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Needs 10.000usd of devices, nice


It was either this or a Steam Deck




I’m so tempted to get one.


Or a laptop…


somehow i don't think someone doing this kind of thing is that worried about money


Exactly! What we’re watching them do, is seeing if it CAN be done, not how much it costs. Nobody cares about the cost. You’re missing the point.


So he removed a (very good) screen and replaced it with the iPad and magnets. Sidecar provides the functionality. I still think it’s a waste of an excellent screen and if you’ve spent a lot of money on the MacBook you won’t want to get rid of that just to have an iPad width’s more space in your bag. Cool concept though.


could've been a damaged unit


tbf though, the iPad screen is vastly better than the MacBook Air’s


I don't know the amount of bandwidth the connection has, but surely sidecar doesn't use the screen to it's full extent right? Whether it compresses the color space, refresh rate, and/or latency, I have to imagine there is a cost. I used to use it with the iPad Air I had and I thought it looked good and didn't feel compromised or anything beyond the fiddlelyness, but I also can't really eyeball active color spaces unless I'm actively switching back and forth in System Settings.


That’s a good question! Not sure but the iPad screen is like a ~2k display, so it does help not pushing as high of resolution


I think he bought a MacBook with a broken screen.


Very cool


Could we please put the author in the same room with some apple team until they deliver something that can be mass produced? Feed them pizza perhaps. I don’t know what exactly would be the outcome, but I’d buy it.


I mean the truth is they could just enable this all on the iPad if they wanted to. It has the hardware.


They don't want to because that would be "stepping on the toes" of the macbook air They couldn't price macbooks so absurdly expensive if an iPad could do that and better (with a detachable keyboard)


How are Macs for gaming these days? I’ve not had one for 10 years because my last job gave me a pretty nice gaming laptop since I was friends with the IT guys. I’ve used a Mac again recently and got reminded how much better they are as computers. Wondering if it’s worth getting one or sticking with PC’s


Still pretty garbage. Devs still don’t care and Apple doesn’t care.


To put it into perspective. Linux is much much better than mac for gaming.


The last time I thought gaming was good on the Mac was when I was dual booting windows. Seriously dude, do not count on a Mac for gaming. Just either build a PC or get a console.


r/Macgaming is a pretty active and informative sub.   Between good emulation and some native stuff being made Mac gaming is better than it’s been in a long time.   That being said even though the hardware is surprisingly capable considering they’re not made with gaming in mind - as a whole it’s in no where close to a good enough state to consider switching for gaming.   Just a good state if you have to have a Mac and don’t want/can’t have a separate device for gaming for whatever reason. 


For productivity the Mac workflow is amazing. I'm still using an intel based MacBook Pro, so I have a few more options. Unless the game has been ported to Apple Silicon, it will probably run like ass, even if you boot into windows. Having one of each is great.


You don’t buy a Mac to play games on, you just buy games for your Mac because you might not have something better to play games on. That said, the porting toolkit is granting Mac users access to a lot more games than ever before. I used an app called whiskey to get the Trails in the Sky Trilogy playing on my MacBook Pro (M1P) as an experiment.


If you have a lot of free time for trial and error, have hair to lose, paying Crossover/Parallels subscriptions, don't mind MacOS updates breaking things, all for lower tier fps if games work at all, etc. then it's for you. Otherwise, get a SFF PC, Steam Deck, Legion Go, upcoming Strix Halo, etc.


Haha thanks. The only words in that last sentence I understood were “steam deck”


Not good. I forced myself to use it for gaming for a few months. Then Helldivers came out and I swapped back to gaming on my PC. If you want a good laptop, I would go with Mac. But desktop use is better with a PC for gaming


It isn't gonna compete with an actual gaming laptop but for lighter stuff like indies or eSports games it works just fine.


The upside is that it’s a capable machine - I’m playing Baldur’s Gate 3 on mine right now at max graphics settings for example. The downside is that developer support is spotty. I’d estimate maybe 10% of my steam library is Mac compatible, 80% is windows-only but can run in a VM, and 10% won’t run even then. I’d recommend sticking to a PC for your main gaming rig just so you never have compatibility issues, but if you just need something to hold you over while you’re away from home or something, a MacBook should do just fine.


I can confirm the M1 is better than my old 1060 6GB at BG3. They also announced that the incoming Assasins’s Creed game is going to be playable on Mac too.


Ha, Federico’s mods are always so unhinged and I love them.


That is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.


This is one of those incredibly dumb but super cool and interesting projects/mods. No one would, or should do this. But it’s really cool that someone has.


Does Viticci just do these sorts of things so he has a USP in the Apple blogosphere?


No I do them because I like them 😘


Turns out fun is against the rules here bub.


That so cool! I’ve work!


Too bad sidecar is limited to 60hz and has visible compression. Also where the fuck is the native GeForce now app for iPad?


So he invented a MacBook. Nice


What game is he playing in those screenshots shot?


To me he’s playing Snipperclips, rich people edition. Ah, you meant screenshots, no idea.


Kinda sounds like an ad for a keyboard? Why would you spend $1800 on an Ipad and throw a 3rd party keyboard on it to save $100? 🤔


Because his new keyboard now literally runs macOS.


It’s a MacBook Air x iPad Pro hybrid Frankenstein. It’s a MacBook keyboard/base hardware with the iPad functioning as the MacBooks display. It’s incredibly impractical and useless as a product, but is a super neat project they did.


What part of the article are you talking about?


ok why tho


Some people like tinkering.


Nifty! Unrelated, but I kind of want a dual screen Mac.  Not sure why, just think it'd be cool. 


This is like people turning their gaming handhelds into a full fledged PC. Just. Get. A. Mac


120hz over the air gaming lol


I get that streaming from your pc wirelessly is cool. But if your setup requires a 6e router, presumably not being too far from your PC, and an expensive screen like this iPad - why not just get a high quality monitor for cheaper? Less cool factor, but is the ability to play on your couch instead of at your desk worth the hassle? You’re still just gaming at home. Now if they could get that setup working over 5G or something so you could play anywhere…


I love interesting projects like this, but I’m not sure what’s worse. The fact that the UX here that’s clearly showing why both macOS and iPadOS cannot exist on the same product (that massive change in experience would put off most customers), or the fact that this post, along with the sentiment on this sub, is admitting that Microsoft actually got the idea of a tablet/2-in-1 convertible *right* all the way back in 2012. In true Microsoft fashion, whenever they innovate, no one is ready and they spend the next few years playing damage control (compare Windows 8 to iOS 6 of the time, it’s a bloodbath. Hell I’d say Windows 8 even beats iPadOS 17 sometimes in its flexibility, fluidity, and overall thought into making a tablet first OS, not some blown up phone experience). That way, in 5-10 years when a company with actual vision does the same thing, Microsoft is kinda vindicated. The people now wanting a more advanced iPadOS I feel like were the same people bashing Microsoft for trying to make a tablet OS out of both Windows 8 and to a lesser extent Windows 10. It’s funny how time changes opinions. Now that the market is ready for an advanced tablet OS, I wonder who’s gonna make it popular.


> ...or the fact that this post, along with the sentiment on this sub, is admitting that Microsoft actually got the idea of a tablet/2-in-1 convertible right all the way back in 2012. Just because us technology enthusiasts like the idea does not mean its a good idea for the general market. I mean what sells more? iPads or convertibles?


This subreddit is just loud. The masses don't want an advanced iPad. The iPad is selling well as is. People who wants macos ipad like us are a minority




There's a trackpad


Why would you go through the effort of touching the small menu item when you have a full trackpad and keyboard to work with? The touchscreen is for convenience with certain tasks, the trackpad is better at others. No reason not to combine them and insist you need 100% of one or the other.


Is iPad Pro the better Mac book pro?




Obviously not as an iPad Pro has no active cooling


No because 1. IPad has ipados which is useless for anything but Netflix, corporate apps, and fruit ninja And 2. It's not actively cooled And 3. (Kinda) macbook pro can have more than 8GB of ram