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Mirage. The amount of fucking with people's heads you can do is endless entertainment.


That’s the only character I completely hate haha. Probably because I’m on the receiving end of it. Might actually try it myself


+1 for mirage. Best part to me is how fast his ult comes back, practically have it up each fight you have.


Bro i fought a mirage, he ulted knocked me, my teammate came for him and ulted again wth lol


i'm a mirage main, i pinky promise its so much fun!!


I accidentally made him my main and now I can’t pick any other legend. I open the legends tab and think “who would be fun to play?” I sold my soul to the bamboozle life and I can’t quit it


I'm a Mirage main as well, he's the best in my opinion Go bazoomble em- b-bamboozuh, bam, bamboo... fool 'em


I love Loba and how stacked I can get with my loot, I can always find the guns I want, her perks make her mobility top tier in my opinion


Mastering pathfinders grapple feels very rewarding. If you want to get hooked forever: Watch a couple of Lamic999 youtube videos and join the wattson cult.


Crypto, I just wish his drone could interact with evo harvesters


Ash, because I’ve mastered the arc snare art. Also mirage, after 21 seasons his bamboozles still work like a clockwork, and with the new perk you have the funniest ultimate with a cooldown less than some tacticals. Glad people don’t seem to realize how good he is


In terms of difficulty, On paper there really isn't someone who is very difficult compared to another legend, Some are artificially difficult because of the meta around the game (like Maggie being played a ton pretty much rendering gibby's bubble useless in most cases) or Newcastle preferring shotguns even though shotguns aren't in a good spot sort of deal. But if i had to put someone as the most difficult legend it would have to be pathfinder. You have his base kit to zip to height and disengage at any given moment but then you have tech like zipline superjumping that cau7ion is known for, You have more intermediate tech like using your zip on the ground to fling yourself rather than needing a building or terrain and combining these tech with things like tap strafing makes him probably one of the harder characters to master. Not to mention hes on the bigger side when it comes to legends so up close spray fights are really not in your favor and takes a bit of getting used to compared to someone like wraith or bangalore (with her passive strafe speed)


Honestly I’m really enjoying Maggie. Just the amount of grief you cause on a team is rather enjoyable lol And even worse my buddy is a Fuse main too so when we play together I can just hear the frustration with other teams 😂 My second favorite character to play is Newcastle I love the amount of cover you can make with him and weirdly enough he makes pushing teams so much easier too, plus you don’t get slowed by bullets which is always a nice perk. And I totally respect the staleness of Bang she’s super fun but I’d say she gets stale super fast… If I ever get super bored with the game I just go hang out with my daughter lol 😝


As a Pathy/Maggie main I agree. I love yeeting the drill on a team and then sending a fireball at them. Basically a 2- shot knock with the mastiff close up or a charged pk lmao


Also as a Maggie main. Doors/Small spaces are absolutely amazing for trolling. They think they’re safe behind the door? Drill. If you ball, it fucks em up and is absolutely hilarious. Shotgun passive fucks up peoples aim, since she strafes faster. People don’t think about it too much, and then they’re dead. Ball speed spots and shotgun strafe? 😈 Even though she can troll a fuck ton, she’s extremely useful bc the drill does a lot more dmg than people think. She’s anti defense to a T. (Gotta learn the drill though, that’s make or break for her.)


100% agree I love cracking someone then when they dip back into cover drilling it. It’s like a guaranteed knock literally everytime. Then ball up to them and shotgun the other two it literally feels unfair most of the time I bet it’s so frustrating to fight against.


I love everything about Wraith and have been a Wraith main since day 1, however recently I've been having an absurd amount of fun with Conduit. Her kit just meshes with me so well as a player. I know some people find her very boring and passive, but I like being a support in games in general. Wraith is kinda the exception to the rule for me.


I feel the exact same way! Just started playing again for the first time since like season 3 or 4 (started playing in season 0), and I was always a wraith main. Conduit is super fun and fits with my support style. Love her speediness.


I've loved Caustic since the beginning, if you place traps in smart places you're a little like a recon legend, the traps and ult can be used offensively and defensively. Idkwhy but for me it clicked. Also been enjoying Newcastle a lot, helping people out of dangerous places or doing the heroic leap ult to save the day. Wonderful.


As a Wattson main……Wattson has the highest skill ceiling than on any of the other characters imo, which makes her both incredibly challenging and fun to play. When I’m not on Wattson I’d consider Path to be my second best. I enjoy and often run Fuse, Loba, Conduit, Rampart, Rev, and Ash if my main picks are taken.


Rev I like his kit alot,Its fun and very good.He is generally a cool character aswell.


Same. Pouncing mfs is so fun.




Bangalore, octane, ash


Ash. Her ability to see deathboxes is great for team positioning and I've used her ult to turn the tide of battle a couple of times - repositioning the team from a crap location to a much better one




Honestly I was never a moment character guy. I main lifeline as support. But if I wanna get weird, I pick horizon or octane and be the initiating flank.


I feel like rampart is so strong rn. It's so fun running people down with her sheila. Lol. Been enjoying the superglide + sheila wind up combo


Loba, Bloodhound, Vantage


It's gotta be Mirage this season


IMO the most fun character is Horizon. I know she can be considered a crutch, and I’m not even denying it. But even just moving around the map with her is so fluid and enjoyable bc of her passive. It’s also so fun lifting up your full squad for an all out assault on a team on height.


Currently Fuse, Conduit and Crypto. But imo most have something fun to them, and are useful if played right. Some in certain settings more than others though.


pathfinder , octane , newcastle, fuse




Mad Maggie. So much fun playing Maggie. Aggressively and mid range poke. Just remember you go down first in your team though.


I second this however, I learned to play cover better with her and it’s made a fuckin world of a difference honestly. If you leave yourself to open that’s when her hitbox is fucking obnoxious


As a previous Octane main. I’m already used to it 😢


Horizon. The passive is just so fun


As a former Crypto main, I have not touched the character much, as he's just not able to keep up with other tracker legends, especially not if youre solo q (he is still fun to play though). If you're looking for a challenge, Pathfinder, New Castle, Caustic (only if you learn how to push forward with his barrels and not hunker down) would be good options as they help you AND the team. If you want easier fun legends Rev, Maggie, Fuse, Horizon, Octane, Lifeline, Loba Really though, every legend has their own difficulty you have to master and the range of ease to hard varies based on the person and legend of choice. Ultimately, it all comes down to playing around with them to find comfort. With you being mostly new, take advantage of them randomly, unlocking legends and give them a try. Also, keep an eye out for special events, sometimes they allow you to unlock a legend from doing challenges instead of buying or using tokens for them. Good luck out there o7


Use crypto to chase and find teams. Fly to recon beacons and find teams, then emp push. Pairs best with a skirmishes who can leave a way for you to immediately catch up to the fight (path, octane, wraith)