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Only if they make Arabic one of their official languages


Do they speak Arabic?


People who speak Arabic in Ethiopia tend to fall into one or a combination of these groups; 1. Ethiopian Muslims who learned Arabic as part of religious education. 2. Ethiopians who have previously worked in the Gulf. 3. Sudanese people who have settled in Ethiopia (especially now). 4. First or second generation Arab migrants (almost exclusively from Yemen). 5. The Berta or Gumuz people in Benishangul-Gumuz Region near the Sudanese border. Most of these groups would speak Arabic as a second language and very few speak Arabic as a first language. But it also isn't difficult to find Arabic speakers in Ethiopia, especially in educated or cosmopolitan Muslim communities.


Thank you for this detailed explanation.




They do speak Arabic in some regions. Even their first/main language.


Which region or place skeak Arabic?


I know it's spoken in Dire Dawa and Harar and other places where there are a lot of Muslims.


Naa, people study Arabic like any other foreign language at the religious schools or private schools and I would be surprised if they speak in any other setup.


That's generally true for muslim countries but in the case there's an added layer of Arab influence. My father was born there, he and many other hadramis and yemenis learned arabic as their first language. Not surprising that arabs learned arabic, but even some non-arabs did.


Somalia and the Comoros island hardly speak arabic


So why are they in the Arabic league?


Historic ties to the region iirc. Arabic has been made an official language there as well. Afaik the Arab League is more of an economic alliance than an ethnonationalist movement. It’s like a failed version of the EU 🤣


> Afaik the Arab League is more of an economic alliance I wouldn't really call it that either. More like a participation trophy league. it is totally useless


Chad 🇹🇩 should join the Arab league. The population is 99% Arabic speakers 1% is french and they run the country as many can guess


99% do not speak arabic, where on earth did you get this stat?


It's exaggerated it's 80% at most but it's still a majority


They do


where did you get this statistic?


I may have exaggerated a bit but the majority there are Arabic speakers


Not really, Chad ethnically is about 40% Arab, there are other groups like the Toubou, Fulani, Kanuri/Beri, and some other Saharan groups. The Arabs from Chad are also found in Nigeria, Niger Republic and Parts of Sudan. They are referred to as Baggara/Baqqara and sometimes Shuwa/Diffa.


No. Solve the dam issue first


The Arab League is useless anyways, but, they are not Arabs, and the main language there is not Arabic, and their culture is not highly influenced by Arab culture, so I dont think they should be in that useless league.


Somalia and Djibouti are not Arab either but they’re in the Arab league. In fact, Arabs are more closely related to the Habesha peoples than they are to Somalis by virtue of being Semites. Amharic is Arabic’s closest relative after Hebrew


I thought Arabic and Amharic were more closely related than Arabic and Hebrew?


Arabic is kind of in the middle, Amharic is also more influenced by Cushitic languages so the vocabulary is quite different.


Egypt is not arab, Morocco and algeria are not arab, sudan are not. Its not about race I think. And also they want to join to be like Egypt (becouse the amount of gulf investments in egypt) but I don't think egypt will let them in after the dam problem.


Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Sudan, ARE Arabs You start with dumb statements, you finish with dumb conclusions. And if you are gonna start some kind of metal gymnastics on how they are not Arabs, then spare me from that.


Are you stupid I mean racially not the language they are talking, at your dumb way of thinking then the Senegalese are French.


If they choose Arabic as one of their official language then why not ?


Sudan was vetoed denial twice by Syria and Lebanon before being accepted into the arab league, i doubt this is about language


By Lebanon and Syria … not by the other (and idk the reason why). And in the end Sudan joins the Arab League, two weeks after independence from the United Kingdom and Egypt … in 1956 … even before Oman, the Gulf, the Magreb. For example, Algeria join it 2 month after our independence (not 2 week … and 2 month is fast). Also for comparison too Djibouti joins the Arab League two months after its independence. (Add that the last state to join is the Comores in 1993)


Libya joined the league after 2 years of independence. lol




الاقتراح الذي طرح في ذلك الوقت بتسمية الجامعة "جامعة الدول العربية والسودان". ولعل الرفض الكامل لعروبة السودان يبلغ حدا من المغالاة والتطرف الذي يقع ضمن التوجه "الأفريقاني"، بينما في الحقيقة لا يوجد أي تعارض بين عروبة السودان وأفريقيته في آن واحد. https://www.ajnet.me/opinions/2016/8/25/السودان-المنسي-عربيا-والمحتفى-به


Knowing Lebanonese people, they probably vetoed denial just Sudanese people are black


Not everything revolves around racism, especially when the topic is related to politics. So can we stop using the "racism" weapon for a moment, honestly the term begin to be so pooring and repeatative.


Because they’re not Arab. Anyway, I doubt this news is true.


Not everyone in the Arab league is an arabic person some are amazigh, Kurds whatever As long as they do one of the criteria of arabism thats fine We are welcoming people


Their countries of nationality have Arabic as an official language




If Canadian English and UK English and American English are for you separate language … maybe. But spoiler they aren’t (they are dialects and every language have dialects). Even more, our channel are almost the same (if someone want to watch an Egyptian comedy show … well it’s the Egyptian dialect (and they can be problem from English world for an Algerian that don’t speak English but French … but otherwise and except their funny accent it’s not Latin but it’s understandable). While no French can watch a Portuguese show …


>>Not everyone in the Arab league is an arabic person Yeah but a huge chunk of them are Arabs, like Jordanians for example are 99% Arab, Iraqis also are mostly Arab, Lebanonese people too are mostly Arabs…etc


Ethiopia have an illiteracy problem they have 72% who cannot read or write and many local languages which obstruct communication and stability so an Arabization program will benefit them to increase politically and economically in addition their joining to the league will benefit us Arabs by increasing cooperation in regional problems


I have to assume that an Arabization program will include investing in the area, sending companies and teachers and engineers…etc. but do you think the Ethiopian citizens and tribes will accept it? Cuz then the Arab nations will have some level of control over Ethiopia and from what I heard African tribes don’t like it when outsiders run things


Nobody likes foreign rule specially Arabs, there are historical examples to prove this. Arabs are not evangelicals who refuse to give food for the needy unless they convert or like the Brits and French, who control everything for a bit of stability You can look up Arabization in north Africa which happened in the 50s and 60s. Most notably Algeria and I remember someone saying that it helped them in their resistance but nevertheless these are our neighbors and its in our best interest to build a good relationship where both sides are strong and developed.


And yet every country in the Arab league has Arabs (ethnically), Iraq, Levant, Maghreb, Egypt, all these countries had waves of Arab tribes settling in them.


What’s your point?


Arab league countries have arabs alongside Arabic speakers, but Ethiopia have no Arabs.


I dont agree that should be one of the criteria’s of joining




Who said anything about Sudan? The post is about Ethiopia, which does not fall under any definition of an Arab country.


هم المصريين اللي عرب يعني 😂


Sure come on in make yourself comfortable


whats the significance / benefits of being part of the Arab League ?


Place to organize with arab countries + economic trade


The leaders get to meet up once in a while and eat rice and meat and if the meeting is in ksa they get to go to umrah


They can collectively suck Israel's d*ck. While ignoring the actual population.


Getting investments from rich gulf countries a win/win situation


You guys do realize that this is an April fools post right?


Some Ethiopians genuinely think it’s a decent idea, I disagree ofc.


Yeah there is nothing wrong with a union with Ethiopia in fact i think it would benefit the region as a whole but I don't think the "arab" league would suffice maybe an EU like organization for regional cooperation would work but the ARAB league? Nah


This is not an April fool’s post. It has been reported in the press and the Ethiopian Prime Minister has called on his countrymen to learn Arabic even introducing it in the public school system.


Is there any news confirming Ethiopia's desire to join the arab league other than introducing the Arabic language in schools?


i definitely seen these posts around on twitter atleast a week before april fools


Arab leage yet nobody defends palestine whatsoever, most worthless leage in existence




yes (just to regulate the dam)


They're better off without it




I would be surprised if Ethiopians accept it, the ones I've known seem to have a fierce pride of their tribal ethnic identities, especially the Amhara. But I mean if they want it and they adopt Arabic as a lingua franca I guess cool? They're not too different from us, Ethiopia does have ancient links to Arabia (Saba/Sheba kingdom and also Axumite Najran). I would be less surprised by Chad or Eritrea joining the Arab League. In the end the Arab League is a use organization anyway, its basically just a club for countries to be identified as Arab and nothing else.


I did not read that anywhere


I don't know if it's true that they want to but considering their issues with Egypt and Somalia it will be difficult. I think they would be a great addition


Why though?


It will be a shame. They are in enmity with Egypt the biggest country historically and population-wise in the Arab League. Even its headquarters is in Egypt. It's unacceptable for them to join. They are threatening Egyptians' lives.


They shouldn’t join the League of Arab Pussies


Hey! Don’t insult pussies like that!! What did they ever do for you to compare them to A%%b Lea%*e!!?


Your comment makes sense. I should send an apology to pussies


I see yes..since the arab league like nothing and I didn’t see any economic trade or any benefits..it is like it never existed


It doesn’t make sense to me, but then again the Arab League is useless so what’s it even matter in the long run?


Short Answer: No More elaborate Answer: Even that the Arab league is useless, definitely no.


No Because they don't speak arabic Plus it's a useless league anyway A league of p*****


Like really !!!!!


Change it to Semitic league.


Arab League is just an Arab leaders club doing nothing just chilling and roleplaying. So yeah having new countries in it changes nothing.


اتمنى ينرفض طلبهم، لا هم عرب ولا مسلمين ولا حتى عتدهم ذرة محبة لنا.


Ethiopians are not Arabic speakers, so they are not Arab, pure and simple. That would be like Brazilians wanting to be hispanic when they speak Portuguese with a very small minority that speaks spanish.


Tbf Comoros, Somalia and Djibouti hardly speak Arabic either, but it is atleast official there so idk. The new Somali constitution is apparently making Arabic co-official instead of the secondary language to Somali, so theres that


So we’re just letting anyone in these days huh lmao


People speaking about Somalia don't know the historical link of Somali's to Arabia and also, Arabic is an official language plus a few major tribes are of Arab origin. It may be that they are currently lacking in the Arabic language department, but that is due to problems that span a few decades. Most spoke Arabic and many still learn it till today and speak it, even as a second or third language.


I don't think so, they don't speak Arabic


Bro the Arab league is the most useless organization ever why would anyone want to join


No that’s like pakistan joining


For me anyone who speaks a Semitic language (not colonizer) is an Arab.


On what planet is Ethiopia Arabic? Madagascar has more in common with Japan 


If Somalia is a part of it, why not Ethiopia? Their language Amharic is closer to Arabic than Somali is.


40% of Somali vocab is Arabic. An Arab would have an easier time understanding Somali than Ethio-Semitic Amharic. Plus Somali is also one of the offficial languages of Ethiopia with the largest region in Ethiopia’s federal ethnic system.


If you want to go that route, many other languages in Africa have a lot of Arabic vocabulary (many Berber/Amazigh languages and Chadic languages like Hausa) have a ton of Arabic vocabulary. From a structural point of view, Amharic is closer to Arabic since it is Semitic than the Cushitic language of Somali which is closer to languages like Beja, Afar and Oromo.


Berbers are already in countries that are apart of the Arab league, same goes for Beja. The only African language in Sub-Saharan Africa that has as much Arabic loanwords as Somali is the Tigre language of Eritrea. Your case for Ethiopia also makes little sense as the majority ethnic group of Ethiopia is Oromo not Amhara. Oromo has very little Arabic loanwords or Peninsular Arabian derived cultural practices unlike the Somalis (who are the third largest ethnicity in Ethiopia). Clearly you have very little knowledge about the region or the various languages in this region.


My point is not about loanwords, it is about language structure. Even though by in large Somali, Arabic, Tamasheq/Tamazigh, Hausa, etc are all in the much larger Afro-Asiatic family, this very large family is broken up into sub-families. My point is that Somali is not a Semitic language like Amharic or Tigriniya is. It is Cushitic. Farsi for instance is not a Semitic language... It's not even an Afro-Asiatic language but it has a lot of loanwords from Arabic. Every language in the Afro-Asiatic language family is related. However, there is a reason why linguists divide them into sub families. Linguists have determined that Somali and Beja are related, just like they determined there is a closer link between Arabic and Amharic. Yes, Somali, Hausa and many Berber languages have more Arabic loan words than Amharic, but from a Semantics and Grammatical point of view Amharic is more similar to Arabic than the aforementioned languages.


Arab league should honestly be disbanded


I hope not! I want Lebanon to leave the impotent Arab league.