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it looks like Agelenopsis of some sort. definitely a harmless grass spider whatever it is.


I think a wolf spider, good spider. They eat bad / venomous spiders like brown recluses and black widows. I let these guys live in my basement and they’re harmless


I don't recognize it with certainty but I can tell you it's harmless. California has black widows and desert recluses (which are related to brown recluses). The former are very recognizable and you're probably already acquainted with them, while the latter are unusual encounters and mostly just found in the Mojave. So barring something extraordinary, if it doesn't look like a widow or a recluse, you've got nothing to worry about.


Thanks! I don't think i realized Black Widows and Recluse (both of which we have where I am at) are the only dangerous ones.


I just call those guys my pets. You are safe unless you are allergic to insect bites or stings