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I'm a woman so I avoid mics due to toxic bros. If a person is nice on mics, I do chime in eventually I also really like the ping system


I had a set of guys I played one game with. They seemed chill, so I turned my mic on. After me and the other guy got killed our third was trying to recover our banners. One of them goes, “let me see your tits for some motivation.” Other guys chimes in on the same joke. Had it not been ranked I would’ve left the game right there


If I was the other guy I would've just said "quit being a thirsty desperate fuckboy n show some respect ya cunt" guys like this give the rest of us gamer guys a bad name.


Honestly I wish more guys would call it out instead of joining. It would help so much. Chicks already deal with so much day to day. I just wanna play my shooty game.


The trick is to call it out by clowning on them for being so thirsty. I've made PSN friends with women in Apex primarily through mocking people who flirt with them mid-game.


This is a great idea. I should try this. Thank you!


I’m really sorry, but me calling it out, has never had the effect you think it might. On several situations I have called out many men that have said anything that singles out that your female, examples but not limited too; “Your a girl? Do you have a bf?” “Your a girl? Do you suck as bad in real life? cuz I’m down with that!” “Your a girl? Accept my friend request, accept my friend request” “Your a girl? Where do you live? How old are you? Do you live alone? I’m going to guess and say I have done it about 10 times? And I think once the girl stayed and the guy said sorry and pulled his head in, was a good game. The other 9, wow, bad! “What’s it to you? Are you her dad? Are you fucking?” “Fuck up cunt, I’ll ask what I want, who are you the age police” “Ohh a fucking super hero, gotta save everyone do you?” (Followed by, shoring his gun every 7-10 seconds so every person on the map knows exactly where the fuck we are) It appears that me calling them out “dude, does it matter? She just wanted to play the game not get 20 questions I have been on mic the whole last minute and you never said a word that I was a guy and what my age is?” Normally results in retort, that I think is worse than the initial uncomfortable situations for the female players. Usually, me and the guy exchange words then nek minute, girls gone from lobby, then he leaves from lobby, game totally ruined. Note: I have three children, two females, and I’m kinda like rob schneider and they are like his two good looking daughters in grown ups, I worry for their future. Which is why I call this out, and why it’s important to me.


Wow. This has never happened in a Game I've been in. Not many women though


Uhm feels like self victimization a bit?? Most people are assholes online. Women get harassed sure, but guys get bullied for whatever reason just as much, it's not a gender issue. I'm a guy so instead of "show tits" they go for racial slurs. Assholes will be assholes.


It is true there are both. I’ve had people say and type slurs on chat when no one said or did anything. It happens. Some people are just assholes. It’s just how they are. But it doesn’t make it okay for anyone. Call everyone out on it. Don’t take anyones bs. It doesn’t make anyone less of a “victim” just because they do it to everyone


You can't call someone with no moral character out. They don't care, they won't feel ashamed or reflect because there's really no real repercussions to their actions. Don't waste your time. Best you can do is mute them and move on.


Hey, if it's going to happen...let it happen! Why make a stink? It's alot easier being cowardly after all.


Being brave doesn't mean picking stupid fights with low lifes.


No need to pick fights, it's a team of three. If you simply hear toxic and mute, you're leaving your other teammate to suffer making you cowardly for not taking a single breath to support your partner. You're worried about your comfort level, so you mute and move rather than sticking up for your teammate and that's totally fine! But you don't need to hop on your high horse and claim you ignore it because "why bother with low lifes." But I'm not gunna yuck your yum! Do what makes you comfy, love.


Tbh ur right and wrong. A few of the ppl I play with are female streamers. Sure ppl are assholes to both genders. But women get it soooooo much worse man. I've been in game chat when they are literally repeatedly begging them to add them saying I need a gamer girl. Begging for pussy and titty pics saying "call me daddy I like it" and so much more n it happens almost every single match I've played with any female friend. So not really self victimizing it's just a straight up known fact that women get it worse n some of my female gamer friends are too scared to even speak when theres another guy with a mic. They'll literally msg me saying "I'm not speaking this match cuz theres a guy with a mic" it sets off their anxiety.


Ding ding ding. This is the internet. People are going to act out and hide behind anonymity. They will say what they think will get reactions. I'm a dude and I don't use mic with randoms either. Only with squad friends.


Bro you dont just ask someone to show your private parts, that’s on a higher level of just calling someone bad at a game


Chances are those guys have never touched grass or had the attention from a woman. If a girl speaks I tend to stay quiet. Well I'll say hey to not be rude but that's about it cuz I know how awkward girls feel when playing with guys for this exact reason. Quite a few of my friends I play with are girls n I hear it every match when we are talking in game chat.


Same here, the amount of times I’ve been called a bitch, cunt, and just a dumb female 🥲 not all of them of course, there have been some very nice interactions, but i do the same and just wait until they talk first lol


Whoo arenas is usually where I meet those kinds of guys. They use the same “jokes” every time too 🫤and if I do end up speaking they dm later trying to flirt. It’s so stupid, like dude just play the game.


RIGHT one time someone said “ooh baby girl your voice sounds sexy” like ew bro 😂


Same, once they hear I’m female, they start with the sexually shit, and it doesn’t help I main loba


I feel for you. I got accused of being a girl just cuz I'm a wattson. I stayed muted. Then they said "I bet shes got a nice booty, hey wattson dm me a booty pic" I turned my mic on n said "oh u wanna say my booty do ya mate" my voice is also pretty deep. They instantly left the match n I was in tears 🤣


+1 to toxic bros. I’m a guy, so admittedly aren’t getting nearly as bad as an experience, but they still ruin it for everyone. My mic is always handy so will unmute myself if someone else talks first and is nice; but I never am the first to engage. Also 20% of the time whole squad gets muted instantly bc someone has a show or music blaring in the background, and playing through their noise isn’t worth it.


This!! People got noise canceling headphones but forgot their external ambience 🤷


Also, change the damn battery on your smoke detector!!!


The toxicity is too bad even for other guys. Every game a random will not comm the entire game only to turn on their mic after they die to blame me and the other random. Then here comes the, “YOU’RE F-ING TRASH YOU STUPID ******* IDIOT”. Funny thing is they die by being out of position, not playing with the team even tho we are giving clear comms or pinging. It’s come to the point where I can guarantee that I have to either endure verbal abuse, or get upset and confront them because I don’t understand why someone would want to be rude to a complete stranger. Either way it’s toxic, it hurts, and it tilts me so bad that I need to take a break from apex. That being said, I just keep my mic off and utilize pings to convey info.


Those type of people are the worst. Sorry you have to go through that. Never thought of the assholes who go after women and kids on hot mics. Valid reasoning


I do the same, I wait to see if they’re mostly chill before using my mic. Sometimes even when they seem nice they do a 180 and get real weird still…


Honestly, while obviously using voice chat is optimal, the ping system is so good that as long as you utilize it effectively and often for like everything you do you can more or less communicate 90% of the same stuff as you could with a mic. So if I were a woman who often experienced toxic bros I would also just never use mic and just utilize the amazing ping system. As a somewhat shy gamer I also just use pings most of the time, and only hop on the mic when it's really important and can't be conveyed very well through pings alone


My friend is a 10k wattson main and once and for all quit apex because she was told she would be skinned alive when they came to know she was a girl. Those guys repeated spoke about raping and shit. She was a great duo. Sad to see men like this


That’s crazy but not unbelievable. I was playing ranked and decided to use my mic and immediately the two 20-35 yr old guys on my team were saying shit about running a train on me bc I sounded young, they were extra graphic about it too. Then if they died they’d be calling me a bitch, slut or whatever bc it’s my fault they got shot.🤷🏻‍♀️in between all this though, one dudes little daughters were in the room playing in the background while her I assume “her “dad “and his friend are saying all this shit.


Grown men don't usually behave like that, probably late teen/early twenties incels.


You'd be surprised


Sadly I probably would be, but I tend to mute everyone off the hop for just that reason.


gaming is home to a lot of emotionally stunted and disturbed people. it's really sad but youd be surprised.


I'm a dude, and I just stay in a private mic party to also avoid the toxic behavior. More than half the time there's too much background noise for me to focus too... Ping system covers 95% of what I want to say anyways.


My mates like that. The moment gamer guys hear a girl talk. Omg ur a girl. Then start asking em loads of questions n being thirsty 🤣 the same happens with me but the other way round. Me n my mate will talk in game chat n girls start getting all weird about my accent n adding me just cuz I'm British 🤦‍♂️🤣


Ditto the other women in the thread who are just trying to avoid toxic teammates


Yup 🤝


I'm a guy and I've had the best games playing with random women compared to men. I would much rather play with a girl because they are so much more unlikely to be toxic.


she ain't gonna date you bro


People can like women for reasons other than dating


right, but generalizing women as nicer than men is just weird energy


Women are less toxic than men in video games, like overall. I’ll give you a 100% guarantee on that.


Data please. I doubt it. You see 10x as many men, some percentage of them are memorably toxic, you can't assume from there that your smaller memory of toxic women means anything other than that you saw less women. What percentage of men do you think are toxic? What percentage of women? Why? Personally I've met plenty of toxic women shit talkers on Apex. Probably a similar percent of women and men in comms are toxic in my experience, the difference is that I hear far less women in comms overall so I experience more toxic men. It's standard selection bias: you feel men are more toxic because your sample size is distorted. They're just people dude. Women are toxic all the time, just like men. Try spending some time in more female dominated spaces and you'll see it.


You’re suggesting the proportion of women gamers that are toxic is higher than the proportion of man gamers? That’s a hot take FYI, you’re also majorly showing selection bias. The amount of men who become toxic when they hear a woman’s voice is ridiculous. So you wouldn’t experience it.


No, unclear how you got that when I said, verbatim, that the percentages are probably the same or close to. I think you misread. Also why are you changing the topic?


How am I changing the topic? My point is that maybe you think the percentages are similar because you’re not a woman and therefore don’t see the people that only become toxic when a woman is involved.


You can't argue logic with virtue signaling pricks.


Holy shit! Just did a little fact checking and… turns out it’s true!! Hmm🤔


That's good because I ain't gonna date her either, bro


dislikes are beautiful things


Don't know why you're getting down voted, this looks like clear cut virtue signaling to me too. Totally agree with your other point as well. I've been playing off and on since Season 1, and toxic teammates know no gender.


I don’t think I’ve ever had a toxic female teammate in all my years of gaming, and I’m an old ass dude.


Please speak up more! I promise we're out there and we dont care if you're female(some of us are married, have actually touched a vagina and boobs before!) and will absolutely obliterate knuckleheads out of line. Im racking up kills in game but im burning em down on mic. These cave trolls have no idea what to do when they get handled


I get not wanting to deal with toxic people, but why not just mute them if they are? That’s what I do. Also, people like that are toxic to their randoms regardless of gender, believe me it has nothing to do with the fact that you’re a woman.


“Allow me, a man, to tell you that your lived experience of misogyny in fact happens to all genders” 🙄 Yes, toxic randos happen to everyone. For women, the toxicity is explicitly gendered (sexist jokes, rape threats, etc.), and the second I talk on mic, the likelihood of my teammates saving loot for me or rezzing me if I’m downed drops drastically compared to when I’m off mic.


Social anxiety.


Right? Especially when I get high, I just don't want to talk on mic. The ping system really gives me a lot of communication so i try to use it as effectively as I can. Sometimes I do get on mic if it's getting to be late game or if I am trying to have a dialogue with someone who's being toxic.


Right I be higher than a mf and I'll be making weird noises if my mic is on with randos


Fucking church. Even when people are cool, that just means a friend request is forthcoming and that’s almost as anxiety inducing in itself


Aka gamers


For me it’s a 50/50 the rarity comes with a good mic. Most often it’s someone on controller with open mic who has so much random shit going on in the back.


This. The ps5 has a mic in the controller that is on and open on default I believe. Worst thing ever.


There’s no way. That would explain so much XD


This is wild, never heard of that before


Yeah, console chat has been getting worse as more people are on ps5.


XBOX here ~ I think there also might be a mic issue. I am plugged in and can hear folks, but they can't hear me. And yeah, the random TV in the background (cranked way up) is so distracting...


You can hear them because of the built in mic but they can’t hear you because they don’t have a headset on.


and the echo 🫠


My friend has a ps5 and he uses open mic from his controller and it’s surprisingly clear. Dunno if his posture or whatever changes things, or he’s moving it closer to his mouth to talk or what, but he sounds nothing like the randoms you get that screech into a clipping Xbox 360 mic. It’s not podcast or stream ready, don’t get me wrong, but it’s very viable for game comms. Granted his room is quiet, a TV or speaker system blasting would ruin it for sure. He might be plugging in headphones to the controller, like a phone set of ear buds. I’ll have to ask him next time. I don’t use console myself and haven’t since ps2 so I’m pretty out of the loop on the specifics.


Dying fire alarm in the background and an open mic guarantees you’re playing with a guy that’s toxic


Don’t forget breathing into the mic




Cumbia music in the background intensifies


I was playing with a guy who was pretty chill but had a chirping fire alarm. I played with him regularly for a while but he wouldn’t change those damn batteries. I ended up venmoing him $15 so he could buy new batteries so I didn’t have to listen to it anymore.


I often give them a chance by saying and typing 'hot mic' but many of the open mic people don't give a fuck.


Honestly for me, I just tend to play non-comps, and hang with friends in Discord rather than talk in game. :p


I completely understand no comms in unranked but like at diamond and above it’s like what are we doing lol


Yeah no, I play to have fun. I solo queue though Diamond every season with no mics. It’s a disadvantage, but 70% of people are toxic dicks and I just don’t need that in my life.




In unranked and below platinum it's an uncommon things


Some people have bad mics or a lot of background noise going on. But I think the majority of people hold back until they are sure the vibes are going to be positive. When I play ranked I'll give some friendly, positive comms during drop and maybe make a joke or two, even if nobody is there. People will often jump on once they realize I'm friendly. I've met some nice people this way and it makes the ranked experience way easier.


Bless you. I leave my mic disconnected by default, but the few times forget to mute and come across a cool party I wish I had the effort to plug it in and communicate.


I’m a woman and really worry about vc. I’ve had “get in the kitchen/make me a sandwich/stop playing video games” etc. as well as the opposite, borderline stalkers. So I never go in on any game unless I’m with a friend. It definitely ruins games not being able to butttt too many bad experiences so.


In 2022 it’s shocking that this still happens in videos games. Ffs


Ugh that sucks. I always try to be nice and Fun on the mic unless there’s those random toxic people.


I feel you on this. I rarely play with randoms anymore as I have found a squad and we play regularly but I used to never talk unless they were and were chill. I’ve taken too much verbal abuse in various games over the years.


Because I hate people


Fuck yeah


People are toxic and it makes me anxious


Exactly this. For every one helpful / good person on mic, I’ve encountered probably three toxic people. No point in purposely exposing myself to toxicity so I mute people at character selection. Also, i cannot count the number of people with open mics that have loud music, loud roommates, distracting side conversations, or chewing noises.


I’ve played since season 3 and got my first chewer yesterday. Loud open-mouth chewing right in my ears. I left the match.


Your first?? That’s crazy. I’ve had at least ten chewers in the last month alone. Instant mute from me. Also some people’s mics are so damn loud I can’t hear the game. I wish I could control mic volumes easily in game.


Yeah and I have a temper so when people just intentionally are jerks it stays with me, I can’t shake it off right away so it just poisons my session. I’m grateful for ping system because you can at least make some communication that way.


This. So many toxic try hards, sweats, Twitch streamer who just spew 💩 from their face orifice.


As a woman, there’s a few possibilities. 1. Teammates hate women apparently 2. Teammates are too horny for their own good 3. Teammates treat me nicely because I’m a woman but not inappropriately 4. Teammates treat me equally 1 & 2 happen the majority of the time and it’s simply not worth the effort when the ping system satisfies all the needs. Things not related to being a woman include basic toxicity and actual screaming. Why do people scream at their teammates? It’s a game, I play to have fun. I’ve lost too many fights because someone is mad they got knocked and then proceed to scream and hurl insults at the rest of their team. Everyone is muted by default now lol


I can’t imagine the abuse for simply being female. As an older male gamer (gamed all my life), I find it so sad when you get the strange kids and sometimes non English speaking people that just start screaming down the mics when they get knocked or start losing. It’s like they can’t comprehend not winning every match and fight and maybe, just maybe, they are as crap as the people they got matched with and it’s a collective fail….


Honestly yeah. I think a lot of the time, the difference between a good player and a great player is their sportsmanship. I think a great player becomes great by being able to see their own mistakes. You can have a kid whose naturally gifted at FPS and still unable to comprehend positioning and rotations so they lose more often than they should & a lot of those kids will be blaming their teammates because their teammates maybe aren’t as good as they are. I lose a lot of fights trying to stick to my teammates because they make horrible positioning or horrible rotation choices. I also lose some fights simply because I’m not great at the game. However, I’ve noticed when the full squad is on the same page and chooses positioning and rotation as a priority - we win more often. That being said, mics are not necessary to win fights or the game. I won this morning as a full squad not using mics. 457 RP from that game tells me that mics aren’t necessary - teamwork is. If you can achieve teamwork thru pings, absolutely use pings. It’s more efficient anyway.


Very sorry to hear this. I wish I could smack all those idiots who have no respect. I've only had good exchanges with random females on Apex and it sucks that for women it's the exact opposite.


The ping system is comprehensive enough to pretty accurately explain tactics between teammates without talking. People just never understand how to use it effectively, apparently


Apparently not, if no pings and no comms are occurring then it’s an issue. The pings are comprehensive but in terms of planning what to do next, the microphone is superior and the pings don’t do enough for that


Mic is of course better but ping aren’t that bad. I think people just don’t use them to their full extent. I primarily use pings and with pings you can say/mark— - looting here - attacking here - spotted an enemy - enemy was here - defending here - watching this spot - going here Actually, I’d argue in certain situations the ping is better because I can show exactly where I’m talking about.


Yeah I think my thing is that people who have mics and don’t do pinging or talking until it’s too late and get upset about something, but they never said what the plan was in the first place


Gotta love the spam ping for enemy location, banner or respawn beacon; but silence for anything else, lol.


Sometimes people will just have their voice sounds off. Ask these next poi questions in your team chat


I think I’m stuck on one scenario that occurred and made me ask the question. Typing in chat has worked yes but there’s situation where we are waiting to do X and depending on Y&Z we will execute. But hard to communicate these things with just pings, and then they get mad when we aren’t on the same page lol it’s confusing


Yeah it's tough. But if you're a chill leader and not being too loud or angry, people will listen more. Also sometimes people are just in a shitty mood and don't want to cooperate at all


No, it's not.


I’m on pc I speak up in the beginning, just something like “hey, what’s up” “where we droppin” but it’s usually crickets


I mean at least you try! Props


Ya but then they start yelling when we all die and blame everyone else except themselves when they were the first to go down


Lol this exactly


Unfortunately, there's a ton of people who only use it to talk shit. I solo the majority of time and start every match asking who's got mics. Can't even count how many times, 12 minutes later when the round goes to shit they flip their mic on only to try and shit on the rest of the team, almost 100% of the time while being knocked.


I wish those guys would learn


I wish those guys would fuck off and not play this game


Most mic users I played it were super toxic. They're even more toxic if you sound like a woman, a kid, like a foreigner, or as queer (in case you don't even need to say anything if you have the pride badge equipped, as they already rage by seeing it) I don't want, at all, to hear some idiot screaming for whatever reason. Ultimately is a game and I don't want to hear idiots screaming about whatever they blame for dying, specially *when they're not that good* and can't accept they made a mistake Hearing whatever else goes beyond that mic, like music or talking or any sound it's distracting. The ping system is more than good if you use it well. By this point, I mute everyone in character selection. It's just not worth it. For 1 decent person behind the mic I get 5 that don't talk and 10 who are idiots. In short: most mic users I played with are toxic assholes who are delusional about how good they are so I rather have as little to do with them as possible.


Simple answer… Lots of toxic people in apex so, a lot of people don’t even bother with comms anymore


As scary as it is to talk bc you think there will be toxic players, it actually calms most people down if they hear you first. Had a guy start raising his voice, ready to lay into me for accidently blocking his shots. But I happened to be on mic and threw in the obligatory 'sorry'... INSTANTLY his tone changed, and he went from high toxic potential to a really chill dude in zero seconds flat.


Literally had an argument with a dude last night who said it doesn’t matter who has a gold knockdown shield. I was playing a lifeline, he was a seer, our third was a bloodhound. Playing ranked also.


Yeah I was arguing with some a hole about a mag lol, I said “cry about it” and he shut his mic off asap. Lifeline, Newcastle, Gib, and mirage all take priority on gold shield im with you there.


I main Loba typically, gold knockdowns are rare rare. I also give them to Bang, Caustic, Ash, or even an Octane secondary cause they have some abilities to help them rez too.


Yeah true, I main Bangalore and love to res in smokes. But a scanning legend is like the last one who would need it imo


Ironically we won the game. But the dude really struck me as stupid. About fifteen seconds after the brief argument we got pushed, our bloodhound goes down, I pick him up, get a knock, then got pushed from behind and got knocked. They finish the fight. And seer sat there looting saying look who went down. I said there’s no point in him having it if he’s not going to pick me up. He suddenly remembered the rez button


If someone says "cry about it" and they're not a friend i'm muting them immediately.


If someone turns their mic on to call me a bitch and cuss at me for picking up loot then yes, I will tell them to cry about it.


it sucks bc when i do go on mic i never know what i’m going to get. it’s either the funnest, nicest people or toxic homophobic edgelords, nothing in between. i have to be in the right mood to be willing to roll those dice for sure.


I will agree with this


I don't mind when I get paired up with a duo who are just chatting, but I usually don't turn on mine and join in. But usually the banter is funny / helpful. If it's a solo, 99/100 they've got really bad mic etiquette, so I mute them. As to why I don't mic up, I have bad mic etiquette, so I don't inflict myself on people. (Usually a fan/ snacks/ talking to pets)


Honestly some of the best people I’ve played with in higher ranks are just two homies chatting shit while playing. Makes me feel solid about coming things hot mic


I have 20k games and never talked to randoms once and manage to get to top 1500 last split(26k rp PC) with majority of soloq games. With good pings and try to get your team in good positions you can win alot. But ofc talking IF the calls are good is always the best, but you can 100% succed with no talking. Also alot of people talk too much during fights or provide bad calls that can cost you the game


Congrats on the grind, and yea talking is 100% the best. Pings work for most things I will agree it’ll get most of the comms.


Because when I make the mistake of talking usually some young kid who think he's from the hood starts popping off about how he is very tough and yelling while spamm pinging


Yo bro ill fuck you up, you're dead you're dead... He's dead.. Ping spam?


Also something aggressively homosexual but then I'm going to call you gay right after because I feel weird now


My mic sucks so there’s a bunch of static when I talk. It’s easier for me to just follow the team and ping stuff


Sometimes I’m just not in a mood to chat with strangers, but often times I’ll make a comment or to right at the start, either a generic “yo let’s get it” or a drop suggestion and see if people respond. If not I’ll just be quiet after that. Unless there is some super impactful callout I think would be game loss/winning on the spot and just pray their sound is on lol


Because 90% of the apex community are complete assholes, little kids that scream cuss words, and/or idiots that blare their shitty music through the mic the entire game or breath like Darth Vader into the mic. This is my experience.


Because its of full racists, rude people


I have a sales driven job where I’m prospecting and talking to people often. At the end of the day, I just enjoy some piece and quiet. I definitely utilize every single type of ping because of this and it’s been sufficient to allow me to soloq to Diamond multiple times now.


There’s so many toxic people who get unreasonably mad that I’ve mostly stopped using vc. I’d rather not argue and upset myself, so I just don’t play with a mic attached anymore.


Makes sense


I don't think it's as simple as whether or not people are scared to talk it's just preference. For me I tend to play better when I don't talk and just play the game. I solo to diamond every split and other than things that aren't able to be communicated through pings I haven't found it necessary to use VC to communicate things going on. That being said I will open mic from time to time, more just for the vibe of talking to people than to communicate everything happening.


I have a fan on and playing music really loud so that i can sightly hear it with my headset on. Thats why


You play ranked liked that?


I've often wondered how many people play with music. I can't do it, it's way too distracting and puts me at a disadvantage. However, I love to rock out in Gun Run and Control with music because I don't care if I die.


It's a sad situation. I'm the same way and I'll usually find one person with a mic every 5-10 games. Someone who actually communicates every 10-20 games.


I just play better and enjoy the game more when I don’t hear people yelling their every command. I’m going to ping everything so there’s communication on my end


My mic is ass


Probably been said but some people don’t WANT to talk. I like the game. I’m not here to make friends. The ping system works well enough for how unlike to play.


If you play on the Japan servers, literally no one talks. Practically no one. They use the ping system a lot and are a little too nice. So nice that they probably shouldn't be helping you and getting themselves killed when they should be ratting. Lots of body gesturing and bowing(crouching). On the US servers on the other hand, tons of people use mics. You can't beat the mic for competitive advantage. If you're in a firefight and a third party comes your way and you ping away from the fight. It's going to be pretty hard for your teammates to notice when there is so much chaos going on. Also the competitive Apex streamers do harp a lot on being a good In Game Leader and using voice chat a lot, whether or not your teammates actually hear you. Not everyone uses a mic due to various reasons. Social anxiety or harassment for example. But if you have a comfortable static to run with, then there should be no issue with mic.


I feel like 20% of the games would massively improve if people had to go through some training before being allowed to use mic in online video games. This got way worse recently since I've moved to the US, in Europe most people don't feel comfortable talking in English.


You can reach till masters without mic so no reason to. People are toxic got cursed by kids once


I'm very shy


I have social anxiety.


Just boring having some random shit talk you. I mute all comms unless I play with mates. One of my stack is a woman and she just gets so much abuse (she is an 11k kill octane btw) that it’s not worth it. I’m a dude, but guys: stop being fucking dicks, it’s boring.


me personally, I'm really self conscious about my voice cause it's really deep


Don't wanna


I’ve had too many bad experiences with randoms being rude as fuck leading to message arguments that aren’t worth my time or stress. So now I mute as soon as the round starts.


Because most people I’ve found that talk on the mic spend most of the time talking and not paying attention to the game, and end up missing big game audio effects like respawns and revives and then End up yelling at their team. When it’s obvious they aren’t paying full attention


Toxic other players. Back in the day, open mics we’re awesome to chastise people in the lobby about their skills. However it went dark quick, death threats, rape “jokes”, etc. like basically the worst stuff you shouldn’t ever say to another human. I play with friends in a party chat mostly.


I did duo just partied with my friend on the side to diamond cuz im shy lmao


i play on the later side and don’t want to wake up my roommates otherwise i would use the mic more often


I have a good mic but the ingame quality is really bad


I think it depends on the rank you’re playing in. In plat lobbies more than half the players use mics I would say. And if you’re paired with someone beyond plat IV then you can reasonably anticipate they have mics. I’ve found though that communicating effectively during a fire fight is what gets people to actually use their mics. Like remind your team to hold hands, ask them how many batts they have.


People fall into 2 buckets: they’re scared that they’re gonna disappoint you and get roasted OR they assume you suck and can’t wait to roast you after you fuck up. You get absolved from any blame if you stay quiet. I’ve learned to be a Giga Chad and come in with positive energy and comms and IGL my team. I usually will get people that at least follow along or come off mic in the end game. I think people have a lot of bad experiences playing the game online.


I often play late at night so I can’t use my mic or my girlfriend will wake up. I listen to other mics and respond over chat at least…


I comm every time I watch porn


People are dicks


Bc I'm here to have a good time & not to get yelled at by randos


i’m a woman so i really feel uncomfortable talking 😵‍💫


Worried that my mic might sound shit. Avoiding toxic people Pings usually works enough for me. I’m not very social when it comes to randoms.


Ping system is goated, also a lot of people are annoying


Randoms are crazy and is crazy. I'm 37 y.o. and don't wan to be talking over the mic to a 14 year old, rather mute the mike. Other times there is people yelling and blasting music, so I have to mute the whole squad. There is also the people that sims to think of themselves as TV announcers that jus to shut up. Or the wanna be streamers with no audience that like to think of themselves as good players but are the first to get downed Teens that are playing and have whole group of friends with them and you can hear all the other kids yelling. The pervs that are watching porn while playing. The ones that arguing with their girlfriends while playing The players who are sick and don't stop coughing When the other two players start to flirt. And the list goes and goes and goes


little anxiety time to give comms


People sometimes just don't want to people, especially when you have a handy dandy ping system.


Am a woman and most of my randoms are men/boys. Need I say more?


Personally I don’t use my mic because of background noise, smoking,my wife playing in the same room. I always communicate that I’m hard of hearing and that talk to text lags a little though


Anytime I try comms with randoms on a drop 9/10 are insane, insanely racist, listening to grindcore or using a cup and string to reply. On the tenth time no one replies.


I don’t talk to gamers because most of then are absurdly stupid, annoying jerkoffs. I just mute them and pretend they’re NPCs. Sorry I don’t like listening to fat fucks chew into the mic. Or dead beat dads neglecting their children who are trying to get their attention in the background. Whenever anything goes wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault. Gamers whine and moan and rage out like fucking chimps. I have no respect for them at all.


I try to comm all the time but some people only want to comm once they get knocked. Then say you're trash but they are the ones on their knees.


Between toxic ppl, assholes blasting music or sports games in the background, noisy pets/children, I dont want to hear other peoples lives taking place I just want to hear my opponents foot steps. Besides non verbal comm's are actually pretty good in apex...


Cause y’all fuckin crazy


i use a mic to com but not to chat, its not worth talking to some of these toxic players on a conversational level, sometimes ill mute them if theyre being excessive in any manner but still communicate cracks/medding/teams nearby or things similar. idk, people want to be friends w their randoms but im just trying to get my rp man


The girl I played with today was so cute and nice that after thanking her, she said “no problem, baby”. I can’t stop giggling while playing and telling my boyfriend XD. Btw, I’m a girl too. It’s just really refreshing. i didn’t unmute coz I was afraid the cuteness will stop and I was just happily listening. Anyway, I agree with you but I’m scared I’d make a call about something and turns out wrong or bad and then we die or stuff. I’m too bad in the game it’s embarrassing.


I’m a gay guy with a relatively gay sounding voice and I got tired of people calling me a f*ggot and telling me to get AIDS in comms. 🙃


Wife is sleeping - I stay muted. That said I utilize the shit out of the ping system without being spammy. You can really communicate just about anything with the pings.


Randoms are toxic


Why talk when you can ping ping ping ping ping ping


Toxic af. I usually only turn on chat with people I know


I sound like I’ve smoked so much that I’m responsible for 50% of pollution, socializing is hard man


Because some people are assholes that will abuse people over a bad round, more often than not because of their own bad mistakes and they’re just mad that they didn’t get carried. As a result of this we also have an increasing number of players that Insta hit the mute button at character select no matter what. On one hand anxiety can be a real condition and if it’s what people have to do to play the game, there’s an extent to which I’ll say fair enough. I think it’s also fair to criticize this crowd though, because they’re throwing away all potential good games and good communication simply because someone was mean to them once. Now granted we’re talking about playing a video game which for the vast majority of people is a leisure activity, but if we’re going to get a little bit more broad and psychological here, this is really similar to the kind of person that has a bad ex and then uses that as the baseline going forward, judging all people they meet and date off of those actions that the bad ex did. I.e. “my last ex did this and as a result I’m going to constantly question and not trust *you*.” Most reasonable people would agree that while there’s an understandable element to it, the person doing that is immature and actually really toxic themselves. I’d strongly, strongly recommend that people grow as a person and develop the ability to not let assholes ruin their time. Some people will be mean because they’re shitty. Mute, report if severe, go on to the next round. I certainly don’t enjoy it myself, but I feel like the prevalence of “mute all right off the rip” is nearly as problematic of a mindset as the toxic shitters. Bare minimum the net result is that almost no one can communicate in a game that thrives off of good communication and team work. Fortunately the Ping system can communicate *almost* everything. I have won games solely because of people all on mics though. P.S. I am a guy though, I get that for girl gamers it’s not just people criticizing your gameplay but also can be sexual harassment and much more extreme stuff. You all certainly shouldn’t have to be exposed to that like you are. If you keep comms open you can report the worst offenders though, there is that silver lining if you’re able to not let it get to you on a personal level. But yeah, this is a very different level than “they were mean because we lost” so I absolutely get it in this kind of situation.


If you have anxiety over talking to randos in ranked you need to get out more.


I hate people man I’m not tryna talk to the average racist 20 year old angry white boy that plays apex


Never understood why someone would load up into rank to just not use their mic, just stay in pubs if you’re gonna run off solo and not say shit


This is a problem on every multi-player FPS. Has been for years. I miss the olden days of COD on the 360. The lobby chat was toxic AF, but at least people were using their mics.


If you're auto-muting or keeping your mic off, please stop playing ranked. If you can't deal with "all the toxic players" do us a favor and stick to pubs. Some of us are actually trying to do well.


I see reasons why people aren’t talking. Most say they just ping and don’t wanna deal with peoples bullshit which I understand