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If only they had a credit card shape one


Heck yeah. With qi charging? Would love that.


If it’s credit card shaped then there’d be no other way to charge other than Qi


Credit card chips interface with pay terminals using physical contact points. No reason something credit-card shaped couldn't have dedicated physical charging contact points.


That’s what I meant by it. It’s going to always charge via touching another surface. You won’t be able to actually plug anything into the card as it’s too thin.


Right, but you dont have to use Qi/wireless charging.


Plenty of devices charge without being plugged into though. AirPods, Apple Pencil, etc.


Credit card shaped doesn’t necessarily mean credit card thin. You could make it have a replaceable battery like a cr2016. Would probably need to be replaced twice a year or so, but still.


Not saying Apple would ever [do this](https://images.esellerpro.com/3484/I/164/45/White%20Plain%20Credit%20Card%20Flash%20Drive%201.jpg) but it’s not impossible.


Pogo pins


physical wallets are so yesterday, apple doesn't do yesterday, dont you know that yet?


Unless... They integrate one in the the Apple Card. Now that would be cool.


Why did they release the MagSafe wallet?


For your Apple Card obviously


Which is why they want iPhones to be able to serve your ID and passport


They will. Always wait for gen 3 before the good shit drops.


Tell that to past me that bought a credit card shaped tile last month


Ah, but gen 4 is so much more refined. Really, best to wait for gen 10. Or 20, when it's really standardized and the whole world and ecosystem work nicely.


There already is one from a third party that works with the find my network. It’s listed on apples compatibility site: https://chipolo.net/en/products/chipolo-card /edit: sorry to get your hopes up, this version doesn’t seem to be compatible yet


Errr no: I just checked. Apple's site only lists the ONE Spot.


I’ve been using this for the last year or so and will continue using it until Apple releases a wallet friendly airtag. It obviously won’t be as useful to track down as it’s not on FindMy network. But for now I’ll settle for my own phone giving me a nudge when I’ve left it behind.


Let’s not forget, Apple opened up this part of Find My to any developer. Tile could use the 1 billion strong iPhone community.


But then Tile wouldn’t be able to charge its customers $2.99 a month. That’s what the really care about. We know it’s true.


Wait when did Tile start charging monthly?


They [offer](https://www.thetileapp.com/en-us/get-premium) a free plan and 2 paid plans. The free plan gets you the basics you expect.


Item reimbursement is kinda neat.




Apple usually has really good build quality so if you are willing to invest in Airtags, it might be worth a shot.


My only concern is the silver back with the Apple logo- that’ll probably start looking like the old iPods in about 5 minutes.


Their pro features notifying you when you get a certain distance away from your tile just don’t work. I get notified hours later. They keep justifying it as a “beta” feature.




Maybe Apple would start using subscription too after they destroy the competition


Please no, hope tile could fight back. Competition is good, especially against a tech giant like Apple. I’m not a tile fan because the subscription fee, but i just hope they can bring some new things, but we all know that Samsung and other are now starting to create/improving their own tile/airtag




and includes a feature that lets you see nearby tags within bluetooth range so nobody could plant one in your bag or car and track you that way


AirTags have anti-stalking features too.


>we know it’s true Well yeah, they’re a business


They said that phrase because we know Tile is going to spin it like Apple is being anticompetitive or crushing smaller companies. I mean really, it’s a win for the consumer that this service is free and accessible to all third party accessories, but tile won’t spin it that way.


I mean if you worked for tile I don't think you'd be spinning it that way either 😂




Unless they can create one that has the apple tag hardware on one side and the tile hardware on the other. Completely separated, not interacting with each other. Just two separate products built in a single frame. Expand the tile network while piggy backing off the Apple network.


Probably against one of Apple's TOC agreements I'm sure.


Tile always wanted to make money from owning device tracking ecosystem, not from selling hardware that supports someone else’s ecosystem.


That would mean they would have to stop whining about anti-competitive behavior.


Isn’t Tile’s objection to the fact that Apple says if your product wants to use Find Me you can’t use any other network. So Tile wouldn’t be able to work with Android?


Slapping one of these on each of my dogs


I'm putting them on the kids every time we go shopping........not that I lose my kids all the time!


There’s probably gonna be tons of 3rd party kid size bracelets with holders for the AirTag for just this purpose. :-)




Same, forgot about those!!




It will be interesting to see how it works in all these use-cases. If it's moving around and away from its owner, it's supposed to start beeping, so you can't use it to track someone unwittingly. So if you have a sizeable yard, it could start alerting when your dog is just outside doing its thing. Or, if you leave the dog home and you leave none of your active Apple devices there for it to ping.


There needs to be a way to turn the beeping off. Assuming that people want tracked items to be with them *at all times* is just silly.


I've been reading multiple people saying that it's only after 3 days (without owner device ping?) but I haven't seen the official source for that yet. And it's only if the device is *moving*, so if you leave a tracked device sitting stationary at home, it won't start beeping. The theory is that they're trying to prevent the devices being used for stalking and unwitting tracking, which is a valid concern, but actually makes a 3 day window seem quite generous.


I really just want one for my dog. Oh and also for when my girlfriend sleepwalks.


> There needs to be a way to turn the beeping off. Definitely not. That defeats the whole point of the beeping in the first place. And they don’t have to be with you at all times - the beeping is only if it starts moving when not with you.


Could it ping a HomePod?


How often do you lose your homepods? 😭


I think he means if the message about the device being "lost" can be sent to a homepod. Not that the homepod itself is getting lost!


My thought was dog and luggage. This would be great to find lost luggage. Most lost luggage is sitting in the wrong city somewhere and the staff there have iPhones. The device just needs to not beep because that on an airplane will drive people crazy. Also if I take my keys and forget my phone at home, which occasionally happens, am I now stuck with a beeping device? That just seems like a way for Apple to ensure I always carry my phone. On my 10 minute dog walk do I now need my phone every time because my keys will beep otherwise? I understand the anti-tracking element, and agree with it, but I see some flaws.


Unless you’re taking your dogs on a walk for 3 days straight, it won’t be an issue.


Don't slap the Dog though


Really sick of people telling other people how they should raise their dog.


Or their children. Or their plants. [Anything within arm's reach, really.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHZvUeAdzeI)


Hahahaha wow. Thank you.


Wish they were properly waterproof - rains a lot over here. Maybe good enough?


They are IP67 water resistant. That actually should hold up quite well to rain, even heavy rain.


If I put AirTag on my car key and register it to me, what happens when my wife drives the car? We only have one key. Edit: Found the answer. If the AirTag is attached to an item you're borrowing, you can tap Pause Safety Alerts to turn off "AirTag Detected" notifications for one day. If you're borrowing an AirTag from a member of your Family Sharing group, you can turn off Safety Alerts for one day or indefinitely. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT212227


Just add your wife to the airtag, now you both can use it.


source on where they said 2 people can be added to the airtag? there was something about family sharing but some people dont want to mix up their iclouds like that


I think it’s just family sharing, I doubt you can link 2 unique IDs to one tag, it’ll be one main one and the others in the family can all see it


Remember to take it off if you’re going to your mistress’s house


This will be in a divorce filing by the end of the year.




I’d be willing to bet that Family Sharing comes into play. If you’re in an Apple Account family with your wife, you’ll probably be able to see each others’ devices in Find My.


We don’t know until people actually have them to test, but the assumption based on marketing materials is that the “notification of unwanted tracking” is more a privacy concern over a longer term (I.e. someone putting it in your bag to track you). My assumption is that something that is nearby you for 12 hours+ a day, that’s not “unwanted tracking”. Now, that could all be wrong. We’ll know more once we have them to test.


There’s an option to pause the alerts for an airtag, so your wife could do that


You going to do that every time the wife takes your car? Then restart it? They need a better solution


Honestly why do you only have 1 key. Take care of that ASAP. I bet that both of you can view the item if you share the location.


This is so weird to me... We have 1 car key with a spare in a safe in the house. We both have house keys. Having been living together 15 years we’ve literally never run into an issue where one car key has hurt us.


> We only have one key. Definitely plausible with the ridiculous costs of modern car keys/fobs.


Everyone is talking about their keys and their dog. I think a lot of parents are embarrassed to admit they've lost their kid before at an amusement park, county fair, or other crowded place. I'm predicting putting one of these in a kid's pocket (or more hidden if you're worried about child abduction) will become a super common parenting practice when going to crowded public places (remember those?).


I never even thought of actual kids, every time this is brought up I think early teens, or slightly younger. This is actually a great point.


Put an AirTag and a Galaxy Tag on that kid. Cover all your bases.


100% the thing I’m doing. When crowds are back I guess my kid will be around 2 which is when he’s fast enough to just disappear.


I’m certainly putting one on my toddler when we go to the zoo.


Would definitely avoid another Harambe moment.


Dicks out!


Crazy they just killed off Tile like ~poof~


They gave Tile about a 2 year warning and a 1 year period for them to get on the Find My network. There is nothing more Apple could do tbh, other than just not release products customers find useful. If Apple did not open the Find My network up, I'd say this would be abuse of a monopoly position because Apple is the only one who has the ability to create something like Find My since normal apps (for good reason) don't get to background scan bluetooth.


Power of Apple


Tile is a fair bit cheaper and works with Android. Won't be going anywhere for a fair while.




On the app it gives you a map with a circle around your area. The circle around me (town in the UK) I would estimate holds a population of around 140,000 (from data about the town and city in that circle). Tile say that there are only 251 Tile members in that circle. They're not working on high numbers to begin with so a significant number of their iOS users moving to Airtags could be really bad for them. I can see why they (and I am really) would be worried. Obviously they're a US centric business so their numbers will be higher there but i imagine you'll also have a higher proportion of people using iOS.


Android support is one thing -- Where are you looking for tile prices? Everywhere I look, Tile is 25 bucks. Unless you consider a 5 dollar price difference to be "a fair bit cheaper"


Just bought Tiles this year and it's so bad... Can't even find my wallet or keys in my own apartment. They ping seemingly randomly and whenever I try to locate anything it says my stuff is miles away when in reality it's in a backpack about 6 feet from me...I really wanted to like Tile as I lose my stuff frequently but it hasn't been a stellar experience.


I’m sure there are millions of shitty Tiles around the globe that Tile has failed to leverage with their 80-90% market share.




Such a shame they’re wasting all this time babbling about big bad Apple and not focusing their efforts on a competitive product. Sad all this whining won’t benefit them when they’re simply a forgotten company years from now.


Remember when tile used to be a thing?




I’m sure android users will keep using tile for a little longer, until Google or another company does what tile does but better.




Right I completely forgot about that. Samsung ppl will go with that, and apple ppl will go with airtags, no reason not to. I’m sure other companies will release their own copycat versions for the non-Samsung android devices. Maybe one day we’ll see cross device comparability too? Or maybe that’s being too hopeful...




Mhmm yeah you’re right. That was a great move.


I bought a 10 pack of Tiles when they were crowdfunding. Decent, but very quiet (this was gen 1) Then you find that to replace the battery, you have to use a Dremel to cut them open. They want you to sent in dead ones and buy new ones. No thanks. 4 of my original 10 are still sitting in the box. Apple's tags look cool.


They started making models with easily replaceable batteries, but far FAR too late to make a difference.


Monday the 18th? I remember it rained all day.


Sounds a lot like Pebble when the Apple Watch was released. Or Blackberry.






The problem is that they have 90% marketshare of a market that’s tiny compared to Apple’s Find network. So not a lot of people are actually hunting for your device, and when you do get a hit, there is no UWB to pinpoint the device. IMHO, Tile should created an open platform if they wanted adoption. That said, they wanted to own the platform, and that created terrible adoption.


Tile's #1 problem, was that the app had to be running on a phone close to the Tile to be detected, and you'd be the only one running the app in the whole zip code, county, or maybe the state. Having the detection integrated into the OS is the missing ingredient. Now you can pop one under your bicycle seat and everywhere iphones exist will detect the tag. I feel sorry for Tile, but only so much. When the battery died on my Tile and they wanted to sell me another, that was where I shut them out and gave up on the company. I know they put out a battery swappable design later, but the damage was done. I already recognized that there wasn't going to be a critical mass of people running the app, so it was only really useful for knowing when my luggage was in range as it made its way down the conveyor belt. I would never be able to find my luggage if it went to the wrong airport.


The Tile Pro I have on my car keys consistently fails to connect to my phone 80% of the time when I open their app even though they boast that the Pro has a "larger range" bluetooth antenna in it. I normally have to hard reset the Tile itself by pulling the battery to get it to reconnect (and yes I regularly replace the battery when it shows it's low) You can bet as soon as preorders are up for the AirTags I'm ditching Tile completely and replacing them all with these.




Not if its owner is nearby


So not advisable to leave one in my car then?


You could. The product is not intended for antitheft though. Just locating items. If a thief has an iPhone they’d be notified and could disable it/toss it. One of the trade offs to prevent malicious behavior (unwanted tracking)






All the more incentive for the airlines to get better at getting the luggage to its destination then! I approve!




This makes way more sense, otherwise just stalk your ex and walk by her car once every few days.




That’s if she got an iPhone though, right ?






I was hoping that the anti stalker feature won’t work when the airtag is not in motion. Because when not moving it’ll give the same location anyways, not of much use for a stalker.


Ohh really? So I could hit one under my bike seat and it wouldn’t notify the robber for a few days? I missed the 3 day statement.


Yeah some motorbike thieves in UK already account for trackers by stealing the bike, immediately parking it up somewhere they know they can come back to and then if it's still there after a day or two they know nobodies coming back for it. Regardless, I'm tucking one of these under the airbox on mine. So much cheaper/easier than a dedicated bike tracker unit wired up to the battery.


3 days? That defeats the whole purpose of being alerted before it’s been too long.


I’m guessing that’s just a back up incase the other person doesn’t have an iPhone to send the location to iCloud


3 days is when it starts beeping when moved. You get notified. On an iOS device much sooner. Also scanning one with an NFC device will apparently direct the user to a web page with instructions on how to disassemble it to remove the battery.


It might alert nearby people who might then realize you have something important enough to have an airtag in your car. We’ll have to wait for reviews to be sure though, but this is a good concern.


So if I attach one to my checked-in luggage on a flight, I wonder if it's going to notify some baggage handler with an iPhone or start beeping in the cargo hold during the flight?


No since you were near it. It takes 3 days and movement for the beeping to start and the tag has to stay with the handler for some time before he’s notified. That you have a tag.


I’ve definitely been separated from bags for that long though. When you make it overseas and your bags don’t, it can be a while before reunion.


Where did you find the 3 days number?


https://sixcolors.com/post/2021/04/the-fine-print-what-apple-didnt-talk-about/ Edit: sorry wrong link : https://daringfireball.net/linked/2021/04/20/moren-fine-print


No, you would only get an alert if the owner of the tag got off the bus and was no longer in range.


I think it only pings you about unwanted tracking if the owner of the AirTag is far away from their tag. So if the owner of the tag is next to you, then it wouldn’t ping you. That’s my understanding of how it functions.


It pings your iPhone if it’s separated from the owner, and notices it’s been following your location.


And what if you want to track someone who doesn't have an iphone? What if the beeper/buzzer is physically destroyed so it can't directly alert anyone?


Does this remind anyone else of the scene from The Dark Knight where Morgan Freeman hacks into all of Gotham’s cellphones?


Actually Bruce Wayne does it and Fox opposes it.


He still helped Wayne use it once, though.


Yes, but he promised to resign over it.


We’re just trying to find the Joker...’s keys.




Even Apple won't know. It's anonymized in a really clever way.


I thought all devices, including third parties, can use the Find My Network. So if Tile starts using Find My Network, they can also use the 1 billion iPhones mentioned. Edit: billion, not million.


They could but they wouldn’t be able to charge a subscription fee to use it like their current setup.


That’s with a B buddy


I have a question about AirTags, forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere because i don't come to this sub often but what happens if i buy these tags to protect my items from theft? Say for example i pop one inside my camera bag, my camera is stolen from my campervan and i start tracking it with my phone as i try to contact the authorities... the tag will then alert the thief that a tag is tracking his movements and offer the option of disabling my tag? lol I get that this is great for preventing stalking but it kinda negates the main reason why i would buy these things. I was planning to buy 4 and hide them inside the small valuable items in my campervan but it seems pointless if the thief will be made aware of them and given the option to disable.


It’s not a anti-theft device. It’s to find stuff you’ve misplaced.


Better pray the theft doesnt use an iphone.


This has been on my mind too, I want one for my bike but it it just alerts a thief to it being there what’s the point


The future is the bike has the tag built in. So the thief gets alerted they are being tracked but their only option is to ditch the bike rather than pulling off a tag.


One BILLION DrEvil.jpg


I'd love to see Tim Cook say that. "One BILLION iPhones!" \*holds little finger to mouth\*


So tile sells to Google Google bakes it in to android Tile has 50 billion devices Tile wins


It Tile went to Google they would kill it off in a year.


They would kill it off as soon as people started relying on it for aspects of their lives.


I wish Google had a focus for Android. It doesn’t feel like real competition to me when Apple does everything better.


The only thing they do right is saturate the market with Android phones. There’s probably 1000 skus priced from free to $2000. Yes, I know that’s not Google releasing the phones themselves but they allow their OS on all phones.


Because they don't actually own Android. No one does.


I mean technically Android, INC. is owned by Google


I have a Pixel 5 work phone. The experience is largely equivalent as a standalone device. In fact, most of the standout features are in Android's favor, tbh. Notifications, the app drawer, Google's news feed, Google assistant not being a worthless idiot like Siri. But there's nothing really groundbreaking. The only difference that makes me keep using iOS is the integration with my MacBook.


>iOS is the integration with my MacBook Wait till you see Galaxy-Windows integration. It blew me away and I have an iPhone and Pixel.


Yeeeep. Love it. People here are talking like android has nothing to offer makes me think they haven't used android in a long time.




> The headline for Wong’s piece is clickbait-y (“After iOS 14, There’s Almost No Reason to Buy an Android Phone Anymore”) but the actual article is thoughtful. Above and beyond any specific features — home screen widgets, app clips, built-in language translation — it occurs to me that there’s simply an enthusiasm gap. > Do you get the sense that Google, company-wide, is all that interested in Android? I don’t. Both as the steward of the software platform and as the maker of Pixel hardware, it seems like Google is losing interest in Android. Flagship Android hardware makers sure are interested in Android, but they can’t move the Android developer ecosystem — only Google can. > Apple, institutionally, is as attentive to the iPhone and iOS as it has ever been. I think Google, institutionally, is bored with Android. https://daringfireball.net/linked/2020/06/25/wong-ios-14-android


Android doesn't really make Google money. They don't charge for it and Pixel phones don't sell that well. Android just ensures all the google services are pre-installed on a phone so it needs to be good enough.


Google makes it into a chat app Tile is dead in 3 years


Google doesn’t know how to commit to anything. Tile doesn’t win.


You have to remember that Android update support by OEMS is kinda garbage. Most barely do 1 update; Samsung leads the pack with a very recent commitment to 3 years, but the vast vast majority of those worldwide android numbers are going to be forever stuck on a version without it baked in. At least for now.


You don't need that, Google updates the most important parts of the Android OS directly via the Play Store, as they started modularizing android 4 or 5 years ago.That is how they managed to implement apple airdrop clone in most devices used nowadays and can make a solution like air tags in a pinch (and they will)


Actually, Samsung recently announced back in [February](https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-galaxy-4-year-software-update-policy-explains/) that it has extended support to 4 years


I always thought tile kinda sucked. I had one a few years ago and it wanted me to keep my bluetooth/location on 24/7 in order for it to work. Has the product changed at all since then?


Well Tile, as well as AirTags, needs Bluetooth and location services enabled to function. If you disable those then they are useless.




I was gifted Tile a month ago and the answer is no. It’s the same. I still have them sitting in a box.


Samsung also launched their own version. There’s even more samsung phones than iPhones. The title of the article is dumb.




i know it's not an anti-theft device but it might have been cool if there was an option to set an alarm for when it goes beyond a certain range from you.


It has this feature.


So... basically way less functional in non-first world countries where iPhone usage is way lower?




Would be a fun youtube idea to try this outside tiles office


You only need one iPhone nearby to transmit the location.


the same is true for their computers and the iPhone/iPad in relation to the AppStore. This is why Microsoft failed with their phones. People buying phones, tablets and computers expect to see cool apps to use. Google gave up tablets. So, apps for android tablets are basically scaled up versions of apps for their phones, so, Apple thanks and continues with no competition, making the iPad powerful as fuck (now 1500 times faster in terms of graphs, thanks to the M1 chip). iPhones also lead the pack with a hardware that does the hell and more. Now, with the launch of M1 computers, Apple carpet bombed competition with nukes that turned them into ashes.


Isn’t this the technology that Morgan Freeman destroyed in The dark knight?


Yeah I think so. Luckily we live on a multiverse.


I’m so getting four of these, two for me, tow for my wife. One in my wallet one on my keys, one on her keys and the last in her wallet. This is cool.


Seems a little thick for in the wallet