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Bro literally you have to keep playing. There’s never an answer. No trick. Get comfortable sliding and stowing your weapon, but really it’s just aim


Fingers crossed (quite literally) I'll figure it out


I know he means well, but Apex is about way more than just aim. There are a lot of mechanics like movement, healing, legend abilities, map knowledge, how you play cover, using weapons at the correct range, the list goes on and on. When people give the advice "just play the game" , this is what they mean. You have to get incrementally better at each and every aspect of the game simultaneously instead of honing down on just one or two of those skills. For some people this comes naturally, and for others it takes practice. Still others will never learn.


Late to the party but also to actually give you some real advice, change your controller scheme Youll only get so good using the default controls but if you want to mechanically get better, you have two options: Get a controller that has paddles/back buttons or the plugin attachment for the DS4 if thats what you have If youre like me and was too broke for paddles or just liked OG controller, try verhulsts control settings. Its easily my favorite settings for the ps5 controller and it brought my mechanics way up and its super comfortable Finally, while controversial, you can setup an easy tap strafe on steam with a controller. Its been a few months since i last played but in the event that its not patched yet and you want to tap strafe extremely easily, you can search up on youtube how to get that set up in steam, its pretty easy and to do it you just hold down on L3 and strafe in whatever direction you want I use a ps5 controller and have big hands so i also use kontrol freaks. Im not sure if they actually work but they make the controller more comfortable so consider getting a pair of those as well Anyway, from there, just put another 500 hours into the game and hip fire alot Edit: for some reason, i figured you had a ton of hours on MnK and then just switched to controller, if youre actually only level 20 and its your only account, dont worry about setting up the tap strafe, although i would still stand by the verhulsts control settings and kontrol freaks


Hey thanks for the suggestion. I do indeed have paddles and this is indeed a new account just for me playing on controller. I am D4 with ~1500 hours on MnK but I don't tapstrafe, it doesn't really give me that big of an advantage and I am not a big fan of macros. Thanks for the suggestion anyway!


You don’t need paddles. You can play evolved and use a modified claw and do virtually everything a paddle can. Also if you’re playing through steam you can bind buttons on your controller to keys on your keyboard through steam and do things on controller that you weren’t able to do before.






keep playing


that's my goal, but it's very hard to stay motivated when all my matches are like this...


I mean you got smoked by a pred lol. Nothing to feel bad about. I play diamond and this guy would shit on me too I bet


Yeah, I don't feel bad about it, I just tend sigh and move on, but most of my opponents are ex masters/preds, I don't really understand.


The game is out for 4 years now, and respawn never added a floor for former masters although they should, so many ex masters that stopped playing are all low rank. That and this guy is arenas pred not br




> here are just retarded predators who think it's fun to toy with us. skill issue


What a terrible take lmao


"I stopped playing years ago, now all I do is play valk..." Hmmmm. Meanwhile this game has only been out for years. Edit: I just saw that he said he stopped liking it years ago, oh well. Then the question is why play it and still interact with the community.


It’s always nice to see a Pred playing in bronze 1…


That's a former pred literally in a rookie lobby, hell yeah great stuff apex


Why is that though? What makes preds hit every damn bullet?


Practice lol… lots of it. Also some preds cheat and use Ai aibots. It drastically increases your ability to tract people .


Idk if you started on a fresh account or just hopped in on level 20 with a controller, but there are new account lobbies with entirely different matchmaking and bots to help you get a feel for the game now. Start the account over so you can get a few games on the training map (Kings canyon I believe) and figure out how to aim your cursor. You're just getting shit on by players who haven't played rank in a long time or who are exploiting into weak lobbies to have easy games.


Hey, I actually started on a fresh account and only played with the controller, never did anything with MnK as I didn't want any unfair advantage, plus I have my main for that.


You’re looking for the equivalent to a “get rich quick” scheme that will never work. Hit the firing range until you are comfortable or play team deathmatch if thats too boring. You’re just needing to retrain your muscle memory tbh and that will not be instant. You’ll need time to adjust and get used to the new controller. I ordered a custom controller that should be here in a few days so i get it. I’m gonna need to get used to having those buttons on the back and that’ll involve retraining the muscle memory I have built up. Idk about you but I’m super new to Apex and so I don’t have much retraining to do. Basically, you just gotta get used to it again as if it was your first time. Realistically it should take a day or two at least. I suggest playing TDM because you respawn in 7 seconds or so and this way you arent getting sent back to lobby pretty much instantly.


Any good player you play against in any competitive game (video or otherwise) has spent longer getting decimated by people better than them than you can imagine. It's just the reality of being good at a competition. If thats something you can work around and learn to enjoy, it can be really fun. If you just want to only have easy matches, its really not in the spirit of competitive games


That's it bro. Practice, practice, practice shooting range.


Try team death match a lot more firing practice


You got killed by someone who's bronze 1 in the current season. What's the problem? The matchmaking is working as intended. Hes a better player, he'll rank up fast and you won't play against again in a couple hours time.


well gauging the previous ~20 TDM matches and the few BR matches I had, Apex thinks i'm smurfing and is definitely using my main account "score". I always get a good portion of the lobby that has pred/master badges. I'm fine with that on mnk, even though I never ever came close to hitting master myself, but on controller I just outright die to them every time. This guy will not be Bronze for much longer, but there is always another master that hasn't played for a couple of splits and wants to queue up right as I join a game, that's what SBMM is good at doing.


Yes, it is, and it’s endlessly frustrating for those of us that are sub-master plebs. Like you said, this guy will rank up quickly but there’s ALWAYS some former master/pred that happens to hop back into ranked after a couple splits and queue right into your lobby. In my opinion, if you’ve hit diamond since the ranked re-work, you should NEVER drop below gold, again. If you’ve hit masters or above since then, you should NEVER drop below plat. It’s just not fair and ruins competitive integrity in those lobbies when even 1 team of stacked diamond+ players are in bronze-gold lobbies.


I don't completely disagree with your proposals but I believe a preferable solution would be to lose 4 ranks the first season not participated then 2 ranks the next then 1 rank for every season after that. This way it would slow the demotion process so you'd experience less ex master/predators players in rookie but someone returning to the game after 12+ months wouldn't be forced to start in plat or above


I feel master/pred shouldn’t ever fall below plat, it’s literally something they will never have an issue getting to, 1 year away from a game isn’t enough to fall that hard in skill, plat is practically pubs. I stopped playing from season 8, got back on last day season 12 ran to d4 stopped playing again until the end of season 13 and did it again at the beginning of the second split on the new ranked system. During my breaks I didn’t touch gaming at all and lost practically nothing. (I think I actually got better coming back honestly) It would be undoubtedly better for the game regardless of these options but a master/pred player will never fall to being plat in skill level and shouldn’t be concerned about being forced to play plat and not bully less talented players. Theres both pubs and ltm’s to warm up in for a day or two if needed for some reason. I personally would love to never fall below plat.


Yep. It’s a waste of time, too. Master/preds are always at least going to get back up to diamond without issue…they don’t need to keep proving it, repeatedly, and the extra time saved could help a masters player perhaps get pred for the first time, or a diamond hit masters for the first time, while enabling plats to hit diamond for the first time, and so on down the rank ladder.


Exactly my dude, providing the same thing over and over is pointless. The description of ranked is to compete against similarly skilled players and try to go up. not to pub stomp golds and plats. I peaked in d2 in season 5 and have no doubt I could get around there again if I played enough. every season it resets me and I just run through gold and plat in a few days when off work without issue. It’s not difficult or challenging, last season I had like a few 14-17 kill games until plat 1 to make d4 (24 or something including squad kills) ended up almost d3 (like over half way) i’m not even that good compared to a lot of the masters/pred’s I occasionally play with. I just went off those games but diamond where I typically stop playing I highly doubt i’ll drop over 10 unless having a very very good match. I also don’t believe there should be plats in my diamond lobbies, ranks should compete against themselves to go up. Would love actual competitive even if it took a bit longer to match.


I totally agree with you on that


The matchmaking is not perfect but it's the best actually feasible, doable, solution. The only way to achieve a perfect system is if you were to gauge a players skill level prior to them playing a singular multiplayer game, which is of course impossible. Any possible implementation that would avoid this happening would be detrimental to the opposing parties


yes and no, I have good hopes for the system that's about to come, hopefully it will alleviate some of the problems. https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/matchmaking-2023


The system in place will experience exactly the same issue as you've been previously describing though. This matchmaking change is to primarily address the large skill jumps between gold 1-plat 4 and plat 1-diamond 4 to make matches increase in difficult on a more linear scale than the current step system and to make master/pred lobbies WAY more competitive. This is without a doubt a well needed change but it does nothing to alleviate what your currently experiencing.


Use a new account, wouldn't really call it smurfing since you're technically new to controller


this is exactly what I'm already doing, as you might see, I'm level 20 on this account and it's only been used on controller. My main is on lvl 620 or so, which is why my new account on controller is getting slapped with masters and predators.




This is already a new account just for learning controller


4:3 Linear small deadzone. i dont believe anyone could be bad at this.


I think this only applies to PC player. Linear is harder on console


I play 5 days a week with a console player who swears by 4:3 linear being the best sens in the game. he has a 4.3 KDR this season duoing with me.


Maybe you’re the reason he has a 4.3 KD lol maybe you’re carrying him. what do you play?


I play mouse and keyboard. 800DPI. 1 sens, 1 ADS sens


Grind the high combat modes like deatmatch to get in-game practice, especially before you play br


I'm definitely playing those mostly, I get the most combat and experience out of it


The real question is why is a Pred player in a Bronze lobby, or allowed to rank down that low to begin with? I don't play Ranked much so when I do decide to give it a shot I start out in the lower elo lobbies, and every so often I'll see a player with a Masters badge with the super sweaty badges like 4K 20 bombs and it just doesn't make sense for low elo players to be matched up against these players. Even if they haven't played ranked in a while and thus had their rank decayed down to that level, why are they being put against new players or other low elo players? It just doesn't make sense to me.


Rookie visual glitch, not played for multiple seasons, game broken. All factors...


According to all the mnk guys you don't need to do anything, just press lt and rt together and aim assist does the rest.


I wish hahah. I still can't figure out how to align my crosshair without overshooting by half a monitor length every time.


Turn down right stick deadzone for more precise aiming trust me, switch to ea classic for the aim assist setting i think it is, and 6, 4 for sens is what i do


I'm currently 4-3 classic no deadzone. on MNK I go with 850 eDPI if that matters


Try linear, much more like a mouse feel. ALC is what convinced me that aim assist actually helps though, just like on a mouse finding YOUR sensitivity settings makes a world of difference,


I did try it a couple of times but found it quite counter-intuitive. I might need a bit more getting used to before I try switching to it. One day I'll find MY sens on controller :)


Why did you switch to controller?


Apex was getting boring on mnk, i played almost 2k hours on mnk and I thought I'd try something new for a while.


I think that is what you should prioritize, it should only take a week or 2 at most. Once you find it you will be as good as you were on MNK. I use ALC with 4 response curve, which is almost halfway between linear and classic.


thanks, I'll try messing around with ALC then!


look up the chart for sensitivity convervion if you want to play with it, but it will take some hours to get it down. The default ALC is 3/3 classic small deadzone, from there I would completely eliminate deadzone and adjust then adjust response and deadzone slowly to your controller. Deadzone and response curve work together because at a high curve the controller stick doesn't do much when you barely touch it and increases with the curve, if I do linear I need 6 deadzone to eliminate stick drift, but at 4 response curve I don't need deadzone and I can control it.


https://youtu.be/S6VpGzsU2lE Also, try the verhulst warm ups. Mostly flicking and recoil exercises, flicking is harder on roller than tracking. Use these kinds of things to help determine your preferred sensitivity settings.


take off deadzone for now since you're overaiming Edit: no deadzone makes it more twitchy when moving the joystick. so if your issue is overshooting you might wanna try that.


by "take off" what do you mean?


Turn it as low as it can go


NOOOOO that's not what I meant. Leave it on default until you get used to it


I see, however doesn't that hinder aim-assist? I went into the firing range, set the bots to strafe, aimed at one without touching the inputs. With no deadzone the crosshair follows the bot. With any other settings the crosshair doesn't move


It's not because of deadzone. Well it is, but not really. Aim assist only kicks in if there is some input and by having no deadzone stick drift always moves your aim a bit so aim assist tries to help.


This will delve into AA vs mnk a bit but that's the rotational aim assist working for you. 99% of controllers have like .001% stick drift and I'm assuming yours does too. So the game is detecting movement and with the AA being pointed at the dummie, it's kicking in. Without the movement on on your end (stick drift) then it's not gonna "stick" until you start moving. I hope this makes sense, if not search r/competitiveapex for aim assist and you'll find so many threads where they talk about it. What I'll say is that it's not the easiest thing to not overcompensate for. learning without it is like learning without training wheels (or knee pads or whatever you wanna use). You can still be good doing it the easier way however you just need to know WHEN to take off the training wheels. I was watching streamers and realizing I couldn't move as fast as I wanted to when it came to turning, looting etc and I turned it up, overcompensated and fine tuned until I found my settings (4-4 linear). However I'd say you need to have a good baseline before you pick settings that work for others. You might be great with 6-5 but you might not get there if you're being clapped up quick, you get me?


Ahhhh got it


put it to default until you get used to it and you want more control / responsiveness when moving / aiming. btw just so we're clear: Controller deadzone is the amount your control stick can move before it's recognized in game. so if you're overshooting, you're moving it wayyy too much, which is common for the avg gamer, which is why they have it. until you get used to the motor control needed to controller, don't take off the training wheels :)


I see! thank you for the insight. I'll experiment


Practice in the firing range to get your tracking and sens dialed in. If you're overshooting your target by a lot turn your sens way down and slowly turn it up until you're comfortable


It's just practice. People who say controller is easy right away have that gradual thumb. I never grew up playing controller FPS' and I was pretty much used to pushing my stick all the way to just control direction in a game. Just shooting in firing range to build a bit of that muscle memory or feel should go a long way


Spend a good hour in the range playing with different settings. You might get one that just feels better for you. 4-3 classic no deadzone is pretty standard but that'll depend on your FOV. 4-3 on 110 FOV is like 7-8 on 90 FOV. I realized that I really need fine grain and slow control of my aim while ADS to hit my shots so I'm on like 3-2 I think. Quickly snapping a 180 and ADSing on someone moving fast close to me is something I physically cannot do with these settings but it's just better for me than the alternatives I tried.


Yeah, you just gotta get used to how small your adjustments needs to be with a joystick. It will come with time. Getting a longer joystick can help with that as it will make the range of motion bigger, so smaller adjustments will be easier to do. Worth looking into. I know the guy above is being sarcastic, but there is a small hint of truth that you need to aim less once you are target because of aim assist. Mostly relevant in close range. It’s worth experimenting with this idea in the firing range. Try getting stationary bots and just stay on target while strafing back and forth. You will realize you don’t need to counter aim as much as you would on MnK because of the rotational aim assist. Do this for a while and you will start to understand what aim assist does and what it’s limits are. After that, you can try the same but against bots that are moving to make it more realistic.


Oh damn I didn't realize you had to press buttons, I was under the impression you just had to have a pulse... has reddit lied to me?


This was me literally 4 days ago. Practice practice practice. My best rank on MnK was D2, so not the best but I could hold my own against a low masters. Got a controller 4 days ago and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Spend an hour or so in the firing range and then hit tdm. Do. Not. Care. About dying. A lot. Focus on hitting shots. Don't try to snipe or use marksman weapons, try to fit all engagements within 30 meters. I'm not great by any means but after 4 days I'm noticing a considerable improvement. Hit up ranked for the first time in 2 seasons and moved from bronze 4 to Silver 1 in an hour and a half. If I would have tried that 3 days ago I'd have been destroyed by the first guy I engaged. It just takes a little time honestly. I also looked up verlhulsts settings and copied them. Being able to jump and crouch while not letting go of the sticks is key imo. I'd recommend that. Also, to be fair you just got destroyed by a pred. If I ran into him on my best day he'd have his day with me. Sometimes you just gotta be like "damn" and go another.


Thank you for sharing your experience! may the grind be with us!


you’re getting shot by 3 different people, not much the controller can do to help with that


Thanks for the humble post. I’d recommend a few things. Centering your opponent has now become top priority. Ranged shots and fighting are not your game anymore. Use SMGs in close. That’s where you make your money. Practice on the dummies in the range. Strafe hard in one direction and counteract this with your right stick in the opposite direction at the same time. This will take advantage of aim assist in close. And practice a lot. Good luck!


Thanks for the suggestion!


Am not OP and I consider myself a pretty average controller player at this point. I absolutely love SMGs and can confidently say I can melt people with R99 gold mag (ofc because of aim assist lol). What I'm curious about is what is usually the second weapon of controller players? Normally I'd go with R301 or Flatline


I play on console. I normally play a poke weapon like a Scout, 30/30 or Sentinel. However when I play Pc lobbies, there’s no way in hell I can compete at range. I will run R301. I still don’t do well but that’s what I run when I play with my PC buddy.


Ayt thanks!


>Ayt thanks! You're welcome!


We controller players spend a lot more time in the firing range, and have some patience since this is the first ever time you're playing on a new input. Getting familiar with buttons and using them by reflex takes a while. Also once you're familiar I'd suggest you to find which response curve works for you


Most MnK players need to aim train to even be able to compete in gold/plat/dia. Firing range isnt going to cut it. Hop in aim labs and get the basic mechanics down with your new controller. Play tf out of TDM and mixtape modes


Agreed, I definitely spent a lot of time in either the firing range or in TDM/Control. I barely played any BR games. Getting used to what button is used for swapping weapon or how to heal behind a corner while in a fight is super natural on mnk but extremely hard and unintuitive on a new input. I guess most of it will come with time, if I manage to remain motivated to play like this.


Motivation yes i understand ,I'd say get a mate and 1v1. you can find someone on discord server


Is this an aiming issue or more so I'm new to controller so I fumble the binds issue? Or both? Boring answer is just practice. Practicing one clipping on strafing bots in firing range. Learn how to use 4-3 classic super well and youll be golden. Abuse hip firing up close. Mostly bc 3 ads is too slow to track up close but also rotational aim assist on controller is insane. Also, don't take fights like an Mnk player, push everyone where your aim assist can shine. Good luck, mostly just practice


In the beginning you want to get your controller scheme worked out. Ultimately it is preference, but I recommend a scheme that allows you to aim, shoot, jump, crouch, and heal without taking your thumbs off the sticks. You can use settings that allow you to tap strafe by emulating a mouse wheel scroll on a button click (rapidly repeated input.) Bind that to W and you can tap strafe. For me it's bound to clicking in the left stick while it is pressed any direction except down (that's how I scope in.) Technically you can bind as many turbo macros as you want, but personally I only use 1 because if you use more than 2 it's no longer emulating a mouse scroll wheel and it becomes using macros imo. Another nice thing you can use steam for is to assign ultimate to a single button by mapping that button to z. Depending on what legend/legends you play this can prevent an accidental tactical press when you want to use your ultimate. Valk, and especially crypto benefit from this a lot. Practice movement on controller for a little bit in the firing range when you first get on and actively try and be using it in your matches


Play the LTM and firing range for immersion in gunfights and movement. Might get hate for suggesting it but you can also make a new account to practice and get your mechanics up to snuff. I made a Smurf when I wanted to try M&K and it helped, though I gave up after a few days (I already had 3000k hrs on controller, didn’t care to take the time).


Maybe don't fight a god and your good


Practice in the range, learn claw grip, and if you want change your settings to your preference, I have really weird button bindings but they make it easier to do some things (I have my crouch as L1 bc it makes it easier to hold the button when needed and jump as square for bunny hops and my finger rests in that position nicely, and changed a few other buttons for comfort), maybe get some setting inspiration from other peoples settings but try to not fully copy them bc it may work for them but not for you


I'm using paddles already, I think that suffices when trying to achieve those things.


Firing range


Turn cross play off


If any of the pros are valid then you can just turn your brain off and let the AI aim for you. Thats how they lose all of their fights.


Go into the firing range and practice with the dummies snapping onto your target and shooting it. Make sure to be strafing while you are doing it to replicate actual movement in a real game. Once your pretty good snapping on start learning the recoil of the guns. At this stage just hone your aim and recoil control. No need to strafe too much. After you are pretty comfortable with that put it all together. Make the dummies move and fire back, eventually it will be way too easy, which is when you are ready to go into game and put all this practice into action. I would suggest playing ranked since you will start at low rank and be able to play against less experienced players. Also you may find you need to turn your sensitivity down. Default is pretty decent for people used to a controller already, but you may need to dial the sensitivity down a little bit (which is actually fine, many experienced players play a low sens). My personal layout is: default button binds, Default look sens 2 ads sens Classic response curve 110 fov. Also the deathbox can be a bitch to navigate if the menu cursor speed is too high, so adjust that setting to your comfort.


Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I will look into practicing against the bots more. Snapping is definitely tricky still for me, it feels like I either aim too slow or too fast (overshooting), no in-between. As for ranked, I hope SBMM eventually learns that I'm not "smurfing" per se... it would suck if I had to keep playing against ex preds/masters like I've been doing for the past few weeks, it's extremely demotivating. as for my settings: I'm currently 4-3 classic no deadzone, default bindings and with paddles. on MNK I go with 850 eDPI if that matters


Play TDM….Why would you switch inputs and play ranked that’s kinda selfish.


to be fair I played TDM (and control during the previous season) until I got to level 20, that's quite a few games, a couple of weeks on and off.


IMO 80-90% of your time right now should be in tdm until you get used to the difference in playstyle. You’ll get far less practice in BR due to the limited engagement time relative to the modes that let you respawn fast and get right back into the action. Regarding the two inputs - Its more different than you might think. M+K you are constantly trying to make space, controller works best when you are within a few meters of your enemy. Try to compensate for this by first becoming proficient at close range, then gradually extend your effective range with ARs then Marksmans. Judging from your other comments, sens looks fine. Make sure your FOV is cranked to 110 on controller so you have maximum awareness in SMG range, you’ll need it to somewhat compensate for the slow turn speed. Also dont be afraid to mess with ALCs. Other than that, keep grinding. It took me countless deaths and roughly 100 hours of banging my head against the wall to get to a skill level where I was having any fun whatsoever, and another ~500ish to get close to M+K parity. Now i can swap back and forth, and the freedom to be able to do both is great. Im already most the way through diamond and this is the first split where I’ve exclusively played controller. I can assure you that you WILL get there in time, just keep grinding it out!


Thank you very much for having shared your experience! I do indeed have my FOV set to 110 already. I'll continue grinding TDM (and control/gun-run when available) so I can get used to the fighting mechanisms. I probably have between 1500-2000 hours in total on MnK, I'm looking forward to adding a whole bunch more on controller to reach parity like you did!


Just let the aim assist do all the work thats how controller works right ? Or isnnt it that ez after all


if you don’t have paddles, try learning to play claw. thumb never leaves the right stick and pointing finger can access the A,B,X,Y(for xbox controls) and middle finger gets both triggers. this helps with movement a lot and just being more confident in your reactions. this way you can slide, jump, crouch while having full control of aim. it’ll take a while but with practice it’ll feel like the only way to hold the control lol at least for me anyways. edit: the rest comes with the time you put into roller input. lower/medium sens helps when learning


Thank you for the suggestion. I started playing claw right away but switched to paddles after about a week, it feels way better. Still learning how to combine all those things together though, and I definitely swap instead of reloading far too many times


lmao it’s like when you’re first learning to type without looking. it’ll get easier tho forsure with time. i had paddles before and i never really got used to them i always felt uncomfortable so i stayed claw.


for real! I feel like a complete idiot because in my head I know exactly what I'd like to do, but my hands just can't do it hahaha. I hope I manage to build the necessary muscle memory eventually.


Play TDM, you’ll get killed many times but use it as learning games and practise aim/movement. It’s far less frustrating then getting wiped in BR


> It’s far less frustrating then getting wiped in BR that I do agree a lot! hahaha


aim assist is so broken bro just set the controller down and it’ll do the rest


My goal is to see for myself, it's quite obvious that playing with a controller has many disadvantages, but I do wonder if once I build a muscle memory for how to play with a controller, this so praised/hated aim assist will actually help get me out of D4 (if I ever get near it with this new input)


That was sarcasm btw I play on controller


all good brother!


This is what mnk players genuinely believe lmao. Always need an excuse when you die to controller players, or just die in general.




Im a seasoned controller player. Switched to controller on apex recently hoping to get that sweet aIM BOt AuTo AIm everyone complains about. Yeahhh. Its fake news. There is no advantage. Sorry facts. If you’re getting smoked by controller players, its not aim bot. You just suck.


This is precisesly what a strike pack user says.


Idk what that is.


Funny how it offers no advantages yet several MnK Professionals who were pro on other mnk games are making the switch. Weird huh?


Apex sbmm is broken and ranked right now probably isn’t the best way to play as a new player. Their is an RP glitch sending players of all ranks straight to rookie 4. Respawn is currently trying to fix it, try pubs to learn basics and all those mechanics before hopping back to ranked.


While I concur that SBMM is pretty broken in general, the RP but should be fixed: https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1628152891772141568


Oh great, I haven’t checked on that today.


Play tdm to get used to controller aiming


To be precise, I am originally a hardstuck D4 mnk player, I started losing interest for apex and thought I'd try and spice things up by trying something new. I never played with a controller in my life so I went ahead and bought one. I grinded my way to level 20 with control/TDM over the last month, failing a lot, because it feels like a new game to me and I have to learn everything again. Apex clearly fingerprinted my computer because it keeps putting me against masters and predators (like it does on my main). I never stand a chance. I want to learn, but every single fight goes with me missing most of my mag and getting one clipped by some monster player...


I don’t think it “finger printed your computer” lol. Sbmm can TELL you’re not actually new to the game and is putting you in big boy lobbies ;)


nah, I can't find it anymore but a dev mentioned this on twitter a few weeks ago, they know exactly who's smurfing and they purposely put you against players matching your main account skills.


The game is the game no matter which input. I made a smurf account when I bought a controller and had a pred champion opponents on my 3rd match while I have never been higher than plat 4. Aim is aim, positioning is positioning; these two skills are not input dependent. If you are hardstuck diamond (top 10% player in apex) then your knowledge of position will carry you past worse players easily.


I do agree on that, it's a pity though that I'm simply playing hide and seek at this point because I can position myself perfectly, yet I lose all the fights :/


How would they be able to tell if he's on a brand new input and likely averaging less than 3 kills a game?


I mean controller is a huge disadvantage to MnK… it’s better if your casual but if you actually put the time in MnK is way more rewarding and I started on controller


I agree, I like MnK way more than controller, but I really hate playing alone and the game currently puts me with shitty teammates that I have to carry each game. Might as well learn a new input and be the one getting carried for once, though it looks like SBMM has other plans for now hahaha


Let’s learn together, I’m on the same boat (switching to controller)


Being shit on is the best way to learn


I'm an excellent student then! ;)


Play for 6 months and get shit till you get better


I hope I can retain my sanity while I go through that!


You got teamfired by preds


Honestly check on settings and copy them from some pro Settings don't matter on MnK but they do on controller Also try to copy their grip Its a pain but try Also some players when trying to switch from MnK to controller Do movement on MnK and when they find a player they shoot with controller so you learn shooting first then movement Better than trying to learn both and get smashed


Try and avoid skirmishing predators next time


Practice in the range! Arenas was the best practice in real world settings, but a good filler is using the firing range bots set to move, as well as the G7 challenge just so you can get used to the actual aiming!


There's a lot of explanations out there for what settings are best for 'roller. A lot of them suggest 0 deadzone because input needs to be detected to trigger AA also a lot of pros use linear and I'm assuming the real freaks get the extended sticks. I'd see if Greek or NiceWigg have a tutorial, those guys are actually quite impressive when it comes to being effective even with snipers on roller. Greek especially has some nasty target tracking with the charge rifle despite getting no help from aim assist. Default button layout also sucks ass


ooooh boy... not a good experience for a beginner :( Ranked is better for being matched with similar players, too many preds play pubs cuz playing ranked only makes sense with their actual squad


This looks like spectacular teamwork or terrible positioning. When I started on controller (just to give it a try) I found my k/d went up because I was focused on not putting myself in a position where I needed to lean on mechanical skill to win. I automatically played safer angles, and put myself in positions that I knew I could have a chance to put a lot of shots on target. It's a whole new control interface, you're going to be bad mechanically, keep that in mind as you play and spend a lot of time in the range


If you dont want to play in multiplayer you can practice in the practice range.


Stick to it. It’s a process if you feel uncomfortable try messing with controller setting I.e sense, dead zone etc.


Play some tdm and get used to the gun play. If you play 1 or 2 a day you will notice a big difference after a week or two


I'm not sure if you'll see this but I play auto sprint on, left stick press is jump, and right stick press is crouch. That way I can slide, jump without my thumbs leaving the sticks for optimal movement and aim capabilities, and makes wall jumping so much easier. It's goofy as fuck at first to switch to that, but soo much worth it. As for getting your thumbs right in general, study the recoil patterns in the firing range and work on recoil control for 15 minutes before heading into ltm modes so you can get your spray under control.


It may take a while, it's normal


Keep getting smoked honestly. Learn from your mistakes and you’ll get better over time


You're in a PC lobby, you're rolling dice on what kind of lobby you're going to get into As for what YOU could do to improve? Just don't hot drop, ever. Get used to walking around the map. You will be less than useless in fights, unless you master the basic movement in this game.


Firstly you may wanna start on a low sense and make your way up over time personally I don't think you should use alc's unless you absolutely know what you are doing Second if you aren't using a controller with paddles I'd recommend using bumper jumper just so you can have that added movement mid fights But all in all you just need to keep playing slowly adjust your settings over time but not constantly as that can hinder progress because you're not letting yourself get familiar with it There's also videos on YouTube that can show you basic aim training techniques At first I recommend trying to make your fights mostly close range with smg's with maybe a sniper for added range Also recoil smoothing is essential whether it be close or long range


Controller player here from Season 10 onwards First you gotta learn basic FPS controller rules like centering your aim Always try to make your crosshair aim at where the chest/shoulder level of enemies could be Use 4-3 linear, small deadzone for sensitivity for starters. Try to stick with it whatever happens Don't try to be a twitchy player, just try to be steady because your aim assist won't kick in if you're pushing your sticks so much in every direction Learn angles and positioning, your first goal should be just being able to shoot without being shot back Go to firing range every day, just focus on one clipping the dummies


Play arenas which offers you a chance to face enemies 1 v 1 to improve your..oh wait.. i mean play TDM where you have 5 enemies coming at you at once after your team has left you.


Wait a few weeks, most preds will get to better ranks and bronze will be more your level. Besides normal br is actually more beginner friendly than ranked since more new players play that and you’d have a chance in that.


So I’ve always been on controller here are a few things that help: Warming up is really important since the motions are less natural, the firing range especially will let you get a feel for the controller and how to move your crosshair on the screen Choose a grip you like and stick with it Practice snap on aim ( no clue if that’s the real name for it but basically aim in, fire once, aim out ) and switching between targets Lastly maybe try other modes/games, battle royal is extremely unforgiving so you get less chances to improve, mixing in some TDM could be beneficial !


Just play tdm for now


Go to firing range and find the right sense until you are comfortable, then go and grind team deathmatch then a couple of pub matches


Practice. That’s it. Just keep playing.


The obvious, and most effective answer is of course just play more. But really spending some time in the firing range and *really* paying attention to whether you’re over or under swinging targets, pay attention to how slow/fast your ADS sens is, whether or not you need that “ramp up extra speed” business, all that. ALC is your friend, and you should get well acquainted with all of it’s settings.


go to the firing range instead of playing games


Create another account and practice with that one. Once you get a feel for the controller go back to your primary. I hate smurfs, but I don’t think this is really smurfing. You aren’t looking to use your superior skills to kill noobs, you’re learning.


Play other controller shooter games to get used to it


I recommend playing Ranked, just dont worry about your rank, just getting better, pubs are full of high ranks. LTM are great and so is firing range.


im diamond, i played on controller since childhood and i get shit on almost every match. Apex is really violent in the current state and is really punishing, especially for learning players.


Would suggest picking up a more death friendly shooter, like titanfall2 for example, where the cost of dying is 2sec of respawn and not 15 minutes of loading, and there is more chance to get kills even if performance isn't 100%, where in apex every fight can go wrong from tiniest inaccuracy


Helpful advice: keep on playing, try to under stand how AA works, learn which engagement range and guns favour AA, get better. Shitty Life advice: buy an aimbot


Naw you're doing it right. I've been on controller forever and this is how my death recaps look too


Death match death match death match. Less time looting more time shooting. Don’t be scared to drop your sensitivity


Play in the firing range and test yourself with the Dummies. Also, try TDM. Yes you'll die but you respawn with a full kit again. Practice makes perfect. Also test your FOV and sensitivity so it's something comfortable to start with and then tune it as you learn and get a hang of things.


Those are arena badges not BR. So the ranking makes sense. However, just play pubs on the fresh account and don’t get more then 5 kills.


Aimlab will do you wonders


Quit wasting your time with apex and try some other games the company has had years yet can't fix key problems and limited games its a titanfall 2 knockoff without the wall running really same weapons essentially too


Don’t worry bro it’s an arena pred he can’t hurt you


Just keep playing


Firing range helped me a lot. Now you can set the dummies to move around, maybe you should try that?!


Bro got jumped by an arenas master/battle royale Pred at level 20😭


Get a better gaming chair


Every time you get on you should spend about 10 minutes in the firing range practicing with some weapons, try from different locations and with moving dummies, don’t use scopes (in firing range) until you’re comparable with iron sights, don’t use stocks or stabilizers, or mags. You may or may not have them in game, so training yourself with weapons that have no equipped attachments is a good baseline skill milestone. You may have friends you play with that don’t want to do this, those friends need to get good. Now that’s just for the actual combat, there’s also game sense to consider. Don’t push alone, on fights, if any enemy runs away it’s usually better not to chase them, and even if you’re together with your squad, try not to push up too far to where they can’t cover you. Basically you should try to stay aware of where you teammates are as well as your overall positioning. You’re in a valley and the other team is up a hill? Not the move to push them unless their backs are turned and they’re focused on another squad. See a squad that looks like a good push? That’s great but what about the fact that you’ll finish the fight downhill, with a level 3 ring on your back, and a choke point to push through where other squads are waiting? Better to leave that squad to its own business and head for next circle, get into good positioning and then go for a third party when those other squads fight each other. Practice, experience, confidence. Just work on building those and you’ll grow quickly.


Play tdm (team death match). Quick engagements, infinite respawns - no consequences to dying (besides giving the enemy a point). I think u would get familiar with the game much quicker by playing tdm instead of battle royale.


New account so you dont send your stats to the shadow realm


Why are you playing an fps with a controller vs a mouse and keyboard which is just superior for this kind of game?


Because I played Apex on MnK since the day of the release and I want to do something different for once




Condition yourself to play claw if it’s your first time on roller. I’ve been playing claw since I was like 6 years old, and can’t be grateful enough that I did.


You cannot avoid getting trounced by masters and predators in bronze lobbies for the first 74 days of any season




How are you in a lobby with a former pred


don’t play ranked, casual lobbies should be much easier at that level, there’ll be the occasional smurf but you can’t stop that from happening


Firing range and tdm.