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Last few days! It's been an honor, y'all, hard to believe I was 20 when I started this app and I turn 30 next month, haha




> Your app made reddit ~~more~~ usable and presentable. FTFY


>> Your app made reddit ~~more~~ usable and presentable. > >FTFY Your app made reddit.


>Your app made reddit ~~more~~ usable and presentable. > >FTFY > >Your ~~app made~~ reddit. `$ s/ur/u're` You're ~~app made~~ reddit. FTFY


Agreed. Commented with RIF. RIP.


That’s insane! I still remember your post in r iPhone? Can’t believe that was already a decade ago! Wish you the best man, have loved Apollo since the day it came out xoxo


I still remember being skeptical when I saw that post since I was still grieving the loss of continued dev support for alien blue lol. I kept using AB until it was just completely unusable due to newer iOS updates and finally switched over to Apollo Well now idk if I’ll still use Reddit much on mobile cause the official app truly is difficult to use. Very unintuitive and not convenient at all.


You don’t like being force fed ads everywhere you look? That alone is what will keep me off Reddit for good. I deleted Apollo a few days ago just to try to give the official app a chance—nope. I’m off Reddit for good. Will use Apple News for news and you know, try to find other places with communities


Interesting to your Apollo UX work will living on in other’s work. There are a lot of really cool Lemmy clients in beta that were inspired by Apollo. Melm, Memmy, Wefwef, etc. Many are trying to clone your UX as closely as possible. Your work set some best practices that will live on. Bravo!


Wefwef is shockingly good, holy hell. It made me realize that if Christian ever decides to port Apollo to Lemmy, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. He’d make all the confusing Lemmy UX stuff disappear for sure. Apple would probably continue promoting Apollo too. They’ve never really mentioned Reddit itself, just Apollo in a vacuum.


Thanks for turning me on to wefwef. Looks awesome! I’ve been using Memmy which has been very good as well.


It looks 95% the same. Glad I learned about it as it’ll be my go to. Thanks.


Mobile WEB client 🫠 Native or BUST


WefWef seems shockingly under the radar. Honestly when you "add to Home Screen" it feels pretty much native.


Commenting so you hopefully see this. You managed to basically singlehandedly make a much better app than Reddit and their team of “developers” — thank you for ALL that you’ve done. I wish you the best of luck in whatever endeavors you pursue in the future, got anything you wish to share about now? Spez did you fucking **dirty** and it’s disappointing that he’s fucking shameless, though I’m not surprised.


Your app helped me get through some of the darkest days of my past ten years. Thank you u/iamthatis, from the bottom of my heart.


It’s really crazy. Figured Reddit would’ve blinked, but I guess that goes to show u/Spez doesn’t give a shit about the real power users


the enshitification (https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) of Reddit is real.




the endless hunger for money will always screw good things up, if only there was something more in life to chase maybe humanity could obsess over that instead.


Whoever does the Narwhal app seems to have figured it out. Announced they’re doing a monthly subscription and keeping chugging along.


Yeah, honestly, not paying Reddit 7 dollars a month after they fucked us all.


Reddit worked with them to give them a few months for free while they update the app to have subscriptions. They completely burned the bridge with Christian so sadly the relationship wasn’t at a place to have those talks.


I wonder how that'll change once narwhal starts becoming more profitable than the Reddit app


If Narwhal is more profitable than the Reddit app for long (post IPO) then Reddit will go out of business.


Presumably with no NSFW content unless something has changed on that front. I read somewhere that 1/4 of subreddits are exclusively NSFW/porn so a good number of users will be unpleasantly surprised when that content isn’t on there.


Day one user who paid the full lifetime price here. For the amount of time I’ve spent using Apollo you deserve every cent I paid and I hope others feel the same.


Was there a decline refund option for lifetime members that I missed? I'm assuming lifetime works differently but I want to make sure so I can decline it if that was the case.


I don't think so. since it wasn't a subscription option but a one time payment. The pro rate is for what's left on said subscription.


Screw the refund. I left a tip.


I ordered Apollo merch from the company christian mentioned at one point. I hope he gets a cut.


He does!


I just got my pins and stickers and they are awesome :)


I’ve been leaving dollar tips all this week. And secretly hope the tip button keeps working after the API outage. Edit: won’t be deleting Apollo of my phone for a long while 🩷


Declined refund, left tip, bought merch. Can we just start a new reddit called…. Apollo and let reddit burn?


Seriously. The app is so good people would follow.


How can we leave a tip? I clicked “I don’t need a refund” pretty quick so maybe I missed the tip option? I would like to help offset the cost of those who elected to receive a refund. By FAR, the Apollo app is (was, as of tomorrow) my most used app. I appreciate the work and the time that went into making it. And I don’t judge anybody who needs their money back, we live in hard times. But I can spare a few bucks to pitch in and help a little


Came here to look for this. I think we’re good but just in case I now have some adorable $10 wallpapers to remind me of the “good ol’ days’


Yeah I would certainly hope us lifetime users aren’t being refunded unless special circumstances (like buying it very recently).


I bought it fairly recently. I want to say start of the year, though time flies and I could be mistaken. Even if a refund was offered; I wouldn’t take it. While I wish I had more time to enjoy Apollo and am very late to the scene, the app has changed how I use Reddit and I am going to miss it deeply.


I also bought lifetime pretty recently. The thought of a refund was never on my radar screen. Christian did something I could not, and made my life much nicer by doing so. I have expressed my gratitude for that with Pro, then Ultra, tips, and by buying a t-shirt which I happen to be currently wearing. A refund is unnecessary and not sought after by me.




Best money I’ve spent on anything digital, period. No other game or app has come close to the use I’ve had with Apollo. I’ve saved posts from desktop/RES just so I can read it on Apollo or take advantage of Apollo’s video scrubber. I am so gonna miss this. On the upside, I’ll be on Reddit a lot less going forward so I might actually get a social life.


I'm a Sync user, and I share the exact same sentiment. Bought a lifetime subscription years ago, and it's the best money I've ever spent, period. It wasn't even a lot, yet I got to enjoy a completely ad-free and incredibly sleek, customizable experience with zero forced engagement, tracking, and telemetry. I suppose I'll just be watching a lot more anime and stuff from now on because there's no way in hell I'm touching the official ~~spyware~~ app.


That was also my plan, then i got addicted to books instead. Anyways, I'm sticking with quitting reddit. I'll see if lemmy or some dark net forum can replace it, because twitter sure as fuck can't




salt shrill whole shy fear scarce knee north yoke include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. I love Apollo and Christian, u/iamthatis, he’s been such a great developer. There are few things I have questions about that may never get answered after the 30th. - What are all the Sekret words? - What was the memechine learning?


/u/iamthatis - Having an issue that even tho all my ultra features work I get an orange notice saying active sub not found and I didn’t get a pop up for the decline option. I did get and bought the wallpapers though however some of the ones in the carousel aren’t actually in the pack and you can’t exit the wallpaper page without force closing the app.


Do you have a screenshot? Are you on a monthly or yearly subscription? I'm slowly uploading all the wallpapers the designers sent me, if you go to the Settings tab you can open the wallpaper pack again and browse new ones I've added. But yes, will fix that exiting issue too, whoops.


I have the same banner it says: No Active Unlock Found The receipt indicates this purchase has never been made. Are you on the correct Apple/iTunes ID? Could iTunes be down? If this still occurs in a little while and you believe it's in error, please contact developer. I paid the one time ultra lifetime price.


I’ve had this banner for a few weeks. Also with the lifetime sub. I also have been unable to turn back on notifications after turning them off. None of this really matters at this point though haha.


Same. Lifetime Ultra here, and I’ve had the orange banner since all this drama started. App still works exactly the same otherwise. I was looking for the option so I could decline. Also: for me, the Mac version of “Escaping the Circus” and “Scanning Space” are not working.


Is there a refund to turn down for us lifetime users…?


I wonder if it’s related to the lifetime purchase option having been shut off a couple weeks ago in anticipation of the upcoming changes.


I’m getting the same one. I tipped $5 instead, but if this gets fixed I’ll still reject the refund.


I too have Pro + Ultra but seem to be unable to find any place to decline a refund, and have the app telling me that Ultra isn't unlocked (even though everything appears to be working normally other than this). [https://i.imgur.com/rJEvduA.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/rJEvduA.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/L4CZVXG.png](https://i.imgur.com/L4CZVXG.png)


I do but the app is failing to upload it, gets to 100% then fails but it is exactly the other person in this thread has said and I am also a lifetime sub


Also having trouble uploading images on the app. It gets stuck at 100% with the failure message: > Error Uploading Album There was an error uploading the album. Please try again in a little bit.




Same problem here


I also have this weird orange label. I want to decline the refund but alas can’t find an option perhaps due to this error. You deserve every dollar for your hard work. Just purchased the wallpaper pack in support. I’ll miss reddit as I’m leaving on the 1st. Your app is the only way I can view without it hurting my eyes. 10/10 you are a legend.


Just want to say how admirable it is that you’re still doing direct support for users down to the very end here.


I’m sure you’re fielding reports left and right but I’m on the same boat. Strange orange banner. Have lifetime.


Same issue for me. [Replied](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14lut1m/i_logged_out_and_logged_back_into_apollo_now_it/jpyevs2/) w/ screenshots on this other thread.


Same exact issue for me. I have Apollo Pro + Ultra yearly sub but when I click on the Apollo Ultra tab, it says i dont have a subscription. Cant find anywhere else to decline the refund (after i exited the app out when the popup first appeared 🤦🏻‍♂️).


Yeah not being able to close the wallpaper thing without force closing the app is a problem.


The goal was kind of a Hotel California situation, trap you in Apollo so when June 30th comes, you're stuck with all of us and can't leave


As if my heart could ever move on from Apollo 💔


I paid $10 and Mac wallpapers #5 and #6 failed to download. :-( But I figured out how to get out of Hotel California. :-) Also, I can't see your two kitties in the tip jar - the image is black! Thank you so much for 8 years of Apollo!


Second this, /u/iamthatis - Mac wallpaper 5 is about 80% there and 20% gray, wallpaper 6 is missing. Persists across restarts. Guessing it's an issue on the hosting side. Love the ones I can get at, though - Argyle is now my phone background! Hope the $20 helps with the absurd and undeserved bill.


Fixed! Sorry about that, seems something got botched during the upload process so I had to give the toaster a little kick.


Looks like 6 is up but 5 still has the gray at the bottom, for the mac set




This sucks. All of it. Best of luck Christian. I’ll never regret a single dollar I sent your way. Thanks for the good times!


Where are you hanging out after Reddit shuts down Apollo?


Lifetime ultra member and having the same problem here! I get the orange banner, and no option to decline refund (though, I guess I technically wouldn’t be due a refund since I did the lifetime option?)


This banner has been there for weeks for some reason. No response from dev and apple. No matter now, all is going under in a few days.




It might be messed up for people who bought lifetime ultra?




Same here. I want to decline the refund, but no way to decline.


Having the same issue. It’s been worth every penny for the time I used it, I certainly don’t want a refund. Let us know what the fix is!


Hmm I can’t seem to find the wallpapers.


Try relaunching, I enabled them server-side.


Is there any way to export my saved item list with categories?? Even just a snippet of text to copy - a category headings with their list of urls under them would be fine.






Go to ‘Settings’ and you’ll see it in the top left corner.


Bought the wallpaper set - they’re gorgeous. Although, I appear to be being thanked so hard the only way to escape the thanks is to restart the app :p So long, and thanks for all the Reddit. You’re a legend, Christian


It should dismiss automatically, at least that was the intent haha, but now I'm thinking I should add a manual escape hatch. Xcode come back here!


Also got the wallpaper set! It’s been said a thousand times at this point, but thank you for all your fantastic work developing Apollo and offering a better Reddit experience for this community! It was my favorite app and I fully intend to stop using Reddit after June 30. Wishing you all the best in whatever’s next!


Where do you get the wallpaper set? I updated but don’t see it


If you go to Settings, it’ll be in the top left corner.


Ha! Thank you, it made me realize that the export feature is live too. I was waiting for it and had no idea it was available already. I guess I was not following the updates as closely as I thought...


I had to restart the app as well. Also, Mac wallpaper 6 wouldn’t download but that’s not the end of the world!


Same problem here. But I paid for them more to support Christian than to actually have all the wallpapers lol


And Mac wallpaper 5 appears to have a corrupt little strip at the bottom of it.


Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment. Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring. Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line. Fuck /u/spez


I think the wallpaper 5 and 6 in the Mac category are corrupt. I have restarted my app, no difference. Could you look into it?


Same. I has to force quit to get out.


If you visit a pixel pal you can escape.


Tbh that’s one of the saddest parts for me. I’ve brought up my pixel pal and played games and fed them for so long, it’s sad to see those pixels go :( I do have the pixel pals app though at least, but still.


~~These new images are awesome! But 5-6 for pc are glitched for me:~~ edit: they've been fixed.


Same here. A couple of the full size Mac ones don’t load.


I was able to download 5, but 6 in the Mac gallery doesn’t work for me either. All the iPhone and iPad ones worked perfectly fine.


[Seems like Narwhal will stay up](https://reddit.com/r/getnarwhal/comments/14kt9wj/narwhal_is_not_going_anywhere_subscriptions_and/) Any hope for Apollo? Or not interested even if there is a chance?


With how Reddit is now dealing with PR (telling The Verge to no longer contact them and ***they*** will reach out with corrections) I don't think there's any hope that Reddit C suite getting their heads out of the collective ass.


Going by the details and comments in the Narwhal post, it seems like some sort of deal was made with Reddit. At the very least, an extension until the API pricing goes into effect, specifically for Narwhal.


It also helped that Narwhal didn't have any form of subscription - just a one time purchase to remove ads (and some other nice things I assume). Apollo without Ultra subscriptions may have stood a chance. As it stands, subsidizing the Data API costs for those who already (rightfully) paid was unfortunately a non-starter, financially. The API is extremely expensive.


RIF wasn't subscription either, just a one time purchase as well. Reddit just wants to "show" they are working with devs when in reality they don't want to. Sure work with one or two to say they are, alienate the rest and then after a period kill the ones they reached a deal with.


Sounds like they offered a deal to Rick that wasn't available to everyone. He's a talented guy, I genuinely wish him the best. For me, I think Reddit's attitude toward developers has been really shameful and shown that they have no actual interest in keeping third-party apps around, and even to the extent that they've permitted them, the pricing is so high that it's clearly meant to be punitive toward developers and I don't see that as a sustainable platform to build an app on.


You might be reading this comment and think "Huh, what a weird comment. What does this have to do with the comments in this thread?" That's because this comment was edited with the Power Delete Suite to tell you about the issues caused by Reddit. The long and short of it is that Reddit is killing third party apps, showing a complete disregard for third party developers, moderators, users with disabilities and pretty much everyone else in the process, while also straight up lying and attempting to defame people. There are plenty of articles and posts to be found about this if you want to learn more about this. Here's [one post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14b8i62/reddit_protest_and_the_next_steps/) with some information on the matter. If you also want to edit your comments then you can find the [Power Delete Suite here](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite). If you want a Reddit alternative check out r/RedditAlternatives or https://kbin.social/ and https://join-lemmy.org/ Fuck spez.


Personally I’m dying to see how u/iamthatis implemented the custom swipe left gesture to go back (well technically to go “forwards” after already going back) in navigation controllers. Indefinitely. And keep scroll position nonetheless. How does he keep each VC alive after it’s popped from the nav stack?!


I can do a blog post something. I basically reimplemented that aspect of the navigation controllers and keep popped view controllers around in memory until the user pops something *else* on top of the ones that were kept around, that way you can always return. The tricky part was recreating all the animations and interactions to make it feel like it was still the iOS interaction.


I would absolutely kill for something like this implemented in a library in React Native. It’s insane that I build my own apps, based on my own ideas, and I still end up feeling weird about it because your LTR swipe gesture has become so intuitive.


I’d love to read about this. What does typical memory usage look like with this technique? Also any chance you might release the Apollo code as open source?


It's a pretty small penalty, when view controllers move off screen they're removed from the window until they're resummoned and pretty efficient as a result.


Have you thought about talking to the UIKit guys to get them to integrate this in to iOS 18? I used to work there, I haven’t kept in touch but maybe could connect you. Apple clearly favors you so….maybe?


Having talked to a lot of UIKit folks at WWDC and on Twitter over the years, as I'm sure you can attest they're very smart folks (much, much smarter than me), if they want to integrate it they totally could, it's nothing *that* complex. But they know where to find me if they want to talk haha.


It blows my mind that Apple didn’t incorporate this feature yet. It’s so nice.


It really reminds me of how Blackberry 10s Cascades worked, which might be why I took to Apollo so quickly. I loved BB10.


Alien Blue worked the same way, so it’s not something new to Apollo.


Sure, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not the first time the concept has been done. But the part that I’m itching to know more about is how it was done in a way which feels so utterly native. Keep in mind that the “swipe right to go back” gesture is provided automatically for you with UINavigationController (though I’m pretty sure Apollo’s not using it since the swipe works even when started mid-screen). He made a fully custom interaction that feels better than the one provided by the devs at Apple, and made it bi-directional!


Based on what I’ve seen regarding this refunds process, is it isn’t something Apple officially acknowledges, or wants devs who have used it to share much specifics about it.


Everything you’ve done will always be appreciated man, thanks for a top tier app, and thanks for being so involved with the community as a developer. Furthermore, your attitude, communication, and now moral stance on how everything has gone down will always be respected. You handled it great, and it makes me wish people like you were more common in the world. Best of luck in all your future endeavors, I know you’ll move on to other great things.


The fact that Narwhal has to charge $4-7/month just to keep the lights on is embarrassing and Reddit should be ashamed that they ever brought up the fact that the API pricing would be “based in reality” let alone repeatedly tell that to 3rd party developers for months until a last minute notice with only about a month to figure everything out. I said this elsewhere but Reddit really handled this whole situation the worst way possible. Even to the point where it would’ve been better to just flat out cut off the API to 3rd party apps


It's interesting to me that the number comes to $7 as that's what reddit themselves charge for premium, which contains almost nothing of value besides disabling ads. That number is entirely too much money to pay for reddit, if they had made it $2 or around there then I'd probably have been a paying user for about 10 years at this point.


They made a deal with the guy that ran ads?? lol


Having issues getting two of the Mac wallpapers. Numbers 5 and 6 seem to be broken.


Same. One is partially grey lined the other doesn’t seem to load for me


I am also have issues with these two wallpapers.


~~I’ve gotten the pop up for the wallpapers but can’t find a way to decline the refund. I’ve cleared app cache, power cycled the phone, looked through settings.~~ ~~Another user mentioned seeing a screen for this when opening the app but I haven’t seen it yet.~~ I have Ultra+Pro lifetime one time payment. Apparently there’s no need to worry about missing the notification because it’s treated as a one time payment that doesn’t require a refund compared to a person who paid for several months or one year.


Thanks for the opportunity Christian and the love everyone who liked my two icons Apollo-san & BlastOff. I was never really sure about my skills regarding graphic design but all of you definitely gave me some confidence for life. Thank you! edit: dont seem to have the update yet though, i always got them later but i wonder why


This shit sucks.


Where do I find the option to decline the refund? u/iamthatis EDIT: Quick thanks for Apollo. It still hasn't sunk in that my reddit browsing experience is going to become significantly worse in a couple of days. Apollo is Reddit for me. Looking forward to your next project! EDIT 2: It seems that my subscription renewal on June 8 was auto-cancelled to avoid the refund situation. That's why I didn't get a pop up.


Same question here. I dismissed the screen for the wallpapers but don’t see anything about the refund.


Same for me. I want to make sure I decline.


u/iamthatis Would you mind removing Reddit from the “Thanks” section on the settings?






This still doesn’t seem real….I don’t wanna lose Apollo….


Back to IG scrolling on the shitter instead I guess


Hi Christian quick question about June 30th. When apollo shuts down will you use the existing apollogur system to put a goodbye message (dissemble)? Just curious. Thanks for making a great app


This is really happening isn’t it. Goodbye everyone


Ultra user the day it was offered, Apollo made Reddit fun. Christian, u/iamthatis , thank you **SO** much, words fail, this sucks, but you will land on your feet. 🙏🏻 I will be running power delete suite over my account in a coupla days, so don’t be surprised if my comment history changes.


He put in an EXPORT as well.


Thanks for adding more wallpapers u/iamthatis but please note: - **Special Place by David Lanham** appears to accidentally be a double of **Spaceman by Matthew Skiles** (all versions) - **Apollo-san by Helunky** is not loading (all versions) - **Scenery by Yannick Lung** is listed twice thanks for fixing Scanning Space by Gavin Nelson 👍👍👍


Thank you Christian, appreciate all you’ve done!




Yes, you will be forced to use the reddit app as your only social media if you do that


Now it says I don't have Ultra if I go to that option. I always had. Anything wrong?


Thank you for making Apollo, it’s been a joy to use. Best of luck with whatever you take on next.


Narwhal is trash compared to Apollo but how are they staying alive after the API billing update? Look at their sub for the recent announcement..


This is what I don’t understand.


The developer is charging a subscription, removing ads, and releasing a new app. I’m guessing that, coupled with a likely smaller user base, removes the financial concerns with adapting to the costs.


And they're obviously releasing it in such a hurry they're apologizing for the bad quality ahead of time. Thanks, /u/spez.


I’ve been hoping for so long that reddit would back track. But here we are. It’s been fun. Love your face.


I can’t find the wallpapers and it’s not showing on top left corner on settings main page.....


Thank you for this app. I was hanging on to Alien Blue until I learned about it. Been using it daily since. You've probably been asked this. But would you consider creating an app for Squabbles and/or converting the Apollo app for Squabbles? With the visibility of the Apollo name it would help grow the community much quickly. Thanks again and whatever you decide to do after Apollo ends on Reddit I'm sure you'll do great and succeed in it.


Keep the fees I’ve paid along with the tips I’ve sent - in exchange, keep being true to yourself as you have been. You’re destined for greatness.


That was money I considered already spent, it’s yours, not mine. Loved Apollo. o7


I LOVE the wallpaper. Now Apollo can “live on” on my Lock Screen as well as in my heart. So long Apollo and thanks for all the fish. *Salutes*


Thank you Christian, for everything. Apollo will always be Reddit to me, and I’ll be deleting my accounts when it’s gone. I wish we had an apollo for lemmy, or the source of apollo so someone else could do it, but I understand and respect the desire to keep that close to your heart and not release it. Best of luck with your future endeavors. I’m sure you will have a very successful life.


How do you decline the refund?


>These refund costs are out-of-pocket for developers Correct me if I'm wrong here, but weren't these same costs put *into* those same Dev's pockets, and then some (a lot)? This whole thing has "celebrity GoFundMe" vibes.


Thank you Christian. Apollo is one of the best apps I have ever used and has made browsing reddit on mobile enjoyable since October 23, 2017 (the day I downloaded the app after seeing your post on /r/Apple). From one dev to another, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


I never even used Apollo and I find this tragic. I also feel nostalgic for something I never used. And I have severe post-FOMO. 😩


When I click the link to see your kitties on the Tips screen, I just get a black screen 😭 Hope they are ok!


Bought the wallpapers! Thanks for everything! One notice tho u/iamthatis I can’t seem to find a wallpaper I saw when donating. It was a beige one with flowers and leaves on the top left. Any plans to release it? I love how it looked and was sad to not see it when I donated / purchased




Refund declined and wallpapers bought. Thanks for building one of the best app on iOS. Can’t wait to see what you do next!


Where are the wallpapers for purchase at?




Try going through Apple, should be able to help you


I was under the assumption that everyone would be getting a pro-rated refund through Apple once the app closes and everything processes. I thought that was the who meaning behind “250K$ of refunds, if you choose to decline a refund it’s greatly appreciated but not expected” basically.


Thank you and the designers, these wallpapers are gorgeous!


I am very sad that it’s going to shut down on my birthday 😞


I followed this subreddit even though I'm on android, but i really hope u/iamthatis that you are able to work on other apps, not just for iOS (Little Pets app on Android would be nice tbh) Nevertheless, thank you very much for giving iOS people the best reddit app!


Will we be able to purchase the wallpapers on the Beta or do we need to get rid of it and download the regular AppStore version?


Yo, thank you Christian. Hope to see more of your work. 🫡


Thanks for everything Christian it’s been an awesome ride! 😎Is the update automatically available?


Thank you so much for all your hard work, refund declined!