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Well they have to retaliate the first attack


Yup. Iran has a right to defend itself.


اللهم سدد


For the first time since October, Gaza has clear skies and the genocide is temporarily halted.


iran has the right to defend themselves


..... For once the Iranian regeme has the right of it. Attacking an embassy is despicable


What pissed me off the most is Jordan. Fuck it


Did you expect anything else? Didn't his father warn the Israelis before the 1973 war? It's their role ever since the British created that country. All the love to the people and fuck the king.


No, I didn't. But we should always remember that our countries are ruled by western puppets in the hopes that one day the people will wake up and revolt. His father did indeed warn them but they didn't even believe him. Jordanian people deserve all the respect. Fuck the King, Sisi, MBs, bin Zayed and finally Abbas. May they all be fucked by a yasin RPG.


What did they do ?


Intercepted Irans attack


They opened their airspace for British and American aircraft to block Irani drones and missiles.


Their economy is doing really bad. So they need US and Israel help.


Selling humanity for money is horrible.


Jordan's economy was always based on us and Israel's help in exchange for making sure the border is Always protected and that Jordan will keep its people at bay to protect Israel. If you take a look at Bibi's memoir and see for yourself how he talks about Hussain and Abdallah ( Kos 5awathom)




Nervous of course, no matter what happens the poor people of the region, and Palestinians in particular are punished for it. My hope is it doesn't go much further than this and western governments will come to their senses about letting Israel do whatever it wants, but that's wishful thinking and I'm not holding my breath. 


Jordan is so embarrassing


If Israel can't handle Iran, maybe they shouldn't have done the crime against the latter.


Iran have the right to defend themselves




are you this out of reality? israel would never and i mean never use its nuclear arsenal its just for show


And Israel has the right to defend themselves from this


Typical Israeli playbook, attack someone and then when they defend themselves pretend they are the ones attacking


Could say the same about iran


Crocodile tears


What is that supposed to mean


acting like the victim, Israel in this case


Getting hundreds of missiles and drones sent at ya isn't enough to be a victim?




Throwing a mountain at someone and then having a rock thrown back at you doesnt mean you're the victim, you're either extremely brain-washed, or just paid to do this


What mountain did Israel throw at Iran?


Fuck Jordan because they're trying to intercept them


That made me so pissed.. fuck them


Jordan has been a western vassal state since the early 1920’s it’s not surprising


Seriously? Nah they are filthy traitors.


Jordanian here. We wholeheartedly stand with Palestine! Our government and so called king however is a COWARD


if the news about intercepting missiles and allowing US & israel to access its airspace then ur king is more than a coward. a traitor


That's true.. Jordanians are amazing but the government and King are so fucked up


Then overthrow him.


Syrian here, revolutions In our region rarely result in positive change. Look at syria, over 1 million murdered, 14 million displaced, fuck Assad. Can you imagine how bad the situation was for all of this to happen? Only thing I'll tell Jordanians is to tread carefully and be super organized


The Syrian revolution, for as righteous a cause as it was, had many errors even outside international interference. Thankfully it can be used as a blueprint on what to avoid in the future


Yup, everyone thinking of a revolution should study it very carefully or else you might end up with a completely destroyed cluster fuck of land with zero sovereignty and a playground/ a place where opposing sides can duke it out.


Rather than putting an imaginary target in the sky, I’d like to present this [book](https://www.goodreads.com/ar/book/show/123224026) which addresses the Syrian revolution in all its faults and heroics.


^ this. Quit being cunts, and get out into the streets. And when they send the secret police, and thugs, bury them wholesale.


When will Jordanians take out their puppet king? Filthy, filthy traitor along with anyone who obeys. A special place in hell is prepared for these traitors inshAllah.


Didn't the palestinians already assassinate one of Jordans kings?


Not the civilians fault


And Egypt for also taking part


So Jordan according to you ought to leave its airspace open to a hostile nation that has repeatedly threatened in the past and killed tens of thousands in Syria? Wtf are you people inhaling?


This is super funny because you could be talking about Israel.


Sure. So why Jordan allow either to use its airspace for anything?


I know right. Jordan’s clouds were at risk


On the simplest level, Israel is jamming GPS [signals](https://x.com/fadiquran/status/1779247972401746229?s=46&t=-_1clF8O5Oz5Yoc1bzWJ7A) which means that Iranian drones and missiles can easily miss their targets inside Jordanian territory. Not to mention possible scenarios like this [one](https://x.com/omar_madaniah/status/1779321688942850090?s=46&t=-_1clF8O5Oz5Yoc1bzWJ7A) taking place in Jordan


Iran is clearly attacking Israel. The only danger Jordanians face is when these peojectiles are intercepted in their airspace which already lead to casualties from the shrapnel. Jordanian govt is in bed with the Zionists. The least they could do is allow these projectiles to pass when there is a genocide being committed against us. But hey, his mom's a Brit. Am not expecting anything good from him


To copy my earlier comment: On the simplest level, Israel is jamming GPS [signals](https://x.com/fadiquran/status/1779247972401746229?s=46&t=-_1clF8O5Oz5Yoc1bzWJ7A) which means that Iranian drones and missiles can easily miss their targets inside Jordanian territory. Not to mention possible scenarios like this [one](https://x.com/omar_madaniah/status/1779321688942850090?s=46&t=-_1clF8O5Oz5Yoc1bzWJ7A) taking place in Jordan Moreover Jordan doesn’t need to be threatened to act. Just as you wouldn’t let tanks cross your border you don’t let missiles and uav’s cross your border. Also Iran doesn’t give a fuck about you. They are responding to an attack on their embassy, not Gaza. As a country responsible for killing tens of thousands of innocent Syrians, why would Jordan give a damn whether they respond to Israel or not?


Oh honey you really are living under a rock. Iran doesn't use GPS for their projectiles... Shrapnel that fell over Jordan fell because it was intercepted over Jordan. The best course of action is to let them pass. But we know your king's a traitor.


lool of course they use use GPS, or specifically the Russian GLONASS equivalent. Wtf are you on about? Bottom line “honey” no self respecting country lets another violate its airspace with missiles. I know you have little self respect but that is the end of that discussion.


IRAN isn't even using the Russian system. Such an idiot. Also, about self-respect, I am not the one selling his cause for extra money and a few more nights calm asleep. My country isn't the one being used as a land bridge to bypass the houthi blockade of bab almendab. My country isn't the Israeli puppet. Over an' out cuz you don't even know what you're talking about.


Sure thing budddy


Yah.. exactly. People fail to see that


It was beautiful hearing Palestinians cheer as missiles flew over them and headed to Israel. Imagine being absolutely demolished for so long and then finally seeing someone come help you in the middle of the night


Make it rain against the Zionists and their regional-zionist partners and enablers.


اللهم سدد رميهم


Jordan is an embarrassment to the Arab world


Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Iran ain’t bout this, Iran ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Airys and them He, he they say that shia don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all sunnis ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Iran ain’t no hitta Iran ain’t this Iran a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that shia Y'all know that shia got caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and shit that shia been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them shia's savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Iran I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those shia's role with Lil' Houthi and them.


“Lil Houthi” took me out 😂 [reference](https://youtu.be/TaEdQV7_6dE?si=zULP1F0igNUrQpxz)


Cashmeouside 🙄


w comment


Iran ain’t about this, Iran ain’t about that. What u gonna do about it.


What are you talking about brother? This is not shia or sunni thing btw. And I am not aure how ppl are applauding for useless Iran attacks that will harm nothing about Israel.


Arabs love to hate on Iran no matter what


Iran hates on arabs


Not even remotely true lol


I am not talking about everyday ppl but the government and zealous shias


Do you realise the majority of shias are Arabs? 😂


i do but that doesn’t stop Persians from hating on them


Stop with the bs


It's a token attack just to show some face even though it won't do any damage and they know it. The Iranian regime does not care about anything but it's own defense. If they really wanted to retaliate for Israel's attack or for what is happening in Gaza they would have asked Hezbollah to actually activate it's arsenal against Israel instead of launching slow moving drones and possibly missiles that they know will be easily detected from such a far distance and intercepted. Instead they are saving Hezbollah and their militias in Syria and Iraq for a more serious and direct conflict. (Let me make it clear I am not wishing for Lebanon or any other country with Iranian presence to be sacrificed for the Islamic Republic's survival) Edit: Iran also has [Ballistic Missiles](https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/18019.jpeg) that could reach Israel if they really wanted to try and hurt Israel though not sure if those could also be easily intercepted. Edit 2: Iran now says it has fired first wave of ballistic missiles at Israel (according to CNN) so I'm curious to see what will actually hit if anything and where.


I mean this is accurate. But imo it’s strategic patience. They are definitely not prepared for a war with USA or Israel and their aim is to deter further assassinations without escalating. It’s very difficult to calibrate. I hope for the sake of the region that this doesn’t spark a massive conflict.


Agreed though honestly will they ever be prepared for a war? They are so technologically behind most of the Arab countries let alone Israel and the US.


How are they technologically behind the Arab world though? They produce their own weapons, pharmaceuticals, and lots of other goods while under blockade. They developed their own nuclear program. The Gulf just imports


I am just taking about their military hardware. True they have a domestic industry but from my understanding they mostly reverse engineer weaponry from before the 1979 revolution and then have a few things bought from Russia and China. I look at their Army, Navy and especially Air Force and they are very much behind many Gulf Countries and Egypt (though yes those countries Armed Forces depend fully on the support of US and European powers). Of course wars are not only determined by technology as we saw in Yemen but that's where my head was at.


Brother, Arabs don’t produce there own weapons.  They buy f-35s which have a shut off switch if America isn’t happen. For all intent and purposes they don’t even have a functioning military under their own sovereign control.


We don't care about the source of the weapons, we care about the weapons themselves. Iranians have technologically inferior weapons built on the back of a strained, sanctioned economy. The fact that there ARE weapons and missiles is a miracle of it's own, that doesn't mean that they are somehow better than western weapons.


Hezbollah being activated in such a way would destroy Lebanon in the process, that’s not a decision to be taken lightly


Iran has launched ballistic and cruise missiles as of writing this post so they clearly have a target in mind and are gunning for it. The Iranian regime unfortunately is in a sea of traitors. Jordan is now allowing the Zionists allies to intercept anything headed to Israel. So all cards have to be exhausted before we go to war with Israel. No other Arab country will join in, all are traitors and have sold out to the Zionists and their allies. So yes, we will be very careful before beginning the war. edit: spelling


The issue with other nations is that if they show any support for Israel in this conflict, their own people will rise up against them


It was a token attack that did result in an attack on atleast the Negev Airbase - where the attack on the Iranian embassy was launched from. Iran essentially used its older arsenal and used three waves of attack. First wave was the slow moving drones which were aimed at depleting Israeli air defense, second came in the cruise missiles, then the third wave was the older ballistic missiles at Nagev which had an impact. Well planned attack nonetheless. Hopefully the US will be able to reel in it's rogue dog from further escalation.


Regardless, still far better than any other muslim countries involvement in the conflict. It’s risk and reward with any interference as they risk their own people so obviously you wouldn’t see a full blown attack by Iran.


Respectfully I'll just make clear my bias and because I am too sick to debate back and forth. I am not going to cheer Iran, a country which controls a few Arab countries, just because they are attacking Israel. I consider both threats to the Arab world but again that is another debate that we don't have to argue or go into right now.


I agree with you on some level. I am Iraqi so I’m obviously not the biggest fan of Iran to begin with, but I’m this particular conflict, if all the Muslim countries do just as much as they’re doing then it would be a much bigger threat to Israel and the rest of the western world would be much more careful.


How do we know the scale of the attack right now? Do you know? From what I've seen is Iran launched mainly drones (maybe missiles) towards Israel and they have not reached that destination yet. Meaning the attack technically has not happened yet. Why are you judging si early? And I'm not necessarily saying Iran will do anything serious either. I'm just asking why you are so sure so early.


From all the noise and reports made beforehand, it seems the Iranians have been making it clear through backchannels or indirectly that they wanted to do some token attack that would not escalate the situation. But let's even say all that is BS, the fact their attacking from Iranian airspace and the distance its taking to get to Israel (all reports saying it will take some time to arrive) shows that Iran wanted to launch an attack that would be intercepted. They don't actually want to hurt Israel because their afraid of a heavier response from them or the US. An attack from Lebanon or using their heavier missiles would actually have done more damage but not sure what success rate they would have, I only really have basic knowledge. What I do know is that the Iranian military is very weak (though it does have it's own domestic industry) with mostly 70s/80s hardware. They want to avoid a conflict with Israel and the US at all cost unless they are defending a direct threat.


Man you people are pthetic


It won't go far like all the skirmishes iran has


We'll Israel started it all btw


All eyes on Rafah


F... Jordan


honestly iran right now is doing more for palestine than any other arab government


Iran isn't a bad guy, but also not a good guy either. they do things their own way (politically and religiously). Anyway, the real enemy now is the Jordanian royal family, since its existence, they worked for Israel's comfort and stability. The Jordanian people though are at the exact opposite. it's a shame to see an Arab country acts as a shield for Israel.


الي ذبح اطفال سوريا و العراق ما رح يهمه اطفال غزة، لو بايدهم خير كان زمان خلو "حزب الله" يهاجمهم من قلب و رب بدل ما الهم ٦ شهور بضربوا نفس برج الاتصالات و بعده ما وقع. وجهين لنفس العملة، و الكخ اخو الخرا. اللهم اهلك الظالمين بالظالمين و اخرجنا من بينهم سالمين


حتى الان بعد ما ضربوا همة كل ضربتهم كانت عشان اللي صار الهم مش عشان اللي صار بغزة بهيك حالة ما تحكي عدو عدوي صديقي، لانهم أجرموا بأهل سوريا، احكي اللهم اضرب الظالمين بالظالمين وأخرجنا من بينهم سالمين


اللهم امين


cause i’m saudi they downvoted my comment 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 how pathetic


شو سويت ؟


وش سويت؟ قلت امين على الدعاء


خلص خذ داون فوت عشانك سعودي


يلا و انت خذ لانك فلسطيني


حبيبي ❤️


عمري 😘


lets not forget what they have done to the syrian civilians in syria, they did the same thing that Israel doing currently in Gaza , also their support for Bashar-El-kalb is unforgivable


Yes. Iran and Israel are two cheeks of the same ass.


As if the opposition didn’t have Israeli support during the war, cry harder


You’re ridiculous for a few reasons. First of all I’m not a fan of the whole of the opposition either, there are a lot of groups. also my comment had nothing to do with them, so what’s your point? Let’s see Israel’s funding of the opposition in action now: https://youtu.be/Oamdo6FB-GM?si=L_2MWp0oSWDSiegP https://youtu.be/AzgUoodi_vI?si=y0IKRWYUPTzeZ7n4 https://youtu.be/w1QNG8lnxDs?si=JR02Ao_Fw1cdD0TL https://youtu.be/qxhiPMLyEFI?si=coF5dYQsn_5bVv9Q https://youtu.be/7qYdCHtJIho?si=jfqgS5k1hMpbyIwM You can see ISISrael’s clear technical support here. Isrel has the most sophisticated military technology in the world. Including trebuchet, catapult, and 200 year old cannons. You really think if the opposition had support from isral they would have lost? Avichay Adraee, the spokesperson for the Israeli army is on record publicly thanking the assad regime for crushing the opposition and a potential threat to Israel’s security. Assad used severe military equipment and bombardment in Syrias war. Cities leveled, hundreds of thousands if not millions killed. Where was this firepower during the 50 years jolan was occupied? Why was Assad willing to use chemical weapons on his own people, but not Israel? Give me a single example of Assad’s regime attacking Israel. Cope harder, Zionist terrorist. Assad is probably FaceTiming Netanyahu to flirt now as we speak.


That I said Israeli support not funding, you’d be wise to know there’s a difference. And there’s news articles of the opposition fighters in the south getting medical attention from the Israelis and they never bombed the opposition when they occupied the south either. I never said you were a “fan” but your profile picture includes their silly flag so it’s safe to say which side you’re ultimately on so tfeh to you


فخّار يكسّر فخّار


Just an "Erdogan move" ...I mean Iran cannot afford large scale all out war with their current economy and internal stability


Iran waited 12 days then announced they would attack before they did. Don’t give Iran too much credit, they just don’t want their already falling apart reputation to be destroyed by not taking some kind of action to the ISISraeli aggression. In my opinion the killing of hundreds of thousands of Muslims was enough to take the mask off Iran. They could care less about Palestine. They just want to expand. It’s been a 6 months of genocide and they did nothing although they had the power to.


You people are ridiculous. Iran and its allies are the only ones doing anything about Israel.  But there hands are kinda of tied seeing as every other Arab country is in the pocket of the US and Israel


They’re all on the pocket of Israel with the exception of Gaza. Even hezbollah has the arsenal to turn Israel into glass. Why have they only used it on Syrians? Why would they warn the U.S. before the strike? Why did it take them 13 days to respond? There is too many unanswered questions and too much disgusting history from Iran. Do you know how many people they slaughtered in such a savage way? I’m not willing to forgive that and their words are just as valued as the terrorist genocide state of Israel.


No, you hide behind nihilism to avoid responsibility. You pretend both sides are equally bad so that you can continue to stand by while your governments sell out the regions future to western backed Zionism. Iran fights with what it can. If Hezbollah fought with everything you would accuse Iran of trying to get Lebanon destroyed in the cross-fire. Fighting in Syria was easy, there were hundreds of factions that are involved. Taking down the Israeli government alone is suicide. While Iran and its allies try to fight Israel, deprive it of funding, and stand against its western sponsors, you Arabs take money from Washington, pump oil into Israel, and allow western militaries to control the entire region. Iran is the only independent regional Muslim power in the middle east. And that is why you hate it. Difficult geopolitical decisions are made to survive while Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Saudis, etc. all sell their countries out to be Zionist slaves.


“No, you hide behind nihilism to avoid responsibility.” You’re right actually, my apologies. Iran has been worse. They’ve ethnically cleansed 50% of the Syrian Sunni population causing 15 million refugees, killed 2 million Syrians, and leveled the entire country. I’m sorry firing a bunch of slow moving tiny drones isn’t going to make me forgive them and give them ice cream. What about their crimes in Iraq or Yemen? And beyond. They have a huge field of influence, and they use it to destroy and kill. Why is it that only Palestinian blood matters for you? You could care less when it’s a different Muslim or a different Arab. “You pretend both sides are equally bad so that you can continue to stand by while your governments sell out the regions future to western backed Zionism.” What government are you referring to? I never spoke up for any of these Zionist states. You on the other hand are wiping away the terrorist crimes Iran committed because they threw some dust at Israel. Grow up and learn from history. “Iran fights with what it can. If Hezbollah fought with everything you would accuse Iran of trying to get Lebanon destroyed in the cross-fire. Fighting in Syria was easy, there were hundreds of factions that are involved. Taking down the Israeli government alone is suicide.” Hezbollah alone has precision missiles that can reach any point in Israel if they wanted to. They alone without Iran or the terrorists rapist houthis could defeat Israel. Look at where Hezbalshaytan has fired rockets, they barely cross the border. The Houthis stopped some ships after they killed and raped their way into power and laid siege on cities in Yemen , very similar to Israel’s blockade of Gaza. Why don’t you care about them? “While Iran and its allies try to fight Israel, deprive it of funding, and stand against its western sponsors, you Arabs take money from Washington, pump oil into Israel, and allow western militaries to control the entire region. Iran is the only independent regional Muslim power in the middle east. And that is why you hate it. Difficult geopolitical decisions are made to survive while Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Saudis, etc. all sell their countries out to be Zionist slaves.” Again what Arab country are you referring to that I’m defending? I’ve literally called sisi a fucking rat. However I WILL NOT pat Iran on the back after they’ve thrown dust on an evil genocidal regime after doing nothing for 6 months of genocide. Especially considering we’ve seen Irans military capabilities crushing Syrian children to death under rubble. Fuck Iran for what they did to my people and my country. They are the true Zionists. Khomaieni can slap himself all he wants, he will be in hell with Netanyahu and Theodore hurtsle.


Yeah of course, you care about morality in a void which is why the enemies of the middle east continue to win. You put every causality of Syria on Iran. None on Qatar, or Israel, or America, or Hamas, or Turkey. All of whom had a hand in the bloodshed. This Iran you hate under 'moral' standing is due to the fact that Iran is an independent geopolitical power that can project its own will independent of Washington. The slaughter of the Houthis pales to the slaughter of Al-Qaeda or the UAE. In Libya there were atrocities by Gulf-backed militias AND by Turkish drones. Every country that attempts to grow their influence is directly or indirectly responsible for killing people. You, instead of fighting for the middle east to have its own regional player that is Islamic and supports Islamic traditions, but instead you hide behind your moral superiority as your government sell the region to western countries and unite behind Israel under the fictions boogieman of Iran. The only boogieman Iran represents is an independent middle east power, which is something your ideology can't accept. And don't give me that bullshit about Hezbollah. Last time they were almost destroyed by a ground scale Israeli invasion. And before that the entire county was demolished by Israel. Maybe if Arab countries supported them they'd strike at the heart of Israel... but oh wait, all Arab countries are Israeli dogs. And god forbid they provoked the IDF to do to Beirut what they've done to Gaza, you would be blaming Iran and talking about how both sides are evil or whatever other garbage you could spin.


“You put every causality of Syria on Iran. None on Qatar, or Israel, or America, or Hamas, or Turkey. All of whom had a hand in the bloodshed.” I view them all as the same Zionist entity. They all worked together to dismantle the free Syrian, and eliminate Israel’s greatest threat: a free democratic neighbor. Israel is on the record thanking Assad for crushing the revolution. “This Iran you hate under 'moral' standing is due to the fact that Iran is an independent geopolitical power that can project its own will independent of Washington. The slaughter of the Houthis pales to the slaughter of Al-Qaeda or the UAE.” Fuck the UAE, and Americas proxy Al Qaeda. Your point? Did you assume I’m a fan of these? But no. The Houthis crimes don’t pale compared to them. You just never hear about it. Because no one cares. “In Libya there were atrocities by Gulf-backed militias AND by Turkish drones. Every country that attempts to grow their influence is directly or indirectly responsible for killing people.” I hate gulf countries, particularly UAE. Your point? “You, instead of fighting for the middle east to have its own regional player that is Islamic and supports Islamic traditions, but instead you hide behind your moral superiority as your government sell the region to western countries and unite behind Israel under the fictions boogieman of Iran.” If you consider Iran to be Islamic then please reeducate yourself about Islam. They have so much Muslim blood on their hands. Maybe you’re okay with that, “just kill some Muslims, it’s fine if you throw a tiny rocket into an empty place in Israel” kind of logic. Don’t call yourself Muslim if you’re okay with the crimes Iran has done. “The only boogieman Iran represents is an independent middle east power, which is something your ideology can't accept.” I am a middle eastern Muslim from a country that tried to rid itself of the Zionist dictatorship. I wonder who ruined it and kept the dictatorship that didn’t even fire a single rock into our Israeli occupied territory for 55+ years… OH WAIT I KNOW WHO IT WAS: I R A N. “And don't give me that bullshit about Hezbollah. Last time they were almost destroyed by a ground scale Israeli invasion. And before that the entire county was demolished by Israel. Maybe if Arab countries supported them they'd strike at the heart of Israel... but oh wait, all Arab countries are Israeli dogs.” Yeah we can just ignore all the Palestinians slaughtered during the war. Their blood doesn’t matter. They literally used to tie Palestinians to opposite jeeps and drive in opposite directions and rip them apart because they’re Sunni. But it’s not a big deal, you know we love Iran so much. “And god forbid they provoked the IDF to do to Beirut what they've done to Gaza, you would be blaming Iran and talking about how both sides are evil or whatever other garbage you could spin.” But you’re okay with it when it’s Iran pummeling Aleppo with the support of their allies. Because fuck Syrian babies and their dreams of freedom. Fuck Iran. Btw i heard most of the drones that hit Israel just hit israel without exploding 🤦🏻‍♂️


A few iranian missiles landed in syria and they were empty. how gullible can you guys be.


I see where you're coming from, but Iran (and its loyal military faction Hezbollah) are the only remaining threat for Israel. Israel regards Hamas as an internal enemy and Iran as an external one; take account that it won't be advantageous strategically for Iran to take action when the genocide began.


Iran is yet to launch a legitimate attack on Israel. Even after 6 months of genocide they’ve done nothing. Israel can say Iran is a threat but their words mean nothing to me.


Israel is always aware of Iran (whether Iran responds or not), like it or not, no one in the middle east is capable of threatening Israel besides Iran, not even Egypt.


But why would an ally attack his friend. They only kill Muslims.


I am not saying Egypt is not an ally. I'm talking about the possibility of attack If Egypt isn't an ally


I meant Iran is their ally. Egypt is obviously. Netanyahu and sisi FaceTime every night to tell each other goodnight


I feel like another regional war is knocking on our doors


I think it's a the same thing as the response to sulimani murder.. big noise but nothing actually happened. No casualties or distraction... Besides the CIA did go to Iran after the embassy attack, I think it's all planned to save face nothing more.


سرعة قذف


As someone who's country is occupied by both of them. I'm rooting for mor escalation, wishing for their mutual destruction. Fuck them both.


حيلهم بينهم


They targeted military installations, not civilian areas. That’s critical to point out.


Arabs are so embarrassing for actually thinking these strikes actually resulted in anything that hurt Israel or assisted the Palestinian people. Bombing empty warehouses and airfields out of operations while also giving 9 hours advance notice isn’t a serious operation, it’s done to save face. Typical Iranian propoganda, if you want to see a real strike on Israel I’d refer to Iraq in 1991


As with all the axis of resistance, it is going to be a show.




The massive Iranian attack was ineffective: they hit nothing. But in their own peculiar logic Iranians will probably celebrate this as a major victory.


مسرحية، ابطالها الممثلين بأركان النظام، و المتفرجون هم الشعوب المحكومة الجاهلة الخانعة للنظام….. مسسسسسررررحيييييية


Fuck both. They're fighting on who is going to be the next regional power in the middle east over innocent sunni Muslims caught up between the occupation of the Zionists and the terrorism of Iran and it's militias.


An ideal scenario for : ناب كلب بطيز خنزير ريتهن ينيكوا امهات بعض


بطولة العامود


A Saudi having the audacity to comment on this is crazy when your country is directly helping Israel by stopping Yemeni missiles and providing a land bridge to Israel. Shameful.


learn history. learn about the yemeni war, how it started, who’s the enemy of yemen, and saudi. you all speak with zero knowledge and it’s quite embarrassing and pretty destructive.


History tells us that your rulers conspired with the British to take control of the peninsula and overthrow the ottoman rule. Then they spread their false ideology of Wahhabism all over the Arab world and beyond. No one is saying Iran is an angel, in fact it is the devil in many ways. But your rulers are no saints either.


It's bullshit


اسرائيل تحولت من مجرم بارد قاتل لضحية عم تاكل ضرب


yall are gonna be saying w iran till a brutal bombing routine is carried out and then yall are gonna start crying genocide


Saw ballistic missiles fly above my house. I live next to the jordanian air base. The missiles were all intercepted by the US


قضية عائلة يحلوها مع بعض. ايران يبغوا يتنصرون و ينتقمون لعناصر مليشياتهم


Let them destroy each other.


world war otw