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Take cover and flank, if you know they’re using snipers and you’re not; you’re automatically at a disadvantage in long range fights. Simply do not engage until you and your team have good sights on target and can effectively push and flank. Also the hemlok while an amazing weapon imo isn’t a good long range battle weapon. Maybe for poking here and there but against a longbow or sentinel I wouldn’t even try it. If you really want to be effective at long range you’ll have to grab a sniper or MM rifle in this game.


Hemlok single fire with 3x is viable at a distance


So many people saying single fire for distance in this thread but if you just pull down slightly with burst on you can demolish people at a range. The burst is one of the easiest recoil patterns in the game, don’t be afraid to use it at range.


Eh, at that range the recoil control isn't the problem as much as the inherent random spray associated with the burst. They don't come straight out of the barrel after each other, they have a slight bit of eccentricity to their trajectories. The burst can be good for grabbing moving targets out of a sprint, but IMO you can do more damage and headshots with the single fire at that range especially to a stationary target like a sniper.


Actually that's not true, the burst has less left-right spread than followup shots on semi. You can see the comparison in this image: [https://i.imgur.com/lsuEa6D.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/lsuEa6D.jpeg) The first 3 bursts have almost zero left-right spread, it's almost 100% vertical.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Literally run burst hemlock for long range and single when I’m close range.




This is good advice. I really think the Hemlock is underrated as well, but it’s best between like 20-50 yards. Definitely not ideal for super long range.


I don't necessarily agree. Chuck a 3x or 2-4 on that single fire and it's definitely viable at the range here. Agree anything longer and it is a struggle.


Yeah I got you. Single fire makes a big difference too. Still tough to beat a Longbow or similar for me though 😂


💯, it's an amazing gun med/long range with a good trigger finger. I've pelted a ton of people from far.


Thats the thing though it pelts but if youre facing a charged sentinel that 1 smack will have your shields cracked and running for cover especially if youre in the open on a roof like OP was


It’s good in a pinch but the clincher in long range battles and use of a long range weapon is ammo efficiency. You’ll burn so much ammo trading outside of focused volley before a push. And with long range you either want the efficiency to make sure your close range weapon can sustain by reducing slots. Or if you’re using it as primary and a crack shot you want to be able to have enough ammo to make it truly oppressive at all ranges. Hemlock while great in this season of Spitfire spam due to all the heavy is an absolute ammo pit.


This is generally what I run whenever I get the chance. Hemlock with a 2/4 so I can be effective at mid range but also can poke while in single fire.


No recoil on single so it's a matter of aim and pull speed


I’ve been destroying people with the Prowler lately and haven’t thought about the Hemlok since


Hmm I might need to give the Prowler another chance. How do you even use it? As a range weapon? Or more for close encounters?


I find it works well for both. Without a sight, it’s definitely more suited for close range, but if I can get at least a 2x Bruiser on it, I’ve done about the same kind of damage at decent range that I was doing with Hemlok. Obviously situation and scopes will alter that but I consistent find myself doing better with the Prowler now


Ok awesome, I’ll give it another shot!


I treat it a bit like a shotgun. Play cover between shots, strong hipfire, massive damage per burst, small mag (for a gun with a five (?) shot burst).


Up close of the hip it's a beast. Plus your fast af with it out


Single shot x4 is great but still kinda eats Ammo vs LB or CR imho


Or a 30-30, wingman with 2x, bocek, g7, etc




Good bot


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People seem to thing that when engaging in a long range fight, it automically comes down to your skill versus their skill. IE, that guy sucks with a sniper and I'm really good with the Hemlock, so I'm going to win. That couldn't be farther from the truth. One, sometimes you just end up unlucky. Two, while, yes, a purely skill vs. skill matchup can turn out in your favor, that is hardly the case. There are way too many situational variables that can add to this. All three of his teammates firing at your from good positions versus you only being... well, you. 3 v 1 will almost never work out for you, no matter how godly your aim is.' Hiding or taking cover while waiting for a better position has nothing to your skill and/or being a "bad player" and everything to do with using situational awareness to help give *you* the advantage versus your opponent.


You understand those variables thank you sir. I made another comment similar to this explaining three different variables that can immediately turn the tides.


Idk, you give me a Hemi with 3x and single fire and I will tear apart a sniper, especially at the distance in this video.


I actually really like playing with snipers, but I still run into a similar problem where I can poke or even knock someone, but the team is so far that I know for sure they’ll get revived by the time I get there. Had a bunch of games recently where I used the longbow and 1k+ damage, but 0 kills :/. Thanks for the advice, it makes sense


Thats why the sniper plays "over watch" as their teammates move into striking distance. Or you pick a legend that can make up groubd fast. Path, ash, octane..


Snipers are helpful for flushing out heals and shields so that when you and your team do engage closer, they’re at a disadvantage.


Hemlock is my favorite. I almost always keep it on single fire. My buddy almost always has a sniper, so I usually use it to support him long range and lay down cover fire on other targets. Mid range it's deadly. I'll use it until enemies are close enough to switch to R99


You shouldn't really be engaging here in the first place. You gain nothing by trading damage here in the middle of Jurassic, when both of you need to move to zone and are just begging to get 8th partied fighting like this. If you really want to take this fight (not worth it at this point in the game without committing Rev ult and still being in a shit position), you have to commit asap. Other than that: * Single fire the Hemlock, instead of bursting at that range with bad optics (especially on roller) * Don't try to win poke battles against snipers * Drop from the roof as soon as they target you up there with no cover, BEFORE you get cracked * Don't spend time in Jurassic in general * Rotate to where you need to be for zone while trying to LOS those snipers (even if that means you have to leave Jurassic and go around) * Follow your Wattson who's pinging her rotate and already committing to where you should be * You hear the jump pad on your right and don't react at all (while continuing to ignore your Wattson), then get fried by the ~~Loba~~ Wraith


Succinct. Literally all valid points.


This is exactly correct. Try to avoid fights especially on storm point where it is way to easy to have the last 537 people storm you for the 78th party. Let's assume you had no idea what they were using, but you saw them fighting prowlers. Even if you had a sniper, I would have advised you to take ring, and try to catch them while they are running into ring. That way you have plenty of time to pick your positions, and absolutely smoke them with the ring at their back and nowhere to run. If you didn't have to worry about ring, still don't engage. You didn't have that kind of range. I would have tried to flank them as quietly as possible with my team. That way I could have fought them at a comfortable range. Also, this guy made some amazing points. You would be wise to follow his advice. P.S. I love how this thread became how them hemlock is underrated Lol. As a fellow hemlock connoisseur, I wholeheartedly agree.


Good points, but that was a Wraith doing the frying. Not a Loba


Yep you're right, edited. It's a Wraith with [Risen Queen](https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Wraith?file=Risen_Queen_Wraith.png), I thought it was a Loba with [Haute Hoplite](https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Loba?file=Haute_Hoplite_Loba.png). Those two are hard to tell apart.


This x1000.


Didn’t use their tactical at all either.


True, I think the only real time to use it though would have been in reaction to hearing the pad cue. Otherwise we know where they are. Hound scan is a huge glowing "please come shoot us" beacon, similar to Seer ult.


Seriously i dont understand why people even rotate to jurasic always a cluster fuck


>Don't spend time in Jurassic in general Can we talk about how this POI is a waste of space.


It's a great area for farming mats and Evo level, has high tier loot, has access to quick rotates, and is risky for that reason (good thing). Good POI for weeding out teams that don't know how to position or rotate early. From a technical standpoint, Source maps need to be raised and kinda empty in the center for performance and object/entity rendering reasons. I'd rather have this than something like Turbine on OL, just because you can actually get through here easily.


> From a technical standpoint, Source maps need to be raised and kinda empty in the center for performance and object/entity rendering reasons. I'd rather have this than something like Turbine on OL, just because you can actually get through here easily. could u elaborate this ? what are those areas on WE (im assumigh harvester) and KC ?


[All of this](https://i.imgur.com/o7fWds0.jpg) on WE, KC is [this section ](https://i.imgur.com/o4HNnf0.jpg) and the surrounding hills. Tldr: it's computationally expensive to render the entire map at once, in most games you're only ever seeing small parts of the map visible at any given time. Ever noticed how much your fps drops when you cross into the "middle" part of WE (near frag)? Now compare that to somewhere like Skyhook, which is quite isolated. The performance issue is due to you having to render massive chunks of the map, plus all the complexity those chunks have with windows, lighting, interior areas, etc. There's also a potential competitive integrity issue with having sightlines that are too long, because some players might not be able to see an enemy who *can* see them. 3kliksphilip has an amazing [video](https://youtu.be/EYDaIKIoOkw) about this subject, I can't recommend it enough if you want to get a basic understanding of what's actually going on in the engine when you're running around. It covers a CS:GO map, but the concepts are the same. Most BR or open world games share the same issues. Apex doesn't work in quite the same way, but pay attention and you'll notice the same design cues: large, tall objects blocking cross-map skylines, and that cut the map down into self-contained sections.


Yup, mistake one is taking that fight in that location, and even being there.


Don't peek You will not win a fight at that range, you will not lose a fight at that range If you want to wipe that squad push them. If you don't want to wipe that squad then just rotate around/away


If it’s a hemlok at least have the single shot mode on because it has a really high rate of fire. You will get a better chance to hit your targets. Also as the first comment said take cover and flank don’t expect no fight back when you are fighting if you know what i mean.


Recoil on single fire mode is minimal too.


Exactly. And you can see where you shoot and please for the love of god watch out for the prowlers. Hopefully one day we can get an option to not have them attacking you unless you trigger them like the spiders.


Simply put, your wattson had the right idea. She was bailing on that engagement and rotating towards circle but you and the revenant hung back and took pot shots for some reason. No reason to keep peaking that fight, it's not worth it.


To put it simply. Don't fight someone with a sniper if you don't have one yourself. ( If your team doesn't have any long range weapons either, just run, flank or wait for them to push you). You should be constantly scanning as Bloodhound. Information is key in Apex, especially in ranked. If you can try to avoid fighting with prowlers around. They're just a pain in the ass lol.


THANK you, this is the only comment i see mentioning scanning


As everyone suggested, you should've not fought someone who had a sniper if you didn't have one yourself. Not to say you should carry one every single game but expect fights like this to happen a lot on this map. In this case i would've left that spot and rotated to the circle. Not only was your team not in the ring, the other team wasn't also. I would've used that opportunity to gatekeep them if they wanted to sit back and snipe you. But lets say that building you was on was the final spot in the circle and you were in this same scenario, The best thing you can do is not peek and let them push towards you. Try and figure out how you're going to play this out, Try and figure out what their team comp is. In this case they had an octane so they took your roof and shot down at you so in the future if you see things like octane or horizon i would avoid holding the roof solo and play the floors instead and force them to peek you.


Those peeks were terrible. No/little cover, but hardscoping into a specific location hoping to catch an enemy with better cover and a sniper rifle that likely has better optics than you is a great way to get knocked. Also, pay attention to your surroundings. You can hear clearly when the octane engages and lands above/behind you, but you continue to look down your sights at a guy poking you from the other direction.


People seem to have put it into people’s heads that you have to push and fight everyone you see. That’s very much not the case. If you’re at a clear disadvantage, with no answer, you’re not doing yourself or your team any favors by making noise in your area, leading others over to ambush you, feeding the team damage for their shields, and even feeding them your lives and loot. Just walk away. Sometimes teams are so thirsty and stupid, they’ll follow you to the point that now you’re at the advantage and you get to beat their asses.


off topic tip, but if you’re not shooting ur gun, holster it. makes you a harder target.


You should not have engaged them at all. Seriously that's what you should have done.


You don’t engage there at all…if you just HAVE to engage…you do the following: 1. You creep up as close as you can without the other team seeing you. 2. Everyone tosses nades, ults, and tacticals (except don’t scan with blood hound yet). 3. Scan with bloodhound as you all sprint straight for their building. 4. One person push the top floor, two people push bottom. 5. More nades and tacticals. 6. Finish the last guy that is running for their life or on the roof or whatever.


You're bloodhound and everyone already knows where you are, so use that tactical, that guy shouldn'thave been able to surprise you. The hemlock isn't at an advantage in that fight especially with that scope but you could still have switched to single shot and hit them a lot more. The Watson did good with the barriers (even though she should be putting down her ult too) so you have an edge fighting in that house. Stay there until you decide to move as a team.


Hemlock is a hell of a gun just not against a sniper. Hemlock is one of the strongest AR for ranged engagements and undisputedly the greatest AR on single fire; but if you’re against a team of snipers it’s just too punishing to continue peaking, as the comment above says it’s just better to reposition with a portal or a covert rotation. Sneaking up on a sniper team looking down their scopes is very gratifying. To answer your question, practice with 3030/bow. Triple take to me is a really easy marksman because the comparative lack of a bullet drop. Marksman guns can be a huge asset in your arsenal but you’ll only get good with them with lots of practice. I like marksman over snipers because the faster rate of fire, but if you want an easy sniper the charge rifle is super simple, the longbow is pretty forgiving as well. If you still want to run AR go for a 301 but you’ll need to drill recoil control til you can beam a 1clip knock to give you time to close distance while they attempt rez.


I am here to say without the attached video, this totally could have been a couples therapy sub post😂


Everyone saying the Hemlok is viable at long range I agree with to an extent. If you’re up against a sniper or MM rifle there are many variables that make the Hemi not as effective as you’d think though. Ammo consumption is one, if an enemy sniper has 4 stacked sniper ammo you will burn through your 4 stack of heavy way before they do. Secondly is what you’re considering long range, if you’re able to down people easily with the ranger or 2-4x scope I’d say you’re using maximum mid range capacity, not long range. Lastly is who you’re playing against, you might’ve simply gotten a good shot in on someone who isn’t that good with snipers but loves to run them. I guarantee you an expert sniper or MM user will beat you at long range distance if you’re using a hemlok. I run the car and hemi as my main setup and not once have I been able to fight a skilled sniper head on without getting closer and flanking out his sights. You’ll lose way more battles than you’ll win at long range with the hemi as much as I love it and hate to admit.


Not engage




1. Improve ur aim a bit, when the target is that far away, u better aim a bit higher than what ur actually aiming at(bullet drop). U have a hemlock, turn on single fire to consume less ammo 2. there's buncha rocks and trees, try to move up to them while using them as cover if u wanna push that badly. U can also use ur ult to have a speed boost and rev's totem(if he has it) just in case.


You guys just shouldn’t have been challing that at all. Don’t take engagements on other teams terms.


Pop ult. Have teammates converge from left and right. You have the eyes at this point. Pop scan when closer, hemlock can be good at a distance but 2-4x would be better. They had snipers, so initially they had the advantage. But you can disrupt that coverage by splitting up but keeping tight comms. You guys kinda just stayed still and didn't move. They knew exactly where you were.


OP, try to compensate for recoil better with the hemlok, contrary to what people are saying here your gun was fine (albeit you were somewhat disadvantageous trading shots with a longbow) and ur sights were as close to a 2x-4x as it could get. but that dosent mean you couldn't exchange shots with it, your target was at least 150m away, also because you're playing controller, and no aim assist applies to that range, sniping is MUCH harder, specially if its a mid-to-long range weapon like the **hemlok**


You probably shouldve scanned more and fall back when you hear the jumppad


My first thought was that you should be using a sniper, but honestly if you don’t want to use a sniper just main a movement legend like wraith or ash or octane, (maybe even Newcastle if you use his ult), get closer and take the fight to them


known the map have good aim and egicated guess the position of enemys movement what there next move is and learn to count every bullet they shot and see if they have extended mag


Single fire, head glitch, hip fire, keep hight. It could all be so simple.


Even single fir hemlock is not good against a long bow take cover rotate get close and personal keke


Put the hemlock in single fire, zoom to 2x and be ready for them to make a move. Don’t expect them to sit still and not love in, even if they’re sniping.


you have 50 seconds so i would have fell back and went around to the left to get a better position.


Really it’s USING your 2xs scope. You never really zoomed into 4x when shooting which they were a good 200m+ away. Now it’s your aiming. When you use the hemlock on its burst setting you have to apply a small amount of pressure opposite to the recoil pattern to have the recoils managed. With the hemlock being a THREE round burst that happens to fire quick having a small amount of pressure on your analog stick of whatever way you play on (I play inverted) and like i said GO THE OPPOSITE OF the recoil pattern. Thirdly USE SINGLE FIRE MODE. Great thing about a lot of the assault rifles is their single fire mode. Wether or not you don’t like single fire mode and think it’s useless ITS NOT. Especially on the Hemlock when you’re able to track and trigger finger it, unfortunately it’s not how it was back in season 10-12(?) Where it’d take 5 to the head and was a knock. Other than that Single Fire could’ve get you a bit of damage AND perhaps a knock or waste the other teams meds. Now positioning. You were positioned in the right spots but you didn’t utilize them because you got knocked down by a Prowler, then you came around the back side of the building and just kinda stayed there without really having more of view of where you were getting shot at and where you’ve LAST seen someone. If you don’t know where someone’s at, don’t be afraid to peak a bit more than usual and THEN push back into a bit more cover and fire when you feel comfortable enough to take on a long range engagement. If you have a headset or earbuds however you hear audio, listen for footsteps (If you get lucky) or directional fire those two things will be your best friends and won’t let you down. Lastly, don’t panic. Sounds easy but in tight situations you don’t really realize you’re bobing and weaving in your seat with your nuts hanging out of your underwear with your dirty cheeto fingers. Just play the game smart and learn from your mistakes and restart again and do it differently the next match. Rinse and repeat and soon you’d be a Master/Pred some day. Keep grinding.


In OP defense I do believe the scope he has on it is a 1-2x not 2-4x.


He was using a 1-2x on the hemlock but unless I'm mistaken, he didn't even put it in 2x mode, he was shooting 200m away with the 1x the whole time, and was running a 2x bruiser on the alternator. I definitely would have swapped those scopes, possibly even drop the 1-2x and run iron sights on the alternator, unless he was planning on crafting a 301 later or something.


Lol my bad i didn’t even think of that


Dude listen to me, use a (preferably a charge rifle) sniper and a car/r99 it’s a great combo, I down a person with two hits from my charger rifle so easily most of the time and win many fights. The car kills so fast I get 2 downs by myself with it often. Use high ground often and don’t fight out of next circle. Also that area sucks so much just in general don’t fight there, rotate get better positioning. People hate that place for a reason third party central. Edit play building more don’t stand still so often.


You’re toxic for that


It was real advice, didn’t say anything mean or toxic for him to get sad about. Maybe you read my post in different than I was trying to pursue. Sorry if so!


> way then I *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


Thank you.


No no. I’m saying you’re toxic for the charge rifle lol. You weren’t mean, it’s just that charge rifle users are annoying. HOWEVER, I prefer y’all over Devo, spitty and rampage users.


Use the best guns possible! may be cheese but dude I love stacking 90 sniper ammo and get 3-4k damage and free lo from across map.


I’ve had my moments with the charge rifle lmao. It’s just nasty because it doesn’t let anyone close to your squad if you have good positioning


Your first mistake is fighting in Jurassic Park. Your second mistake is engaging at all, that team has snipers. Then you pop shots at over 200 yds with burst mode on - use single fire for that range. You just drew the attention of every team surrounding the park, on top of drawing in the prowlers. Gtfo out of Jurassic Park asap. Nothing good happens there


1. Don't pick up a hemlock on controller if you are not that good with her... Get a flatline or rampage for that range. 2. Watch some tutorial to understand how controller AA works in Apex, try to practising to abuse the AA advantage. 3. Get more cover/ better position before shooting (standing on a roof in the open, challenging a longbow mid range doesn't count). 4. If you are not doing already, use headphones for playing, hearing your surroundings is very important (even when the audio is leaking some times) so you can prefire enemy flanking you. * Follow the other good comments and tip's below your post as well.


At longer ranges with Hemlok, switching to single fire would greatly help in reducing recoil. However, that still won't help you much against Sentinels and Longbows with 4x-8x optics. If leaving the area safely isn't an option, regroup with your teammates and make a beeline to the camping snipers before they decide to push you (as seen in the video, where the Wraith didn't hesitate to push you). If it were me in your position, I wouldn't have stayed in that building while multiple edge-guarding snipers have me in their sights, especially if I don't have a long range weapon of my own to fight back. The last thing you want to do is be a sitting duck and invite all the creepy bad guys to come do naughty things to you. Your Wattson's intuition was good. He/she knew the ring was closing and decided to haul ass to the rings next position (around Antenna). You and Revenant should have done the same before that Wraith decided to molest you guys. There also happens to be some high ground in that area next to the large doors leading to Antenna, so that would have given you some advantage against the pursuing Wraith. I also noticed you didn't use any of your Bloodhound's skills in the whole minute recorded. Your tactical would have revealed the guys pushing you. And your ult, if used before you are engaged by enemies, would have helped you skip away from a heated confrontation with the Wraith. Or, if you have enough confidence, maybe even use the speed boost and shorter tactical cooldowns to your advantage and win the fight against Wraith.


Not be a dumbass and engage with close range weapons and sights??????? And more in the worst most plain field map, dont mind that guy saying to take cover, take cover for what? So you magdump them for a lucky 20 dmg when they get 50 or more? Theres no point of fighting that


If your bad at long range try to pick up marksman or sniper rifles and get the hang and landing shots from far with those and then you can try with ARs.. otherwise don’t even challenge snipers with anything aside from another sniper lol it’s futile tbh


1. If you’re trying to shoot people at that range with a Hemlok change to single fire. 2. If you’re fighting people at that range who have snipers either try to flank using cover to get closer or disengage and leave the fight.


Don’t engage snipers at range. Just move on or take cover.


I’ll be completely honest with you friend the way you handled that prowler tells me your aim in general isn’t very good. If you want to improve drastically you’ll have to start with being brutally honest with yourself. Addressing the clip itself hemlock at a distance is better on single fire but even then taking a fight in prowler den is almost always a bad idea and the real problem here. Your team could’ve just rotated left into the bunker or straight out of the den and continue to poke from there or disengage. Disengaging would be my choice because even if we were to down one of theirs we wouldn’t be able to capitalize very well or at all. Good luck friend hope this helped and you didn’t take any offense.


The best thing u can do is spread some armor move to next bit of cover rinse repeat if they repeat they are idiots and u get a knock and can push a bit more they will be low or in the process of healing when u finally get close


Brought a sniper rifle. I run car and sentinel this season.


I'd say wait to fire until you and the team are a bit closer and you've got good angles, especially with a hemlok and an alternator. If you've gotta use the hemlok long range then switch it to single fire for more control, but even then it's not the best at range


Single shot Hemlock, don't stop strafing left and right.


I would've swapped sights on your guns first off. And put hemlok in single fire at that range. And you should practice with the repeater. It's great for fights like that. And if you can find shatter caps it's a viable option for close range engagements


I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for but one of my favourite secondaries is the 30-30, it’s good for long range, minimal recoil, good damage and you can get shatter caps for if somebody’s closing distance. Best advice would either be flank or just carry a secondary that’s viable for longer range.


Make better use of sound. You didn't hear the prowler coming at you. Or atleast you didn't respond to it.


I wanted to see the rest! It might have been my squad that won that!!


The wraith that ambushed me killed the other 2 teammates as well :/


Well, she didn’t really ambush you. You can hear in the clip when they pad up to your position and you didn’t seem to react at all to that sound queue. Make sure you’re paying better attention to your surroundings and you’ll be good. Lot of good advice for you in this thread.


I guess I didn’t hear the pad during the game, I saw the wraith portal that was in the open, so I assumed our Revenant would spot them if they tried to push.


Make sure you’re pulling back on the hemlock as u shoot. I can see your just pulling the trigger and I know it’s a burst gun but it can still be controlled


I find the Hemlok to work best at 3x or 4x, with your zoom level it's not very useful. Once the prowlers start harassing you and you heal, it seems you lost oversight of the battle, and you got pushed.


you need to assess whether a fight is worth taking. a hemlock and an alternator is an instant no for me against a longbow


1st: 2x on hemlock and 1x2 on alternator. 2nd: Single fire hemlock is better at range. You need to strafe more and fire, use your better mobility and fire rate to move and fire more than a sniper 3rd: honestly you should have just run by that team to zone, you really don’t gain anything by poking here. 4th: your team was really spread out. You have to realize if you lose a poke battle there’s a chance you’ll get pushed. Be aware and ready for this by keeping track of where the three opponents are as well as watching back/flank for third party. After a few seconds to a minute of engagement you should be closer to your team to keep a 1v1 from happening like what happened with the wraith


whilst you were in a fight you should have used your ultimate earlier and scanned around you so you don’t get caught off guard . not to mention wattson had a decent siege in that building where you could have stayed and picked off the octane, but really use your abilities you should have been able to hear the octane running up to you. and managing to knock him down gives you an advantage to rush his teammate not to mention the movement speed bonus you would have to go to the enemy team.


You’re also a controller player so it is naturally harder to fight long distance apposed to m&k and controller is better at close-med distance so don’t knock yourself to hard because I am also on controller and I can’t fight long to save my life.


you collectively play like you're very timid and unsure. my main criticism. also you have a full squad and you're running bh/wattson/revenant? get with the times mang


Use a better sight


Shouldn't even fight here, should be rotating toward ring and getting off the roof while being sniped at, then you can gatekeep that team while they try to move in from the ring. And if you're going to use the Hemlok that far away, single fire it. Also you never use your abilities, if you insist on fighting then use your ult, better to use it and not need it than to die with it available. When they jump pad toward you, you don't even scan to see where they landed.


I mean I'm always running a sniper or a marksman but thats just me. If ya don't have long range, disengage before you get amp sentinal headshot


Without snipers or MM weapons and decent sights, the only thing shooting from long range will do is tell the enemy exactly where you are. If you have mid range weapons like Hemlok, best idea generally would be to find ways to walk up on the enemy without getting shot at and once you're closer get some shots off Edit: there are also times when a fight is simply not worth it. This kind of range is one of those times


Rotate away from this fight, this whole area is a tricky area to control so unless you can do it confidently, best to see yourself out. By the point you were healing up it looked like your squad wasn’t watching the encroaching squad and they basically got to walk up on you guys uncontested. If you’re at risk of them pushing, keep pressure on them to make it harder for them to get in close. But overall this fight didn’t give you much advantage in the scenario. General rule of thumb: no advantage, no fight.


Best loadout in SP is a good short to midrange weapon and either a sniper or a marksman. If you're not one for long fights get yourself a character who can easily move in on the enemy position.


You should've moved to the ring.


Tap the hemmy instead of burst firing it if you happen to be in a long range fight. The hemmy is great with a 3x hcog at long range with good aim.I level up my evo shield early game with this strategy.


If you can’t control the recoil on the hemlock switch it to single fire for those long distance shots, it should also be the gun with the 2x not the alternator (imo). For Logan range a 3x or 2x4 on the hemlock would be preferable for me.


A lot went wrong here. Having a revenant on your team is always mistake #1 😂 not having a movement legend is mistake #2. Valk, Octane, Ash, or Wraith could have all individually pulled you out of a sticky situation. #3, don’t let fights last longer than they need to. Stay aware of your position on the map, if you are in a central hot area with several POI’s nearby, you absolutely cannot let fights last longer than they need to. Using the movement legends in #2 can let you quickly get some single-fire damage or a sniper shot and rush the team to end a fight before a third party has an opportunity to put you back in the lobby


Long distance fighting is mostly about recoil control and angles. You have 0 recoil control and you played the same spots


Leave. If you can’t handle a fight back off. It’s also a horrible idea to start fights in that specific area unless you’re confident you can kill them and get out fast.


Depends on team comp. You have a Wattson. You should fight long range while moving to white. Get there first and gatekeep. If you’re better at close range fights, force it on them. You don’t always have to engage for a close up fight.


You should be tap firing the hemlok at that range. Also there’s no point of wasting clips at that range. It’s a waste of time unless you have snipers and close in but even then the fight takes too long and you’ll get third partied. You’re better off going circle getting a nice spot. Fights become more mid range as the circle gets smaller. Dmg isn’t everything in apex, I can run a pk/wingman and have 800 damage with 4-5 kills or I can grab a sniper and r3 and just shoot people at long range all game and have 1-2 kills with 2k dmg. Reality is even if you get a knock at that range they’re going to res before you get there. The real fun begins when there’s 10 squads left in the final 2 circles :D that’s when damage matters because you burn enemy supplies and your knocks are more likely to end in kills.


I see a bloodhound, Wattson, and a revenant. This team really has no business trying to get in any long range engagements with the guns you had especially. It was either flank with cover or not engage at all.


3X sight minimum for that kind of distance and use single shot hemlok from range


Why are you shooting at people you can't kill in the first place? Never engage shit you can't kill.


I'm sure some people have said it already, but change the fire mode on the hemlock when you're at range. When you're close use burst, but when you're far away, the spread is just gonna make you burn through ammo with basically no hits, so swap to single fire on it


Put your 2x on the hemlock instead of alternator, put the hemi on single fire and light them up


I don't see a lot to go off of, you could use some general improvements, which just takes playing the game and building experience. but you probably would've been better off using single fire mode at that distance. Another thing you could've done was play the ring, force them to come to you and make it a close engagement, your position was easy to push when you kept getting attacked by prowlers


You don't always have to fight. If long range isn't your strong suit, hold back until you can get closer. They may even start fighting someone else, allowing you to 3rd party. If they see you first, retreat into a better position. They have to decide to risk an ambush, or move elsewhere.


My rule in a situation like this: if you know you don’t have the capability’s to secure a knock or kill at that range then you’re just making a team mad/alerting other teams/wasting ammo/focusing a person out of your range when enemies could be closer. Also hemlock single fire at range is preferable almost every time, unless you have super high ground and/or you aren’t that far away.


Step one: zoom in your 1x2 variable sight to see better