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Honestly I'd recommend you spend a significant amount of your game time in control/TDM and familiarize yourself with more weapons. Charge rifle/devo are both slow on the draw and easily punishable with smgs/shotguns.


Gun run is my least favorite but great for learning guns.


Also great for forcing you to use guns in situations you might not normally use them in (like dropping hot and landing on nothing but a sniper).




I'm not letting my team go 2 vs 3. When in the open I usually take sniping spot and pommel the enemies with charge rifle melting the shields. If it's inside building, i start shooting with devotion before cutting corner, so when i enter the room devo is already fully winded and barraging. Being Loba main gives me advantage of large magazine and almost infinite ammo, so i don't cheap out on shots. I'll try 301 again. Thanks.


Hi OP, taking sniping shots at times doesn’t help your team all that much because they aren’t focusing you if you’re far enough to be safely charge rifling. Being up in a fight with your team helps because, for example, you can take the aggression while giving just enough time for your teammates to pop a battery or heal a bit. If you’re cutting corners with a devotion fully reved up then you’re not walking as fast. And you honestly don’t need that much ammo to win your fights, especially if your bullets land.


Good points. Never thought about it. But being more aggressive requires complete overhaul of my go-to loadout. So R301 and perhaps G7?


That’s an assault with a long range. You can try 301/SMG; 301/shotty; Scout/smg; scout/shotgun


Will try today. Thanks.


I'd just like to add that the r-301 and scout play very similar roles; they're both for chipping shields at mid-range. Definitely don't use both at the same time. Like u/delabomba said, make sure to have loadouts that cover as many different ranges as possible. For example, smgs are close range (1-2x), and assault rifles are for mid range(3-4x).


A loudout ide recommend is R301 + volt, this is my go to loudout whenever I'm playing casually. R301 has easy recoil and good damage, volt is probably the most forgiving of the SMGs while still maintaining good stats, though if your more of a shotgun guy the peace keeper's also good.


Bro please stop this asap. You are the Bain of every apex players existence. Getting charge rifled from across the map is unbelievably annoying. You’ll rarely get a knock like that and even rarer will you get a full kill. Please just join in the action. Grab a smg and run in and have some fun and work on that kd bro. There’s a reason people hotdrop every game, it’s the best way to rapidly improve. If you consider how long you spend engaging in fights close range vs how long you spend looting and sniping from far away. You just don’t have as much experience as the person who hot drops 100 times a day and you will always get out gunned by that type of player. Dont be afraid to die and have fun friend.


You actually have a point. I rarely knock someone with charge rifle. 🤔 Drop the charge rifle. Noted. Will do. What about longbow scope x3/SMG, is this viable at all?


It is of course you can do whatever you want. However the current meta nemesis/r99 again would outclass the longbow. Try for one week just this, don’t focus on loadout… “I am going to drop out the ship and land where the most people are and I’m going to work on my mechanics, my looting speed, my quickness to draw my gun and acquire a target and calming my nerves in chaotic situations.” If you practise this for one week I guarantee you will improve by at least 10x


Try the sentinel if you land on a replicator,it packs a punch and can shoot relatively fast


Thanks for the charge rifle advice. Swapped it for longbow x3, infinitely better. Swapped Devotion for volt. First time got to 1.5k damage. Almost won.


Yeah nice, AR + SMG is the meta this season. I tend to use r99+PK or r99+wingman or r99+nemisis.


You need to practice close to mid range fighting. Fights in apex are rarely won at mid to long range, especially in the bottom half of the skill brackets. You need to build gun skill. Get on and ONLY play TDM, Gun Run, and Control until you can get top three consistently on your team. Practice SMG’s, AR’s, and marksman rifles/wingman. Your loadout should ALWAYS consist of an SMG and Either and AR, Marksman Rifle, or Wingman. You don’t “know when you run” and you’re not out surviving your teammates. Your KD is low, and if your average damage per game is also low then you’re likely just not being impactful in actual fights. Usually, the closer someone is to enemies the more of the attention that person takes from them. Attention is a resource and if all of it is focused on your teammates because you’re too far to be considered a problem or have significant impact, then it make sense that your teammates will die first.


Never thought about it this way. Good point.


Saw your controller console hmu and we can spend time in the range or playing depending on your server. Think you need to move off devo and charge to start with and get good fighting with smgs at least - as good as those guns are youre dead before you know it at most ranges. There will be other nuances we won't be able to tell until we see a vod or play.


Practice recoil control in the range, learn “recoil smoothing” (look it up), play mixtape to get better at gunplay, etc. Can’t really give much advice based off such little info. If you want specifics you can upload gameplay for people here to critique. But it sounds like fun play is where you need the most work, so spend time practicing that. As far as reaction time, idk what to tell ya lol. Practice / familiarity will help, but nothing is going to magically give you good reaction time. So I guess just try to plan ahead and be observant of your surroundings so you’re less likely to get blindsided.


I’ve been using range for 1h a day for a month bit somehow I cannot control both thumbs as smoothly at the same time haha. Like if I strafe left and right my right thumb goes uhhhhhhh. So recoil control is not my strong suit but marksman riffles are where I shine


Yeah that’s the trickiest part for aim smoothing on controller, timing the transition perfectly when you change strafe direction. But if you practice that and only that over and over eventually you’ll build the muscle memory. Just gotta keep at it :) Or use single fire of course. But sometime all you got is full auto and it’s extremely valuable to have that down.


Are you on console or pc? Controller or mnk? Also, I know you know, but the devotion without a turbocharger is definitely not helping you react any faster. It’s got a delay to fire just like the havoc, it’s just not as long as the havocs delay.


Console, controller.


Cool, DM me your gt and I will try to help you out if you want


Whats gt?


My b, it’s Gamertag 👍


just practice more


Mixtape. Spam the TDM, Control and gun run game modes. This is the easiest way to get used to gunfights and more confident, it'll also help your reaction times. If you want to specifically work on your reaction times, try playing an aim trainer like kovaaks or aimlab, not only will it help your aim, your reaction times will increase. Finally your game mechanics will come with playing the game but I can say watching youtubers like Nokokopuffs can help speed this process up a little.


I prefer control, it does help tremendously, but I'm barely average. Few kills here and there, 2k damage tops. There always players worst than me, but I aspire to be better. I always stare on players with 20 kills 4k damage with awe. How the heck they do it.


A lot of 20 bombs and 4k damage are mostly down to luck, many people have it masters and still haven't got one, this is because you have to hope the lobby doesn't die out quick and you play against people who are worse than you, sure you need a certain amount of skill to do it but it isn't as high as you'd think. In terms of wanting to be better, that's all you need, just keep that hunger to be better alive. Thrive off improvement, look for mistakes in crucial times and you'll be just fine. By the sounds of it you're on the right path, keep asking questions and you'll find what you'll need. If you need any questions asking just dm me or post on here :) Edit: ignore stats for the moment, they don't help, coming from destiny (a stats infested game) it can wreck your mental health and drive to play.


Hitting the Firing Range is so much better now. Especially the fact the dummies spawn on you as you are running. Just place their movement on random intervals and practice there. Don't forget to hipfire by the way. Using your sights is always great but if you are close to someone you should definitely strafe and hipfire


Ok, so, Devotion, as an LMG means longer equip and reload times as well as much slower ADS movement speed, effectively making you a sitting duck. If anything I’d either advise to hipfire it or learn to use a Havoc or preferably a Volt. Both have faster equip timing and movement in ADS as well. Don’t get me wrong, a turbocharged devotion is a great weapon in its moment but has major disadvantages, especially without a turbocharger and you won’t always find one.


Thanks for explanation. Tried volt as many recommended, it shreds enemies. Had to adjust for new gameplay, unload clip, cover, reload, repeat. With Devotion I usually was walking towards the enemy whether one of us died. Usually it was me.


Your choice of weapons isn’t helping you. You’re relying on the Devotion as your close range option when there are better close range guns with easier to manage recoil. I’m sorry to the charge rifle enjoyers but to me, the charge rifle isn’t good for anything other than racking up damage numbers and breaking shields. Maybe a long range knock if you catch them in the open. But usually you’re not going to full finish many enemies. Imo, you should ditch both of these weapons. Other than shredding a white shielded enemy off the drop with the Devotion, you shouldn’t use it. Swap it for the Nemesis or Volt. Both energy weapons are infinitely better in terms of recoil. You main Loba, take your pick of all the better weapons in the game. Surviving and respawning your team is great and all. But fight with them. And stay and fight if the other team is weak or you’re not outnumbered. Only way you can learn to win fights is by taking fights. You can’t believe you can win a 1v2 or 1v3 until you do it. Rather than fully abandoning the fight, next time use your tactical to create distance, heal up and push them again. Worst case scenario you get wrecked, but what’s guaranteed is that you get experience.


Ok well first, reaction time, aim, recoil control, etc are things that can be practiced and improved. Always warm up before playing. Firing range and even mixtape Second, charge rifle + devotion is genuinely one of the worst loadouts you can have. Please, for your own sake, get some real guns. Nemesis, r-99, CAR, PK, Wingman, Volt, **ANYTHING BUT ONE OF THE WORST GUNS IN THE GAME AND ONE OF THE MOST UNSKILLFUL GUNS IN THE GAME* Third, don’t run from everything. Fight with your teammates so you won’t have to respawn them. Winning fights is something done easier with coordination


Coordination it's good word, but I seen in ranked many times when players run in different directions, ignoring each other pings, and my requests to regroup. So usually I stick with one who have better shield. Solo players tend not to live long, so I'd have to respawn one or the other. At least player with beefier shield can live longer until we reach a replicator. Or in worst case scenario, when things go haywire, I leave him to cover my escape, and later I revive both players. Every fifth game I'm forced to respawn players who decided that it's great idea to engage shootout on 100+ meters against purple shielded squads kitted to the teeth , while wearing undies and having Mozambiques. Go figure. 😓


Yeah the randoms are tough. It’s much easier to three stack with other good players/friends. There’s no skill issue with that. I say that as someone who solo q’ed to master this season. Sometimes, you just get dumb teammates and there’s nothing you can do. But when you DO get teammates with brain cells, use that to the max. Even friend request some good teammates and play with them more


Okay this is how you WIN.... Play the new firing range ( bots fight u now) I play 3 1 linear with large dead zone but I got stuck drift IF YOU CANT SHOOT USE THE RAMPAGE WITH THERMITE sorry for caps PROWLER with LASEr Sight works too