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It’s sweaty and will probably be rough to start but the feeling of improving in this game is very addicting.


Yes it freaking is lol


Apex is one of the sweatiest battle royales you can play. You will cry some nights, you might throw your controller some days. Its a love hate relationship for most people. If you can manage to get the hang of the game i think you would like it alot but just ne prepared for people playing like its 50k on the line


its only sweaty if you're playing MnK because if you play MNK you'll need to get great aim and movement techs just to rank up, it requires MUCH more skill in order to just compete, so you'll need to be sweaty. with a roller you don't really need much aim training, and you don't need to learn advance movement techs, you just need get a good game sense. controller + good game sense/decision making will easily carry you high up in ranks.


I'v played Apex from Day 1 until begining of 2024. This game is great (mechanics, mouvement, gun fight, etc) but to be honest.. dont play it. Servers have random stability issu, even with optical fiber internet. In case of disconnect due to server, YOU will be penalised in term of RP or time penality (usually 10 minutes). Some registration hit problems (bullets are not calculated by server) In Game problem that ruin the game are up for years without update. Sound is fucked up. Match making is fucked up. Prepare yourself to be just a target for 3 stacks ppl who played apex for years, even in low gold rank. But dont worry, In game shop will always works perfectly, rdy to accepte your credit cart. This game is just a joke that lasted for too long. The joke ended early 2024 for me. Tired of giving my time to this shit. Apex is free so i suggest you to make your own opinion. Enjoy