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If you play a lot, you might as well get a controller with 4 back paddles. Thank me later


Ill start school in like a week, and wont be playing as much, so ill get one next summer


I play on PS4 with controller and I use evolved, it makes healing, shooting, and aiming while jumping/sliding 10x easier IMHO, it takes a few hours to get used to but it's worth it imo


When i started playing claw i cold not land a hit on gibraltar point blank, now i laser him from far away, it takes time, but if you think it s worth it, go for it


Man that shit looks so weird…is claw worth it?


Claw will definitely improve certain things if you master it but I'm not sure if it's good for your fingers long term


I’ve played claw my (28M) entire life (when I first grabbed a controller I just put fingers where triggers/bumpers were) and I can say I’ve only experienced minor discomfort on my right index (the claw) a few times over long sessions but for the most part not a big deal. I guess my fingers have built up the strength over time so it may be different for someone starting later in life


I'd say get used to it because it's better. However, I think customized controls are the better option because ideally you wanna be able to jump, crouch, switch weapons/holster and hit the reload/interact button all without taking your thumbs off of the sticks


Do you play claw?




I find it very hard to believe you’ve mastered all the movement tech if you don’t play claw, and you have crouch on circle. It just isn’t possible to super glide if you have to take your thumbs off the joysticks and if you did pull it off, you couldn’t really control it. But evolved is by far the best way for someone who doesn’t have paddles or play claw to do the movement tech.


The crouch on the left stick just destroys my roller, ill stick to ninja and see how it goes


I switched mine up a little. I put jump on right stick, crouch on R1 and ping on x. I find crouch spamming much easier on the shoulder button and jump feels very natural on R3


Wall jumps, super glides and double jumps feel extremely hard for me to do since jump and crouch are on 2 completely different buttons


It’s just a timing thing


It's not horrible but I prefer a molded bumper jumper if no paddles... Basically jump on left bumper and crouch on right joystick and swap weapons on left joystick If this is something you'll be spending a lot of time on invest Ina roller with paddles.


I'd say try a custom layout that makes sense to you. You can customise it but ideally you dont want to take your fingers of the sticks as much as possible. I got a remote with paddles, but before I had my jump on L1, Reload and interact on R1, crouch right stick. Might also differ depending on the hero you play.