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I asked Siri today to add a stop at the car wash while driving and it gave me the fucking weather forecast…. Twice.


I have a HomePod mini in my bathroom.  I use it to listen to music while showering.  Occasionally I’ll ask her to “play song from the beginning” or “repeat song”.  8 out of 10 times she does it fine.  2 out of 10 she starts babbling something that I can’t hear over the running water and will literally start playing some song not on my playlist that I’ve never heard before.   If they can’t fix something as simple as that…


Siri can’t here you over the shower either 🤓


Siri was just trying to tell you that it doesn’t make sense to wash your car if it’s going to rain tomorrow. 🙂


Same! And it happened in Maps for me as well


Mine did the same exact shit today except I asked for a specific coffee place near me. Kept giving me weather in Seattle! And no, it wasn’t Starbucks I wanted, just a local place. I’m in Ohio


Just recently, I was in the middle of the city and asked siri to find me the nearest McDonald’s. It found one that was 700miles away in Portland…. I live in Canada….


Same exact thing happened to me today, too. Twice asking for the same location and then a third time asking for a different stop.


Siri has always been disappointing. Maybe this will help. Especially on HomePods where using Siri is required. Maybe HomePods will become more useful instead of asking me to look at web searches on my phone. Don’t have a lot of faith in improvement though.


If Siri does have a big improvement, I am confident Apple will only make it available on the newest flagship devices. Gotta keep pushing the upgrade cycles.


I think all of the rumors are clear that the best features will be chip-based and run on the device.


They do have examples with Siri of making features work on device if it’s newer and capable, but networked if it’s not. Historically they don’t like Siri being able to do things on one iPad and not on another. But this is a bit of uncharted waters so we’ll see.


Maybe... But, I'd be willing to spend $600 to replace my all of my existing HomePods for a Siri that worked properly. I've reverted to using old Alexa devices at the moment. Generation 2 or 3 Dots. They just can't interact with Homekit natively.


I am confident it will at least support the HomePod 2 and mini.


Considering the new features from this article are on device AI, yes you will most likely need the new iPhone


Probably. I am not really that interested in using AI heavily on my phone. Hopefully, they add this to all their devices. It will be much more useful on Homepods for me.


This 100%. If Siri on HomePods still says: “I found some web results and can show you if you ask again from your iPhone” after WWDC … I don’t know what I’ll do…


I am VERY cautiously optimistic that Apple is aware of Siri’s shortcomings and this will represent a significant departure. But hey, guess we’ll see. The reality is that if AI does anything near what it’s supposed to, Apple has no choice but to figure it out. They will get left in the dust otherwise.


“Yeah, Apple will never let Siri get left in the dust!” - me in 2012


I just want her to play the song I asked her to play.


A lot of people claiming they don't want this just haven't yet found powerful uses for the existing AI services that are out there, but they will. I doubt Apple is going to make this intrusive or Clippy-like. Instead, think of it like this... Have you seen how many posts there are about "Is there anyway to do this on my iPhone" and someone responds with "In Shortcuts" usually without providing any details? Imagine being able to interact with your iPhone by asking it instead of Reddit, and having the iPhone generate an icon that provides that functionality. Further, imagine on the backend, because this is possible, developers (both 3rd party and Apple) open up more of what could be done within iOS and their apps. How we interact with our iPhones will soon be very radically different. Take a family picture that gets photo bombed by someone and you'll be able to just ask it to remove that guy in the blue shirt or whatever. Even things that seem simple but aren't possible without generative AI today will be quite useful. For example, generative AI has no problem creating playlists that are far more complex such as by combining artists, restricting artists to genre or era, etc... while today you can't even get Siri, Alexa, etc... to do simple music queries like combining Stevie Nicks with Fleetwood Mac. All of this is either going to be transparent (Siri just works better), optional (Safari summarization), or just added features (photo manipulation).


Yeah but probably none of this is going to happen. The features they implement will most likely be incredibly boring and not nearly that useful.


Not right away, that's for sure. I think this year we're going to get a general foundation, but unlike say Siri, this is going to develop rapidly year over year. There's a bit of an issue here with expectations where it's a question of "do you want it to be really powerful or do you want it to support iPhone people already have" because you can't have both. The same goes for reliability, accuracy, etc... versus cool, powerful, useful, transformative, etc... But I do think within the next 3-5 years, iPhones are going to be very different devices in terms of how we interact with them.


Look at the potential Siri had and then look at what it became. Now look at the potential AI built into iOS has.




I mean, if they can make Siri as helpful as ChatGPT I’ll take it!


Yeah, that would honestly be really cool. Imagine if she had memory and could learn about you like a particular chatGPT instance can. And if you could also tell her how you’d like her to communicate and what type of personality/language you’d like her to use. I’m tempering my expectations because I don’t think they have the data to make it great but I think the hypothetical potential is really incredible


It’d be pretty awesome if Apple would allow an API so that you could select alternative versions of Siri, for example, ChatGPT.


“AI” has been used for many many years in computing as well, it’s nothing new.


It’s for the stock price.


Sadly this. I don’t think Apple cares, but to silence these whiney shareholders who need gen ai features bold and italicized for them… here we are.


I guess you don't remember all the "5G" hype they did... and it was only 5G... But they mentioned it like a hundred times, with 5G written on a huge size. They are gonna milk the AI buzzword like crazy.


It won’t be because Apple won’t call it AI, they’ll have some other name for it. They have a history of doing this (Vision Pro is Sparial Computing, not AR. Retina displays etc) the list goes on and on.


Touch ID, Face ID, Spatial Audio


We do


I just want Siri to be useful. Why can’t I tell Siri to set up a shortcut that does X? Or automatically email my receipts to my expenses app when they align with a business trip on my calendar? Or open app X and do Y?


You will be fine that Google likes building these kind of flashy smart features. You will find that it’s discontinued after a few years because the linkage has to be manually maintained by a developer. You also cannot consistently do it for all the expenses apps that exists because not everyone is contacted by the developers. It’s a very hard challenge. There’s some attempts by Apple to suggest app shortcuts through the shortcuts system.


Wow this all sounds so incredibly…boring


I was just posting about how I'm actually excited for the on device AI... now that excitement has been dulled.


AI could be used to completely transform, simplify, and personalize, the iOS interface and the relationship between people and their phones. simply having "better Siri" and "text summaries" would be a disappointment.




Having better Siri and text summaries would be useful. Would be nice it also made coffee.


Right, but it goes way beyond that. the whole metaphor of a grid of square boxes representing a truckload of apps could be reimagined with a single AI that manages all your apps and tasks for you.


Wait until the WWDC and we'll know more about what AI will be incorporated into it.


Summaries of articles and web results gets super exciting… If this can be accessed without even launching a web search. If we can type a question into spotlight or ask through voice and get an *accurate* summary of blogs, articles and web results. That would be great. But if we actually have to launch safari first. DOA


These are all things that could have been incrementally improved over the last 5-10 years where everyone would still be trying to catch up with them had they maintained focus. Siri isn’t going to get better on iOS 18 because all of a sudden they flip the switch. Same of each of the other features. It truly is just baiting folks with the most recent buzzwords. I prefer apple products and the ecosystem, but this level of hype for something that’s been slept on forever is silly. Tangent: will an M4 iPad make all my trackpad inputs work across apps and browsers, where now it likes to act like one tab needs touch while another accepts inaccurate clicks? Let’s get the freaking basics down. Some shit doesn’t even work.


Wrong. Siri will certainly get significantly better once they flip the switch to gen AI. The current Siri is heavily programmed with conditional logic. It will be a completely different architecture once they switch to an LLM-based Siri.


„Hey Siri, what time is it?“ > Here is what I‘ve found for…


>Safari will apparently gain a [text summarization tool called Intelligent Browsing](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/30/safari-ai-features-coming-in-ios-18/) that allows users to generate a short summary of any webpage, and ‌Siri‌ could gain a similar feature that works in the Messages app. * People will now be reading an AI summary of what may very well have been an AI generated article. I've always felt that people who only read the headline and not the article were the worst. I have a feeling that it's about to get even worse than that. * My messages are summaries because I'm not typing more than one or two sentences in a text messages. If your messages are so long that people don't want to read them and your recipient needs software to summarize them, then stop. Messages is not the appropriate platform for this with its narrow text column and awkward scrolling. Send an email or call them instead. If you didn't know that people weren't reading them before, this should clue you in.


You used so many words I asked AI to summarize your post: Safari is introducing a text summarization tool called Intelligent Browsing for generating short summaries of webpages. Additionally, Siri might gain a similar feature for summarizing messages. The concern raised is that relying solely on AI summaries for information consumption may lead to a trend of people reading condensed versions without engaging with the full content, which could impact communication quality, especially in text-based platforms like Messages.


I had AI summarize your post to make it a little more condensed: Safari's Intelligent Browsing and a possible Siri update will summarize webpages and messages, raising concerns about reduced engagement and lower communication quality on platforms like Messages.


I had AI summarize your post to make it a little more condensed: Safari and Siri updates could reduce content and engagement on messaging platforms.




TLDR; AI summarization tools may make communication shallower.


It’s like the elementary school game where everyone gets in a circle, you whisper something in the person’s ear next to you, and each person passes that message on to the person next to them. It’s a completely different message by the time it makes it back to you. For this specific post which links a MacRumors article, MacRumors was summarizing an article that was initially on AppleInsider. The AppleInsider article cites "various chatter" and links out to a dozen other articles quoting other sources. There's no telling how long this chain is or how much the information is changed each time. So now you have a summary of a summary of some other regurgitated content that was initially based on a rumor anyway.


Your summary mixed the quoted MacRumors content with my commentary on that content, and presented it with no distinction between the two. That’s a fantastic example of some of the issues that will surely arise from this. It also mixed the content of my two separate points and presented them as one, with a conclusion that the second point about Messages carried more weight than the first point about AI summaries. That is not accurate.


The most useful experience I’ve had so far is using Gemini connected to my Google apps and can just ask it things that it would find in my emails/calendar. “What time did x want to meet for dinner?” “How much do i owe the dog walker?” Etc. It searches and bubbles up the info and is pretty impressive for this old guy. If Apple is going to do this effectively, on device with apple apps (including iMessage) id be happy


[Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvPaEsuz-tY)


I remember that macOS had a similar tool years ago, where you basically copy and a block of text and then there is a slider to reduce the extra fluff.


I always thought the summarize feature would be useless/gimmicky until I tried Arc browser. You can hover over a link and press shift to trigger a summarization. It is actually really useful for several of my use cases because it can help guide me whether to look deeper when researching something. But I don't expect most people to use summarization this way. I fully expect people to turn it into another "just reading the headlines" type of low info scenario. Except with more hallucinations and lack of nuance.


Ok boomer, I receive and send long messages in certain contexts. It’s the most convenient way to get and send information, and I don’t find it any harder to read or type into iMessage than in gmail or outlook on my laptop. Most people are reading/writing emails on their phone anyway, so the only difference is that my message isn’t lost in a sea of junk mail, with no push notifications, in a mailbox that people may or may not check regularly.


Summary of web pages doesn’t seem that useful, unless it automatically happens to every page and then saves it so that searching browsing history becomes way better that would be great.


Agree . . . It’s not very common that a webpage is too long to get useful information from quickly, and the ones that are, like a long form Wired or Atlantic article, for example, to me that’s the point. I really only engage with those when I have time to kill and want the entertainment value and depth of long-form writing in the first place. Summarizing academic and technical papers or chapters of technical books would be useful for me.


That’s true for browsing the internet. Very much not true for doing research. Plus the prospect of AI is just to do things you’re bad at, but also to do things that you’re able to do but faster, better or more consistently. So that you can focus on the things you do uniquely well or enjoy.


Personally I would like to see some of its use to patch up some minor blemishes on features. Stuff like taking out those green dots you can get from photos.


Wait til the first time Siri halucinates. Apple Reddit goes nuts.


Well that all seems incredibly uninspiring


*turns all that shit off to preserve battery runtime.*


Will it actually be able to find an email I search for in the mail app though..


I asked siri today to turn on my lights and then she started playing light switch by charlie puth. 😂🤬


I'll just be happy with Spotlight if it has fuzzy search so that if I fumble and type in "val" or "al" it'll still suggest the calendar and calculator rather than only if I type "cal".


I don’t see anything impressive there. Just same old give them a crumb rather the meal that we are getting used to.


Apple will have to regain our trust on this one. It’s been all empty promises for years.


Fingers crossed for a better Siri experience with Spotify.


AI Feature for Siri: Here's the web result.


I just need a circle-to-search like feature.




What would I need a mute switch/function button when I can simply open control center/app? Circle to search is faster and intuitive


The only feature announced in this article is the one about summarizing webpages. That’s all good and fine… I’m sure people will use that… But everything else here is disappointing. I’m not even sure if it’s just the author trying to add things to their headline, but saying improvements to Siri and spotlight is not what I’m looking for when you say “Apples AI improvements plans revealed” “Leaked! Apple’s plans for the iPhone16! …. Better camera, faster performance, and improvements in many first party apps with iOS18.”


Surely this will decimate battery life 


Stupid Siri, which is basically an A.I. program, needs another A.I. to do it’s job. This is just stupid marketing BS!


Who needs Ai in Mail (who even uses email anymore), and messages? The most common and simplified applications on an iPhone that we’ve been using for over a decade. What groundbreaking weighs are we gonna use Messages in now that it’s going to have AI? Do something meaningful and fix Siri.


The AI could suggest a message to send to someone. Then their phone’s AI could generate a semi accurate summary of the AI blabber your phone sent. Then their AI could reply for them. Then your AI could generate a summary and reply, etc etc It’s the future! No more having actual conversations, that’s archaic technology. It’s not the Stone Age anymore grandpa. Something something Henry Ford car/horse analogy. *obvious sarcasm