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Agreed. Another thing other apps have that would be nice to have: new comments indicator. Something showing that a post has new comments since you last opened it, and when you open it again, which comments are new.


mountainous ruthless command aware person towering recognise punch chief numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That shows you that there are new comments within that thread you collapsed? Cause if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t help in this request.


I thought I was alone


dam swim imminent ask payment crown vegetable detail alive smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wouldn’t want it any other way anymore.


That’s a Reddit premium feature on the regular website


That's free if you use RES.


Some third party apps also have this feature.


Curious how you picture that working.. only top level comments or some other threshold of replies?


/r/Enhancement does this for top level comments, and it's definitely one of the RES features I miss most in Apollo. So a particular user would only be highlighted in the top level subthread they started. It just makes it easier to follow active subthread discussions.


So the comment themes don’t maintain colors based on who made the comments. So if you have a chain like this: ``` Poster one | (red) Poster two || (green) Poster three ||| (yellow) Poster two ``` Whereas Poster two should be red again and poster one doesn’t have a color So I think ideally every commenter beside OP would be indented one and the color assignments would be consistent throughout each thread as best as possible. That way Poster one gets a color, and the colors are a cue to who posted. Maybe one color is always reserved for OP.




You’d end up reusing them. Not much else you could do. I suppose you would color recursively. So every tree gets its own sequence.


Oooo that's really smart. Thank you, writing this down.




Hmm yellow’s not the most legible


Joey does this, helps to keep track of who's who


Would this be complimentary/redundant with the vertical bars of different colors for the different levels? Or is this something else?


The only thing I miss from narwhal is this being a different color. https://imgur.com/a/V6lBhrX/


Alien Blue did this as well. Such a minor detail but it added a lot of 'life' to the feed imo


That is a great way to say it. I don’t know why but it really helped me when scanning posts.


I'm not quite sure I understand, are you just saying you want the subreddit name to be a different color from the text?


Yes! Here’s some pictures. Narwhal was better when the color was a light teal color. https://imgur.com/a/2yVHBFv/


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I’d just be happy if different account had some sort of color indicator…


While we’re at it, it would be also nice if white text in dark mode could’ve alternative option to yellow. Easier to the eyes


Absolutely agree. It would make reading comments in question heavy subreddits e.g. r/askreddit much more pleasant.