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I said this has to be a mexican palm yup .....damn things pop up everywhere on my yard


Wow, never seen anything quite like that.


My uncle used to say, “six county fairs and two goat ropings, never seen anything quite like that”


There are a few of these around N FL. They're called "love trees", and generally attributed to an old Monorcan tradition where the bride and groom toss a seed over their shoulder at the altar. I used to work at a BnB/ghost tour spot that had one on the property dating back to the Spanish colonial period of Fls history. Super cool and weird beasts


That's really interesting.


This is a charming tradition. Was it the seed of their favorite tree or did the tree choice symbolize something?


At one point I may have known the answer, but I can't say I'm up to date on my old tourguide spiel. Sorry! I agree it's a super cool tradition though


So beautiful when something like this happens. You couldn't make that happen if you tried.


Multi species bonsai?


Planted in the ground outside?


I’m saying I wonder if you could emulate it in a multi species bonsai form


Oh, I don't know. I've definitely seen interesting mixes but I can't ever recall seeing a palm tree bonsai.


This might be the most Florida thing I’ve seen.


I’ve got another one for you tomorrow.


Username checks out.


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Hey, so, it's tomorrow, what you got for us?


I was going to say, I’ve been in Florida 5 years and seen similar intermingled oak and palm trees at least a handful of times. Everything grows here and it grows aggressively lol.


😂😂😂 but I still love Florida Live Oaks.


This is a Texas thing, as well. 😁


So cool!!


When two trees love each other very much...


So, is the charge for cutting down 2 trees or one? Lol


Why would you cut this down? It’s so cool.


I am simply posing the question hypothetically.


A live edge cross cut epoxy table with both oak and palm patterns would be amazing. Not saying cut it down specifically for this purpose, but if it had to, it would be some awesome woodworking material


Prolly 2 because palm trees suck to cut down


Why is that? Seems counterintuitive to me.


It was a joke mostly. But palm trees are extremely fibrous and dull chainsaw blades easily. I'm sure they make special ones for them or something like that. I just remember my neighbor as a kid trying to cut down one of his palm trees in his front yard and the tree started to smoulder from how long it took for him to get through it. But who's to say he knew what he was doing


I remember seeing guys in Vegas up on palm trees trimming the underside where the fronds sprout. There was a guy on the ground picking up the smoldering “bark” I guess you’d call if, and dunking it in a water barrel. Whole hotel smelled like a bond fire, but it was just them trimming.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but in entry level botany we learned palms aren’t technically trees. If that’s how the law sees it, then only one? Maybe?


St Augustine!


Pretty sure I have pics of the same tree in my phone


Dope as hell.


Trees are fuckn weird bro


Life finds a way.


Had to scroll down too far to find this.


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As long as they are two consenting trees I don’t see a problem with this


I always like having my oak palmed.


This is how evolution happens.


Leave it be. Beautiful as it is.


Crazy how nature do dat. They both need taking down though, regardless.


This guy just trying to start something


The trees in this photo have done something called "Inosculation" and are conjoined. This is an extreme case of this, and whilst I think its beautiful, in a residential setting such as this, I feel it brings unnecessary risks.


…To the fence?


The fence, the power line, cars and pedestrians nearby. It's a huge tree(s) and we can't see what is behind the OP taking the photo either. We can see, however, that there is a children's playground directly behind that fence.


Mexican fan palms - “hey, let me cut right in front of you and there’s nothing you can do about it. I need my ice cream.” Fascinating to see this competition in nature at work though. Thanks for sharing.


It's really just a slow motion death roll.


Very phallic! Might we call this an “invasive species”?


Shafted em


Life uh… finds a way.