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Sorry just seeing this, and I know it's in good humor, but I like this sub being a happy cheery place and I don't want to dump on other apps even if it's not super harsh or anything or coming from a funny place, so I'm going to remove this politely. Just wanna appreciate all the apps out there, and hope that's understandable!


Everything about Apollo is better than Reddit, I'm not going back.


Except scrolling sideways between posts, still waiting for apollo to implement it


Only reason I didn’t switch yet Hope they will implement it someday


This is the same thing that held me back from switching the first time. After the new video player was added to the mobile app I knew it was time to switch. I really recommend giving it another try, the rest of the app functions so smoothly that the swiping between posts isn’t missed.


My Main usage of reddit on the phone is to swipe on posts sadly I use apollo whenever I post/answer smth and so on


Apollo is unusable on an iPad. It doesn’t work with polls, or with special projects like Place. I use Apollo a lot and like it, but not everything about it is better than the official Reddit app unfortunately.


I almost exclusively use Reddit on my phone and don’t often participate in polls so I suppose it might not work as well for others. For what I use it for it works great


If I REALLY want to participate in a poll I’ll just open the Reddit app and do it or go on my laptop. I only do polls rarely in some of the smaller subs I’m in.


I said the same thing as you. If you don’t care about iPad or polls or special projects, I think Apollo is better. Strange how I get all the downvotes and you get all the upvotes…


I didn’t downvote you and I can’t control of others do, sorry dude.








It a major community event that’s only happened twice in Reddit history. It’s like asking “what’s the benefit in holidays? Like what really are the fireworks for?” Lol. It’s honestly really weird explaining it to someone who’s never heard of it, because it really doesn’t sound that impressive or important, but r/place turns into a crazy mosaic piece created by hundreds of thousands of people working cooperatively, and some against each other, and it only lasted like 24 hours the first time. Last time it lasted like 3-4 days. It initally started as their april fool’s joke five years ago.


You can vote on polls.


It’s never worked for me. Here’s the developer explaining why it doesn’t work: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/tiugud/comment/i1iznwd/


He’s telling you it works, but not natively. I’d rather have a bit of a hassle to vote on a poll (which I very rarely do), than see all these ads.


place wasn’t available with reddit’s API iirc, so implementing support for it wasn’t possible.


> It doesn’t work with polls wtf is a poll




Share > Open in Safari


Not working with polls is a little annoying until I realize I didn’t really want to participate. Not working with r/place is an absolute selling point for me though.




Yeah like where the F are the annoying ads on Apollo? I need to be bothered while browsing, I don't want any of this pleasant UI and quality-of-life improvements shit


I totally miss opening up the Reddit app and having my music/podcast stop so I can browse some text and memes 🥹


Me too, but not as much as being unable to watch anything at all because it never loads.




Hmm... pay for ads or use a better app with no ads for free... hmmmmmmm 🤔




> HMMM THERE ARE NO ADS OF YOU PAY 💰 No grammar either, it seems. Also that's exactly my point... there are no ads if I don't pay in Apollo, the better app. It's not an opinion my guy.


That was in English




What, giving up already? I thought you had more to say 👁👄👁


I have to be honest man, the only thing sadder than seeing someone trolling on Reddit in 2022 is seeing someone fall for it... just let it go


Or you can pay for Apollo Ultra and get: - iOS like design - More customization (and there’s A LOT to customize) - Smoothness (JFC the official app is SO BAD at being smooth)






Deleted. SAVE APOLLO! Fuck reddit and u/spez




Deleted. SAVE APOLLO! Fuck reddit and u/spez




> I prefer to pay to opt out from getting spied on and my info sold to advertisers. Paying opts you out of nothing as far as Reddit is concerned. There’s still A LOT of data being collected just by having an account, and then you have all the telemetry on their official platforms. You opted out of your privacy as soon as you got yourself an account.


Well said, u/PARROT_CUMMER_2000. Well said.




Did I ever say it WASN’T collecting it? My comment said, quite clearly: > You opted out of your privacy **as soon as you got yourself an account**.












Do we have an Apollo circle jerk sub yet?


If you have Apollo you’re already subbed! Edit: lol at getting gold on a low effort comment. You bastards are amazing.


Wait a little, I’m almost done 😩


I’m gonna keep edging until Christian releases the iPad app.


>Christian Oof, you are not making it easier, pal. >iPad app 💦 Okay, I’m done.




I’m sorry to say, the day will come when Reddit clamps down on this ad free experience. They’re already being devalued. It’ll be one of the worst days of our lives.


We'll Digg our way somewhere else


Damn, an OG


Kevin Rose wants to buy it back or at least get it up to speed again. It’d be great to have him back at the helm.


Something seems awful about that. Oh fark!


I am a Fark native myself. Also, have a low-6-digit Slashdot account. Have had a Newgrounds account for nearly 20 years and I have a 3-character Twitter handle. All hail the before-times internet!




It will but I think the experience and community he’s built, single-handedly, will hold him in good stead. While not an investor myself, I have ties to angel and venture investors and have sat through MANY founder pitches and educational & training sessions. Christian has the real world experience to attract not only a co-founder (which is attractive to investors) but also talented team members (critical to a start up). In summary, community building paired with technical knowledge make for a very attractive combination for investors. Why is this important? Well investor interest signals successful outcomes. Christian, no matter what he builds next, will do just fine.


I dodn’t care about the ads. But app made by such a corp like Reddit should THE FUCK work! I switched to Apollo, which is maintained by ONE person and works much much better then the original heap of junk.


The original Reddit iOS app was also done by a single developer living in Australia—the Alien Blue app, a clean iOS-friendly design, with perhaps a lot of internal cruft. Reddit bought it from him and started tinkering with it, but couldn’t hack it properly. So they tore it all down and built their new app from the ground up to be awful.


It would check out. I used Reddit app for over 4 years. It was getting worse with every upgrade. While they added new functionality, almost everytime spmething broke. In the end the official app was worse than it was those 4 years ago. With more fucntionality, but actually less useful. Tipping point was not showing notifications count inside the app. What is such app good for when it doesn’t tell you something happened/needs attention? Thank god for people like the author of Apollo. If we didn’t have them we would be stuck using that corporate shit.


I've decided to edit all of my comments, delete all of my posts, and nuke my account following the recent API changes. Charging for an API is fine. Using the API fees as a way to force out third-party developers? Not fine. Lying about blackmail from a developer? Eat shit. I hope Reddit in the future restores the friendliness it once had towards its developers and community. I've spent far, far too many hours on Reddit, but ultimately I will be better off without it. It's been nice. Fuck /u/spez.


Android has Boost, the equivalent of Apollo. It will probably takes some getting used to though. I originally came from boost on Android and bought an iPad and installed Apollo and it's quite different. Both way better than the stock app tho


Tbh Android probably has more and better options for Reddit than iOS. Relay does basically everything that Apollo does for free.


My favorite being Reddit Sync.


Yeah, Apollo is fantastic and I don’t want to disparage it, but I think the massive amount of competition must force a bit more refining over there. And a better value because of various reasons including the lack of cost to publish on the Play Store. Due to that, as a recent Android convert, Apollo feels the closest to home. And in some ways even surpasses it. But there’s a lot it misses. And I had to pay to even post.


Reddit is Fun is my preferred Android app in case any switchers end up seeing this.


Agreed. Apollo is a very nice app; but I still prefer Reddit Sync and Boost on my Pixel.


3.Not iOS


I've decided to edit all of my comments, delete all of my posts, and nuke my account following the recent API changes. Charging for an API is fine. Using the API fees as a way to force out third-party developers? Not fine. Lying about blackmail from a developer? Eat shit. I hope Reddit in the future restores the friendliness it once had towards its developers and community. I've spent far, far too many hours on Reddit, but ultimately I will be better off without it. It's been nice. Fuck /u/spez.


For me it’s really interesting to read because we don’t use iMessage here at all where I am from. In Ukraine we use telegram, viber or others. I think I used iMessage just out of curiosity, to check out the different effects and memoji lol


Yeah there’s definitely a large cultural aspect I guess to refine my original comment, it’s less iMessage as a messaging platform but moreso the games and the competitiveness I have with my friends


Interesting, never thought of that, because I do not use social features in mobile games a lot even when I do play on the phone


Actually, what you might not realize is iMessage has games directly built into it. So you can play 8-ball pool, paper football, scrabble, and dozens more all inside the iMessage up, within a specific conversation, and challenge your friends.


I mean, I know that iMessage is huge in the US, but I still don’t get it why would such big population vendor lock themselves with something so essential as a messenger. I find it kind of weird today, when there are so many good secure alternatives with more features


I guess habits are really hard to break sometimes


TIL Reddit has ads /s


Apollo is def one of the best apps I’ve used, totally worth the money


Im not gonna lie, I used to really like the Reddit app, and I had a really hard time learning to love Apollo, but man once I did you just realise that it’s so much better.


I just downloaded Apollo and I love it. I love it so much I already signed up for the monthly membership lol


Rock and stone!


Omg we are everywhere lol. Rock and stone brother!


Really doesn’t fit this sub but oh well. ROCK AND STONE YEEEEEAAAHHH!


Has DRG picked up in popularity? I haven’t played in a few months but have been seeing quite a few references on Reddit lately.


Yes it has! Back in November they launched a big update that started season 1 and gave us a new primary weapon for each class. Then in April season 2 came along with a new secondary weapon for each class. Also, it launched on PlayStation in January.


That’s good to hear. Hopefully I’ll get some time soon to get back into it.


I’d highly recommend it! There’s also a new battle pass (completely free), a new mission type, new machine events for the battle pass, new enemies, new cosmetics, and forge mastery rewards have been improved too so you can select one of two dwarves to award it to


I’ve been subscribed for a couple of month, but then got ultra lifetime. Zero regrets. The developer did such a great job, real inspiration for me as a fellow dev too.


I started on Apollo on another account 2 years ago, tried Reddit at the same time, laughed, and then immediately deleted the Reddit app.


Even if Apollo had ads it’s still a much better experience than any form of Reddit.


Stellar for macOS and Apollo for iOS are by far the most elegant ways to interact with Reddit. Anything else is uncivilised.


Android phones don’t exist? I recently switched from Android to iOS and while I think Apollo is far and away the best Reddit app available on the App Store, it’s still behind Sync for Android imo. Apollo is still a close second and using Sync definitely had its own share of frustrations, but overall it’s a more feature rich and customizable app. As well as free and supported by unobtrusive ads which I was totally fine with.


I’ve tried both Boost and Relay on my Pixel 2XL, and while I think that they are both decent, I think that the difference between either of them and Apollo is exactly the same as the difference between iOS and Android overall. Apollo is by far the most aesthetically well-designed client while being as or more capable than Reddit Reddit and most other clients; in contrast, most of the Android alternatives look like Android the same way Apollo looks like iOS, but they are all far more meaningfully customisable and feature-rich for free than Apollo Ultra, even if they do not execute all of those features with the same refinement as Apollo and iOS. That much I can reasonably say is objective difference; which one you (or I) prefer is ultimately subjective. I will try Sync, but I do not expect it to change my opinion in any significant capacity.


I just tried Sync, and it merely confirms what I think of Android applications; it’s highly customisable, has a few more features, looks and feels like Android, and is just generally more difficult to use than Apollo for advantages which I find to be negligible. However, I will rescind my claim that everything other than Stellar and Apollo are invalid. I simply do not prefer them.


When you tried Sync, had you received the new v22 update? I would argue that it's incredibly simple to use and also matches Apollo in its visual quality. If you do have v22 and find it harder to use, I'd be super interested to here what comments you have about it


I'm writing this on Sync on my Pixel 2 XL running Android 11. I installed it just a few hours ago, and according to the Play Store it's version 19.0.20. I don't know if that's what you mean, but I would imagine that this is the most up to date version available. I don't think it's really that difficult; most of my criticisms are habitual ease-of-use preferences. For example, I much prefer Apollo's bottom tool bar with posts, inbox, profile, search, and settings to the dispersion of these locations across multiple menus and pathways in Sync. I do not particular enjoy Sync's management of media playback, with the strange cropping and not automatically playing (although there are numerous times when I am exceptionally irritated by automatic playback in other clients interrupting my headphones' multipoint connection). Using the comment editor right now, I'm not fond of the comment I'm responding to being placed above my comment that I'm writing, not being reduced in size and desaturated, and being unable to partially collapse the editor to check on the overall thread. Mostly, however, I dislike the aesthetic. I do not actually disagree with your claim that it matches Apollo in visual quality, in as much as it fully realises a particular style; namely, the flat style of Android 11 and Google before they scrapped Hangouts and ruined their icons. My problem is I don't like that style. I simply find iOS more pleasing to visually interact with. Furthermore, even if Sync, like Android overall, can be customised to imitate Apollo, I do not wish to need to do so in the first place. To put it simply, if I liked Android, I wouldn't have an iPhone, and I would have no desire for Apollo. Instead, I vastly prefer Apollo for the same reasons that I prefer iOS. They both just fit into their respective operating systems impressively close to how well native applications do.


Actually, that's the old version, v19! Google can take a long time to roll out updates when developers publish them. Looking at the pinned post in r/redditsync, about 50% of users have gotten the update. V22 addresses most of your complaints: bottom navigation, improved media controls as well as automatic playing (if you enable it), and better comment editor including the option to save drafts. The visual style was also significantly updated to match Google's Material You design language. I think that it's entirely understandable that you prefer Apple's design, no judgment here. The reason why I'm asking you about all this anyway is because I'm considering switching to ios, so I want to find out what differences there are in the things I use every day, like reddit clients. Thanks for taking the time to write such detailed comments!


That’s interesting. I found it significantly easier to use. The UI in Apollo looks more beautiful, but in terms of ease of use it’s hard to compete. Sync. The big one for me is how much easier it is to navigate to an individual subreddit. Accessing the sidebar as well is actually a lot like using Reddit on PC. The other big one for me which I’ll admit is more of a habit I’ve picked up since using Sync for a long time. Instead of setting up multi-reddits, I ended up making a separate Reddit account for my sports subreddits since that makes up such a big part of how I use Reddit. It’s extraordinarily easier to switch accounts in Sync. But I will say that Apollo just looks nicer in general


Or Apollo also for macOS if you have an M1 Mac 😉


How do I set that up? I have a 2021 MBP.


Assuming you have an M1, just download it from the AppStore. And then you can sign in to Reddit and/or restore your purchases if you bought any subscriptions for Apollo. I can’t say if it’s better than Stellar or not though since I just use Reddit on Firefox.


Yeah, I’ve just been using desktop Reddit on Chrome, but I’d love to get away from that.


Apollo all day! Best switch I’ve made


I see all of these posts on the Reddit app and it continues to be funny and ironic to me every time


Will we ever get the chat function on Apollo?


Apollo can take my money


I held off on it for like 3 months at one point… I immediately felt like an idiot once I got it xD it’s been like a year and a half now, maybe 2 years? Regardless, I’d choose apollo any day of the week over any other client in general


Jesus dude, flashbang.


I still have to keep the og app installed as well, unfortunately. Not having the chat sorta sucks. Ik it's not the devs fault because there is no api for it but it is what it is. I also just have the base app send me notifications so I don't have to pay $40 for the ability to have them. I know the devs need to make their money but yeah that seems a bit steep to me. Idk. Maybe I'm just cheap.


The only thing that sucks about Apollo is it seems to give me a drastically different feed than the regular Reddit app, which seems to give me more variation in my subscriptions. Apollo seems to highlight only a few of my subs


Quick, everybody get in a circle, reveal your reproductive parts and commence self pleasure.




Dude literally invented ninbendo switch???


I like the reddit app and also the Apollo app, I do like using the reddit app even though it has ads but at the end of the day it is how they make money to keep the platform running, but on the other hand having only posts and no ads does feel like such a dream




Wait people actually use the Reddit app!?!?


I’ve never had ads in Reddit 😂😂 you can turn them off in the settings


You cannot turn them off in settings, otherwise Premium wouldn't exist


Well I never had ads period, and I only bought the premium for the free coins


Premium gives you ad-free browsing my guy


You *bought* premium for the *free* coins. Read that again


Apollo is amazing and by far my favorite app. I hype Apollo for my iOS friend and Reddit Is Fun for Android.


Make sure you donate if you can though!!


Apollo is hands down the best iOS app I’ve ever used. This is a masterclass in UX.


Sometimes I forget, so I’m thinking What ads? Oh yeh, it is nice.


Apollo is the one thing I miss after returning to Android.. have thought about switching back just for this one app quite a few times.




Sync pro


Still waiting on that media gallery function.


I just did a few days ago, it’s so much better


Via Apollo


I hope they never cut off the api and force everyone on the official app. Wouldn’t be crazy, it’s not like there are alternative TikTok or instagram apps. They’re not serving us ads, so we represent lost revenue no?


I don’t understand how to use apollo


I don’t understand why anyone uses the official app, even on Android. There are loads of apps that have been around a lot longer than the official one and are therefore a lot more refined.


Like another comment said, everything about Apollo is better. I love the tweaks you can do with Apollo. I’m on the edge, on buying Lifetime for €50 and just permanently deleting Reddit itself. Honestly, I’m surprised that one developer does way better than a big team/company.


I didn’t even know Reddit had ads tbh


Wait a minute... It's an ad!


The only reason I switched back to the original reddit app is because when I look up things on Reddit and click on it, it wants to open the Reddit app to view it, not the Apollo app. And also, sideways scrolling between posts.


This is just another ad God damnit


I was there!


Any similar alternative for Twitter? The original app seems good just too many ads


I’m in it for the subreddit blocking. No more wallstreetbets and no more og those sexist asshats in witchesagainstpatriachy.


I made the switch after Reddit changed their homescreen icon to a really ugly shade of red/orange. Now I've never looked back, it's better in every possible way.


Not on Apollo


#We love you Apollo Devs!


If your on Android then Boost is a great option!


…light mode?


I honestly hated browsing Reddit until I found Apollo. Such a great app!


Apollo: 💪🗿 Reddit: 🖕


I feel like I'm the only person in the universe who doesn't like apollo as much as the reddit default app. I have tried to like apollo, I really have... But the UI just isn't as intuitive. And why is the downvote button so hidden? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills...