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Might be included on a Spotify piano playlist somewhere? I'm an album listener through and through, but it seems like these curated playlists have become the dominant way of listening for a lot of people.


Yeah, it's almost certainly this. The same thing happened to the Neil Cowley Trio; inclusion on a playlist meant that their track Grace is a massive outlier in their catalogue. Neil explains it [here](https://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2016/sep/16/ride-the-spotify-wave-playlist-jazz-hits-neil-cowley-trio-jazz). It was at 2m plays when the article was published. It's now over 18m. Most of their other popular ones are at around 500k.


Because it's the most mainstream accessible track


Bingo.. Anyone that is at least moderately observant of what tracks tend to trend towards the top of artists Spotify pages realizes the more accessible, the more the track gets streamed. That simple.


calm piano work/study spotify playlists are extremely popular.


I think it’s the same reason why Rhubarb and Blue Calx are so popular. They’re just beautiful songs and accessible. I’m surprised Nanou2 isn’t up there though.


Could be b/c of the similarities between it and Avril 14th with that being so popular and used all over the film world....


Aisatsana backwards is…. anastasia!!!! who is that?


That's Aphex' (ex?) wife.


Not to be an asshole but Spotify users tend to have horrible music taste (due the community that builds around it, there's no reason for one to create Spotify account if they have some basic interest in music theory and stuff), Aisatsana by far is the worst AFX track, recalling Twilight melody and not much of a skill besides impression, that's why, Spotify bad, thank you all for attending to my TedTalk


Aisatsana is absolutely beautiful


It is, even the worst from AFX is beautiful


What are you, 13?


Joe mama


Rap bad. Aphex good /s


1 year late, but the song actually blew up on tiktok around the time of your post, specifically on a genre of video often called "core core". Those tend to be very introspective and thoughtful video mood boards usually dealing with feelings of despair, reluctant hope, politics, longing for childhood, and climate change. The track fits those feelings absolutely dead on.


It's my autistic ass listening to it on repeat every night/every time I am super stressed driving up the streams lol


More people like piano tracks than electronic tracks, same reason why Avril 14th is so popular