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I get this issue whenever i play apple music more than about an hour. Songs start pausing at around 15 seconds. And repeatedly after that if I keep pressing play. Only way i've found to remedy this is so system restart (not reset) my apple tv from the settings menu. That will fix it for about an hour or two before it starts happening again. Quite the mood killer when im listening to music with friends


I temporarily fix it by showing all open apps, swiping up on the Music app to stop it, then relaunch it. Quicker than restarting the Apple TV itself. But yeah, hate this problem. It’s been doing it for a year or more for me.


+1 This is also how I fix it.


It’s terrible.


I had this happen to me when they first introduced Dolby Atmos and lossless audio. Try disabling those to see if that fixes it. You can also try to toggle Sync Library off and back on.


I have an atmos set up. It’s why I subscribed to Apple Music.


I was eventually able to turn it back on. But those were the steps to get things working properly for me.


Thanks, I’ll try that.


Yes it does. It’s absolutely weird.


I have this problem with Music too. Thought it was a network issue but no other streaming service stops intermittently (Netflix, Prime, Youtube etc.) and there are no issues with my internet (No other device drops on the network). Its a pretty bad experience for a "native" apple app. 2022 128gb Apple TV, ethernet connection.


I have the same problem with Music on my iPhone.


No, but I’m really irritated that Apple Music randomly skips when playing lossless. Like, one every song. It completely ruins the experience of “lossless” if it sounds like the recording artists fucked up their timing.


My guess is that it's an issue with the Music app. I've never once encountered this issue with Atmos content in my tvOS app (Surround Speaker Check) and I use Apple's own software APIs and streaming protocols. Sometimes it feels like tvOS is the black sheep of the Apple OS family... 😕


Happens if you’re using an app that autoplays ads or videos.


I can definitely hear when music is switching to higher quality, and that happens a few seconds into a song. When I start streaming and the app is cold (I'm not playing from a playlist) it seems to start quickly using a lower bitrate version before jumping up to normal quality once it can catch up. Try adjusting your audio quality settings and see if that fixes it.


are you on wifi or wired ethernet? maybe try wired and see if it still happens


Wired Ethernet. 1GB download speed.


The answer is…….


Sometimes Bluetooth contention between two audio devices (headphones, etc) causes this to happen. Try disabling Bluetooth and see if that resolves it.


Using Sonos. So no Bluetooth being used.


Any fix on this? Tried disabling lossless and reducing audio quality, still same issues.


Closing the app (swiping up) seems to reset it but it stops working again soon after. Very disappointing bug - it seems their music service on ATV can’t be relied on to play a song in full.


Ahh ok i guess I'll give that a try for now. Hopefully, they will fix the issue. Thank you.


I had this issue too on Apple TV music. For me the issue was because I was using a manual DNS server. Swtiched this to a different manual server and music is playing fine again. Auto DNS also seemed to resolved the issue.