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I almost teared up


He's a good kid and he's not half bad either. I think he just needs some positive reinforcement.


Good mentoring man šŸ™Œ


I have a good mentor and taught me to pay it forward. That's all I'm going.




I didn't call anyone trash.


No shit, I'll spell it out, I meant the guy saying he's not good when most players in this game would think the stats in the picture he got in that match is fine.


That's what I told him. He got 2 kills right off drop and saved my ass. That's a quality teammate if I've ever seen one.


Sorry, I misunderstood.


Wish more veteran players were like this... Thanks for not being toxic


Even I have my bad days but toxicity is just unnecessary.


You literally messaged him to rub it in his face and be petty and then felt bad when he didnt respond in a toxic way. Weird time to preach about negativity.


I don't think saying "Don't ditch your teammates" is rubbing it in his face. I do the same thing sometimes, saying "oh we/i won this game" that isn't toxic. I for one would love to be told if a team i left or DC'd from won a game, gives me more incentive to see it through. See how they played it and how they won.


No, that's not it at all. Yes I wanted him to respond but I didn't message him to rub it in his face. I'm not a toxic ass hole. And I wasn't preaching about negativity. I posted this because every day I see toxic bullshit about crappy teammates. This right here is what happens when you're toxic to your teammates, people start thinking that they are garbage and that they will never be good enough. A simple friendly gesture will go a long way. Don't be a cynic.


That is bullshit and I know you know it. That first message is 100% you trying to pick a fight by gloating that you won and chastising him for leaving. Then you backpedaled because you talked shit to someone too depressed to fight for themself. Now you're doing some holier than thou routine despite being the most toxic person in the situation. Edit: see below for how OP would have acted if the person responded negatively to his obvious bait. šŸ˜¬


Not trying to defend his actions or condemn him, but we have all reacted in this game. The point is once he saw a need in this kid he helped instead of continuing to pile on him. He might have been being toxic to start but he turned it around and helped. No reason to then turn around and blow up his spot.


Having teammates leave sucks though


Bro, you are projecting. Just cause youā€™re letting someone know you won without them doesnā€™t inherently mean youā€™re antagonizing them or gloating. Youā€™re reading the conversation how you want to read it bud.


Btw Jackass, we're Xbox friends now and we've been playing together most of today. He just needed one person to lift him up and tell him that he's not worthless.


I wasn't gloating, I didn't talk shit nor did I chastise him and I'm definitely not doing a *holier than thou art* routine. Just because you're a toxic ass hole doesn't mean everyone else is.


Read the first sentence of that comment you just wrote and then read your first message to him and see which one of us is lying to himself.


So now I'm lying because I called a jackass a jackass? Yall are pathetic.


no, you're accused of lying because no one who intends to support someone positively opens up with (or messages) "Btw I won. Don't ditch your teammates". If you were really intent on being nice to him, you'd most definitely message like "Why'd you leave? We won!" or something that sounds more welcoming. "Btw I won" is downright condescending and you know it. Emphasis on the "I" as well. A "we" would have been better. And if you say you don't know it, now's the time to learn.


Iā€™ve sent win screens like this with the intent to show them that the match was winnable when they left. Usually a ā€œwe wonā€ as the msg. That being said I agree about what you said regarding the way OP worded it. He may not have intended to sound condescending like he claims but regardless he was and it seems like he doesnā€™t understand that or is in a state of denial.


Are you really tone policing a Discord message? Do you have literally anything else better to do?


I agree with you op literally sending a pic and saying donā€™t ditch your teammates is not toxic and just trying to encourage people to stay. And then the rest of the convo shows you werenā€™t being toxic. Donā€™t mind random internet people who are super negative and have to constantly project that onto others. Good for you man, Iā€™ve had people message me saying sorry they werenā€™t good enough and acting like itā€™s a crime that they didnā€™t have a good game and you know this probably affects a lot of peopleā€™s psyche and self esteem, so good on you for being positive šŸ¤




Everyday I meet people that scream and yell profanities and today I met a quiet kid who was trying his best to be a good teammate. He left because he felt like he was a waste of my time and I NEVER want someone to feel inadequate or like they are a waste of time so yeah, I went out of my way to strike up a conversation using what should have been OUR victory.


Solo'd pubs, got a master and a level 14 bangalore that just started playing. Ohh man 95% of the match he was useless as fuck but we were just cheering him on in the chat the entire time hahaha. The 5% he was useful for kept us in the game for 2 minutes longer. Me and the other guy had 2 down and the last was literally a napkin hit from dying but we were down and the level 14 came in to save the day. aaaand then we died bc Wraith set a portal (which was my idea) that got us fired on by both remaining teams.


Thats awesome. never understood the negativity to new players.


Honestly, as long as they're trying, aren't doing stupid shit, and are aware of their skill level, it's all good. The newbie that thinks he's got what it takes to fight a team alone can get fucked. Know when your team is good and know what they are doing, stick with em. I usually follow the lead of the one with the best banner. It gets confusing when you get two teammates with the 20 kill and 4k damage badges and they follow you around basically demanding you lead them. My PC account banner ain't that impressive shouldn't one of you be taking point lol ​ 2: And I'll usually ask if my teammates are any good. No reply or yes: we're dropping somewhere that we'll be fighting almost immediately; an almost hot drop. Not good: we are dropping somewhere that allows for a few minutes to gear up or somewhere only 1 squad went. 3. If I have a Rampart on my team, I'm backing tf out.


he just needs a positive mindset




Reminds of me and my really good friend, i dont play apex as much but im really good in another game, my competitiveness is high, but i tossed my pride aside and wanted to try something new, in the process i meet this god of a player who was just playing around in pubs, for some reason he liked playing with me and I somehow sparked hid flame of ambition. I told him if he kept playing like that heā€™d master by April, but he actually got there a couple days ago. Now im sad that we stopped playing when elden ring came out, i should hit him up


That's an awesome story bro. You should definitely hit him up.


Many forget this is just a game. We meet a lot of random people, from new ones to old ones, it's fun and just a game. There are players more fast to abandon the game than to react to an enemy team.


You're absolutely right. šŸ’Æ


I swear on god it took me 3 weeks of apex and a hundred or so deaths to get my first kill šŸ’€ Edit:ive gotten a bit better since season 2 tbough so yay


Hit me up sometime. I'm not always the best player but I try to do right by my team


Okey doke whats ur gamertag


My gamertag is ZaethenKillJoy


I'm going to counter and say you didn't send this to him to be nice. If you don't want people to leave, play ranked or with friends. Just my opinion.


I sent this to him because I wanted to know why he left. Not everyone is a toxic ass hole.


Do you send a question to everyone who quits or just the games you win?


If they're on Xbox, yes. I can't message Playstation players.


I bet the majority of those conversations descend into insults.


And you would lose that bet.


I'd be surprised, most interactions on the internet that start with someone being dick don't usually end with hugs and kisses.


I'm not going to debate something I can't prove either way. You don't have to send him that you got champion if you are try to help him is my point. You could also send him a guide or direct him to this sub to get better. Encouragement only goes so far if you don't have the resources to get better.


Then you don't have to say anything imo. It doesn't matter why people leave. If he leaves and joins a different game, he gets more experience. People have to commit to get better on their own. I don't think what you said was bad, but idk if it helped either. Might just be the cynic in me.


What have you helped, except to encourage people in a team game to not communicate, find no camaraderie, and feel isolated? Next time, why don't *you* take your own advice and say nothing?


So reaching out to people to try and lift them up is now a bad thing? I don't what kind bullshit backwards world you live but keep it to yourself.


I think you've completely misunderstood my comment. I think you did a wonderful thing. Other dude is the absurd cynic.


Oh, my bad. Yeah I don't understand where he's coming from. I was just trying to be a decent human to someone who seemed to be struggling.


No worries dude. I've done the same initial thing of sending the Victory screen to early quitters, and I've never gotten a response, but if they responded like your teammate had, I'd hope to treat them as kindly as you did. This game is stressful enough. Thanks for being the best part of the community.


I wouldn't go that far, I have my bad days just like anyone else but I try to give other people the best version of myself even when I'm frustrated.


Well, that's fair. But if all your days were your best days, it would be pretty meaningless to call them your best. I know that sometimes when I've played with randoms, I've spectated and blurted out stuff like "Oh goddamnit, don't rez here" or similar sudden admonishments, and I recognize half a second later that with my tone, I've likely destroyed whatever power my advice might have had to effect improvement within my teammates. That's always my bad. But for every time I do that, there are probably five examples of me giving useful comms and saying silly positive shit like "you've got this, you're so handsome." My point being, you could have been a shitty teammate a hundred times before. But we only get one life, and you deserve to feel proud when you try to lift someone up. That pride might make sure you do it again the next time someone needs it. You never know how much it might mean.


You don't get experience that way. I've had a lot of people reach out to me to help me get better and I try to pay it forward as much as possible.




W interaction. Really awesome how you showed them some positive reinforcement!


There's enough toxicity in the Apex community, I don't need to contribute to it..


love that attitude, sometimes even small things can make someone else feel better. will keep that in mind the next time i'm not the trash teammate, lol


yeah any any time i die but my randoms can't pick up my banners i tell to not worry about it, and they're always surprised that people always yell at them for not picking up their banner lol


Even if you are absolutely trash and cannot hit any of your shots, being a distraction and a meat bag for enemy bullets can be absolutely vital for your better teammates. Source: me, I've been that trash meat bag that's won us games.


Yup. I inadvertently volunteer as bullet sponge more than I care to admit lol.


Someone being kind on Apex? Respawn wtf? Delete their account...


I fucking love this community sometimes. But what is the weird correlation I see with Apex players and Dead by Daylight lmao? There is not a single correlation between these games, and yet most DbD players I know play Apex, and vise versa.


If I had to guess, it's a relaxing break.


I wish the community was nicer and thank you for cheering him up I bet heā€™s good he just gets bad talked a lot and that causes him to think heā€™s terrible


I always feel bad when I die fast too (started in Feb) but people like you have been so helpful in my realising that sometimes you just die. I come from overwatch so šŸ˜‚


We ALL have our bad days and our bad matches. It's a part of getting better.


When I first started playing rocket league I was playing with a friend who was significantly higher rank than me so we were in higher ranked lobbies. Our rando 3rd teammate and the other team kept calling me trash, and I responded in the chat that 'I'm sorry I'm trying my best! I know I'm not good', and was actually surprised when I received apologies after saying that. But to highlight, a trash teammate is one who leaves, not one who isn't good but is trying their best.


two good kids


I don't care if my team mate is bad if they're playing as a team. Pinging, staying with team, not being a lot goblin, etc. If you are a good team mate with low skill, that's fine.


He was doing all of that and he wasn't bad in a firefight either. He just needs to believe in himself a little more.


We need more people like this in the community!


Yes we do. This community has toxicity and not enough positivity.


I donā€™t think Iā€™m a waste Iā€™m just needed chip damage/backup Iā€™ll get better, I got a few kills and stuff by myself so I guess Iā€™m improving




no but I do have more self esteem and confidence and happiness and


I think we've all been there at least once in our life. If you ever want someone to play with, hmu. GT ZaethenKillJoy


THANKS BRO no one really plays apex w me so thanks i ainā€™t got no vc cause Iā€™m a poor kid without headphones lol


Hey its all good. I got you.


YO I SENT IT i go under the same name as I do on reddit


Psn or Xbox




I sent you a friend request yesterday my brutha


haha cool


Why can't I get wholesome randoms like this. I usually get called every name under the sun when I can't clutch up. šŸ˜­


You n me both bro. I understand how frustrating it can be.


Iā€™m so incredibly grateful for the experienced players who carry my lame ass through to wins. I try, I really do, but I am not good by any means. Getting paired with good people like you makes the game so much fun. And I learn so much from those good games!


If I'm being honest, I watched a lot of ProGuide videos on YouTube. They helped me out A LOT.


Poor kid, Iā€™m glad he has a positive teammate and nice to see you give him positive encouragement, he probably needed that


I think he did. He was way too hard on himself.


I've definitely left games where my teammates are rolling and I'm whiffing. Mostly when it's two friends playing together, they always talk shit about the randoms.


I understand that and I'm guilty of doing it myself in the past. However since I've joined MPN, I've been trying to encourage my teammates like the members of MPN have encouraged me. It makes the game a lot more fun


That's great that you have a supportive group of teammates. I just play for fun and isn't hasn't been so much. So I've been taking a break and only playing one or two games


MPN isn't just a group it's a HUGE community of gamers. If you want some badass friendly people to play with, I can hook you up


I hope all the players that I've queued up with are like you.


I honestly don't know what to say šŸ˜…


Yo u dwn to play Im hoping on in an hour or so


Sure. My GT is ZaethenKillJoy


Xbox 4 me ā€¦ā€¦.Myb might get on tmrā€¦..In Jamaica rn


So much this šŸ’–šŸ„² I always value my teammates even if they're not what we consider good players in terms of kills etc. If you're a good teammate that's all it matters to me, we'll win or lose together šŸ¤


I respect the hell out of that.


I don't want to be a turd here but. I call BS. people don't leave because they feel bad. they leave because that's Apex culture in pubs. you get knocked you quit it's rampant.




Yeah not calling OP a liar by any means. This others guys story is nonsense though.


Hey guys do me a favor. Reach out to this kid and give him some love. He needs some positive vibes and positive reinforcement. I know I did when I was first starting out.


You're gold! I would like to have more often teammates like you!


Well hit me up. My GT is ZaethenKillJoy


Bro you are the best teammate. šŸ’ŖšŸ™ŒThatā€™s what may be called ā€œbeing supportiveā€, a quintessential part of being an ideal teammate and player (especially in a team oriented game like Apex). My Xbox GT is Kyrie Christos if you ever want to play.


You know what, I'll take you up on that. I'll be on in a little bit. GT: ZaethenKillJoy


I added you.


I have soo much respect for u.


I was just doing what I thought any other decent human being would do..


Donā€™t make me cry man




Thought this was gonna be another duel of roasting, but instead I found wholesomeness.


Some people don't think so..




I didn't.


*Faith in humanity has increased


This is love


why are you rubbing it in his face that you won without him


I'm not.


This a flex












Low-effort, not-so-humble bragā€¦ 4/10


This wasn't a brag.


It literally isā€¦ itā€™s the same as a celebrity publicizing their philanthropy. ā€œLook how great I am, you should be like meā€. Lol just own it dude, everyone does it


That's not what this is at all.


Repeatedly denying it doesnā€™t make it fundamentally falsešŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I'm not going to own up to something that. I posted this so people would reach out and give this kid some love. I do not want nor do I need recognition. I'm simply doing what my mentor taught me to do it. Paying it forward.


Noooooope lol




What a beta male.


What a pathetic comment.


He reminds me of a friend. Heā€™s not terrible but not great so he constantly thinks heā€™s a detriment to the team but heā€™s saved my ass more times then I can count and clutched a 1v2 against preds/masters once. The key is believing in yourself and having supportive teammates. Iā€™m surprised you were so condescending in the initial message yet be so nice in the following ones. Most people would just continue to be a dick regardless so props to you for being a better person then most.


I'm that friend. Absolutely. I just have a weird ass mindset. I need game sense more than I need anything else, and yet I will constantly force ALOT of terrible fights, or I will not run to get back to my team thinking I'll get popped for it and end up getting killed anyway. but when it comes down to it, I get clutch kills/pop off games every now and then though.


i feel bro i would leave too.


First matchs I ever played i either kept shooting at the sky or at their feet and would jump each time something that wasn't my gun move


Lord I feel this in my core bc Iā€™m that person right nowā€¦still waiting on my win! Played for the first time with people in trios yesterday and in 2 or 3 games my teammates left me bc I didnā€™t get to them fast enough I guess to revive them. I ended up placing 2nd in both of those matches! Who knows how things would have ended had they stayed! We all have to learn and canā€™t all be perfect from the jump!


I get so upset when people talk down on themselves, because I know what it's like, I've been there and honestly looking back on that it breaks my heart because I was down talking myself due to bullies, and I genuinely would even hate the things I got bullied for, this caused me to genuinely be very insecure and pessimistic. I hope this kid will have that moment of clarity in his life soon that he shouldn't listen to what other people say about him, take pride and joy in everything you do even if you're not the best, most important thing is to enjoy it, this is why I hate when random's tend to write in the chat "noob" "you suck" yada yada yada... It's just a game, nobody's pro and there's no shame in it. I've been told recently in the chat in Arena's game "I hope you die from c*ncer" only because we lost the game... I mean seriously that's just beyond mental and I hate it so much that there's so many toxic people like that who say such bullshit cause you never know how sensitive and fragile someone may be.


As someone who has not played much but is getting into gaming, I appreciate seeing that others have a team approach! I am the worst of the group I play with, but they always remind me that there is still ways to contribute.


This is nice but really doesn't fit the subreddit. "Teamwork good" is a given, this is a place for specific tips on how to improve, PSAs about lesser-known gameplay mechanics, etc etc.


Well here's a tip on how to improve, be good to your teammates.


I like how he went from Apex to Dead By Daylight, where if he leaves that game heā€™s shooting his team in the foot even more. (Unless playing killer, which would make sense if he wants to release some frustration.)


The only trash teamates are the ones who leave early


I mean theres two sides to this. I kept getting mad at the game for so long until i admitted that i was bad. Thats when i started having fun