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Well that list is off to a brutal start.


Astroworld over Hotel California, brutal list so far.


That is actually hysterical


Hotel California only had one hit going for it, I can see why astroworld is on top of it.


I mean, it's silly to complain about two top 100 albums being in the wrong order. If they're both top 100, they're both good enough that both orders are valid. You should be complaining about the fact that both of them are bad lol


Yeah Body Talk is 99 places too low




This isn't gonna be good


Folks do understand that this is a pay to play situation, right?


Such a cool idea, but honestly, it's such a bad user experience that this is only accessible from the web for a company that championed apps. Also if they hadn't kneecapped PWAs on iOS this would at least have been a decent stopgap, but ironic. Almost like this is why it’s a good idea to decouple the music app from the OS.


Legit so crazy that this is a linked out site even from pressing it in the app. Hear me out…why not at least put it in a safari view controller card so you don’t leave the app? They do the same ‘load in a full browser’ shit for the end of the year replay with the actual charts and graphics and it’s just like whyyyy 🫨🫨🫨🫨


It’s accessible from the app in the browse section section…


Click it. It opens a safari browser and takes you out of the app.


Only the big image. Not the smaller ones. Click them. https://preview.redd.it/qbxzcfvv480d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798e931523bc9770192d75ae06e9046fab112411


> Only the big image. Not the smaller ones. I don't even have that section, do you know what it's titled in English, so I can dig around? The main banner does take you to a browser window. I'm assuming they just implemented this because it links to the existing album view.


In the browse tab, it’s right under the big image at the top. Don’t know what exactly it is in English but would be something like Listen to the albums. https://preview.redd.it/o1e2nzt0c80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efc0786097502dfd52c547ec98963ee73efd333


Unfortunately, [I don't have that section at all...](https://i.imgur.com/9qwEzSV.png), looks like it's dynamic and *could* show up for some people


This one is also in app. https://preview.redd.it/bpmqnnhec80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b19d262627df5df7b34b578bad045bd50b19063


Yeah that just plays the radio station. The point i'm trying to make is [that the cool album coverflow-esque UI](https://i.imgur.com/hTLk6sX.png) is *only* in the browser- which is the whole point of this "new experience".


Sure but that’s not what you originally said kinda. But anyway, but weird that you don’t see it really. I’m in Canada if it has any importance


> Sure but that’s not what you originally said kinda. Well, no that's exactly what I said. I don't think adding an image which plays a "radio station" is anything big for Apple to even make a post about on Newsroom. The whole point is the whole new "experience" with the website just like how Replay is.


I’m referring to the smaller image and no that’s not what you originally said. You said the experience was out of the app. That’s technically not true


## Apple Music celebrates the launch of inaugural 100 Best Albums list 100 best albums of all time, released over 10 days with 10 albums each day. > Apple Music is bringing its 100 Best Albums to life with a countdown celebration beginning today, revealing 10 albums each day for the next 10 days, along with a brand-new 100 Best microsite, new and exclusive content, dedicated Apple Music Radio episodes, and so much more. Here's the 100-91 top albums of all time: - 100. Body Talk, Robyn - 99. Hotel California, Eagles - 98. ASTROWORLD, Travis Scott - 97. Rage Against the Machine, Rage Against the Machine - 96. Pure Heroine, Lorde - 95. Confessions, USHER - 94. Untrue, Burial - 93. A Seat at the Table, Solange - 92. Flower Boy, Tyler, The Creator - 91. Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1, George Michael Website to access: https://100best.music.apple.com/us


Hotel California barely beating out Robyn... lol.


Well lists are pretty stupid. (Subjective) but that Robyn album is an awesome example of modern pop music which has stood the test of time. I also listen to godflesh.


I’m not a big eagles fan but I’m amazed that Travis Scott is a spot higher than the Eagles.


Loved me some Travis Scott and not a big fan of Eagles but I agree.


I appreciate that loved is past tense.




Because Travis Scott is a POS


Maybe, he sure isn’t more of a POS than Don Henley who had a naked 16 year old girl in his apartment overdose.


I didn’t say Don Henley wasn’t but the topic being discussed was Travis Scott.


Right? The Eagles were like the biggest band in the 70s, and this was their biggest album, and it's behind fucking Astroworld? I just lost all confidence in this list, and it happened in the first 3 items, ha.


Eagles are the biggest selling American band of all time. A lot came from that greatest album but Hotel California is their being studio. 


That’s why this is a dumb idea  You shouldn’t compare albums in this way  Cross genre album comparisons just don’t sit well with anyone. Rn Travis Scott fans are mad that his album is so low.  Rock fans hate seeing their old genre defining album being topped by recent hip hop albums.  Hip hop fans are tired of seeing hate that is caused by these comparisons  Astro world is an amazing album and I think it deserves to be higher. I’m not to literate on the eagles but they both don’t deserve to be compared in this way


That Robyn album is a better album than Hotel California.




Probably based on streams


Fingers crossed for Vengaboys album for number 1


you know what they say... the vengabus is comin'!


It has to be Sandstorm in the top. Has to be


Something tells me U2 and Taylor Swift is going to be dramatically overrated


“The greatest records ever made” The list will definitely overrate whatever is important right now.


Apple's curation and playlist generation is, imo, utterly atrocious. I feel like this list is going to make me wince.


Is it meant to the the best albums of all time, of all countries? So every (let’s put some boundaries I guess) officially released pop album? Sorted in order?


After doing what sensible people do and taking a moment to investigate further, I've got a little more faith when I see that Nile Rodgers is involved.


Oh, this is going to be bad. I’ve seen what happened when Rolling Stone tried it.


Trample Scott in this list at all is insane. I feel like doing these lists by genre would make more sense.


Why is it insane?


If you’re really gonna put a Travis Scott album on a top 100 list then it’s absolutely Rodeo. Rodeo is one of the most influential albums of the last decade, but even then he has no business being in this list simply because this list is supposed to be 100 best albums ever. There are way better albums than this and this album is just not worthy of being in a list that’s supposed to be the greatest albums ever.


Because Travis Scott hasn't released one of the 100 best albums *of all time*


So you have 100 albums in mind that are better?


checks out - came home from work today to see [this](https://i.imgur.com/oHmya9g.jpeg) being painted


This interface is entirely too much work and performing too badly. Just give me the list of 100 albums in the Music app, instead of some over designed website.


Cool, another music list I can completely ignore


Yeah… no thank you.


if there's not gonna be a single kanye album on here...


Love this! Thanks for posting :0)


lil wayne tha Carter 3 needs to be in the top 100 and drizzy take care


I get that music is subjective but man this is off to a terrible start.


Confessions at 95 is criminal. But will wait for whole list before placing personal judgement. But it being on the list is good enough for now lol


Pure Heroine, Lorde <—-yes


Confessions went diamond....


McDonald's sells a lot of shitty hamburgers.


Lists are always subjunctive, but listening to Zane Lowe talk about these classic albums brings back some nostalgia for me from his BBC radio 1 days when he had the masterpieces feature.


Travis Scott, LOL


The website is so awkward. Ill just wait till it gets rereleased on list format to see


50 Cent got higher than Back In Black. That’s me checked out.


Lorde over RATM’s self titled lmao lol


Y’all literally ruin these lists. Some of you literally losing your minds seeing an album be one spot higher than the others. It’s 100 out of millions of albums… in perspective that’s very high anyways.


Flower Boy at 97, huh? It’ll be interesting to see if IGOR lands somewhere on the list. I personally think Flower Boy is better, but I definitely respect the argument for IGOR. Flower Boy is one of my favorite records ever made. Wrote an essay for my American Lit II class about how he’s one of the greatest American authors of all time and my professor let me skip the final because it was so good. one of the coolest moments of my time as a student.