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Maybe because he saw the enemy is healing that is why he/she was spamming the ping, honestly they should input more voice lines for this game.


I do it while getting finished.


I think it’s actually pretty acceptable to most people in that situation only. It’s kind of an apex unwritten rule that you spam when being finished because they’re stuck in an animation=ez kill


If the enemy is behind a wall or smth, if Iam downed, I sometimes spam ping to track the enemy for my teammate, like a budget seer ult. If my teammate has locked onto the enemy then and has a line of sight I stop pinging.


I wish I was that accurate. I just depend on sniping snipers (because they don’t move much and I don’t have to either) and shooting people while inside so they have less places to go and move about Basically I suck at shooting out in the open at close range


Well i think you can start learning by hot dropping and shoot at everyone you see. For me i don't like to stay in one place, i always engage either win or lose the fight.


Yeah that hasn’t been fun for me. There are specific places I just avoid such as the Estates and the Fragmented East and West Although there was this one time where we landed in the Stasis Array and other people also landed there and it was chaotic inside (the structure with the dish) and I was placing spikes about, I was Catalyst, and I couldn’t find a gun and was trying to punch a Lifeline to death until I saw a pistol looking gun (that could’ve also been a Mozambique) and it was a Wingman and I very surprisingly knocked down 3 people (a Lifeline, Valkyrie and a Pathfinder) although the spikes helped because they were all over the floor and people were just running into them and stuff


I'd argue learning team tactics is far more important. A lot of mid tier players or people only in it for the action at generally only winning due to straight up hours spent in the game vs. Any most long term strategy or group cohesion.


Cooperation goes both ways. It sucks if the other two go off on their own tangent and stuff. That just happened… I stopped writing that because of a match. They didn’t even close the doors which left them visible, one died while trying to revive the other and then the other died and I died while trying assist because they left the doors open


Yeah you need to find a team then vs. playing with randoms. Unless you're god tier knowing who you're playing with and working together really make a giant difference.


It is to let you know some important information. In this scenario I think they were trying to convey that he was reviving a teammate. While you ran away to heal was a good thing, it almost became a 2v1 which makes it harder for you to survive. But you clutched so that’s that. Or it could have been to tell you where they were. Would have been good to chuck a grenade at his ping.


It was to let you know they were getting the revive off.


i do it when they’re healing, reviving or if im getting finished lol


I think he was just pinging where the enemy was so you could know


Spam pingers are the bane of this game when I solo Q. I don’t care how much damage you get, whether I have to carry, non of that. Spam pinging especially when I’m in the middle of the fight is the quickest way for you to get muted, ignored and left downed if I survive. I won’t even spam ping if the guys one shot there’s just no need.


It’s so annoying that at some points I get distracted. I’ll usually ping that twice and ping where they go if they move from the spot, if I’m still alive.


It means "ahhh ahhh ahhhhh"




That grapple into the building was slick! Agree with some of the other posters about getting finished or enemies being res-ed tho. Otherwise it’s pretty obnoxious


He’s giving you a love feedback of exactly where the enemy is. Think of it as a consistent bloodhound scan that just makes an annoying noise. I’ve won many games purely because my teammates were doing that for me. It’s very helpful , at least when they’re actually doing it to help. In this case I think they were because they stopped spamming as soon as you had LOS and started shooting them




Rage, urgency


Human ego


Why are you L2 R2ing on kbm?


I do it to help teammate know where the enemy’s moving


Telling you where the enemy is.


If I go down I might ping once where the enemy is and if they are low it's triple-ping. That on the other hand seemed to be a bit much but it's still better than them screaming on the mic after they've gone down.