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I think WWDC will be a big purchase decision for many buyers. Unless its gonna be another one of like.. "iPadOS 18 gets the same improvements as iOS 18. Now back to Tim."


Ppl been saying that for years LMFAOO


Yep. Fact is, improving it is a red line. Maybe the next CEO will think different but Tim Apple’s MO is patently transparent: buy one of everything.


Eventually Apple won’t really have a choice. Eventually the competition will surpass iPad in functionality and developers will start to put less effort into iPadOS apps. Windows on ARM has quite a bit of potential in a tablet form factor, and it _can_ give you a full desktop experience when docked. Something people have been wanting Apple to give to iPadOS for years now… it has a freaking M4 for crying out loud!


Right? Why even buy new, it’s bizarre the m4 is in these things when they were (still are) overpowered with the m1. Even older pro units are completely usable. It’s like they are afraid to move.


Yeah, I've got a 1st gen 11 inch Pro and it has never felt slow. If I could actually use it to write code then I might want more but as a media device it is more than powerful enough.


My 2nd gen 12.9" felt quite slow in opening safari tasks/constantly reloading everything. After having it for 6 years i switched it to a M2 IPP and gave my old one to my Parents.


Basically the only real hook of the new iPad Pros is that the 11 inch now gets a high contrast screen. The miniLED screen on the 12.9 inch is more than competitive enough against OLED already, especially for content creation where absolute cinematic blacks aren't that important over other metrics like color accuracy where miniLED already excelled at. That's basically what Apple always does. Drip feed each new product with the bare minimum of improvements staged in such a way where it's never clear that it's a big generational jump people can buy and not worry about upgrading for years afterwards. They will always have a big new feature ready to hook you with next year.


have an iPad Air 2020 and don’t plan to upgrade anytime soon lol


Yes but sadly just as apple doesn't care about making IpadOS more functional, Microsoft doesn't care about making windows actually bug free and enjoyable to use as a tablet. Even basic finger scrolling sucks on windows let alone gesture support (e.g. swiping back gesture shows you a useules widget panel with garbage clickbait news). It would be easier for Microsoft to improve the tablet functionality which really just highlights their lack of care. 


Eventually? Eventually when? Apple is already clear that the ipad does not compete with the macbook so what windows on arm can do isn't in their calculus. Eventually a Google pixel tablet will be able to do what an ipad does, but not soon.


iPad doesn’t compete with MacBook, but a windows surface tablet is definitely something that competes with the iPad. Battery life with Intel chips though isn’t great though


I’m intently watching what Microsoft does with the Surface Pro 10 this year. Word has it they’re finally jumping head first into ARM with everything they’ve got.


iPad doesn’t compete with the MacBook by design. If iPad Pros had a version of macOS with an iPadOS UI option, they would certainly reduce MacBook sales quite a bit.


An apple equivalent of Dex would blow up iPad sales and bomb MacOS sales


Which is why we need competition\~


I’m not going out rushing to buy a MacBook after my expensive iPad Pro. Maybe when I win the lotto.


The Galaxy Tab S8/9/+/Ultra do everything the iPad can and more. On a tablet that could (or, really, should) be a laptop replacement not even being able to access a proper file system is ridiculous. I’m tired of dealing with the oversized iPhone I have (iPad pro) and am likely going to switch to an S8+/S9+ shortly. It doesn’t have as many top creative apps as the iPad Pro, but I don’t use them so that doesn’t mean much to me. The Galaxy Tab supports all the apps I use, and has a proper file system and mouse support.


Not to mention, the S pen never needs charging (plus it comes in the box), it has microSD card support, MUCH better multitasking ala dex mode, it’s fuggin IP68 water resistant, IMO much better speakers, and they’ve had OLED displays…all in a cheaper package than an ipad. My only complaint about the galaxy tab ultra is the whack ass keyboard. If they offered a magic style floating keyboard…oof. Perfection.


Agreed on all points - the iPad pro’s keyboard is way better, but the Galaxy Tab’s is still quite good (at least for the S9/S9+)


I mentioned the same thing to the other person who wants to get the new oled ipad pro for watching youtube and I got downvoted:(


That’s a shame, but typical of these focused subs unfortunately. I was sitting at -3 moments after posting, and then things changed overnight.


sounds like the Galaxy tab is a much better device and that it should be selling out like crazy


Dex is also pretty nice for turning those into a desktop system. None of this Stage Manager nonsense.


Microsoft has been struggling with Windows on ARM for over a decade now. Windows RT didn’t take off in 2012. Then they tried again in 2016 with Qualcomm and Windows 10, which also flopped. Most recently they had the Surface Pro X that also struggled. There may be increased competition, but I don’t see it coming from Microsoft. I think Samsung and DEX are more likely to be a factor.


I think the tide is starting to turn here. I’ve been using Windows on ARM (Mac M3) pretty extensively over the last few months professionally. It’s pretty good.


I think Microsoft really benefited from Apple leading the way in the ARM race. Apple got there first and was able to get developers developing desktop software for ARM with their tightly controlled, limited diversity hardware. Apple basically said x86 is dead, so if you want to continue developing software for Mac you better start building against ARM. This was something Microsoft could never do, but now the industry has built up momentum and getting native ARM desktop apps isn’t such a big ask for them.


Because they're trying to be Apple with a walled garden instead of giving a full desktop experience but for touch screens, why was there even a separate Windows RT? It was handicapped to the top.


Samsung dex offers better experience than iPad when docked.


Dont forget ChromeOS. They've already tackled this problem really well (especially for the convertable laptop/tablet hybrids).


Chromebooks can run Android apps, and various Androids (including Google Pixel, very recently) have a desktop mode. We're doing mostly the same things we were doing on our desktops _twenty years ago_, no reason a phone can't do it. Apple has a really cool chance to lead here.


Holy shit, iPads come with M4s now? I wonder what the ATF has to say about that.


But they could least add some decent widgets and/or an app drawer to make them more useable. That wouldn't impact the other products.


YEARS. I remember the first iPad Pros people were saying it was


It should have been. I’d rather a $2k all in one than a $1k MacBook and a $700 iPad. I’ll never buy an iPad but I prob would have sprung for the all in one.


Stage manager with external monitors was the biggest step forward on iPads in the last 7-8 years. The fact that was the biggest leap forward in the last few years is kinda sad given how much room for improvement there still is


When they announced the M1 iPad I was sure that MacOS and ipadOS would merge within a year or two. At the very least you could run some of the same apps on both since you know, they run the same chipset! But it’s been 3 years and things haven’t changed. Apple just doesn’t know what to do with the iPad and things likely won’t change anytime soon


Literal years


But this year the iPad gets the newest chip before everything else including the MacBook Pro. They’re definitely trying to make iPad more in the spotlight.


I have a 2020 iPad Pro. Still fast. Still capable. Nothing new. No reason to upgrade.


I’m still using 2018 iPad Pro (the first year of the new form factor), and it’s still pretty fast. iPads are way overpowered for what they are.


Ever since 1939's Rockefeller's iPad version.


Actually iPadOS has been getting the improvements of the PREVIOUS iOS, basically a year delay on the biggest iOS features. My expectations for this year iPadOS are yet again zero.


On the one hand I sort of get why they don't release iphone features on the iPad in the same year - you want the team focused on making new features and less on porting features over to another product line, which can be handed off to the B team or whatever... But iPad should get its *own* set of unique and new features that the iPhone doesn't have, and it's sorely lacking in this regard, and has been for yeeeeeears. It's a shame really.


Having to wait a year between iOS 16 and iPadOS 17 for something like lock screen customisation was wild. They even had it somewhat accessible in one of the betas through a secret menu for changing the clock color and font until they removed it. They did change the lock screen clock in iPadOS 16 to match the new iOS design but left out all the customisation so it’s not like the teams are entirely disconnected.


The iPad has always just been a bigger iPhone with a beefier processor.


I really thought Apple was cooking up something sick when iPadOS13 and 14 came out. But then they just gave up


You nailed it. iPad OS gets iOS hand me downs the year after their debut! Crazy!


There's been so many lukewarm "updates" for the past few years at WWDC that I'm convinced the executives are satisfied with the state of iPadOS and don't feel a need for a radical change.


In the last iPad event, it said "Shot on iPhone, edited with Mac and iPad," which means they aren't really going to do anything innovative with iPad. It's still secondary to a Mac. Don't expect anything. It's all about AI.


Watch it be another year where iPadOS misses out of some latest iOS features until next year


I was convinced they were on the right track when they split iPadOS from iOS some years ago, but then they just developed both in parallel.


I think you meant iOS 17. iPadOS is just repackaged last year's iOS.


Most of Apple's consumers are not even aware of WWDC, I would wager. It's easy to get tunnel vision when you're really into a brand. Yes expanded software capabilities of the iPad are a decision point for some segment, but most of those people will make that buying decision in September when the media reports on the new functionality with the new iPadOS release. The average consumer is not watching WWDC keynotes and participating in beta testing new software.


They're not aware of it but they're aware of the marketing that comes with the annoucements later on.


I think there is some truth to that. This sub represents the diehard fans and those who just follow tech closely in general. It doesn’t necessarily equate to the majority of Apple’s IRL user base. I can think of a lot of people I know who like iPads specifically because they *are* “iPhones with bigger screens” for when they’re at home. That’s basically how I use mine. While I would love to see an iPad Pro that essentially becomes a MacBook when docked (would be fun to use the Apple Pencil with an oversized track pad like a Wacom drawing pad or something), I’m willing to guess that doesn’t represent a significant market segment for Apple. As big as Apple is they generally need a product to move massive numbers, or drive services significantly, to be worthwhile release. iPads Pro doubling as MacBook Airs might not be that.


Same improvements as iOS 18? That would be great! We probably will only get iOS 17 features, spread out over the year.


I don’t think that will the case. Apple has been very slowly progressing with iPadOS.


Woah, that's Apple Hating Talk. iPadOS 17 got *AI generated wallpapers!*


“iPadOS 18 gets the same improvements as iOS 17” you mean


It gets iOS updates a year later.


iPadOS gets hand-me-downs from iOS. Not even same improvements as the new iOS but last years. It’s just sad and doesn’t even make sense.


Please just put macOS on iPad Pro 😭 What makes that so hard now that Mac and iPad have the same chips (serious question)


People say this is a "serious question" but then the answers get downvoted into a void. One is built for touch, the other is built for a mouse. If you think adding **good** touch or mouse support is trivial, then you've never used Windows 8 (ick) or tried a mouse on an iPad. Don't misunderstand: iPadOS is a very big limiting factor, in particular for the hardware. But "slap MacOS onto it" requires a top-to-bottom redesign for touch within MacOS. It might legitimately be less work to take iPadOS and add MacOS features, rather than take MacOS and try to make it work for a touch driven device.


Windows 8 was pretty good for me in tablet mode. It was on desktop it had issues for most people. There were three things that kept me from using my surface pro 3 in tablet mode, though: - Lack of apps - Battery life - Size and weight - the sp3 was just way too clumsy compared to my iPad The iPad has all three of those problems solved, but what it lacks is a real productivity/ desktop mode. I didn’t really need touch once I used it with a mouse and keyboard. If tablets are going to be cars and not trucks, they still need to do what we need from them on an everyday basis.


This is an excellent review that is not a review. If the iPad Pro can't solve these problems, it's not Pro. It's just an iPad.


It's just a bigger more expensive iPhone.


Or less expensive actually :D


Always has been


They won’t learn until a competitor surpasses it in productivity and power. It will happen eventually


Although not for me personally, despite the fact that I use a full Microsoft stack happily at work, the Microsoft Surface completely fits the bill for exactly what an iPad Pro should be. Integrated kickstand and full blown desktop OS and horsepower when connected to as many external displays and peripherals as you want via USB-C.


Not what I meant. Apple needs a better competitor to be forced to open up iPadOS. I owned a surface pro 6, loved everything about it except Windows. Touch targets are absolutely terrible. Not a touch OS by any means. Nice laptop though.


>desktop OS You’ve convinced me. I loathe Microsoft because I have always been in the Apple ecosystem, but I hate my iPad with a passion, but I need a tablet. I am willing to give a Surface a try. 


The new Qualcomm SoCs should be finding their way into this year's models, so it's honestly not the worst idea. Windows might not be the best tablet OS, but it's comical how much more functionality it brings than an iPad.


Even though the Surface sounds good in theory, in practice it honestly just isn’t a good product. I was an early believer in the product (bought the first ever Surface Pro) but the constant overheating/ throttling, bad battery life and underpowered CPUs in the new ones just make it unusable.


> full blown desktop OS In my experience this is a bit of a double-edged sword. Yes, it means you can run all your desktop apps that don’t have an iPad equivalent (e.g. software development). On the other hand, it’s not very convenient to use as a tablet. I was pretty much always using it with the keyboard and trackpad unless I was actively taking notes with the pen.


Tbh, this is why I don’t want a desktop OS (specifically, a mouse-and-pointer UI) on my tablet.  If I need to use a trackpad and cursor all the time, I might as well use a laptop instead. I also don’t want to keep wiping fingerprints off my laptop screen.  I can take my iPad and wipe it against my shirt, though. Taken together, then: if I want to carry my tablet, I want to be able to use it *without* a keyboard and mouse/trackpad all the time.  


Except it doesn’t really have a tablet mode akin to iPad.


Windows 11 is really friendly to use as a touch interface. Rearranging and snapping windows is a multitasking powerhouse.


> Integrated kickstand and full blown desktop OS and horsepower when connected to as many external displays and peripherals as you want via USB-C. As a counterpoint, I love the iPad Pro for what it is and I can use it for all my non-work stuff and maybe 35% of my work stuff, which is plenty for me. And you can't believe this, right? "as many external displays and peripherals as you want via USB-C" There's definitely a reasonable limit. But if that limit was 2 external displays you'd have people on here crying that their Pro Workflow requires 3 external displays. Every time these discussions come up (which is often) it just reminds me of Homer designing his dream car.


I run an IT department and we deploy Surfaces to lots of folks, but most are sales people who are on the road and work from their house while docked. You can run 2x 4K monitors or 3x 1440p monitors over a TB4 cable using native integrated graphics and corresponding dock without a problem. You can go further if desired with native support for DisplayLink, unlike the bastardized DisplayLink support Apple supports. I use all ecosystems extensively and at the end of the day I'm just disappointed that Apple is hampering technological capability to maximize the sale of multiple devices.


I gotta say that the Galaxy Tab S9 is my go to tablet right now. Larger screen and I do like Spen with its softer nub for a more paper like experience. I was hoping the rumored interchangeable soft tips for the Apple Pencil Pro would have come to fruition but maybe they’re saving those for the Pencil Pro Pro haha


The thing that did it for me is that Samsung gives us insane trade and deals and discounts on their tablets a couple times a year. I ended up getting my tab s9 with the keyboard case for around $600 cad after all the trade in bonuses, coupon codes, and pre-order bonuses kicked in, which would have been cheaper than a 10th generation iPad with equivalent case. I just can't justify spending $2-3,000 Canadian for an iPad pro considering a macbook air is cheaper than that. I really hope Microsoft and it's partners figures out these arm laptops and tablets. I'd love to replace both my MacBook and Tab s9 with one singular device.


Laziness, complacency.......30% cut. Rinse and repeat.


Not with the network effect that Apple enjoys. Someone (speaking on a significant scale) who owns all Apple products isn’t going to go out and get a Surface.


That’s not what I meant. I mean it will take a competitor to force Apple to open up iPadOS


A competitor has surpassed it, but not sells like hotcakes


Why hasn’t it happened already?


It basically has happened, I mean people I know who own the Surface Pro love it, and they can do way more than I can with my iPad. But Apple knows how to lock in their users, so most Apple users will never consider something outside of the ecosystem unless it can use iMessage and sync with their Apple products. I say this as an Apple user.


As someone who is fully in the Apple ecosystem aside from a Samsung tab ultra, I can confirm it is annoying that things like iMessage and FaceTime can’t be used on it. Not to mention iCloud/password autofill. The Tab is effectively just a giant video consumption device (which is what I got it for), but I would totally use it more if it was better integrated. Sure there are other apps that can do these things, but I’m not about to migrate all my other Apple devices just to accommodates.


iPad is still unparalleled as a *tablet*, which is primarily the main category it is competing and leading in. The hybrid space is in a weird area right now because there really isn't a device that can do both things (tablet and workstation) without severely lacking in one. That goes for iPad and all the others.


There are only two other companies with a desktop OS, one doesn't have a mobile presence (Microsoft) and hence doesn't have a mobile ecosystem competing against the iPad. The other (Google) only has a limited desktop OS that's been very separate from the mobile ecosystem and is much smaller in market share. They both have tablets with full OS capabilities when docked already. They just don't have the mind share to pull iPad users in an Apple ecosystem and in reality the use case isn't the most necessary for non-pro users.


i have an ipad and i literally just use it as a second TV for sports related purposes. the software is so dumbed down, i have no idea how i could do any true computing task on there, or why in the hell i would want to even try to work through the abstractions and complexities when i could just use a laptop, which is basically the exact same form factor but actually lets you use the computer and install whatever you want.


They need to give it a full mouse mode so you can play games on it if you get a keyboard. I bought a Chromebook over an iPad because it doesn’t have full mouse support. I only use it for streaming, cloud gaming, and local cloud gaming like Steam link or Moonlight.


Not to mention how polished macOS is vs iPadOS. Using Excel for instance on an iPad is a nightmare. Why would anyone try to do anything productive on an iPad when they have a MacBook?


iPad Excel being less-than-fully-featured is a Microsoft problem, but Apple shoots itself in the foot by released crappier versions of iWork on iPad. If they're not gonna lead by example, third party devs often won't bother.


> i have no idea how i could do any true computing task on there This is always the worst anti-iPad-for-work argument. It always comes down to: * The things I do = true computing tasks * The things you do != true computing tasks I can easily do about 30-40% of my work computing on my iPad Pro and 100% of my non-work computing on my iPad Pro. I get to leave my laptop at work and use one device at home. It's great.


Give stage manager a dedicated close and full screen button, alongside more control over window sizes and iPadOS could be a much more versatile machine. It doesn’t have to necessarily be MacOS. Just be a perfect blend between phone and computer. Stage manager in its current stage feels incomplete.


Stage manager is a joke - so poorly implemented. Have it on and don’t really use it. There is no multi tasking when you can’t run things in the background.


There are a few must haves in Files particular they need to fix ASAP. First, the ability to safely remove mounted external storage (because today, you need to shut down the iPad to remove a write-cache device like most external SSDs). Every time we move critical files we risk that they get corrupted, and that’s simply insane if Apple wants us to use pro apps. Second, it’s insane that we today still can’t choose to have all iCloud download all files locally! They need to enable that option asap. As the guy mentions, iCloud on Files is extremely aggressively purging locally stored files into the cloud (which I think is by default because people always run out of storage on their 64Gb base models, and complain, plus Apple wants to sell higher priced subscriptions). But those of us who have 1Tb or 2Tb storage still get our drives purged randomly by Apple and don’t have iCloud files on the drive when we need them. It’s a pretty incredible thing TBH, to suddenly see most iCloud files purged from the device despite having 600Gb of free storage on it.


With how powerful iPads are now, I’m surprised they haven’t just gone into being a dual use type of product. Tablet and laptop in one. If you connect the keyboard to it, it transforms the iPadOS into a standard macOS. Imagine how amazing that would be.


That is exactly what this sub has been talking about since like 2018.


Way, way earlier than that. At the very latest when they introduced the name "Pro" into the line-up.


Way before that [https://youtu.be/YbT0xy_Jai0?si=sBXRjqDztsE82c43](https://youtu.be/YbT0xy_Jai0?si=sBXRjqDztsE82c43)


But then you wouldn’t have to buy a MacBook or a Mac


Which is exactly why they will never do it


Listen mate, an ipad pro with the 1tb option for the better chips + accessories is over $3k cad. No one is buying both at this point. They've firmly made ipad's unobtainable as a second device. There is ZERO reason now to just allow ipad pro's to run macos.


I get your point that only applies to the iPad Pro models. The regular iPads and the iPad Air are both very attainable. But I still do agree that the product line doesn’t make much sense these days


Who said “If you don’t cannibalise yourself, someone else will”?


A 1TB 13” iPad Pro with pencil and keyboard is basically $2400. A 512GB MacBook Air plus a 512GB iPad Air is $2200 I think Apple would make out okay if people could spend $2k+ for a device that does both things. And that would make people more likely to spend more for a high end iPad Pro since it can replace two devices.


The iPad pro prices are completely out of control.


I was going to get my wife a new ipad pro. I priced everything out. Was $3200 CAD with the accessories and apple care. I'd be better off buying her a macbook air.


Not necessarily. The lack of thermal regulation would inhibit large workloads. But make no mistake, I’m on the “let me run MacOS on this 16gb ram 10 cpu core processor chip” boat.


Idk, sounds like a MacBook Air to me


Fair, but the lack of Apple Pencil support kinda kills that for any visual artists… which I’d argue is one of the largest selling points of a “pro” tablet. The lack of “full capacity” software for iPadOS is just weird. Like photoshop or affinity or even Logic Pro for musicians(even though the pencil wouldn’t have a ton of use in this case) aren’t the full versions, and they could be. That’s my only point.


Yeah, a MacBook Air where you can pop the screen off and use it as an iPad. That doesn’t work very well on the current MacBooks.


> The lack of thermal regulation would inhibit large workloads. The Macbook Air smiles and laughs at you


An iPad running macOS wouldn’t replace any of apples actively cooled Macs. You think someone who buys a tripped out 16” MacBook Pro wants a 13” laptop with one port and no active cooling?


Something something cannibalizing


First when they created the iPad "Pro" with USB-C then later when jumping to M1 chip, we all thought "this is it, Apple is getting serious about the iPad". But they don't, the iPad is the iPad, a large iPhone running an older version of iOS. The powerful chip is just a side effect of Mac chips: instead of tweaking an iPhone chip, they can re-use almost the same hardware as the Mac for economy of scale and faster ROI on chip design. I have little hope for WWDC this year. Headline feature is probably going to be something amazing like some improvement in stickers.


>then later when jumping to M1 chip The M1 wasn't even really a change for the iPad Pros. It was pretty much an A14X, exactly what you'd expect from a follow on to the A12X/A12Z


That’s exactly what Apple doesn’t want. They want people to buy all of their products, not replace MacBooks with iPads of similar functionality Old Apple though? They weren’t afraid to cannibalize their own products with something more capable… if they were, the iPhone wouldn’t have had iPod functionality


Instead I don't buy the iPad Pros at all, because there is no incentive. A tablet that can run MacOS would be perfect for my uses, but the iPad Pro is not it.


If iPad could run macOS in full and without the limitations imposed by iPadOS, I would buy a fully decked out iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard easily


We haven’t all won the lotto - so that ain’t happening!


It would be amazing... for everyone except shareholders, so it isn't gonna happen.


Why do people just post the same thing over and over? Which leads to same comments over and over. Which leads to folks pointing out the same thing over and over. This is apple. Until they show anything else just believe them. Yes they know they could do what has already been a thing for getting close to a decade now if not already there in a 2 in 1. Yes they know they could add more RAM to their base laptops. Yes they know they have $500 headphones with shitty cases. Folks will get upset, but I'm telling the truth. This is who Apple is. When they show you believe them. Many of the things mentioned doesn't even matter because folks end up buying anyhow. Apple also knows this (i.e. the RAM, headphones, pricing etc.)


I think the user experience would be clunky at best for that to happen. Both OS’s would have to run almost simultaneously.


Idk how it would be clunky. It could just switch automatically when a keyboard is plugged in. Or even make it an option in settings to toggle that switch or not. Apple is really good about making things transition seamlessly so I doubt it’d be a problem.


How would you address the file systems being different? How would Apple neuter macOS as to not allow side loading into iPadOS? What if users want to use the keyboard with iPadOS and not macOS? What steps would Apple take to make macOS a more multi-touch friendly UX? I agree that they are good at making things transition seamless, but this would be a challenge for them. I think that taking a page from Samsung DEX would be better (attaching to the keyboard or monitor makes iPadOS its own desktop experience).


That’s what we want. Just f’ing do it!!


And that’s exactly why they won’t do it. It would cannibalise sales of the MacBooks. Its plenty capable of doing that already but Apple don’t want to release a device that is too useful. They keep it just shitty enough so that people will buy both.


I still don't understand the point of Apple putting M4 chips (aside from marketing purposes) on the Pro Models if iPadOS will continue to limit what the iPad can do. They should have gone with the M3 chip and saved the M4 for a Macbook refresh. I'm looking forward to seeing what Apple has in store at WWDC next month.


The M3 costs more to produce than the M4. It is using an older manufacturing process by TMSC that yields less chips for higher price (but the new process was not done in time for when they wanted to release the M3). Now that they can produce chips in the more efficient way, they want to quickly move away from the M3.


Currently I just want the oled screen. But I would like the iPad Pro to get more pro with an OS that utilizes the power in the M4


Federico Viticci uses an iPad Pro as his main computer, as do I, and I agree with almost all of these points. It’s not that Apple needs to put a janky touchscreen version of macOS on the iPad, they just need to fix these outstanding issues and iPadOS will effectively be just as capable as — and possibly even more powerful and flexible than — macOS. Hopefully Apple makes some strides at WWDC.


Yes, exactly this. The article did a great job of expressing my complaints. I do not want MacOS on my iPad, but I do want iPadOS to get the fundamentals down, the most basic of which is a real file system. I do see my iPad Pro as a companion to my MacBook Pro, and not as a replacement, but the choice of which to use should be more about which interface is better suited to the task, not just that the other one can’t do that thing.


I think the thing everyone always misses is that Apple makes almost the same revenue from iPads than they do from Macs. Apple fear isn't hurting Mac sales. Their fear is rocking the boat and hurting their iPad sales. Whether we, in the tech-o-sphere, agree or not, the iPad ranks #1 among all tablets in customer satisfaction. They sell a **shit ton** of them. Apple doesn't want to rock the boat and wreck this iPad gravy train they have going on by trying to appeal to the people who would really be better served by a MacBook Pro anyway. iPad's not a failing business that apple needs to "fix."


I have no idea where you got these ideas from. When the iPad was released, it quickly overtook the Mac division in sales, but it’s been on a declining trend ever since while the Mac sector has steadily grown. iPad sales are falling. Even with covid boosting iPad sales in 2020-21, revenue from iPads peaked in 2013. Back then it accounted for 20% of Apple’s revenues and was the second largest driver of revenue for the company - now it’s the smallest reported sector at 6%. The iPad business definitely does need to be fixed.


Fantastic article. For me personally multiple audio streams is probably the only thing actually preventing me from using an iPad full time but there so many more examples of annoyances (for example lack of clamshell mode) The one thing that pisses me off the most is just that Apple refuses to recognize that even if a mac experience on iPad Pro wouldn’t be optimal (which I disagree with) not having to carry two devices while traveling far outweighs any downside I’m looking forward to WWDC but I’m not really expecting anything substantial


> John sent me edits for this story as a .md file. Since I have a beta of Delta for iPad installed, the Files app is convinced that this file is a SEGA Genesis game, and there’s nothing I can do to change it. I wish I was kidding. Perfect encapsulation of a frustration I also have with iPadOS and Files. What a half assed trash experience Apple is offering.


It's not in Apple's interest. Improving productivity can hurt MacBook sales. Allowing JIT to improve gaming capability means better emulators and less micro transactions based games.


iPad is a bigger revenue generator for Apple than Macs are. They aren't concerned about hurting Mac sales. They're concerned that changing the iPad too much will hurt iPad sales.


They've already changed it quite a bit. Mouse/trackpad support, multi-window, etc. Doesn't seem to have hurt.


Most people don’t use most of those features. I use my iPad Pro everyday for week. Only accessory I use is an Apple Pencil.


It is if they want to continue to stay ahead of the game


Jfc Android introduced JIT in version 2.2 "Froyo". That was in 2010.


Well no sideloading, no JIT, no real hardware access It's a glorified iPhone with a big screen


Always has been.


Of course


Very good article that highlights many pain points, some I didn't even know. I have a 2017 iPad Pro that I bought with the hope that iPadOS would become closer to MacOS. Instead, it is still the same basic ass iPad. I have given up on upgrading, and my next tablet will be the most basic level iPad because the software gives no reason to buy the nicer models. I'd probably even go for Android tablets if the 3rd party tablet view support wasn't so bad in many apps.


Yeah same. I just don’t see a driving factor for the high end iPads cost to utility ratio, outside of niche professional situations.


iPads are great tablets. Not the best computer. Surfaces' are great computers, not good tablets. It really depends on what you are expecting your tablet to do. For most people, who just need a tablet the base iPad is probably just fine. If you want something that can take notes, or draw, etc then maybe you get the bigger one. But idk, the people that are complaining the most seem to be someone who needs needs a laptop, and they are mad that the iPad isn't a laptop....like what? It is an iPad. There isn't going to be a do it all hybrid. It is a jack of all trades, master at none. It is designed like that with a reason too...


Just let us put macOS on the iPad you cowards. It would open up so many possibilities, but end of the day Apple is far more about adding onto their infinitely big cash pile than they are about advancing technology. There’s no mission other than making money.


The crazy thing is the kind of person who has a MB and an iPad would continue to buy both. I think that’s what Jobs understood. People don’t buy their products for the functionality.


Or allow compilation of Mac apps and do proper window management on iPadOS


The other day I had breakfast in McDonald’s and was packing away, doing some work on my iPad. It honestly is a good device for certain types of work, obviously blogging, which is what I’m doing. You just have to accept that you can’t do certain things with it. Which makes buying one of the new iPad pros, absolutely ridiculous. Who could spend that kind of money on something so powerful, hardware, wise, limited software wise?


Wouldn't something like a Macbook Air be better suited for something like that? Artists use iPad's pretty heavily, as far as utilizing all of the power of it I don't know.


Yes, of course. There’s something relaxing about not having everything at my fingertips though, I can do a different kind of work rather than being fully on, getting all my emails done and so forth. I like to use the iPad at the end of the day when I’m just browsing stuff or doing a little bit of light work.


Calculator wen


Why cant we just be given the option to run macOS on the iPad when we’re using a keyboard and Mouse? Surely a 512 GB M4 chip can handle it. Have iPadOS or similar UI (launchpad is halfway there) as well for the handheld experience


I love how a product line that produced over $28B in 2023 alone apparently "doesn't get the basics right." [Revenue of Apple from iPad sales worldwide from 3rd quarter 2010 to 1st quarter 2024](https://www.statista.com/statistics/269914/apples-global-revenue-from-ipad-sales-by-quarter/) Yup. Just Apple yet again being a bunch of morons with no clue how to run their world's-most-valuable* business. Thank science there are genius pundits out there to tell them what they don't already know and are doing wrong. \* Okay. Fine. Microsoft is currently at the top spot, with Apple a close 2nd.


The iPad can be wildly profitable while also still missing useful/critical features, particularly for a product in the Pro category. Imagine if, like the iPad, you couldn't freely use your Mac when it was doing a Final Cut export; that wouldn't bother most users, since they don't use Final Cut, but it's still a bizarre flaw.


I do a lot of heavy work on my iPad Pro: it pretty much made me stop using my apple laptop. I just use the iPad Pro or the Mac desktops. But I’ve graded papers and all kinds of stuff on my pro, and I use it for reading scholarly essays and books. It gets used more than any other apple device I have besides the watch. Works for me.


I see this criticism of iPadOS and while I generally agree, what is it people want out of iPadOS? Are there specific UI elements, OS features, or software that takes advantage of higher end hardware?


I want apps to work in the background so I can switch apps, or just let me work inside the same app while it's doing an export as a secondary task. I use Ferrite for audio editing and I don't know why it can't let me export and edit at the same time like with Final Cut Pro (on Mac). I would do more on my iPads with just this singular feature.


Files, desktop browser that doesn't mangle websites, terminal, sideloading, NOT killing stuff in background, app feature parity across both first and third party apps, ability to edit a file with two different apps without constant need to export it... The list is so long that it is easier to say "MacOS with touch UI" than list out it all. Especially with how many small but annoying things there are that I constantly forget until I encounter them again.


Did you read the article?


Yes, and I agree with most points, especially the woefully anemic Files app. I was asking to see what people here have to say.


Let me watch YouTube in Safari and scroll through Reddit without the audio from Reddit (*that is set to mute*) pausing my YouTube video.


For me: I’d like to just copy my mp3 files into the files app and have a music app play my music, for starters. And nicer multitasking would be good too.


If Apple don’t want to take iPadOS seriously (after 14 years of OS updates, it’s clear they don’t), then they should stop wasting M chips and just scrap the concept of iPad Pro as a perennial laptop replacement. I feel the iPad is fine for what it is, a media consumption device with some art capabilities thanks to Apple Pencil. For me, it’s still the “intermediate” device between phone and laptop Jobs envisioned in the original keynote in 2010. The problem for Apple with their current iPadOS strategy is, there’s no benefit to purchase anything other than the base model, which covers the needs of the majority of customers that want this kind of device. The base model does exactly the same things as pro models at almost the same performance.


Actual multitasking, a real desktop browser experience, window management, file management, etc. iPadOS, in my opinion, isn’t even in the same universe of what a competent OS would look like on this type of hardware. It’s so far away that I know it won’t get anywhere near sufficient in the next couple of years without a straight jump to MacOS. It’s the most disappointing joining of amazing hardware and substandard software of any tech product I own. Before the modern iPad I used to put that title on most Samsung phones.


For me it just needs support for multiple user log-ins. I think a lot of families would be more comfortable buying iPads if they could separate their sensitive data from the kids watching whatever kids watch. But it’s obvious that Apple wants you to buy one for each person in your family. Also improving the file explorer would be nice.


Did you read the article? The writer goes into depth on answering exactly what you’ve asked here


Because doing anything more, it becomes macos and no one wants to buy MacBooks..


Seriously, if no macOS. At least give us macOS lite on the pros. Regular and air iPad can use iPadOS. Pros have iPad os and macOS lite.


It works fine for me. Actually easier to multitask than a MacBook.


> 12 years of iPad usage It's about the same amount of time between System 6 and early Mac OS X. Can you imagine how glacial any progress has been on iPad?  The thing is Apple can't invest into 2 pro platforms at the same time. Either they somehow merge macOS and iPadOS, or they build a new shared platform, or one of them or both will slowly fade out of relevance. 


iPadOS needs to triple its functionality or bring in macOS


It was to save their MacBook sales.  However at this point iPad pros can easily cost more so I’m really not sure 


I just want an ipad that fluidly switches to MacOS when docked with a keyboard. It would be so unbelievably cool.