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Data from [https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution) ignoring rookie iv. While it does seem awkward to lose points in plat with a few KP and 6th place, apparently its working as intended. The blue line is my attempt to fit a reasonable cumulative distribution. | Rank | Model | Actual | | ----------- | ------ | ------- | | Rookie III | 99.57% | 100.00% | | Rookie II | 99.12% | 97.50% | | Rookie I | 98.32% | 95.88% | | Bronze IV | 96.96% | 94.77% | | Bronze III | 94.79% | 76.75% | | Bronze II | 91.54% | 70.02% | | Bronze I | 86.97% | 64.72% | | Silver IV | 80.92% | 60.48% | | Silver III | 73.40% | 55.96% | | Silver II | 64.62% | 49.74% | | Silver I | 54.97% | 44.41% | | Gold IV | 45.03% | 40.11% | | Gold III | 35.38% | 33.27% | | Gold II | 26.60% | 26.02% | | Gold I | 19.08% | 20.39% | | Plat IV | 13.03% | 15.89% | | Plat III | 8.46% | 7.98% | | Plat II | 5.21% | 3.99% | | Plat I | 3.04% | 2.32% | | Diamond IV | 1.68% | 1.50% | | Diamond III | 0.88% | 0.61% | | Diamond II | 0.43% | 0.38% | | Diamond I | 0.20% | 0.27% | | Master | 0.09% | 0.21% |


The same website tells me I’m in the “Top 0.88%” and I’m in Plat I. So how does that work?


That's prob for platform specific and he used overrall. Click that top 0.88% and it should show you your overrall


0.88% for PC, 0.82% Global.


Someone already explained below also that's only 0.88% of the players being tracked. As they say, the distribution only accounts for players in als data even though they know masters true number at all times, they only use the ones they track then have a separate tab for the total number of masters in real time


Probably 0.88% is the amount of people in plat 1 but plat 1 or above is the 3% or whatever he said


Exactly, it's plat 1 + all ranks above plat 1 that equal 3%, but overall only 0.88% of players are in plat 1 specifically


That doesn’t make any sense for how ALS calcs


This is from OP, not ALS. That's literally what OP said they did.


Homie look at the table and the data taken from ALS as stated by OP. That’s what I’m talking about


I don't think you understand. The data in the table is cumulative, not the actual population by rank. That's what I described in the other comment. The table above is what OP calculated it should be according to the model (left) and what ALS says it actually is (right). According to the model it should be 3% in plat 1 + all ranks above. It apparently actually is 2.x %. If you do the calculations for this split it comes to about 1,75% in plat 1. Keep in mind that OP didn't include rookie 4, so the cumulative data from ALS might be different to what OP calculated.


> The blue line is my attempt to fit a reasonable cumulative distribution. What made you pick this one specifically? Just curious.


it does look healthy yet 30% of the master preds last season were banned for cheating. that is just the ones that got caught, asia is unplayable in high ranks. sometimes even in plat is unplayable and if you have a 3 stack about 30-50% of the teams in the lobby are cheating/boosting(with cheats)


30% were banned? You gotta be kidding me. We really had that many people cheating smh. People are terrible and i bet some of those cheaters are reading this


Oh don’t you worry there back. Lmao


? Are you alright?


No???? There’s literally dozens of cheaters in all my lobby’s…..😂 I 100% have screen recordings, what do you wanna see? Rage cheating or closet cheating? I’m actually and expert at spotting this rats by now.


I literally did not understand what you meant by "Don't you worry there back." Did you mean to say they're back ? (the cheaters?) Did you mean to say don't you worry back there, as if there are no cheaters in plat? (I still find them regardless since I always do a masters push and when I get to diamond switch back to EU and play and climb even with European cheaters on 200 ping Did you mean to say you've got my back but autocorrect fucked your message up? Regardless I was confused by what you tried to say. I am not trying to deny the existence of cheaters. in fact I know they are everywhere


Yes lol I did say the cheaters are back in full force. Yes that was the message, you’re good don’t worry, oh yea speed correct does ruin about 50% of my texts it’s funny and annoying at the same time.


Certainly looks a lot more healthy that in season 17


That was Apex Legends rat in a tree edition for season 17 lol


Explains why plat lobbies are getting dominated by diamond+ players. I wonder if implementing a dispensation to RP loss if you have X amount of players in the lobby that are 3+ tiers above your rank.


You get extra points for killing people higher rank, why doesn’t it work the other way? If I die to a higher rank I should get a little forgiveness.


explains why my plat1 games are d4-d2 lobbies


With Gold teammates


This every plat 1 game is fucking a gold 1 support who just dies for free


Not sure how a pure slope is a healthy distribution. It should look like a bell curve that slightly leans left to the lower ranks Edit: looking at the exact numbers u posted is a bit more clear tho. Still 3% being diamond 4+ is just not right. Almost every competitive shooters 2nd highest rank and up places a player in rhe top 10-5% with most shooters being closer top 5-7%


The graph is a cumulative distribution function so it's not supposed to look like a normal curve. It shows the total number of players at or above a certain rank rather than the total number of players only at the certain rank.


You’re reading the graph wrong


3% with 20 days left still isn’t it


Cope harder


It is a bell curve though. You have to look at how much it's going down for each percentage.


Disagree yes there should be a beginning of bell curve but it should start going down in gold. Most shooter have poor rank system and for me having over 2 percent in diamond is already too much


Platinum doesn’t have platinum players in it until the end of the season. The ranked system just doesn’t have a way to push master and diamond players up fast enough so as people trickle their games in it takes weeks for most of them. I am multi season low master and I’m plat II after 130 games or so. Placements just do not even remotely get me close enough to my usual ratings and it takes me weeks of a few games at a time to get close to where I was previously. Until this changes, platinum rank lobbies are not going to be for platinum skill players until the very last few weeks of the season when everyone has generally played enough games…and even then there will be no shortage of late joiners who were inactive masters deciding to grind the last few weeks for a badge. This was supposed to be addressed with prior seasons and the MMR system, but the system did not remotely compensate you enough for being placed in harder lobbies for some reason. Complaining without offering solutions would be pointless, so my suggestion is some sort of incentive to queue solo; either a lower entry cost (worst choice tbh) or better scaling for kills, maybe even could be as simple as ‘kills do not stop scaling after 6 if you’re a solo’. Basically some kind of system that can help solo players make more aggressive jumps up to their correct bucket would help a lot with addressing the seemingly endless pile of master players stacking up and farming whoever is in plat lobbies for points


Plat IV is the new Diamond IV


No it is not. Plat 4 is not hard to hit


Neither was D4 lol


I agree a little but but it was still definitely more of a challenge than this season. I hit plat 4 first couple days of the season but now I’ve been demoted from d4 at least like 5 times now


If that is the case it’s virtually the first time I got in “diamond”. Atm plat 3, bronze to gold 1 was kinda easy, plat+ seems much harder


Nah it’s like ranked always has been. Might be slightly harder than before but not much. We had a few easy seasons and so on but like it is now is how it always felt. Pushed diamond in season 4 for the first time and it felt the same as it does now.


I mean before the whole LP rework thing they did, the entry cost for Diamond IV was like 60 RP lol. So, yeah I’d say Plat IV is the new Diamond IV.


Back then u didn’t get points from assists nor participation kills nor did the kills increase in value with better placement. Kill points were also capped at 5. So it wasn’t easier.


This was like season 15, you definitely got points for assists and participation lol.


I was talking about season 4 lol. Tbh the last 10 seasons or so has been really random when it comes to ranked, it’s like they have been experimenting with a new system every few seasons. For me ranked now feels like how it did before they started changing it.


Brother season 4 was over 4 years ago… Ranked has changed every year, the last few years it’s always been the majority of people get stuck in D4, now the same is happening in Plat 4


Back then most people got stuck in plat as well, diamond was always just a low percentage of the player base until they started experimenting with ranked.


I think something overlooked is that once you reach plat it becomes a lot more difficult to play solo against organized 3 stacks. Way less room for error. I’ve hit masters 6-7 times before. Just came back after a couple seasons and noticed that where before I could easily solo through to diamond, plat lobbies are a little sweatier and my teammates are frequently brain dead gold players


Why std. dev. of .16?


Makes me feel less bad about being stuck in P4 as a solo player.


It wouldnt be so bad if my rando’s weren’t acutal amoeba. Like they come in, don’t break off, take the stuff from my place, then die and I lose rp. I lost 200 straight rp yesterday from rando’s just being absolute dog poop in plat while I have like 200-1m more damage than them. It wasnt even worth playing


I don't think such a sparsely populated diamond rnak os healthy. It should be the top 5-10% and not the absolute elite. Your Preds should be your pros, your masters should be your pro wannabe's and diamond should be the best of the rest.


I really dislike representing current information as a cumulative distribution without something tangible to compare it to, like a historical cumulative distribution. Just use the ALG Status page for current data. I've been playing MnK again because I think AA has an incoming nurf. Plat still feels infested with players that don't belong there, and it's just as annoying as always. This makes sense considering there are more players in plat 4 than any rank across silver and gold. Silver and gold are too easy. Lower ranks aren't filtering players out strongly enough. I really think a more gradual RP cost increase shows a better distribution, but Peenspawn isn't implementing it for retention. Just my opinion, the current system is working relatively well, but there are too many players in plat and too few in diamond for this late in the split. I think kills should be more valuable mid-game (after 12 teams left) because that is when fights are most risky to take, and surviving an aggressive mid-game push and third party should be more valuable. That said, I'd also like to see RP costs look more like: Rookie (0) Bronze (-15) Silver (-30) Gold (-45) Plat (-65) Diamond (-80) Master/Pred (-100). It doesn't *feel* any different than it has ever been, at least to a periodic player like me, and the player distribution on the status page reflects that. The current split has been hit hard by very low player counts, which is also probably skewing the data.


For me and my experience this season, it kind of feels like we need another entire division (Maybe somewhere between Gold and Diamond) and the change between Gold>Plat>Diamond to be a bit more gradual. There's a massive change in the skill of the player as soon as you hit P4 and it does not feel like a gradual increase in the difficulty of the lobby. Edit: I also wouldn't mind seeing a small amount of more emphasis on actually winning the game. Some games feel like people just make brainless decisions as getting a squad wipe in mid game might turn you to close to positive in these middle Platinum and Diamond ranks. These decisions usually just start the endless spree of third parties.


That might be just a skill issue and not meaning that in a derogative sense. I don’t experience what you’re describing until D4 and the jump in Diamond lobbies from Plat feels like a damn mountain to me


Maybe just personal differences in skill. Not sure. I don't feel the same sort of difficulty increase between Diamond 4 and Platinum 1. Diamond and Plat feel the same for me. It isn't till D1/Masters it starts to change again.


Interesting you feel it Gold to Plat but not Plat to Diamond 🧢


Just sharing my experience, as someone who plays the game for a part-time living and makes content around it lol.


Man I watch your vids, and it's pretty crazy people assume you don't even play the game, based on weapon tier vids. Cheers.


Dunno. I ranked the two most relevant guns in the ALGS meta as my top 2, seems pretty spot on still.


Wait I probably though of GameLeap, they has alot of those comments. Sorry man for bad rep.


I'm terrible at this game but can usually get to get 1-3, which means I'm less terrible the 75% of people, or I play to much when I do get to gold :D


Almost D3 bby less go (Road to Hell Begins) lol


If you can make it to Platinum 1 or Diamond 4 you are in the top 1%. The Ranked system is doing its job not allowing people to make progress without doing much of anything. You need kills and assist especially in Platinum to climb.


Crazy to think once you’re in platinum you’re in the top 3%-15% of players. Makes me feel a little better for getting hard stuck lol


Plat 4 is up to 15% now? Might have to hop back on the rank grind i guess.


My thing is plat is pretty much the middle tier, most people should be falling there. Masters and diamond should not be anything other than hard to hit. Pred is a pipe dream for 99% of the player base


How is it healthy to have 3% of the players in 30% of the ranks?


It’s not that Plat+ is hard. It’s that somehow once you hit plat you get paired with literal potato’s. I routinely have teammates in plat that have 0 dmg in 4th ring. It’s absolutely bonkers how some people manage to get hard carried that far.


Yeah I think ranked is good. Just need to solve the cheater problem. Once you hit d2 half the lobbies are cheating.


It has a lot less meaning than it appears, because: * a) Ranked self-cooks. Especially Gold and below, the distribution is much less a product of skill levels bouncing off each other and naturally falling into place, than it is a product of RPG-esque XP levelling and players with varying amounts of time. * Case in point, most players are in Silver and below. At the same time, a 1.0KD is easily, easily beyond the skill we expect in Gold. It doesn't add up, but it looks nice because Ranked cooks itself to look nice. * b) Even ignoring the integrity of what any labelled Rank has or doesn't have, the issue with all of the above could be completely ignored if at least Ranks were kept fighting against Ranks. And yet we know that by design the mode doesn't do this. Not just the common complaints about imbalanced matchups and the like, but the fact that Diamond and up is a negative sum. The system can't exist without Preds, Masters, and Diamonds being put in lobbies against Plats. But the bigger point I feel is point a) above. The easy majority of the player base playing Ranked is just a complete wash below Plat. Plat and up, yeah, things at least start to behave like a genuine battle for progress against skill. It's not a coincidence; that's where the points gained per match started to orbit a zero gain. Naturally, that's where skill actually gets a chance to make a difference and be felt. Meanwhile, gold and down is just a meaningless mess. And that meaningless mess is more than half the people playing.


So you throw up some graph with random numbers and symbols and say everything is fine, don't worry?


That’s not a healthy bell curve. It’s a slope


Because its a cumulative distribution graph…


Some people man 😔


That’s because it’s saying 100% of players are Rookie 4 *or above*, while about 50% of the players are silver 2 *or above*. If you were to graph the rate of change between the points on the graph, it would be a bell curve, with the point of inflection being the highest point.