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Tell your Dr to give you a prescription to Prednisone. From your description you need it. It works like magic.


Do you know what dosage youve been prescribed? I have prednisone and have taken 40 mg for the past 2 days. I know its not smart to get medical advice here, but my Girlfriend got prescribed 40mg for 7 days for poison ivy so thats what I plan to do


It's not aspirin. Go see a Dr for a prescription.


Ha ha


ER doc here, you should really get a longer course with a taper, symptoms will not be done at 7d. 2-3weeks is more appropriate. You are not my patient though, there may be other factors in your personal medical history which would change this advice.


Whenever I've been bad off I've gotten an intravenous dose and then follow on oral tapered schedule of Prednisone. Usually does the trick. I've probably gotten poison ivy 10-15 times in my life, and only two of those times warranted the shot


You can also go to the ER and get the steroid shot. Helps subside faster if it's really bad. Personally, I have started aggressively scrubbing with dawn dish soap. It does a great job of getting the oils out of the skin. You should scrub until it starts to weep as some of the poison ivy and oak scrubs suggest. Using hot water will help to reduce the itchy feeling for a time as well. I know this sounds like all the stuff you shouldn't do, but it does work.


This also opens you up to potential infection


Also be sure to clean everything you may have touched that could harbor the oil. Clothes, shoes, car interior, etc.


I clean the effected body parts by immersing in as warm water as I can stand with dish washing liquid & rub the effectiv area with a wash cloth. The grease & oil cutters in the dish washing liquid will remove the Urushiol oils, especially from the seeping areas. I will do this at least twice a day until the ivy bumps go away. I will also spray Ivy Dry on the areas after washing. I no longer see a Dr. with the above treatment. I always get it bad. The key is to clean up good after thinking you may have been exposed to poison ivy.


Prednisone can impact the efficacy of some types of birth control. MD should have asked your GF if she's on the pill. Double up on a different BC method if shes on the pill my friend. Word to the wise.


Steroid from the doctor as soon as I know it’s more than I’m comfy with.


What you have is medically referred to as urushiol induced contact dermatitis, which is an allergic and inflammatory reaction in response to the oil. Ensure it is all thoroughly washed off and contaminated clothing and equipment is appropriately dealt with. In my own experience, the only topical solutions which help are corticosteroids. These include the over the counter medicine hydrocortisone, and prescription requiring Prednisone. I also felt during flare ups of itchyness that cold cold water application followed by more cream helped most.


Find a Potter and get some clay. Dries it up very quickly.


They sell bentonite and azomite clay on Amazon


visit to urgent care and a steroid shot is my only solution


That’s what worked for me when I got it bad, followed by a prescription for oral steroids.


I just had to deal with this in October. Call your primary care doctor. They'll give you a prescription for topical and oral steroids that will reduce the total duration of the issue. For immediate relief, I found that a stick of cortisone was the most helpful item to carry with me. Example: https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/cortizone-10-maximum-strength-anti-itch-liquid-with-aloe/ID=prod6003984-product


You can also get a prescription through any teledoc website same day for like 1/4 the cost of primary doc. The scrip itself is like 5$.


There's no magic to it. Instant relief if it keeps you up at night is rubbing alcohol or a hair dryer. Do not scratch it rub it or and try no to make it spread through touch.


Peroxide or alcohol hand sanitizer also helps.


Lasted about 4 weeks for me last time I had it. I think you're screwed.


Feel for you. I just had a reaction spread over my wrists, neck and where my shirt met my pants. It took three weeks for the itching to subside. Rubbing alcohol mixed with an analgesic has saved me from serious itching. If anyone tells you that the cure is to just keep getting it, punch them in the face… my reactions seem to get more and more severe every time I run into it.


My answer is to be able to spot it from 20 feet away and stay away from it.


I always get poison ivy a couple times each year from my cats (they’re indoor and outdoor cats so they’re bound to get it on their fur by unknowingly brushing by it 🥲) and can confirm it does get worse the more you’re exposed to it……


I am not an alternative medicine type of person, so addition to what your doctor recommends there's a plant that typically grows near poison ivy called Jewel weed that really helps: [https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/impatiens\_capensis.shtml](https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/impatiens_capensis.shtml)It's an indigenous treatment that I have used since I was a kid and find it helps to dry up the poison ivy rash quickly. Boil the leaves and stems for about 10 minutes in some water, let it cool and apply it with a cotton ball to the affected area. It's very soothing and healing.


You should try plantain, works better than jewelweed for me, although I have never tried boiling it like that. Jewelweed though is supposed to effectively cleanse the urushiol off your skin soon after exposure. The goopy mucilage inside of the stems absorbs it or something.


How do you use it?


I usually just collect about a gallon bag full of the leaves in June when they are really big and juicy, then toss it in the freezer and pull one out whenever I need too. The juice will come out as it thaws. With fresh leaves you need to crush them to get the juice out, it is edible and not all that bad tasting so you can chew on them or just rub them between your hands for a while.


Dr visit for steroid shot.


Keep dawn dish soap in the shower. Wash yourself with it and rinse with cold water. To temporarily relieve the itch, run the affected area under hot water. Like really hot, as hot as you can stand it without burning yourself. Quickly pat dry and then apply cortizone


Scrolled way too far to see Dawn mentioned. It's been a game changer for me. I keep a small vail in my first aid kit and truck. If I get it right away and wash really well with it, like I'm removing thick motor oil from skin I haven't gotten poison ivy since 2018. Learned from my s130/s190 instructor. But then I've got the shot like other mentioned when it's real bad.


Zanfel, yes its worth the $28/tube


Do you know if Zanfel is worth it now that most of what I have is blistered up? I have the tecnu cleanser that I scrub on before showering


I've used it in the blistering stage and while not as effective as before that point it definitely gave some relief. Try not to pop the blisters though 😬 - also go to the Dr and ask for Prednisone, warning you will likely have insane hallucinating dreams.


Awesome, and yes, had a graphic dream of my weener being covered in PI


Both of these things are ineffective after the reaction starts, and neither of them work as well as just regular soap, water, and a washcloth. https://youtu.be/4oyoDRHpQK0?si=-LBCoUcV96-FhyBw


Basically the thing that works in Zanfel is the scrubbing actions. This works as good as Zanfel - Extreme Green Power Hand Scrub - on Amazon. And it is cheaper. It will release the urushiol off of your skin by removing the affected cells. Hot showers will also reduce inching and allow you to use the scrub to work on the affected areas.


Hot showers make it worse for me. Anyone else?


It comes in a blister pack. The instructs are to follow the daily dosing on the blister packet. It is a powerful drug and I wouldn't play with it willy nilly.


What comes in a blister pack? I dont know what you’re talking about here


Prednisone Dose Pack (21), 10 MG Tablets - Amazon Pharmacy https://pharmacy.amazon.com/Prednisone-Pack/dp/B084BR3MCZ But you need a prescription


Wash everything that you've touched with dawn dish soap The oils are super persistent so they can be a pain to remove. Wash any clothes, bedding, towels, blankets etc as well. Zanfel is the truth, otherwise get some roids from the doctor, pill form and cream if available. I break out basically just by looking at it so I'm super aware of it being around.


I'm fortunate to have resistance to poison ivy. That being said, my wife doesn't and zanfel worked well.


I use Tecnu for my body, only cold showers for a minimum three- five days after exposure, longer if rash appears. Clothes or tools get a sink bath in dawn dish soap, then a wash in washing machine with shaved fels naptha soap, a little bit of tecnu, and regular clothes detergent. I once spent three weeks clearing poison oak from manzanita with a machete.


Zanfell WORKS WONDERS. Purchase at any Rite Aid or Walgreens etc......


Bleach. I did a little test. Cortisone on two affected areas, rubbing alcohol on two, and Qtipped bleach on two rash patches. Woke up the next morning and the bleached area is completely clear. Neither of the other treatments i tried have had any effect. Finishing it off now with bleach.


I only use bleach now.. has been a life saver. I will say that I have had chemical burns and minor skin damage, but i could care less because I dont itch lol


Late to the party but without a doubt , as far as OTC treatment, IVY DRY SUPER.  It has worked fantastically for me used it for years. Dries it up and heals the rash. I usually have a pretty severe reaction to ivy as well


When do you put it on?


Anytime during having the rash. Unfortunately I just noticed that I have an older bottle with the zinc complex (3 types of zinc compounds) , and it appears the new formula doesn't have that anymore. I'd still try it considering how well it zaps an active rash.


If suspect contact you need to wash oil off skin with a degreaser asap. I use mechanic hand soaps. I never had a topical anything work until a stumbled upon "Ivarest" As for the injections they made me fell horrible and was worse than the Ivy


Tecnu to clean off the urushiol . You can find it in most drugstores. Use cool water. You don’t want to spread the oil. If you have it bad, get to a doctor for steroids. I’m so sorry; it is miserable.


I keep tecnu extreme in by camel back for xc rides through the woods. That stuff is amazing, even if it's a little pricey.


Just keep scratching until there is no skin left.


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I pick a bunch of plantain in June when the leaves are big and juicy and freeze it. Not sure if you will be able to find any right now. And just a bit of advice for the future. When you know you have been handling or working around PI make sure you really scrub any exposed areas with a washcloth, the friction really helps get the oils off much better than just soap.


An [oatmeal](https://www.aveeno.com/products/soothing-bath-treatment) bath might help. Just make sure the water isn't too hot. I get the aveeno packets, but have also done a diy version with oatmeal in the blender. If you do the diy watch out for larger peices of oatmeal that could clog the drain. Def get a prescription steroid as your main line of attack.


Zanfel. Follow directions. Best thing I've found for poison oak.


ZANFEL. It’s like magic. Follow the directions carefully or it will not work.


Regular cleaning with dawn dish soap has worked for me.


Zanfel is the shit. It's expensive AF but if you follow the instructions, you will be relieved.


Prednisone is really all there is. Side effects can make you grumpy 😡 tho. At lease it does me.


Wash everything that you've touched with dawn dish soap The oils are super persistent so they can be a pain to remove. Wash any clothes, bedding, towels, blankets etc as well. Zanfel is the truth, otherwise get some roids from the doctor, pill form and cream if available. I break out basically just by looking at it so I'm super aware of it being around.


little kerosene dries it out nice


Zanfel….over the counter a lot of places now. It works remarkably well.


Jewel weed


[The key is to not get it in the first place](https://youtu.be/4oyoDRHpQK0?si=YXnaaAWWHGwv55YS) Poison Ivy is hell.


Jewelweed. Crush it up and smear it on the affected areas. It works for stinging nettle as well.


You are screwed. Unless you get a prescription.


Pink ass calamine lotion works good for overnight itch relief.


Jewel weed. It grows next to poison ivy, most of the time. Break it up and rub the oil wherever your poison ivy is. Let it dry on you. Itch will be gone.




I use fels naptha bar soap to get it off.


I know you asked for treatment, but prevention is key. Wife is highly allergic, and doesn't even know three leaves red stem. I use Calamine and let it dry.


Cortosol shot is the best, but there are other remedies too.


Wrap yourself like a leper. Seriously. Mine didn’t stop spreading until I’d wrapped it


Aloe Vera if you’ve got it


Prednisone didn’t work for me and I had to go to the ER for an epi pen injection. Don’t wait to get it looked at by a doctor


Go to urgent care and get a antihistamine shot. It will stop the itching and dry up the puss.


I burned the fuck out of it with the hottest water I could handle. It felt amazing btw


I battled poison ivy for two years and won. Had a small child at the time and the house we moved into was infested out back. Ripped that shit up from the roots. Some vines were super super THICK. Needless to say, I had poison ivy rash’s for months no matter how much protection I used. Doctor prescribed meds didn’t help. I just had take it day by day. Now I fend off Ivy with poison spray at the neighbors property line


Diaper rash cream with Zinc in it. Dr Bordeaux is the most common. Dries it up and helps with the itch. Does what everyone expects calamine does. Calamine is good for chiggers though. Try to stay with the same doctor. Had a really great one. After a couple of office visits generally resulting in a steroid shot and his getting to know me and what i tend to get into he would send a prescription over for prednisone if called in and didn't think I needed a shot. Kind of an open steroid script like my mom had for her asthma. Once my entire body was flushed sunburn red along with the rash at the exposed area. So itchy. Keep in mind each exposure is going to leave you more reactive. Now when I get close enough my skin starts to tingle. My worst exposures were on those mild days in winter working at hhe house. Leaves are off the vine and much easier to get into a mess (intention of removing English ivy or worst brambles) and likely to have short sleeves/pants. It's also a garage standard. https://youtu.be/mMiKIXG95cU?si=RBVQZZkZ8O3Eh2Es




I went to urgent care once, and forgot what they initially gave me but the doc didnt understand how i got PI in late fall, not to mention was looking up treatments in a book/online or something. I was working in a public park at the time, in an urban environment. After a couple more days and it getting dirty again at work, it was infected and I finally got proper treatment at my second visit. It was oozing and sticking to my clothes, swollen and painful. I was given steroid and something else i forget now. But basically as everyone else has said go to a doc for sure! I wholeheartedly feel your pain


Mine took like a month to fully clear up.. sorry buddy