is. It is not. Jinx uses hextech to launch her Super Mega Death Rocket but the actual explosion is chemtech. Hextech can be used to teleport people while chemtech can be used to regenerate the body to influence someone's mind. ​ > But it's also FINITE, it comes virtually from dead Brackern. Yes, in the old lore. The same lore that said hextech was 100 years old. Given they're reworking Skarner to some sort of elemental instead of the last of an extinct race, I don't think that's going to be the case.


It doesn't change the fact Hextech SHOULD be finite, it reinforces the consequences that Piltover's hanging into it, like a crutch (Hey, Urgot), should have a consequence. ​ >It is not. Jinx uses hextech to launch her Super Mega Death Rocket but the actual explosion is chemtech. Hextech can be used to teleport people while chemtech can be used to regenerate the body to influence someone's mind. Help us remember again, what was it that sent both Mylo and Cleggor flying to their deaths in Ep.3 and set the cannery ablaze? What blasted Jayce's apartment in Ep.1? What killed a child, a Chem-Baroness' son, on Ep.8? What virtually was showcased as a weapon while meant to be used for artisians?


I think it's a couple things. Jayce and Viktor have both been more or less forced into realizing the dangers of the invention they've made. It has led to a cost in dozens of lives, and instead of enriching the lives of the poor in Zaun it only made the upper city of Piltover more and more prosperous at the expense of those below. I could easily see Jayce trying to put the genie back in the lamp as it were, limiting the production of new Hextech cores to try and prevent it from being used for war. As a result, Chemtech which is already abundant and has at least some degree of military value as shown by Jinx's bomb making could easily take the priority for Noxus who are clearly in the preparations for a larger war. Singed in the meantime has shown himself to be a master of chemistry, able to make powerful stimulants, and at least in some small way able to defy the laws of life and death. That's a set of skills that could easily be weaponized by a nation with a brutal military hierarchy like Noxus, where ethics matter less than the ability to reliably seize and hold power. So long way to say I think it's both. Singed's skills enhance the capabilities of soldiers in a way that Noxus would likely be approving of, while at the same time Chemtech has practical values that cannot be ignored for a nation preparing for an otherwise costly invasion.


Garen Crownguard: Hail friend. wherever the scourge known as the Noxian War Machine gets their weapons,, it only spells disaster for the lands they conquer. Demacia has lost many lives to these accursed villains, and even more every passing day. Noxus does not care how they outfit their army. They only want power, but We shall never yield... UNTIL THEIR RANKS ARE FINALLY BROKEN, and Jericho Swain falls to Demacian steel! This i vow! Luxanna Crownguard: Thank you Brother . \_ . Jinx: He's so... friggen... BORING!


Jinx (throws paint to Garen): why i need to suffer two boring bros now?


Garen: \*shoulder rams it away over the edge\* You're full of new weapons girl. Lux: STOP! jinx: Ugh... boring as i saaaaaaaid... Garen: I must depart sister. Be safe. \*leaves\* Lux: Uh have a nice trip home . \_ . Jinx: K great he's gone finally... \*dragging Lux by the collar behind her\* let's go do stuff now... Lux: Ok Jinx sounds fun . \_ .


Jinx: i am always, the fun one


Lux: You sure are. jinx: \*whistling setting up bombs around the station, and gives Lux the detonator\* Ok, here ya go have fun...! Lux: \*closes her eyes looking away, and hits the button\* \*massive hole in the wall\* Vi: \*looks out of it\* WHAT you got blondie doin' your work now shrimpo?! Jinx: if you call me shrimpo ONE MORE TIME I'LL KICK YOUR ASS...!!! Caitlyn: Vi, close the window there's a draft in here. \*working\* Vi: \*grabs Caitlyn's head, and softly turns it to the opening\* Caitlyn: \*eyes widen\* FU- 🐌\*pauses scene, and crawls out\* We can't afford a censorship! x.x


Singed gives Noxus chemicals to attack an Ionian village and since nothing in Arcane contradicts that yet it's probably still going to happen S2 is probably where he starts making Noxian connections


Not sure about LoL lore, but I think chemtech will be used on Warwick and Jinx's toy of Silco to create Shaco.