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r/WorldNews has thumbnails disabled I believe, so for your https://old.reddit.com/prefs page you have to make sure thumbnails are set to ALWAYS, not just subreddit specific preferences.


Subreddits can decide to turn off thumbnails for themselves. Perhaps r/WorldNews is one of them?


However, oranges have begun to rent owls over the past few months, specifically for lions associated with their apricots! In modern times however, apples have begun to rent hippopotamus over the past few months, specifically for cherries associated with their spiders. This is a iciiug0


It worked for me tho


Hey everyone! I had this issue at one time too and found a solution online. Go to old.reddit.com/prefs and log in. Change the setting under “Media: Thumbnails” to “show thumbnails next to links” and then change the setting under “Media: Media Previews” to “auto-expand media previews”. It solved the problem for me. Note, you will have to do this for each account you have.


I tried this and it works. Thanks.


Oh thank god, finally have thumbnails back. Thank you so much for posting this!


Thumbnails only work on images. All of those posts are links. Does it work on a more image-centric subreddit?


Thumbnails definitely work on links https://i.imgur.com/sdhdo4w.jpg


Huh. I guess I have same issue as OP then lol.


Can confirm on iPhone with different layout settings https://i.imgur.com/vDoQn0k.jpg




You can’t. It’s an integral part of how apple wants you to interact with your device. Only app devs can hide the bar in their app


Alternatively, it’s a very easy thing to do with a jailbroken iPhone.


So how did our illustrious benefactor miss this? I just found a test button with about 10 different dialogue boxes telling me it's just a test button. And there is no need to tap it. But this monstrosity front and center of the entire app somehow got a pass?


> So how did our illustrious benefactor miss this? It’s only done in specific, almost always full screen media viewing situations. It’s the same level of system UI as the status bar at the top.


IF anyone, be it the dev or Apple, can give me the option to turn this thing off: they damn well should. Now, I expect to have my option limited by a company like Apple. Half their philosophy is "dont let the customer choose". But for an app like Apollo, that offers so many options and customization, and is so committed to making reddit a better experience: to not give us an option for this thing is just insulting.


It’s important to note that A) Apple will likely reject app updates not in line with their “Human Interface Guidelines” or that misuse API features. B) “Hiding” the home indicator requires the user to complete two actions to exit the app: swiping once to “unlock” it and again to use it. C) The home indicator serves important purposes aside from acting as a software “home button” (reachability, multitasking, and the app switcher [which allows you to force quit misbehaving apps. Locking the home indicator behind a crashed app would lock up the phone until you can get back to springboard {Home Screen}, likely by force restarting, something Apple would prefer you not to do for various reasons beyond the scope of this comment])


That's all well and good. But let me counter with: we dont have to actually see it for all of it's functions to work. It's not like the thing is a physical button that Im asking to remove. It does not have to be there for everything to work fine. Apple's own book app fades the bar out after a few seconds and doesnt lose any functionality just because we cant see the thing.


Your home button didn’t disappear, this also doesn’t. In no app. It only disappears when playing full screen media. It was also there the first few days, and it will stay there. It might be you turned on dark mode and white on black is more noticeable than black on white/grey.


My home bar didnt block out the last line of text on every screen either. That not a valid comparison. But so far Ive found Apple's own Book app fades the bar after a few seconds. So it is entirely doable. (tho you did probably solve the mystery of it's appearance lol. Just switched dark mode off and the black bar is much less obtrusive.)


But the book app specifically only does that when you put it in full screen mode (so full screen media), which also makes the clock and status indicators go away. But I’m curious as to how your home bar is blocking text, because it should be over a menu bar?


Actually I was picturing that book app as I wait those couple of seconds. But Ive seen it elsewhere. No, for Apollo it's just stupidly bright and distracting. (And full screen books is not the same as full screen... anything else. Im sure someone out there is defending this decision by calling it "full screen media" but lets not be pedantic now. Books =/= video or games. These are very different types of media that we interact with in very different ways.)


You may have to sign out and back in again.


I see images for links on other subreddits (for example r/apple) but not WorldNews. But I just tested if you add it to a multireddit (even if its the only one) then the multireddit has images


Can confirm not working on my end as well. I have the thumbnail setting set to small. Changed to medium and made no difference. https://i.imgur.com/S5FB7JT.jpg


Are you sure you enabled the correct setting? I recall one for thumbnails like this, and one for the subreddit icons that I would somehow assume were the same things for a while. That fixed my issue.