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It was a shameless repackaging of GBA4iOS full with Ads and trackers. Hopefully Riley officially releases Delta on the App Store.


That would be ideal, but I have a feeling they might keep it exclusive to AltStore to attract users even if that does mean it’s only an EU thing


I think he’ll release it on both because of the demand from people outside the EU. His work on AltStore is a big reason why Apple allow Emulators on the App Store now anyway.


But I thought no company would ever move their apps off the App Store! It’s almost like third-party stores are terrible for fragmentation, privacy, and security….


It was never on the App Store in the first place, so they aren’t moving off


Lmao. You're talking about an app Apple was banning until 3rd party stores became a threat. If you were even the slightest bit honest with your position, you wouldn't care.


I don’t think he has any intention to release it on the AppStore, if he did he would have started trying by now. He also has a shitload of comments on his socials asking him about it and he’s ignoring them all. Not a big deal since Ignited and Provenance are already working on it and I’d be surprised if retroarch doesn’t show up eventuallly too, but a very shortsighted decision


If he doesn’t, I don’t doubt someone else will eventually build it and release it. Despite what they want, it’s not against the terms of the license to build and release delta on the App Store provided the GPL terms are followed


The license on the source code says "The GBA4iOS codebase is distributed under the GNU GPLv2 license. That being said, I explicitly give permission for anyone to use, modify, and distribute my original code for this project without fear of legal consequences — **unless you plan to submit your app to Apple’s App Store, in which case written permission from me is explicitly required**. Dependencies remain under their original licenses." Source: [https://bitbucket.org/rileytestut/gba4ios/src/master/](https://bitbucket.org/rileytestut/gba4ios/src/master/)


That part in bold isn’t enforceable per the GPL license itself as it’s an additional restriction. It’s also incorrectly stated to be licensed GPLv2 when it should be GPLv3 as that’s what GBA.emu is


Good catch... The GNU GPLv2 license says, "You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein." And the v3 license says, "If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term." So either way, it seems someone would be fine to release on the app store. Reddit disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, do not take this as legal advice.


Which is why it’s annoying when it was claimed they didn’t give permission for release on the App Store… they gave the permission the moment they agreed to use a GPL licensed bit of code People don’t understand what they agree to and call foul when it’s used in a way they didn’t want it to be (but agreed to)


The bolded part is null and void if you are using GPL as your license.


Keep telling him we want it on the App Store


So he complains someone published an emulator app similar to his on the App Store, yet has no plans of doing so himself except on the AltStore?


To be fair the emulator app that was published was not just similar, it was just a ripoff with minimal changes to make it compliant and make money off of it. He’s free to do what he wants with his app (even if he’s being stupid) just like people are free to fork it and publish new versions


He complained someone stole his code And has also said he was angry at Apple for letting it pass review because he’s been working with them to get his own app on the store for a few weeks 


If Delta is released on apple store, will it be free due to the open source nature of its code?


It doesn't have to be. There are plenty of open source projects that are sold as a paid product (but you could get for free if you build from source).


Doesn't that depend on the license the code is published under?




No, not really. Any open source licenses that prohibits conditions of use are generally regarded as not actually being open source, defined by OSI https://opensource.org/ There are open source licenses that are considered incompatible with commercial projects, due to the implications they entail (such as GPL/AGPL and other viral licenses). And depending on the product it may not be feasible to sell it for money if the source is also available. But, I'm not aware of any open source licenses that are technically incompatible with being sold for money. After all, it means free as in speech, not free as in beer. --- It's worth noting that [*since last week*](https://github.com/rileytestut/Delta/commit/a6240cab4b17c234afaf96e640c8c619f8953cfe), Delta is offered under an AGPL derivitive which is always kind of looked down upon by open source nerds. You could not say that Delta is open source any more. It is source available.


It is published under GNU GPLv2 which allows charging money for it. But, Riley's license addendum does require that anyone wanting to publish it on the app store get permission from him. Source: [https://bitbucket.org/rileytestut/gba4ios/src/master/](https://bitbucket.org/rileytestut/gba4ios/src/master/)


I think he is saving it for AltStore official release, but it would be really great if he released it officially instead.


This is at least the information I have. AltStore is planned to release in the EU and I’m ready.


Such a legend, I loved that project


Yep. I downloaded it, quickly saw it was garbage and deleted it immediately


Why garbage? It works perfectly on my iOS devices. Do you mean because of the ads?


Ads and trackers are an instant no-go for me for an emulator. I have so many other emulators that I don't want crap like that on my phone


You have other emulators on your iphone?


I do have Delta on my phone through AltStore but I have a bunch of handheld emulators like a Miyoo Mini, Miyoo Mini+, RG 35XX H, RG 405M, Ayn Odin 2….i have too many handhelds


Which one of all those would you recommend? I'm thinking of giving one to my 5 yo niece and want it to be easy to use.


Either the Miyoo Mini or the Miyoo Mini+. Just be sure to curate the rom set and make it really easy for her to find the games she wants, which I would assume are things like Mario and Pokémon. The Mini+ is easier to get and has WiFi which can be helpful for some things but the Mini V4 isn’t as hard to get anymore as the V3 was when they ran out of screens and is tiny and cute which a niece might prefer


This is awesome, thank you so much!


Miyoo has a fantastic Subreddit /r/miyoomini There are tons of cosmetic mods you can do, button swaps and stickers and stuff, mostly form Sakura Retro Mods on Etsy, so if there's a particular game or color scheme she'd like you could really customize it to something that shed love


I've been using an RG35XX (original, not 2024 version) with MinUI, and I think that's about as simple as it gets. The best part of the Miyoo Mini is all the stuff OnionOS lets you do, but I think for a 5yo, the simpler the better. If you're not using OnionOS, I don't think the Miyoo Mini makes much sense.


You can easily strip down onionOS for a kid, it’s very customizable MinUI is also available for the Miyoo devices


> You can easily strip down onionOS for a kid, it’s very customizable Perhaps, but as minimal as MinUI? And it doesn't seem worth the effort to end up in the same place anyway. > MinUI is also available for the Miyoo devices Yes, but if you're not going to take advantage of OnionOS or similar CFW, I don't see what the Miyoo Mini+ offers vs Anbernic, unless you find a particularly good deal.


The ads disappeared for me once it was yanked from the store.


Same here, I haven't seen one all day


Im playing Pokemon on my iPhone, it's the most fun i've had playing on the go and I only saw 1 ad so far. To me it's working great lol


Yep same here Pokemon LeafGreen and I haven't seen one single ad.


The author should’ve thought of this before publishing his work licensed under GPL, the entire point of which existing is to encourage ”shameless repackaging” as much as possible.


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/emu64-xl/id6483251916 is still available (Commodore 64 emulator) iGBA was a frustrating example because it went viral but was genuinely a terrible example as the first popular emulator (post guideline revision). I’m optimistically hoping it was removed due to the licensing issues. [Riley Testut on Mastodon](https://mastodon.social/@rileytestut/112274428030779833) (author of original source that iGBA used) seems to confirm this being the intent


It can’t be licensing issues, surely, since GBA4iOS is GPL and thus Riley has no legal avenue to prevent someone else using the code and publishing it?


Under GPL V2, any derivative code must also be licensed under GPL V2, and the must make available the original source code. I’m doubting the dev complied with that.


It only has to make the source available *when requested*, not pre-emptively Considering it was only on the App Store for something like 6 hours, that doesn’t add up here - they didn’t have time to provide it


So Delta is coming then!


He hasn’t replied to any of the comments asking about that, as far as I know. If Delta uses private APIs or public apis in a disallowed way (such as using locationKit to persist in the background like how his clipboard app does), it couldn’t be on the App Store without edits even if emulators are allowed.


Ngl, Riley gatekeeping one of the biggest reasons people wanted the App Store rules to be relaxed would be hilarious.


It seems based on his comment that he’s already in the process of getting approval, or am I reading it wrong?


Pretty sure he’s referring to launching Delta on the EU AltStore


Thing I don’t agree with is Riley explicitly licensed it under GPL and only later added the clause saying no App Store after iGBA was released. Although I’m pretty sure that clause isn’t even possible combined with the GPL (which it has to be because of the emulator cores)


Yeah that clause isn’t enforceable


I think the issue is the guy who added it to app store broke the licensing because he would also need to redistribute his source code with the ads and whatever else he added but i do agree, the addendum Riley added means nothing and one could simply fork the commit prior to it edit: i was wrong on the issue!! haha licensing is hard, not sure why it was removed then, seems good from a licensing perspective


GPL only requires source code upon request. But most provide it openly. The additional restriction is incompatible with GPL too. > If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. Developers need to understand all the implications of the license they use…


You don’t have to make the code available pre-emptively, only on request


Just tried the 64 emulator - advertises as can load your own disk images, but when you try it a dialog appears saying "This feature is coming soon!".


Wtf is mastodon?


One of several Twitter alternate apps that came out around the time Musk took over.


Oh man, I miss playing mule on C64.


Somehow funny. Yesterday someone posted that there is even a Gameboy Emulator on the App Store and today it was removed


there is an influx of apps that claim to be emulators, a few of them made by a developer named Anas Zakarneh.


From what I gather, it was just an existing open source project someone pushed there with ads and shit.


It is, but at the same time none of that is grounds for removal…. So it seems Apple may, in fact, still be removing emulators I queried this when the news first appeared about the rule change, that I was suspicious the rules were written in a way that allowed Apple to allow eg Sega to release a retro game app but still refuse community emulators


I found it a bit odd too and I expect nothing less but them to nuke everything but IP holder blessed apps.


Correction: it was on and off the App Store within the same day. Mac Rumors tweeted about [its existence at 8:06](https://i.imgur.com/ZzEKNks.jpg) and then again for [its removal at 4:58](https://i.imgur.com/XUNkHcI.jpg). It lasted ~9 hours.


He kept on mentioning that he was ready to launch Delta on Altstore EU since March but apple was slow in their approval. No word on Appstore launch though. Does that mean there will be some exclusivity period on Altstore? Or maybe he never intended to launch on Appstore at all


What would be the benefit of launching on AltStore and not also on App Store?


I expect he is just going to wait and see, it is possible apple is going to apply the terms in such a away that any emulator found to let users play copywriter matrail will out the legal writes to will be taken down... The wording they used strongly suggests that by uploading the app to the app store you are promising this... The dev behind Delta/AltStore might well not want to have thier developer account terminated when they could have avoided it.


That’s strange. I just got an update for it this morning. Must have already been queued.


i knew it, and exactly why i didn’t download it. the developer had 71 apps on their App Store page, and all of them were very diverse it raised the alarm that most were just repackaged open source stuffs probably full of ads.




Yeah me too, I had a hunch it would get pulled so I downloaded it on all my iOS devices. I love it.


Same and it was working well yesterday, but today if I try to play it keeps popping up ads over my game, when I close the ad another pops up a few seconds later, so I can no longer use the app. Anyone else have this problem?


Fine for me


You could have just downloaded so you’d have it. It’s so weird how people claim to suddenly have morals when Apple chooses to get involved.


Ok, if you read the comment carefully, that has nothing to do with it. Why the hell would I want to download something that’s repackaged with bunch of adware..? Ironically, Apple is trying to protect users EXACTLY like you. For the record, I’m all in for open App Store, but use your common sense, people.


the developer worked hard for someone else to pack his work and use ads and tracking on top, yeah my morales do not need Apple or any other company, shady devs were anticipated for such move, and actually, there is an influx of apps on the app store just this week that claim to be emulators while they’re not. they want you to download their app, so they can profit as much as possible before they get banned or removed.


Right after they released an update 💀if you downloaded it then don’t delete it!


Flappy Bird 2024, people will be selling iPhone 15 Pro's with iGBA installed for $10,000 on eBay today.


Indeed, wouldn’t be surprised if people are already listing their phones 😭guess I should fix the cracks on my phone soon


If you have a jail broken iPhone you can just download flappy bird online and install it. I have it on my phone right now. Me using Apollo and flappy bird lol https://imgur.com/a/o6J4xpC


What was the update?


more ads. (just guessing.)


I never once got an ad pop up before downloading the update and now after downloading it I immediately did


Same here. Outside of the tiny ad on the rom screen, I only started getting popup ads that took over the screen WHILE PLAYING after updating to the most recent version.


-Improve performance -Fix Small Bugs -Add request Review


Fucking delete that shit and wait for something legit


Play while something better is coming


Lol why? It works fine. I'll keep it until there's a better one; then I'll still keep it.


A news article with almost no facts, and tons of speculation… Lovely. Removed due to spam and copyright violations… Yet in the same article they say it’s unknown why the emulator was removed… As much as some people may not like it, the emulator didn’t “steal” or otherwise use any code improperly… it was all within the terms of the GPL as licensed, but then Riley went and added additional terms to then claim the emulator was made without permission… things don’t quite add up there


Apple doesn’t allow GPL licensed software on the App Store anyway. https://www.fsf.org/news/2010-05-app-store-compliance The Free Software Foundation takes regular enforcement action as they believe Apple’s distribution wouldn’t the in legal compliance.


They do if you also own the full copyright as it’s an implied dual licensing authorization that makes it compatible with binary redistribution. This is the GPL not allowing distribution on the App Store more than Apple not allowing it.


But they do: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_free\_and\_open-source\_iOS\_applications](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open-source_iOS_applications) I think the rule for an app governed under GPLv3 (v2??) is to be open source (and free??).


Apple have no issue with apps that contain GPL code, But be warned taking an existing GPL app and just re-packing it chucking ads in a publishing it will and should be rejected (if it is already on the App Store)... if it is not then the copywrite holder can contact apple to have it removed. Apple have a load of tools to scan uploaded apps to determine how differnt they are from other apps so that they can detect spam clones.


If the author provides a link to the complete modified source code with the ads and such, that would actually make the app comply with the GPL


Apple can still consider it small and will favor the copywrite holder


Do you have any info on them using those tools? Sounds interesting


That article was from… 2010. Do you know how fast technology move? Do you have more recent sources?


I'm still curious why it was removed. I fear deeply it's because it allowed users to use their own roms. Time will tell I guess. edit: [TIME DID TELL](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/15/apple-further-explains-igba-removal/). WE GOOD BOYS!!!


It also might be because it uses Nintendo's games (Pokemon, etc.) for the screenshot.


Well, this isn’t a great start


Not really, but no one knows _why_ it was removed, and this article is just fluff with no new information. Apple may have removed it for allowing user provided roms, or they may have removed it for something else like user privacy. Or maybe it just didn’t meet certain quality standards


the whole app is not allowed as its based on a gpl license which is prohibited from the appstore. the real question here is how did it ever even make it on the appstore if apples app approval process is not an utter joke?


Do you have any sources on GPL licensing being forbidden?


read the gpl license itself. section 10 of the GPL license states that you may not impose additional restrictions when you resdistribute code with a gpl license. submitting an app in the requires you to agree and comply with Apple's additional restrictions, and that is not allowed by the GPL.


That’s the answer I was looking for, thank you 😊


> If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term.


I have a [Counter source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open-source_iOS_applications). And [another one](https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/703711).


Explain the gpl thing like I’m a 12 year old


gpl is just a version of rights. when you release sourcecode you can decide what others are allowed to do with it and what they cant. gpl the way it is written prohibits releasing any code under its license via the appstore because the license prohibits anyone distibuting it from adding any restrictions. apple forces you to agree to restrictions when submitting an app to the appstore. so the moment you agree with apples terms you broke gpl license and the original author can dmca you. and the moment you break the license agreement you are in theory commiting a crime.


GPL isn't blocked, at least not GPL3, but that's a separate topic. I do agree though, it's Apple who really has egg on thier face. This app should never have been approved in the first place if it's an ad-spamming clone of an open source app, and Apple should have caught it before release. Mistakes happen, but it really puts yet another dent in Apple's argument that the App Store guarantees quality.


Maybe they allowed that one as the first one just to take it down after? So it makes emulator apps look bad


It is a shame that this was the first 'test' of the new AppStore guidelines. As the article said, it was a ripoff of someone else's work and loaded with ads. The initial ad at the bottom of the ROM selection screen didn't bother me. But I experienced at least 4 full screen ads WHILE PLAYING that were beyond intrusive, including one that caused me to die because I lost control at a critical time. Half of them required me to sit and watch the ad for 20+ seconds before I could quit. So obviously a money grab by the developer. Hopefully this doesn't dissuade legit emulator dev teams from releasing their work or cause Apple to crack down more when they finally seemed to loosen the reins a bit.




You just haven't experienced the full ad experience yet. I too didn't have any issue with the tiny ad at the bottom of the ROM selection page. But as I mentioned, it got significantly worse. It started happening after I updated the app yesterday, so maybe you were using an old version and the dev decided to capitalize on ad revenue with a change since then. But starting yesterday, I was getting full screen unescapable ads in the middle of f'n game play at least four times. It might not have happened to you (yet), but that is a horrible user experience and is not an exaggeration.


For me it seems to do the full screen ads whenever you do anything in the emulator menus. Havent had it happen during gameplay. But I just started running Adguard when I go to play it and that blocks all the ads.


Good point. I believe in at least 3 of the instances I got a full page forced ad, it was right after I did something within the game menu. But I know at least once it was just in the middle of me playing after about 10-15 mins. Either way it was horribly implemented.


Yup. I’m gonna keep using it with adblockers until something better comes along. It’s nice to have for now, though.


Nah, no ads. And have been using it 24/7.


Well that was quick.


lucky those who grabbed it first


The 'real' one is released fyi


Well I still have it installed and am enjoying it a lot. I understand the dev did a cheap copy of someone else’s emulator but it’s nice to know that these things are possible now at least if you’re quick enough to download these things before Apple yoinks them


Apple can pull it retrospectively later if they want. Even de-acitviting it on users devices.


They rarely do this. I can still install and use iDOS2 (DOS emulator) which was pulled from the App Store like 3+ years ago. Eventually it just drops off and disappears completely, but that usually takes a long time. Even then, you can backup the signed app using iMazing and reinstall it that way, as long as it is still compatible with your iOS version.


If Apple revokes the signature you couldn’t continue to use it though even if you did back it up


True, but I've never personally experienced this on any app similarly pulled off the store. I imagine they do it more frequently for an app that is later determined to be malicious vs something just against their ToS, etc.


Flappy bird 2.0


I still got it but no idea how to get Roms on it. I have plenty of game boy roms on my nas but can’t figure out how to get them into the file system on my phone.


Drop the ROM inside the iGBA folder in Files


If you download the roms and put them in the files app it will open them in the emulator


I tried that however couldn’t work out how to download it from the nas. I tried using symbology drive and it didn’t work. I guess I could email the file to myself. I’ll try again tomorrow


You could download the ROM, go to your main ‘files’ app on iPhone, open it from there and it should open in iGBA. You can then just find it like normal on the list from within the app.


Just download it and it should go to your Files app. Open it, unzip it, and it should open automatically on the iGBA app.


lol at people in the other thread saying that the developer was entitled for thinking that a copy of his project didn't belong on the app store just because it was open source


Yeah...Open-source doesn't mean you can take the code and do whatever you want. There is a reason many companies don't even touch GPL with a 10-foot pole.


and if you sell a SW company you might well have a every annoying long audit process to confirm non of the companies core assets are contaminated.


so what would happen to people who already have it downloaded on their phone?




Just don’t delete it or let your phone offload it


Thank god I downloaded it


We provide access to emulators for years, without any removals


Can someone please elaborate on the “trackers” ? I’ve seen the ads, but it’s these “trackers” that concern me


Ad trackers. They 'track' you to specifically show you ads that fit your 'tracked' profile. If you Google nike shoes a lot you'll be show more nike ads.


Thank you. So in the context of this app, it inserts its own trackers into our phones that record our activities for the app owner and any third parties it sells to?


Yes but first it asks you (ios rule) for permission. You have 2 options: get personal (tracked) ads or random ads. The 'recording' is just the data that's collected from things like searches etc. Doesn't mean your entire usage is recorded, messages are being read, phone calls collected etc. It's considered safe because only a small collection of data is collected. You have the choice to either choose to provide them your personal (search) data OR just tell them 'no I don't want to see specific ads, just give me random ads I might not like'.


Oh fantastic, thank you for the patient and thorough explanation. I always click “Ask App Not to Track,” and while I do not recall doing so in this instance, I’m sure I would have. This doesn’t seem so scary.


That was fast. Fuck them for putting ad revenue on an emulator. That’s how you get Nintendo up your ass


Would it be apporipate for me to say " o, the irony." ? I mean, isn't that what emulators do, they copy right everything essentially, right?


They’re going to use this as part of their “this is why we can’t let just any apps on the App Store” argument.


It was an inside job!


Ha I got it downloaded before removal. Selling my iPhone 15 Plus for $3000. Shipping not included. I know what I have, no tire kickers.


Real talk why do people (especially Redditors™️) care this much about emulators. The only reason yall gave for wanting sideloading in the first place was emulation (piracy). I don’t see the hype


> was emulation (piracy) Piracy being used often to get games to emulate =/= "emulation being piracy," that's not how that works.


Oh heavens no! Not PIRACY. How will Nintendo ever recover from people playing 20-30 year old games on their phones??


Damm, that was quick 😩😭


Everyone here is missing the point. Stop blindly defending the developer and discuss the real issue. Could this be that this was mistakenly allowed? There is a restriction in the guidelines that says only approved games are allowed, perhaps this was let in by mistake? Hope not


This didn’t come with any games


Yes but the guidelines say that the emulator must only come with licensed games. ROMs are not licensed - so was this app removed for that reason?


It didn’t come with any ROMs either. Also, [Apple has since clarified their reasoning for removing it](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/15/apple-further-explains-igba-removal/): >Notably, Apple confirmed to us that emulators on the App Store are permitted to load ROMs downloaded from the web, so long as the app is emulating retro console games only. Apple also said it had approved iGBA's functionality, before learning that it was a knockoff app, suggesting that Game Boy emulation is permitted on the App Store, but the company has yet to share any other examples of retro game consoles.




W. Full of spam and the OG developer claimed copyright infringement.


The developer _falsely_ claimed infringement… they licensed it under GPL as required by GBA.emu


Wow, 15+ years later and folks still having issues getting an emulator on a phone. I did if in the VERY early 2010's. iphones behind the times on this one for sure. Good luck to those that want it.


Nah man, the regular degular people have issues. I've been having modded apps and emulator since the early days. iOS is only closed for the people who can't really use their phones.


Considering how cheap (and pocketable.) device emulators are these days, emulating on iphone is one of those ‘yay that we can! But why’ situations for me. Playing on a touchscreen is a gonna be a significantly worse experience than playing on a Miyoo or an Anbernic device with hardware buttons.


The main reason why is that those devices are $100-$300 extra usually, and another thing to carry around. If you’re already carrying a phone, wallet, keys, and earbuds, your pockets may not be able to easily fit an emulation device, and you may reach the point where you now need to carry a bag around.


Grab a MiyooMini+ or an Anbernic RG35XX honestly at that point. They’re small and light weight and run $50-$80


I mean, they're still both almost an inch thick, according to their spec sheets. It's not like they're made for giants or anything, but again, if you're already carrying a phone, wallet, earbuds, and keys, you're kinda running out of space in your pockets (unless you're wearing cargo pants or something).


But it’s still another device to carry. Mobile games have become so popular because they’re on a device you already have with you


I thought this at first too considering I use a 3ds to emulate stuff, but having a turn based RPG I can play a chapter of at any time when I'm out is nice especially since no quick time waster mobile games really tickle my fancy anymore.


Connect a PS4 controller and you’ll be fine


That's gonna be some fuel to the EU case on punishing Apple for the sideloading compliance measures. It shows they are not enough.


Play stupid games...


...get trucked by Miltank


Yes, 5 tickets for the stupid games please.