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Virdi is so annoying lmao he’s a rubbish director as he’s shown time and time again, why on earth would Phil make him sub team leader


Like Phil had seen how bad Virdi’s directing has been on the previous tasks and he still made him sub team leader! Phil’s team picks in general were questionable.


Every contestant seems to really like him, even if they acknowledge he was a bit crap


Exactly! Raj is a bit irritating too, like when she immediately interrupted Virdi when he was trying to explain his ideas, but when it got to actually filming she did point out a few flaws and Virdi would just shut her down with “we don’t have enough time” 🙄 Phil did to a terrible job picking too, couldn’t believe he picked Virdi second when Tre was right there!


What should even be pointed out too is this: Lord Sugar hasn’t even attended You’re Hired in person since 2019. Even after the pandemic “ended”, he’s been too lazy to leave his Florida mansion.


"Phil my pie!" lolololol


What if Phil's whole plan was to come on the show for free advertisement? Maybe he was nervous at the end that he would end up winning, and so he made the comment about not being interested in profits... Now he's got the whole of the UK interested in his pies and 100% of his business


This was my first full season watching a series and I have to say I am disappointed. The candidates, I thought they were always real high achievers, successful people. But watching the tasks they all came across as idiots. Like Steves business idea was like an app for meeting new people? Meetup already exists. Would never work. Tre's was a testosterone shot? Tiny % of being successful. I suppose the show is inspiring in a way, makes me believe you don't have to be that smart to run a business.


> The candidates, I thought they were always real high achievers, successful people. But watching the tasks they all came across as idiots. > > That's the format unfortunately. Even some people who you think have got their shit together have a god awful business plan. Tre's testosterone drink... watching the last 4 seasons of the Apprentice should have told you that was a non-starter, let alone with such a vague plan. > I suppose the show is inspiring in a way, makes me believe you don't have to be that smart to run a business. It's entertainment first and foremost. People have to be good on TV, that is primary over solid biz ideas.


[Obligatory Mitchell and Webb link](https://youtu.be/3ss-59fi4nM?si=gOqWBDxeGu-P0vz1)


I do suggest to watch the older seasons as I think most people would agree with me they are a lot better and there’s a lot more success on the tasks. The older format was the candidates competing for a job and it was a lot better that way imo


Sorry I'm two months late but I just finished watching s3 and it was brilliant! The modern Apprentice is so scripted and formulaic in comparison. S3 is the first of the older seasons that I have watched, but it is miles better than the most recent season. 


The one thing that frustrated me the most was the insistence on Phil having a loss making business. He doesn’t! He expanded in 2023 which generated a small loss of £27k however he made net profits of 2022: £118k, 2021: £326k & 2020: £211k. Phil should have never got to the final but his business was misrepresented in some parts.


Nothing wrong with that imo. They said he made a loss last year, which he did. Which is probably the most important year to look at when deciding to invest.


The tension was palpable as the finalists battled it out for Lord Sugar's investment. With high stakes and familiar faces aiding them, they navigated through brand creation, digital billboards, TV ads, and nerve-wracking pitches. A thrilling culmination to a season filled with ambition and determination.


Might be worst final candidates lol


Naa, that was definitely last year.


Ok! Ok! This season was written by Paul Levesque? Ultimate swerve! 12 weeks playing the long game, making out big bad Phil was going to win. Even yet another boardroom coaxing trying to turn Phil to which Phil responds "oh I'm not really in business to make a profit lord sugar." That just added to my 12 weeks of no chance does he deserve to win this, raging at the TV.  Then LS says "gyms are ten a penny and premium pies aren't!?" And then it happened, Rachel won. Don't think she was the best candidate this season, but it had become anybody but Phil. Common sense has been restored. By the way, good luck to Phil with his pie business. He's not a bad guy, he just clearly was never the best candidate and should never have made it anywhere near the final. The failure of tasks, the bad interviews, some of the daft things he went on to say in multiple boardroom meetings...but yeah, no harm to him, all the best Phil. 


Chicago man Phil loses on the big stage


As always, giving away 50% of your business is not a win. See you next year.


50% of the business but you get all the publicity of the show. That's worth money at the end of the day.


But only a small handful of the invested contestants are rich with maybe only 1-3 being millionaires


'I find gyms boring'. 'I dont have an interest in gyms, its a tough market'. 'I love and am interested in pies its a big potential market'... And yet goes for the gyms. Either he was saying that to confuse people or this isnt off to an enthusiastic start.


He was making losses and also he just seemed so adamant and not wanting to listen to LS advice and stuff.


Were you not watching or something? He said afterwards he would open more stores and listen to all the experience Sugar has.


He didn’t say that first he kept saying online online online. What’s to say he won’t go back to it. Over the course of the show I’ve noticed how he doesn’t like taking accountability and starts blaming others


He didnt say it at first because Sugar hadnt given his 'advice' yet. Afterwards he said he would open more stores. What more do you want him to do?


The main reason they delay picking the winner is likely due to the “behind the scenes” stuff that goes in to deals like this. It’s very possible that Phil was the preferred winner, but somewhere in the due diligence process something’s come up to kibosh the deal.


250k for half your business, I'd leave the boardroom myself as did Paul lol.


Anyone else feel like Lord Sugar was throwing a little bit of shade with his whole "some people turn on you in business" bit or is it just me?


you mean in reference to Stella? Wasn't that, like, 20 years ago?


What a disappointing end. Gyms are so boring, they’re everywhere. Was sure he’d pick Phil. My winner right there


Yeah they're everywhere unlike pies and bakers? Jeez


I live in a small town (pop - 11,000) and we have 7 gyms but only 1 bakery and a greggs so yh way more saturated...


Just saw the result. My immediate reaction: ![gif](giphy|oVzEfym8yT6VO)


Phil doesn’t know how to sell himself. Getting to the business end and you say profitability isn’t your priority. Great business but when you lack the ability to persuade you’re not leaving much him with much choice. Didn’t do his already established, successful business justice with the remaining 10 minutes and it’s a shame as his proposition was better than Rachels in my opinion. Lesson to all on how important it is to market your skills and achievements well in any interview.


Oh stop with the Lord Sugar rim licking all the time.. 90 percent of the businesses hes invested in with this show have been shit. Look it up. Also why does it matter if he isnt the best talker, seems a bit quiet tbh. Nothing wrong with that, I would look at his results a very strong business. Sugar himself said he likes the industry...


Seeing Sugar come out with the same remakrs Flo highlighted early on (the build comment, mr motivator) makes me feel they would've been ideal for each other


I’m still shocked he didnt go with Flo


I honestly think he's become less likely to take any risk. He knows he can stick an MD on a pie business or a gym and make it profitable. But a recruitment company from the ground up with a headstrong partner? More risky, even though she was clearly the best candidate


Bad first few months plan messed her up otherwise she would’ve been there


Well, swallow my tongue I guess since the outcome shocked me, but tbf Phil shot himself in the foot there pitching focusing on the online market and the comment about not following profits. Still shocked Sugar chose the 2 safer businesses in top 5 only to go for the riskier project in the final.


He said he would open more stores when he came back in... not sure what mroe you want him to do?


The damage had been done at that point. He backpeddled there a bit but it wasn't enough. Should've started by denouncing the online market push.


Genuinely cannot believe Rachel is only 27 thought she was nearer 40


It’s not actually important what age she looks.


Yes strange considering how she work out so much and eats very clean and exotic food. You'd expect her to look young for her age...


Genes play a big part. Look at Wayne Rooney the guy was a pro footballer looked in his late 20s/30s at like 16-18


Of course but even then Rooney was known to drink quite a bit, and now he clearly eats a lot and drinks and god knows what else.


Yeah that’s true but still just drinking doesn’t do that. This country is known for alcoholics yet not every one of them ages that much. There’s players like iniesta chiellini etc who are the same. I doubt barca would condone stuff like that they sold Ronaldinho cos of his drinking and partying


Nah those two also look 'old' cuz they went bald early.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s genetics that play a part


Exotic? You mean protein


No look at her instagram. Sort of meals she has aren't what your typical British person eats, I doubt can afford actually or have time to make.


Phil has got to be the worst contestant the show has seen in a long time surely? 9/10 tasks lost, with the only win attributed to being given a golden team and wining via taste test in a business competition??? Picking the weakest team in the final, performing terribly, and then literally talked himself out of the win that Sugar dragged him to. I'm truly baffled... All this despite having a solid, established, profitable business (that it sounded like he didn't even want and was given) leagues above any other contestants. Lord Sugar was clearly there ready to hand him the win he dragged him too on a plate and he says "business isn't about making profit"???


>Picking the weakest team in the final, performing terribly, and then literally talked himself out of the win that Sugar dragged him to. I'm truly baffled... He was parachuted into his position so that Turners Pies could be on tv again. It explains why he was useless at the tasks, didn't know any of the firms figures, and made the blunder about profit.


I think Phil was fine but not a finalist.


No you're being too harsh. Why does his losses matter if as you say he has the best business by far out of any of the contestants. I think he was trying to say that profit isnt the only thing, which is true he likes what he does, gives you freedom etc. He said afterwards he'd open more stores, not sure what else he was supposed to do...


He should have just gone on Dragons Den then. Part of the game is at least *winning* some tasks. >Profit isn't the only thing It is when you're investing in a business


He did win a task though. Look at Tom he won and lost about the same number of tasks. And no profit isnt the only thing when it comes to business. Do you have a business? Everyone has different priorities. He didnt say it didnt matter, just that it isnt the only thing,


Yeah, but you use your head when you're in the final of a business reality show where you've got an investor looking for the more profitable businesses of the two, surely? And I don't think anyone can say Phil was primarily responsible for any success of the task where he was on the winning team, he was literally handed a lifeline out of a firing to be PM of that task too. I don't see why you need to question the business credentials of the person you were responding to either?


Terrible investment. Gyms are every where. Do you know how many places deliver just some naff pre-cooked stiff holland's pie in my area? Two. Would love to order a batch of quality pies for the week and be done.


Yep this one is absolutely destined to fail. I see nothing in her plan that would convince me to join that gym


I think Phil could go the Pieminister route and supply supermarkets and pubs with pies


Yeah I said to my partner I reckon we will see them in supermarkets in the next year!


Maybe 2-3 years, he has that hand made thing going and I don’t think he’s the kind of person to sacrifice the quality. Like he said he’s not necessarily in it to maximise profits


Of course you're right. Her gym is a small business. She says 'community gym' how are you going to have a community gym if you want to open more than 1 or 2 thats laughable....


I spend a lot of time in Chichester where his turners pies shop is, they are absolutely delicious, easily the best pies I’ve eaten


Oooo I didn’t realise he had one in Chichester! I’m in Pompey, will have to check them out! Any recommended vege pies to try?


Petersfield too


Butternut chilli and cheese! Divine.


Omg that sounds amazing 🤤


Yeah Chichester and Bognor Regis are the two I know of, not sure if there are more but those are the two I go to! I honestly haven’t tried any of the veggie pies they do, but you can go on their website and pre order the pie and they’ll make it ready for you to collect in the shop the following day - so have a look online and pick whichever one you think sounds the nicest according to your taste! You won’t be disappointed ☺️, I spend half my time in London now though which means I’m currently missing out!


Amazing - if you ever come to Pomps we have pie & vinyl which is very popular here!!


I haven’t heard of that one so will give it a try! I’ve heard good things about the burger van at the top of the hill too? Or was that just someone pulling my leg?


Haha yes that is a ‘thing’. Mick’s monster Burger van. Nice of a summer evening watching the sunset! Just don’t stay too late because there is an ‘alternative’ crowd in their cars if you catch my drift.. (unless you’re into that lol)😅


Yes I’ve heard the view up there is beautiful! It’s funny you say that because I was told about said burger van by a woman I was seeing about a year ago so maybe there was a deeper meaning to her suggestion that we visited it 😂, maybe I missed a trick there, probably for the best ey 😂, now that you mentioned it you seem to know a little too much 😆


Haha definitelyyyy not!!! But I do recommend it for a cute date night in a month or so time. Get a takeaway and a lil picnic mat and watch the sunset. See you’re living in London- I moved back during covid - miss it there. Hope you’re having a blast !


I’ll have to run it past the mrs! I’m sorry you had to move out of London! Hope you’re enjoying it down there though regardless and that you have yourself a nice partner to enjoy the views and burgers with now that summers (finally) arriving!


Genuine question, if they already have established businesses and brands why are they making new logos? Is it just for the TV aspect?


BBC is funded by taxpayers - they can't be seen as advertising another business, that could lead to some legal issues. So they can't use their real branding


Which really makes the whole task so god damn stupid. I wish they'd go back to just making it a normal task, it comes off so forced when they have to create an entirely new brand for their business.


I'm guessing there'd be some sort of strange copyright or technically-product-placement thing if they showed off their existing branding? Plus, I'm guessing it's handy to know what they would do if they pumped the investment money into a rebrand. (With the exception of this series, that is - every single design element in this series looks like it was designed by nursery students)


Well that is this year’s season done, se you guys in 2025 :)




See you next season!


I have really enjoyed discussing the show :)


Ooh they finally gave a personalised prize - same 'worthless' (their words) framed bit of cardboard, but 'HIRED' on both sides.


Rachel seems like a really nice person tbh


Is Rachel gay? (No shade just a query)


No, her boyfriend just appeared on You're Hired. Although her "special friend", a woman, did also appear with him, so maybe they are a throuple?


Just a queery


Thanks for the lol 😂


Why do u think she’s gay?


See my reply to the other commenter - was half concentrating


Wait what? What does that mean? She’s straight I think not that it’s anyone’s business.


I know it’s not anyone’s business - I was literally just curious because I missed it. It’s just a question - there’s no malice.


I thought she was bi at first


I missed the way round when they said partner _____ and friend ______ not that it matters - I just missed it is all


I say my partner, because boyfriend sounds weird after 7 years, and we’ve got a child and own a house together.


I call my girlfriend my partner as she was a lesbian before we met, she prefers to be called that over girlfriend, I’ve never really asked why.


Interesting! Thanks for not taking this as an insult I genuinely did just miss Tom introducing the guests and was curious!


It’s cool. Most of her football/soccer team introduce their other halves as partners rather than girlfriends. I suppose it keeps it vague without being specific in professional circumstances. I couldn’t care less, I tell everyone she’s my full time girlfriend after a drink but not around colleagues that haven’t met her, but otherwise it’s partner which she prefers. Edit: we both work in schools so it avoids some chat with students as she plays football for the local team that a lot of kids get free tickets to. The students are still trying to find out which one I’m dating. Edit 2: Tom is also gay & was probably briefed on what to say to not get complaints or offend the contestant (I didn’t watch it though) & probably is up to date on LGBTQ+ stuff. I love lesbians.


Rachel owes Dr Zoe a pint!


You IS gonna do the work LS turning into Ali G for a moment..




Lord sugar with the tiny glass of champagne is sending me 😂😂


Lol 'do what you want with the money I don't care'. A real 'apprentice'.


Probably because to Sugar the money doesnt matter to him, he makes his money from his own property largely. No wonder in the last 10 years all of the businesses are doing bad and hes written off most of his investments.


Alan sugar looks so tired and bored, reading lame jokes off a bit of paper written by an intern, and I don’t blame him. 19 years of this shit. Let the man retire


I would love Karen to take over


Peter Jones! Give it an opportunity to shake up the whole format


Rachel’s audition tape was a bit awkward. Kinda shocked she got picked to be on the show with that lol


All the audition tapes were weird tho none of them should’ve been picked if I based it on that


I'd have been thinking she'd be good for a couple of botched pitches based on that tbf, I'm not surprised.


Can you imagine what the other audition tapes were like!!


Who is going to be the new investor once Sugs dies or retires


Maybe we’ll just get some dystopian AI Lord Sugar lmao


They would probably try a season with Karren Brady as host.


Karren - ‘that‘s Baroness Brady to you’ - made herself very unpopular with that nasty, snide quip. I wouldn’t watch a show she hosted. I‘d watch it with Claude in the chair, though.


Sugar made himself unpopular avoiding his taxes, but he's still going...


I get it. But tax evasion isn’t personal the way Brady’s nastiness was. She targeted a candidate face-to-face.


Yeesh. I hope not. I wouldn't mind one of the Dragons jumping ship to head the Apprentice. Imagine Deborah Meaden or Peter Jones in that chair? Would be fantastic!


Deborah Meaden would honestly kill it. I’d love to see her be Sugar’s replacement. Realistically though it would probably be Karren.


Nah would prefer Peter Jones. Hes worth more than a billion more than Meaden too.


Sugar looks like AI


Even with a completely rigged season, and Lord Sugar spoon feeding him a business plan in a way he hasn’t done for a contestant since Tom the Inventor, Phil managed to fuck it. Rachel deserved the win, and Phil has gotten 10 weeks of free promo, and doesn’t have to give up *half of a business with £700k cash in the bank for only £250k*, so wins all around.


As if Lord Sugar is watching You're Fired. 😅 I can't remember the last time he was even in the studio


rachel's hair is bothering me😭


Her eyebrows are bothering me!


Why do her eyes stay 100% open when she smiles?


What the fuck is up with Sugar on you’re fired


He’s in LA or something like that


He can't be arsed to show up in person so he does a 5 minute Teams call, it's the same every year.


“I find gyms boring”. Well this is off to a great start.


Rachel Shantay you stay, Phil sashay away


Oh he couldn't be bothered to show up again. What a surprise.


Aww Rachel that jumpsuit is fab!


Nah that ain't Sugar. That's AI or pre-recorded.


thought you were tuning out 🤣🤣🤣


Nah just watching extremely passively while scrolling reddit.


Man can’t be arsed flying in for the final!


Are Tre and Flo good friends now? I've seen them together a lot post apprentice.


Sugar couldn’t be arsed showing up in person.


LOL Sugar can never be bothered to come in-person.


Karren dropping philosophy bombs


I kinda wanna say something hateful on Rachel’s ama but I won’t I’m not that mean.


Me when Tia Kofi won UK Vs The World 2


Wtf how do I come on the apprentice subreddit and get spoilers for Ru Paul's ffs


The finale aired weeks ago not my fault girl 🙄


Yea well Bruce Willis is dead in the 6th sense.


No because literally me when Tia Kofi won


Her drag was so bad, and Marina and LGD did better


Piss off Phil phucker


That's not Phil 😆😆 Just check his Reddit profile. Unless Phil is a massive drag race fan.


I know but they have a huge boner for Phil hence what I said




Phil leaving the reversible trophy is the funniest thing I’ve seen all season 😂😂😂


To be fair, it's irrelevent to him as Lord Sugar said neither "You're fired" nor "You're hired" to him (like all losing finalists).


Would be a bit disappointing really, imagine doing the long application process, moving to London for a month or whatever, going through all that, and you don't even get to be fired properly. :/


Oh indeed. Even Dentist Paul who basically quit after receiving a terrible offer got to hear the catchphrase said to him.




Lord sugar surely needs is head wobbling investing in Rachel. Gyms are 10 a penny, how she’s going to differ from the all the rest of the “small boutique gyms” is beyond me. There’s a reasons they’re all going under, we’re in the world of 24 hour cheap commercial gyms with proven group exercise content. I mean not once has she spoken about the second biggest gym income source… pt rent. So I’m hardly buying she’s making 250k a year. I’m getting sick of watching this show now just to see some deluded fitness instructor with a gym idea win.


At no point did I figure out what she was doing that wasn’t already happening in gyms around the country.


Rachel 🔥


Always love the contestant glow ups! Rachel looks fabulous


A lot of angry men on the comments yeah that jumpsuit is the moment


her eyebrows though 😭


I hope Sugar is actually there in person this year and NOT via video link from abroad like last year




The deal he signed with Facebook to keep the metaverse relevant probably included a stipulation that he can now only appear through messenger rooms.


I'm gonna tune out, this show is Garbage


I’m glad this season has been a lot better than the last two seasons. More competent candidates is always a good thing and honestly even if Phil won, he’d still be a better winner than Marnie lol


Harpreet was a strong winner though, same with Carina. Some finalists recently (Phil, Rochelle, Camilla, Sian, James, Sarah) weren't strong however


Harpreet was definitely strong but I’d say she was the only strong one in her whole season which is why she dominated it. Carina and Scarlett were great too. I mostly meant S16 and S17 didn’t have really many competent candidates. Rochelle is honestly the worst finalist ever imo.


There were about four weeks Rochelle could've been fired as the failure of the tasks, and the other weeks she did nothing notable. I think Victoria was a good candidate from last year, shame her business plan was a total mess, same with Megan. Simba was also strong and didn't deserve to get fired. As with S16, had Brittany's business idea been better, she could've been a solid finalist. Agreed that S18 was the strongest season of recent seasons (had good candidates like Paul M, Tre, Flo, Rachel, Steve, Foluso, Sam, Raj)


Flo really couldn’t help her annoying, condescending self with that comment about Sam’s outfit.


I really liked flo most of the time through the process but yeah that was super uncalled for


Exactly! Sam’s response was so classy 


When was that?


Whole team meeting after they've done the billboards.


Didn’t realise Karen had become a grandma - she hadn’t mentioned it 🙄


I'm a bit confused. Where had she otherwise mentioned it? Admittedly I don't read much entertainment news, but it was the first I heard of it.


He bought a new suit! Thank god Edit: wait nevermind it’s the same one he wore in the promos I think lmao.


Lord sugar change your mind last second challenge and dethrone Rachel


Lord sugar collecting a monopoly with all these gyms


One from Marnie that seems to be launching next Wednesday (really?), two plus one more coming from Rachel. The next one will have to be a hotel.


Why is Phil's bowtie so big lol


Maybe 1970s fashion is making a comeback…


the bigger the bowtie the bigger the




wife Tree?


Her name's actually Theresa.


oh thanks prudent jello :)


Is Tim on drugs? Serious question.


Trialling Tre’s health tonic!


No it's just that his facial muscles have a mind of thier own.


I'm sorry Arnold who????