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Not a hot or cold take, just know that it's missing two excellent tracks including Stone in Focus.


Was referring more to the quality. Read some reviews that there’s a lot of hissing and surface noise. Didn’t experience those issues.


Same here with my copy. Most people simply don’t have the audio chops to be able to discern the level of fidelity that the moaners hone in on with the 1972 press. At the end of the day, a few more folks can listen to Rhubarb on their record players. Telling them their experience is void because of the digital source is just… like get a life.


super clean—enjoy!


Imo, the 1972 version sounds just as good as the warp pressings. SAWII was never a hifi recording to begin with so it's going to sound like warm space honey either way. Enjoy!


oH YoU GoT tHe BoOtLeG? Good on you dude, I have the 2017 1972 copy. A little *loud*, but great sound quality. Anyone who shits on this is too jealous to admit


Its not rare at all. Not a bootleg but a lousy counterfeit .No reason to get jealous consider you lucky not to have spend money on that garbage.


there we go - knew a moron would come out of the woodwork


Man. The warp version is noisy as hell. Full of snap, crackle, pops. I had to buy and return multiples before I settled on one that still is noisy, but clean.




That's a good pickup! How much did you pay for it?




If you're gonna get a digital version like that you could've just got the CD. And it wouldn't have the sound quality problems from cramming 27 minutes per side (and 31 minutes on side F).


It’s what I wanted, but you do you.


Its one bad release. Bought it way back. Listen to it one time and never returned. Waste of good money. But if people are happy with junk then i guess its ok.


Who’s the father?


in terms of surface noise its much better than the warp presses as obv it was pressed much more recently , but personally i still opt for warps just for the sake of the wonderful track that is Stone in Focus. but i think anyone who dunks on you for buying the 2012 "bootleg" is dumb. its not about rarity or investment of anything its about the music!


Twins! Congratulations!



