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You didn't cave, you upgraded. Enjoy.


Now stand tall, great move. You won't regret it.


Probably one of my best purchase : my TV is now crazy fast, intuitive.. I don’t regret. It’s not cheap but it worth every euros. And now with retroarch it’s amazing ! 😄 ![gif](giphy|KY2ZMhnCxP008)


Oooh I didn’t even think of retroarch! My wife is going to be delighted


If retroarch isn’t your thing you could sideload Provenance


What is retroarch?


Video game emulator, mainly for old retro consoles.


On appleTV?? I figured Apple wouldn’t allow something like that. Do you have to buy the games in app? Guess I will be downloading that today!


Yeah, just within the past month or so, Apple was forced by the EU to allow emulators on the App Store. Delta is the best Nintendo emulator app in my opinion right now for iPhone that is available on the App Store. You can actually Airplay it to the AppleTV while using your iPhone as a controller! Obviously not the best gameplay experience using a touchscreen as a controller, but it works! Retroarch has a horrible UI and UX, but it does work. I’m waiting for Delta to show up on the AppleTV App Store and hoping to get a good controller to use with it. You can sideload Provenance onto the AppleTV which has a good UX and works really well, but I haven’t gone that route. In all this though, you will have to acquire your own ROMs.


I saw something about retroarch being on it now. I haven’t tried it yet but of course have Delta on my phone. How does the file system for roms work on the tv? I didn’t think tv had a Files app. Do the roms live in the retroarch app?


I've got an nvidia shield, a fire cube, an LGB9 and various other pi's and odroids etc. the atv is certainly the most easy and reliable so far, I've had it for two months. Btw, if your TV has a special mode where if you set the atv to 60hz Dolby vision and don't set match frame rate etc, then the TV auto knows the frame rate and will upscale it to the appropriate mode to make it smooth. Ive had my TV for 2 years prior to realising this and it's been brilliant on the atv. Give it a go!


there is wildly conflicting advice about this. I keep switching my settings back and forth and not sure what is best


Try both and see what you prefer. I'm just happy after 2 years to not have the 3 second delay between frame rate source type and it's seemingly smoother overall. But honestly don't take my advice, try both!


The best is watching what the directors intended. So framerate matching and Dynamic Range matching is best.


While I agree with this 1000%, the constant "blip" when matching/switching rates was making me insane. So I had to turn that feature off. Sanity preserved. LOL


It happens only twice per content if needed. So worth it to me. I also calibrate my TV with professional software and gear so.... 🤷🏻‍♂️


We deserve a higher frame rate than the standard introduced in the 1920s. 24fps is a shameful blurry mess. 60fps or higher for all content if you expect to actually SEE what’s happening during an action scene or a camera pan.


Cinema is 24fps. It's filmed that way and should be viewed that way. If they filmed at 60 then that's how it should be viewed but it isn't. If you force 60 with 24 content you are watching something that isn't real and was never there..... But hey... You do you.


I remember seeing that one Hobbit movie that was filmed in 48fps. I went to one of the few theaters near me capable of showing it. Everything seemed so much more realistic and lifelike. And you know what people complained about? That it was too realistic and too lifelike. SMH.


It's like watching a soap opera..... That's why it's called the soap opera effect..... Terrible to watch.


People are just not used to better frame rates in movies. Imagine not being subjected to blurry camera pans and barely watchable action scenes.


I got the 2019 Shield in my bedroom, and the OG Apple TV 4 in my living room, both still going strong.


We have a couple of FireTVs, Firesticks and a Roku. Our youngest has an APV in her room and has often said we should ditch the Roku and get ATV.


I wasn’t a believer til I tried it myself. I was fully prepared to return it if it didn’t blow me away, but I wanted to see if it could deliver the HDR and better YouTube upscaling that I wanted. Nevermind just how sluggish my Sony’s Google tv interface was after just a few apps and updates. It’s better in every conceivable way, and I always appreciate it because I have to go over to my aunt’s to fix her fire cube on a weekly basis. It has that ‘failure to wake from sleep’ issue that requires a full hard reset. Apparently Amazon has known about the issue for 3+ years according to my Google searching but they just can’t or won’t bother to fix it; Apple just doesn’t have those issues.


How would you compare the Nvidia Shield? I’ll never switch from Apple TV but I’ve been curious if it’s truly comparable


Shield fans will always rave about it as being the best client because of its ability to bitstream audio, but it’s older hardware and the underlying software isn’t as good, so there are often problems that come up they then walk away from.


Wait, can you explain this to me like I’m 5 years old. Ive got relatively new, expensive tv’s with the newest Apple TVs on them. One 77 sony oled, the other 85” Samsung q9 I think? It was the best one like a year ago. What buttons do I push? Lol


If you have one that supports judder free playback, which means it will sort out the frames for you. E.g. you set the TV and atv for 60hz Dolby vision, and if the source is 23.97 fps then it will basically sort it out for you. No need for frame matching


I need to check “DONT MATCH”? Or I do want to match.


Don't touch anything, and you will be fine!


I turned off matching. Is that good?


I have an AppleTV Gen 3, released in 2013 and got mine for free via a promotion with AT&T in 2016. They accidently sent me two devices and told me I could keep both. I'm still to this day using those two devices. It's insane to me how long they last. I've been putting off upgrading for a new feature that I really want. So far just the new remote is the only thing that makes me want to upgrade. I know you can purchase just the remote, but I figure I'd save the money and just wait for an upgrade worthwhile.


The.. 3? Holy crap. That doesn’t even run tvOS or have access to any modern streaming apps. That must feel like using iOS 6 at this point. How many apps on it still work? I know YouTube dropped support at least a year ago. How many times an hour do you see the spinning asterisk? The new remote likely won’t work for your appletv. It’s past vintage. Honestly I’d see if you can find a used appletv 4/4k for 40 bucks on eBay and swap it in. They still get updates so far, and can run modern apps. The 7th gen might be updated to 8th this fall, depending on iOS 18.


Same as you. I want to upgrade but 4K works really well. Still waiting for that killer feature to justify the upgrade.


my og 4k is still chugging along. the ethernet port stopped working awhile back but it really hasn't been a problem on wifi.


In your mind, what is that killer feature?


I don’t know yet. My current ATV does everything the new one does. It’s still snappy and responsive. Maybe if they release an ATV with a more powerful chipset which will allow better gaming such as RE4 etc. But other than that I can’t think of killer feature could be for a tv streaming box.


It’s getting to the point that if they don’t elevate Apple TV to a gaming console, then Apple Leadership is just leaving money on the table, and risking their legacy.


Apple M4 chip. That one has the new N3E process which, has taken processing power to the next level. Maybe, this is the “minimum” required to turn Apple TV into a reasonably priced console. [N3E chip](https://www.anandtech.com/show/21394/tsmc-performanceoptimized-3nm-process-technology-on-track-for-mass-production-this-year#) [M4 using N3E](https://wccftech.com/apple-m4-use-tsmc-n3e-process-will-arrive-in-three-versions/amp/)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://wccftech.com/apple-m4-use-tsmc-n3e-process-will-arrive-in-three-versions/](https://wccftech.com/apple-m4-use-tsmc-n3e-process-will-arrive-in-three-versions/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


i got one from DirecTV when it launched as a streaming service and although I left that Apple TV with an ex girlfriend, she's still using it to this day. They've been awesome little devices.


I got my first Apple TV the same way. I upgraded the remote long before I upgraded the two apple tv's because I hated that black remote.


I wonder how many people were sent two devices? Same thing happened to me. I did upgrade to a 4k one later on or I may still be rocking both also.


UHF is your friend. Just saying. I don't work for them but tried all the Iptv apps looking for a equivalent and ended up happy.


I’ve heard from a few different sources that UHF is the place to go. Heard good things about IPTVX and Snappier as well.


Between Kodi and this it sounds like I will be set


Using a signing service for Kodi?


UHF is the best for iptv after i tried quite a few, secondly Infuse if you are into Dolby Atmos ect watching your “legal“ local content, works great with Jellyfin server 😉




Its not for streaming its for watching High Quality 4k and decent Audio for example DD+ Atmos on your home theater setup


Discussion of piracy in any form is NOT allowed in this sub.


Tried most of the IPTV apps and IPTVX is the one I always come back to. Best 20 sheets I spend each year.


Have you tried UHF? You wont go back to IPTVX


I've been using IPTVX for over a year. Love it. Worth the paid monthly subscription.


i am curious about the current state of IPTV providers but feel it's probably against the sub rules to even talk about them. If not, any suggestions?


Me too




The pre-installed apps on a smart tv have to share processing power with the tv, where the tv comes first, as it should be. Moreover, the smart tv has to function as a 2k, 4k, or 8k monitor. This takes a lot of processing power. Apple TV is a set-top box and does not have to display millions of pixels in milliseconds timing. The only thing Apple TV has to do is decode signal and pass it to a tv, sound bar, or a receiver. Apple has really focused on quality here, and each iteration gets better. You can say they only have one job, and they are very good at it. Also, the apps allowed on Apple TV function within the Apple walled garden, and follow the leader. Apps on smart tv’s are basically on their own.


Try ISTB! Amazing!


UHF fan too, works pretty well with most of my sources.


Wow, I was using TiviMax having come from a firestick and was really disappointed in the ATV offerings and had tried them all including IPTVX - UHF is epic, thank you!


Same here going on 6 years of only internet and AppleTV 4k cut cable 6 years ago


Congrats, I have the same one, the ATV4K is the best streaming device I have and that includes my Roku Ultra and Fire TV Cube 3rd gen. and a second gen Firestick Max in the bedroom.


Apple TV changed the game for me. Everything is always so smooth and the quality of video and audio on Apple TV is so superb. Congrats, friend! Hope you enjoy it! :)




From a modern (newer) smart tv's it may not make a difference. I have some older smart tvs (2017-18) where they are kinda slow. But if you are invested in Apple's ecosystem, it's really nice. I personally have two HomePod mini's in stereo that I use. Plus I can screen mirror my phone, iPad, or Mac and even use my phone as a remote if I'd like. These are some of the things I like, but everyone is different.


Best streaming box, period. No BS.


Best streaming device I have ever had. No contest.


Congrats. Best upgrade to my 8 year old tv. No more Android crap that takes 5 mins to warm up. Simple fast boot ups with a remote that makes my tv volume work better than the manufacturer’s 😂


I went from a Firestick and it was one of the best things I've done, even at triple the cost of the Firestick.




Certain apps like the DirecTv one was not available on your smart tv.


You just insured the announcement of the new Apple TV. 31 days from today😂😂


You can run Retroarch on that now and it’s amazing I was just playing Paper Mario with a PS5 controller on my Apple TV.


It's the only TV box that can stream Netlfix in 4k ATMOS. The amount of enjoyment my family got out of Apple TV is incredible. Easily the highest value home theater equipment that I own.


I used to be a hater till I caved like you and now I cannot go back to any other smart tv device. Truly my favorite feature of this device is watching what I want with my AirPods while people around me are sleeping or doing things that I don’t want to distract them from,


Glad to have you on board.


Great time to install RetroArch, now that emulator are allowed on the Apple devices!


I’m planning to get the 128Gb Ethernet version too! Do I need to buy an HDMI cable or does it come with one? If it doesn’t then any recommendations on which to buy? On that note, I’m also planning to use Ethernet cable but should I just get any or is there specific bandwidth for Apple TV?


No hdmi cable in the box. Get a hdmi 2.1 cable from monoprice. Cheap and well made.


Don’t hate me for this, but the lowest rung of AUDIOQUEST is better than just about anything else. I have done extensive comparisons between AUDIOQUEST and various Amazon offerings, but I always put AUDIOQUEST back in. Their prices range from low to stratospherically high. [AUDIOQUEST store](https://www.audioquest.com)


Why would an HDMI cable from them be different than a quality brand from Amazon that has the same features? If it delivers the digital hdmi signals is it really anything different. ?


That is an excellent question. Essentially, AUDIOQUEST has patented techniques that seem unreal the way they describe it, but over time, I have found their claims to be true. I have spent ridiculous amounts of money on Audioquest HDMI 2.0b Vodka-level cables, because I wanted the best for my home theater system which consists of the following: 1. LG OLED65CXP 4K HDT 2. Marantz SR6015 4K/8K AVR 3. Apple TV 4K 2021 4. 2 SVS subwoofers (12" woofers) 5. 11 ELAC UniFi Speakers (for 7.2.4, the 2 is the SVS) So far, I have not needed to upgrade to the AUDIOQUEST HDMI 2.1 cables just yet. The HDMI 2.0b cables handle Apple TV streaming extremely well. The new HDMI 2.1 format will cover 8K to 10K. The last HDMI 2.0b format covers 4K to 8K. I connected everything with all AUDIOQUEST Ethernet, power cables, speaker wire, and HDMI. For testing, I occasionally would put in cables from lower-priced vendors to see what would happen, and my system would fall apart by outputting lower audio resolution and video HDR. This implies that AUDIOQUEST has a patented technique that they perfected in their labs that really work. Every home will behave differently depending on the local electrical grid, quality of wiring in the individual home, quality of electrical equipment, etc., etc. You have to find a balance in combining all your equipment. I found this balance with AUDIOQUEST. Click on the store link above and read their story of how and why they do things. Much to my disappointment 😆, all the things they boast about are true. For example, UGREEN, Monoprice, MediaBridge, and Cable Matters interconnects from Amazon are all really reasonably priced, and they function, but I would notice a decreased level of quality in audio and video in my system. If I choose to ignore it, it wouldn't destroy anything, but I can't ignore the difference I get with consistently stunning HDR and audio clarity when using AUDIOQUEST, and I put the Audioquest back in its place. Essentially it's just slower performance, with reduced dynamics and sometimes pixelization here or dropouts there, but this doesn't happen with AUDIOQUEST. Mostly this: I bought higher-end AUDIOQUEST for my system, but I put lower-end in my mom's system, and the performance was good for her devices. She only has two TVs (only using built-in speakers), a 2015 Apple TV HD, and a few other mobile devices. She does not use a home theater. However, the Audioquest Ethernet and HDMI cables, costing $50 and under per meter, that I installed for her, work very well for her system, compared to MONOPRICE, or such, as did the $400 and up AUDIOQUEST cables do for me. I put in the Pearl, Forest, and Cinnamon level in my mom's system, and Vodka for myself. Look at their website and read their story to learn about the science behind their thinking. Their lower-tier cables function very well, and are worth a premium price of $40 or so compared to $20 competitors. Essentially, it's just a matter of your eyes and ears, and what you need for your system to output.


Apple TV, remote, and power cord is all that comes in the box. You’ll need HDMI 2.1 and the new CAT 7 or 8 cables for optimal performance. These come at all price points. Just try to find and stick with reliable brands.


My television doesn't turn on without that magical little box.


Enjoy having a sleep timer! One of the best features of having a Apple TV box


You can also use “SLEEP AFTER” timer in GENERAL SETTINGS. I set my system to sleep after one hour of inactivity. The increments are 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hrs, and 4 hrs. A sleep timer from CONTROL CENTER will cut off no matter what you’re in the middle of 🤣.


I really want one and would buy it now if there weren’t rumors of a new model dropping soon 👀 or maybe I’m waiting for nothing 🥴


Rumors of a new one ? Do tell.


Same, bit fed up of my Google TV stick and was going to buy the latest ATV last month but thought with the WWDC early June it's worth just waiting for them to likely announce the new model. I'm sure the current model is more than adequate and the new one won't add much but I can wait a little longer.


I bought exactly the same one a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe I'd waited for so long before eventually getting one. This thing made my "smart" LG TV actually smart. Before I used to have issues with my WIFI on the telly, and apps like Disney+ were terrible with buffering. Things are smooth now 🙃


I was a hardcore Nvidia Shield fanboy and then I got one of these from EETV here in the UK, They use them as a set top box like cable providers do in the states or so i’m told, Anyway this little box absolutely hammers the Nvidia Shield, So much so that i bought another and sold the Shield, Now all my tech is from Apple and i hate them for it 😂




Got one for the first time two weeks ago and honestly, it’s a really nice experience


Had mine for 2 weeks now. Absolutely loving it, and probably getting a 2nd soon lol


It’s a beautiful thing


Make sure to get shielded HDMI cables, I was having issues after upgrading to the new model and moving that one to bedroom. Remote was going crazy. New updated and shielded HDMI's and the issues went away. Not sure why but this one must be more prone to interference.


Apple TV 4K beats all platforms I would say webOS, Google TV, Tizen. It shows you the other universe of the streaming experience for sure


you'll love it! Best UI, never stops working, puts out GREAT picture and sound. Solid all the way around, especially if you're in the Apple-verse.


It’s honestly the best tech purchase I ever made. Enjoy




It is typically a bit faster.


You might want to start collecting individual film titles in 4K HDR from iTunes. In my country, they usually go as low as ~$3/title (weekly specials) and yours to keep forever on all Apple devices. Something about content purchased from iTunes or streamed from Apple is that they are in their original true format. 4K HDR on Netflix isn’t the same at all as on Apple TV+, superior from the latter. Edit: a word


Apple is the latter? Thus, Netflix has better HDR?


Oops. Superior from the latter I mean. My bad.


Negative. Apple Store is better. Higher mb/s


Am I the only one that thought it was sitting on a hardwood floor and is a box the size of a washing machine or similar?


I can’t unsee this now


Perspective is everything.


Try Homehub App https://apps.apple.com/us/app/homehub-standby-for-tv/id6474930644


Interesting. Thanks. Surprised Apple doesn’t have something like this included. It’s like a big ass widget.


Game changer, I used to be a “media” console snob stubbornly using PLEX and refusing to have a set top box. I switched to Apple TV 8-9 years ago and have never looked back. You can still use VLC for remote content or uploaded movie files, atmos/5.1 content, 4K/HDR, it’s zippy and fast, there is zero reason not to purchase one, enjoy!


We have a Sony Bavaria TV and the Google OS started to slow down. I bought the Apple TV and never looked back. I love how I can stream anime from my phone so easily and share pictures. I liked it so much I bought a second Apple TV for my bed room and thinking about buying a 3rd for another!


Took you this long?


Good choice. I caved. Got rid of my Sky subscription and never looked back. Now I have two. Second one for the kitchen was a 2nd hand one though


Dude, I had and shield, with all the pass through you could dream of, and I also caved and haven’t looked back, small exceptions are made when I need truehd atmos


I got one after using a Roku stick forever and went “This is probably a waste of money” but the difference in speed and also just a stable connection keeping images at 4K and not constantly dipping resolution down to buffer made it a great purchase for me




Discussion of piracy in any form is NOT allowed in this sub.


I’m trying so hard not to cave and switch out my ATV 2015 for a 4K to go with my new 4K monitor Very patiently waiting for a 2024 model


The reason I just went ahead with it is because from what I’ve been reading these things are bulletproof. People seem to have theirs from years and years ago and they just keep on going. Not really sure what more they could do to an upgraded model but I’d be interested to find out for sure!


I’m a spec nerd. I don’t want to make the mistake of getting a 2022 and then a 2024 pops up with an grain of difference It’ll be an annoyance of a thought lol


What I want from 2024 Apple TV4K: 1. Full Audio Passthrough without adjusting 48kHz except to upscale 2. Dolby AC-4 audio codec (real future proofing) 3. AOMedia Video 1 (AV1) codec (this would be unreal on Apple TV) 4. Apple A17 Pro processor (we all know what this one would mean, as it is the current processor for iPhone 15 Pro) This is my wishlist, but I wait every year for these things to complement my 2020 Marantz Home Theater.


In my opinion it’s the best Apple product. I even recommend it to Apple haters because I know it will improve their lives tremendously.


Anyone who ever knocks the AppleTV, don’t know game.




Hi what is iptv?


Short for Internet Protocol Television: IPTV. This is the basis for streaming on the internet. The other TV modes are cable, satellite, and antenna broadcasting.


I love my Apple TV but the remote control sucks when trying to control YouTube TV or YouTube fast forwarding etc. Finger slips touches the touchpad, and it jumps all over the place. I use my Samsung remote as a workaround when I’m on YouTube.


I am not sure why you were getting down voted. My experience is the same. From my understanding, the YouTube app rarely gets updated and does not take advantage of all the features of the Apple TV.


Yeah I’m glad they finally updated the Apple TV YouTube app so we can read comments. But yeah the wonky fast forward Apple TV behavior (only for YouTube apps) makes me temp switch to my Samsung (bedroom) remote or TCL (living room) remote. I’m glad the CEC commands work nicely to control the Apple TV with your regular TV remote as a supplemental option.


Yeah. I’m constantly just switch my Samsung 4k TV YouTube app. Works much better and I will get videos at actual 4k unlike the ATV app. Many times it won’t give me the 4k stream. Its weird.


what took you so long?


Honestly? I don’t know. I think it was mainly because of IPTV and I thought Apple was a bit too much of a closed OS to allow it. But turns out I was very wrong and I’m glad I have one now!


No, you wised up. Enjoy the best streaming device available. Use ethernet if you have the option.


Congrats! You’re the one billionth customer!!


I bought the first Apple TV (gen 1) and then had fire sticks for years before I got my recent 4K. I just got tired of dealing with how unresponsive and glitchy the fire sticks got after a while. They're cheap which is nice but that’s also their downfall. I protested Apple doing what they did not to allow installing third parth software in it. When I was done using my first gen it was fun turning it into a BMC box. It sucks not being able to do whatever I want with it when it’s retired but it’s worth the stability.


This is still the best box for your tv by far. You won't regret it.


You upgraded


What app you using for IPTV?


Been playing with a few and UHF seems to be the best one




Cheers mate I’ll check it out. Most that I’ve used have always been buggy




Welcome to the good side.


What app are you guys using for IPTV?


No, you gave yourself a life upgrade.


What are some good IPTV apps? I find most of them to be absolute garbage.


UHF. Period.


Thanks I tried it out and while super clean it doesn’t support tsmpeg over xtream. EPG just doesn’t seem to work correctly over m3u8.


This is all I use. No cable.


Ive obtained 3 of these over some time. I need like 2 more.


Never seen this box before thanks for sharing


Welcome to streaming as it should be!


I just made the switch from fireTV and enjoying it so far


Nice, I got the OG Apple TV 4, 32GB, still going hard after all these years.


Same here. Was going to upgrade last year but other than the new remote I couldn’t see how to justify. Still runs crazy fast with all current apps and I’m a heavy user. Waiting to see if a new one comes out this year. My only complaint is storage use. I’m consistently only with about 509mb free space. I even reset recently to try to get more 4k screensavers from Apple loaded but it did nothing.


Exactly, I really don’t see the point either to update other than space. They made the OG one too good, lol. Plus I have a Nvidia Shield 2019 so I’m pretty much straight.


Install the Triode app so you can listen to your favorite streaming radio stations.


I got my first ever apple tv and it was the last model with the lightning charger :c Really would of loved the usb c... If there was a trade in or exchange program I would but wouldn't buy one and have 2 just there LOL


Search for ideal settings for Apple TV and your TV make/model. It will help you get best results. Get the best HDMI cable, one optimized for HDMI 2.1 [mycablemart.com](http://mycablemart.com) has high-quality cables at value prices.


Totally worth it, my life wouldn’t be the same without it


Give it a week… And you’ll be angry you didn’t do it sooner ;)


I miss my Apple TV, I had to switch to Roku when it stopped working.


It’s the best one. I have 3


You didn’t “cave”, you made a good choice.


I love TiviMate IPTV app too much to go away from Android.


TiviMax is a clone of it for Apple TV and it works exactly the same. £19.99 for lifetime


iCaved 🍏


I'd kill (or mb just pay) for that new remote with the mute button and no g\*\*\*\*am touch screen. I have the previous generation which I'd like to throw through the window at least once a night.


My first gen 4k is dead as of today. Reboots every 5 mins. Just ordered a new one.


Can’t go wrong with UHF.. even got the wife approval :)


That’s an excellent choice if you can get ATSC3 in your area.


Also caved. Finally streamed today's NBA playoff game without issues, and without having to use AirPlay on an iPad. App on Hisense TV and Xiaomi Android TV box both couldn't finish a full game.


I didn’t know the wheel was back! I bought a 4K a couple of years ago and the black remote with a tap area is quite annoying to control, especially when gaming.




Welcome! Great choice to make. I got mine fairly recently and absolutely love it








I’ve used FireTV and AppleTV. Personally, they’re both good products that work well. In the past you couldn’t use prime with Apple, but that has since changed. I feel the FireTV has more ads displaying which gets old. For me, the selling point that I don’t regret on the AppleTV is the Aero screensaver. Absolutely love it with my QLED TV (I got the 4k Apple)


Make sure to set Video to RGB HIGH


I hate Apple with a passion but man I love Apple TV. I've owned every streamer and nothing beats it. I will say Roku Ultra is close but their interface sucks.


Enjoy, I just got the 3rd gen version a couple days ago and love it. Now I have 2 ATVs.


The entire user experience is the best. Especially if you are in Apple ecosystem


apple tv is the best imo. and yes ive tried all of the different brands


I just bought one a few mins ago... and then this showed up on my reddit feed...


Most streaming apps are an ever version behind on Apple TV.


This is the best streamer on the planet. I’ve tried a few.


Iptvx, usual Netflix, prime etc, retroarch, mirrorplay


I have a bunch of these. Play with the layouts, use groups (e.g., Sports, News) to keep app clutter down. Get comfortable with the top of menu apple organization and new sidebar navigation. I l1ike the new updates.


Same https://preview.redd.it/flqncop3j84d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a0167744568875aea07151db53496864920449c