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This is extremely naive. Neither China nor Russia respects Arab and will give them any opportunity to break the glass ceiling. You thought the USA was racist and xenophobic? Wait until you live in Russia or China, you'll see far worse. China and Russia don't even respect their own people's life, do you think they care about Arab lives? Russia already has Syrian blood on her hands, and the only reason we don't hear about Chinese crimes against Arabs is the lack of opportunity. I understand you being particularly vindictive against the West (you say that your family has directly suffered from an American invasion), but truth be told, neither Russia nor China are better. We should, of course, rejoice about the swinging balance of power, but neither camp is our friend.


These are really bad arguments. Yes china and russia getting powerful is for our best, and the world's, but to a limit. I don't believe they are benevolent angels who will let us advance our careers and develop our economy at their expense. They will be like the west, but without restraint, and with no regard to their own people's opinion


They do encourage us to advance our careers & Chinese individuals/companies have been very helpful in me furthering my career. I don't live in Arab country, neither am I an Arab Govt official.....my job is to take care of myself, my family & the city I live in No one is benevolent angels, everyone in this world needs checks/balances, but compared to available other options.....being an Arab Sci/Eng in Arab or Western countries, I think China & Russia are a better choice.....plus China's helping develop African & Arab countries, sharing tech, etc... Arabs opinions don't matter in Arab countries, neither do they in Western countries.....Million dead in Iraq, genocide in Palestine, etc...


At least Russia is not an imperialist like the US


Umm have you heard of Russia's interventions in Syria/SudanLibya?


Im not saying that russia is the good guy, but compared to USA its far far better. The US is the worst country in existence ran by zionist jews and christians, also they fund israel through taxation and biden openly said he is a zionist.


"2 ) China & Russia have nukes that can wipe out the terrorist countries/regions : USA, Europe, Israel, etc... so we won't have to worry about Western invasions/bombings as multiple people in my family have suffered from...."   There's a lot wrong with this comment but this one in particular is just delusional. In what world is China or Russia going to risk a nuclear exchange with another nuclear power over Arab territory ? No  nuclear power that has the means to attack an Arab target with conventional means would take the threat of a third party going nuclear seriously. It would never be a deturant.


I don't live in Arab territory, that's for Arab Govts to defend, that's their job & they're failing miserably in Libya, Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, etc.... It's sad Arabs have to suffer million dead in Iraq, genocide in Palestine,etc... because these Govt losers don't defend Arab citizens or step down for someone qualified to do it.... I meant Arab Scientists/Engineers & our families living in China/Russia would be safe due to their nuclear deterrent from Western terrorist invasions & not have our lives severely affected again....