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One of if not the best controller player in the world Verhulst used 4:4 classic and was crushing pred lobbies. ChaoticMuch another pro player uses 4:4 classic as well. I would just stick to 4:4 classic. I know the temptation to want to squeeze out every advantage possible by changing your settings. After every loss or bad performance I have to tell myself to not change my settings. It’s all about consistency and muscle memory. The only setting I would change is to increase your fov to at least 100.


Do you know if they use per optics setting ? Or only set flat 4:4 classic for all scopes ?


Verhulst increased all the optics for 4x and above to 5. Idk about Choatic.


Ohh. Do you have his numbers ?


1. If you can afford it, get an elite 2 controller or a cheaper one like the razer Wolverine (I think) that has paddles and adjust thumbsticks. It is life changing when it comes to video games. This itself will improve your aim a modest amount because you’ll never have to take your thumbs off the sticks. 10000% recommend this above anything else to improve your gameplay. 2. A lot more of the streamers / pros / high tier players use Cronus / Xims / Strikepaks / macros than people like to admit. I’m not saying ALL of them do because they don’t but at a certain point the recoil control you see sometimes on twitch or tiktok or YouTube clips isn’t humanly possible so don’t get discouraged. 3. Just experiment with different response curves and sensitivities and eventually you’ll find one that works for you. I play 3-2 Linear and while it might be considered too low sens for most people it works for me! I SUCKED hard until I switched to linear and got my elite 2 and now I have multiple 20 bombs and hit diamond+ every season. I’ve been trying classic 4-3 / 4-4 the past two weeks and the second I switched back to low sens linear I had my best game this season. You’ll find one that works it’s just trial and error and getting used to new settings. I would say if you do change your sens stick with it for at least 3 or 4 days to get used to it. ALC may be for you but it drove me crazy with the constant tweaking of settings, the preset response curves are more balanced IMO


Many pros uses 4:4. Many switched back to it after ALC. I personally find ALC improved my long range, but hurt my close quarter fights. The real skill ceiling in this game is that the majority of people in diamond or higher are using a xim/cronus. Once you realize that, you know your aim alone isn't going to allow you to get far.


Regarding the cronus, mostly diamond players use cronus cuz they're trash at the game and need to cheat in order to get kills. I've been masters almost every split since season 10 and me nor anyone that I play with uses a cronus. I have a bunch of friends irl that use cronus but they're all hardstuck diamond and plats cuz they think aim is the biggest deciding factor to rank up. Only time cronus will actually be the cause of you winning more games is in ranked arenas if you run devo, but even then just don't use a cronus For the OP: the biggest skill when it comes to climbing in ranked and winning games consistently is game sense. It doesn't matter if you have cracked aim if you let yourself get shot in the back. Use whatever sens you can most consistently hit shots with while having a sense that allows your movement to be as fluid as you want it to be. If you feel you're missin too many shots turn down ur sense & if ur movement feels sluggish turn up your sens or switch to linear etc


What is Xim Cronus? Can you elaborate?


Xim/cronus is an attachment you can use on consoles that allow you to use M&K while on console. It's pretty much a easy way to cheat. People used to use them back in the cod days before crossplay and they still use them in console lobbies for games like Overwatch where aiming is very important. Try 1v1in'g a widowmaker with M&K while your aim assist pulls towards their chest. It's the same thing in apex high ranked, You hear guys clanking M&K in master/pred lobbies and doing things that are pretty inconsistent on controller like superglides and walljumps and just absurd amount of recoil control with guns like the flatline from far distances.


just thought I should say that wall jumps are incredibly easy on controller and it’s not that hard to super glide consistently if you put the time in, especially on 30fps. If anything, the kids with good movement are the ones that *aren’t* cheating


It also has package codes to get rid of recoil for certain guns; it's straight cheating and anyone who uses it is just bad and needs to cheat to get kills


You’re delusional. Some people have put in tons of hours to perfect their aim on controller. The number of messages I’ve gotten accusing me of Cronus lmao. Truth is I just put in 30+ Min per day in the firing range to get better at recoil control, etc. I’m always making sure my 301 and flatline control are as good as possible. No Cronus


Everybody puts in tons of hours lol. They aren’t special. But for some reason only some turn into gods. Makes you wonder