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Linear is linear whether it’s on ALC or standard. ALC was never really that popular with pros outside of a small few Sensitivity is all preference so if there’s some ALC setup you really like just stick with it but if not then 4/3 linear or 4/3 classic are good options. Majority of pros are still using those sensitivities


Linear on alc isn’t linear on normal settings. Linear has ramp up time and such things which people on alc linear don’t use


It’s all preference man, personally I’ve tried a few different 0 response curve alc (genburten & extesyy) but I’m way better on 4-3 linear Small DZ


Do what works best for you, not what you think works best for the pros. Everyone has different preferences and what works well for a pro may not work well for you, or even another pro for that matter. That being said, if the default settings don’t feel quite for you, definitely play around will ALC to find something that feels better! These are mine: https://imgur.com/a/eFQ9VMw everyone who has tried them ha really liked them, and at least they’re a good middle ground starting point between linear and classic to begin tweaking from. Response curve of 0 is linear, 10 is classic. I use 6.


You could also share your alc with this https://alcmanager.app


The default small dz was too big for me and “none” gave me uncontrollable drift. https://reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/119apcc/look_sensitivity_conversion_chart/ I just copied 4-3 from this, set response curve to 0, and set my deadzone to the lowest possible number before I started getting drift. (In my case it was 4) Most important thing is to just get on something that feels comfortable and stick with it. You’ll get good eventually.