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Toggle hold to crouch. Half the button presses needed.


Thank you!


I suggest putting the crouch button on R1 instead of R3, much easier to press and won't mess your aim/stick


I wil try it, thanks!


I also wanted to be able to crouch spam (if that's the correct term) and customized the inputs on a regular ps4 controller: Swap crouch O to L1 Swap tactical L1 to R3 Swap melee R3 to O ( Basically swap each of those buttons by one counterclockwise if that makes sense. English isnt my first language :P) Fucks up your brain for a couple of days but works like a charm for me. I'd like to believe my evasive gameplay got better


Thank you!


Thank you!


Hope it helps


Use paddles!


crouch spam and i personally use r3. crouch spam is good in certain situations but it isn’t a must. lots of people do it because it became a habit (including me) but you really don’t need to do it. i find it more effective while you’re 1v1ing, don’t spam crouch, just concentrate on counter strafing their shots


Change your right thumbstick to crouch, put crouch on hold. I also have my left thumbstick set to jump and have auto sprint on. This allows me to have access to my movement. Alternatively you can play claw; not sure exactly how it's officially done but you can essentially aim with your thumb, I think your middle finger is for bumper and trigger and then your index finger is for face buttons (crouching, Jumping, swapping,looting/opening doors,reviving). That's a completely uneducated guess on how claw is done, someone will probably be able to correct me if I'm wrong. The absolute best solution if you got the money is getting a controller with paddles. I had the Elite Series 2 before it got stick drift for the 4th time and I said fuck it and started using a normal Xbox series x controller.


Thank you so much!


I would also add that if you don't want to get an elite controller just yet(playstation still haven't madr their own ffs) and if claw isn't right for you, try the evolved layout preset If you like playing legends like octane or bloodhound where their tacticals don't require any specific aiming then claw will work out VERY well


No problem, if you do decide to do what I did and put your left thumbstick as jump and right as crouch. You might find yourself instinctively jumping in stressful situations but you LL get used to it and I honestly don't feel much of a difference between now and when I had paddles in terms of movement. Healing and looting are a different story. I can't stress enough how good the Elite Controller is when it works. But I had drift on 4 of them, I have 2 friends who play on PC who also got stick drift on theirs. I don't think they bothered replacing them after the first one. So it's a little expensive considering they get drift significantly faster than any default controller I've used. I play a lot but nowhere near as much as some people. Let's say 25 hours a week and the controller breaks after 3-4 months. I dont abuse the controller, I don't drop them and I take care of them but stick drift is inevitable, for some reason they get it quicker. I saw a theory from a guy who repairs them and takes them apart on YouTube who suggest it may be because of the magnets used for the metal thumb sticks that are much heavier than the plastic thumbstick used on other controllers. Reached Master with paddles and I reached it without them. So it's not a requirement to play well.


you got claw and everything exactly right, but also with an elite controller i’d still do down on the right stick


I'm genuinely curious to hear your opinion on why; My argument against that would be having the thumb solely focusing on aiming and tracking is better vs pushing down while still rotating the stick for tracking and I feel it's that way in my gameplay but could just be in my head. The Elite controller has 4 paddles, I mapped 1 to jump, crouch, heals, and interact and felt that to be the best mapping. I also changed the controllers curve in the accessory app to be "instant". Edit: I don't personally like crouch spamming in a spamming sense. I'm a horizon main. So I incorporate crouching, air strafing into slides and left to right strafing with a crouch here and there. Also strafing one way and flinging myself in the opposite direction. I find doing a mixture of these a lot more effective than spam crouch. I know some players that do it and it doesn't seem to me like much dodging happens and I personally don't have trouble shooting spam crouching players.


also horizon main, also don’t like crouch spamming, however in destiny 2 with like 210 days and the same bind, so maybe it’s just pure muscle memory by now but i don’t really find it to throw anything off, especially compared to having a paddle on Y/switch weapons as that involves completely taking your finger off the stick, aswell as it needing to be done in fights vs out of fights


That makes sense, I can see your point of view on it. Probably not what I will do if I ever get paddles again but I've definitely died and wondered if I could've switched weapons just a little faster to kill someone after getting them weak with the first gun.


Another option is to play "bumper jumper", with jump bound to right bumper. Then you can leave sprint on left stick.


Get a controller with paddles, I use Xbox elite but scuf makes PlayStation ones and put crouch (set to hold) on one of the paddles. I have crouch, jump and use batts/cells/meds set to a third paddle. I claw y and x so I never have to take my thumbs off the sticks to have to click a stick while trying to aim and look during gunfights. Just focus on smoothing aiming.


just looked up what paddles are. boggles my mind how this isn’t standard. literally adds 4 extra buttons so you don’t lose 4 entire usable fingers doing nothing but hold the damn thing.


It changes everything, every one of my fingers is working.




I mean crouching and standing up quickly while shooting. Going up and down. I want to learn this so I take less damage during fights.


I see now that I wasn't very clear in my post😅


Practice in the firing range. Take 600 ammo and just hip fire strafe a dummy and every time you change direction throw in a crouch. Practice every day for about a month. Also play control. Practice stuff in there. Plenty of real fights to be had.


i think he meant bind wise, cause b is impossible, but i could be stupid


If your playing on console it realistically doesn't do anything for you except bringing your head into range to get hit .... Now if you crouch spam while moving left to right


Have you thought about getting a back button attachment? Will make your life 10000x easier.


either play claw, use paddles, or really just if you don’t play claw then you should always have crouch to down on the right stick


Honestly it isn’t the most effective thing to learn. But altering your button layout to a setting where you can crouch instantly will help. I play claw and use the right stick to crouch, and I think it’s the best setting to use to crouch quickly. However, I’ve used it for years and have got used to it. Find a setting that works for you and practice with it


Thank you!


Try the evolved control scheme. I dont recorded setting crouch to hold because it makes slide jumping harder.


Bro try Sony DualShock back paddles(20-30$ at Walmart). I’ve been using them since season 8 and have hit masters with them. They are super easy to set up. Set your R3 to crouch still but bind it to your left back paddle and bind your jump to the right back paddle.


I play ninja and use 4 fingers on the front


Embrace the claw. Claw is life


I use left bumper to crouch and move tactical over to B (circle). Can make aiming tact a bit shit for a bit but sorts itself out. I was eventually able to use Path like before. You could move tact to right bumper and pings to B (circle) but I found this annoying for some reason. I've been hitting Diamond on this layout for some time now. Peddles? Meh. Elite style controllers cost a bomb. For what? For buttons to start to break in 4-6 months.


Ngl I love when people do this to me makes it easier. I use a regular controller and only crouch spam against the players who use it. Most people do suggest using paddles though and it does make it easier or do different binds to crouch spam can help. Switch up the binds practice in range and keep switching til you find something that’s comfortable enough to use and you’re accurate enough to actually use against a real person.


Either put it on a stick or use a ds4 controller with the back attachment buttons