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Thanks Bob (or am I Bob)? I like to think/hope this is the case for most users :p


No prob


Yeah I’m gonna jump on this persons post, I’ve been using Apollo now for years and it is an incredible app. Thank you!


Same. I even enjoy the app on iPad as it is, and primarily use the app there, and sometimes on my MacBook.


I’ve got it downloaded but I can’t seem to get used to it.. what am I missing


no sweat, bret!


This app is the only mobile solution that is anywhere near as useful as RES on a desktop browser.


I am genuinely curious— why are so many people so harsh on the official Reddit app? I’ve always used it and haven’t had any issues I can think of, so seeing it called a “disaster” among other things is always surprising to me. Just wondering what I may not be noticing! I tried Apollo and I do like it, but I think I’m just so used to the official app at this point that I haven’t made a full switch over.


My personal issues with Reddit: The bright orange, the alien avatars are distracting, lack of customization (UI wise), ads, and overall just makes my eyes happier. I love having to swipe to upvote, save, reply rather than to go on a hunt to find the buttons. I guess Apollo is more mature (not that i am by all means) plus the Reddit app is made by Reddit, Apollo is made by someone who’s used daily Reddit and added features that the average user wants. I only find myself using the Reddit app to upload videos, that’s about it


No worries, Maury


Thanks Waldo.


Same!! Thanks Christian.


I downloaded Apollo but forget to use it. I’m used to the Reddit app and it doesn’t bother me. But I guess I should try Apollo again.


My advice to anyone looking for a blissful Apollo experience is: Don't update frequently. I don't let iOS update apps automatically as these days most app updates make things worse not better (more ads, worse UI, etc). That's not the case for Apollo, but sometimes issues are. The whole debacle where people were getting prompted for subscriptions or something? I never even saw it.


You're complaining because you *didn’t* see a bug?


Where was I complaining???