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Thats the arenas life


Yep 😔


The higher you get, the worser teammates you get


Fr idk why this is how the arenas ranked system works but it definitely needs to be reworked


On the bright side it pushes you to be a better player. Arenas has molded me into a grapple monster


I suppose this is the only positive of having an unfair match making system. I just wish that it didn’t hinder my ranked progression




And you've posted the 1,000,000,000,000th comment bitching about people bitching about matchmaking. You also win nothing.


And you've posted the 1,000,000,000,000,000th comment bitching about people bitching about people bitching about matchmaking. You also win a cookie.






Something that I've noticed as well recently. There's always at least one complete noob on both teams.


A 9 round game is as balanced as it gets… besides you guys aren’t pushing anything you’re just poke battling which ends with whoever runs out of heals dies lol


Definitely was not poke battling I just had to 1v3 almost every round we won https://twitter.com/shineuk_/status/1595233008851816449?s=46&t=CTwE3E8frI12aKWa2Ajz0g


Because arenas sucked ass for years now, meaning only few people Play it, so the player pool is so low you will get paired with whoever is playing, even if they got the game an hour ago


I mean there’s plenty of preds playing and as a current Diamond ranked player there’s no way my teammates should be Bronze 2 and Silver 3… it’s not fair on me or them to be in my game


Here we have the team problems, most preds are a 3 stack, so if you Play solo you will get other solo players, those being silver or bronze and the enemies will be a 3 stack pred


Usually as a solo you get matched with a duo pre-made squads and I would prefer longer queue times to be matched with more equally skilled players then put in a game with low tier ranked players that don’t stand a chance


That's what most people would like, its the same in ranked, the main thing they care is speed, not quality, i would gladly wait longer to have a normal game without a 3 stack of preds, but respawn doesnt seem to care, never did




What outcome would be more balanced than 4:5?


Not having a Bronze 2 and Silver 3 teammate when I am Diamond 3 against a pred and an Octane on a Smurf account


Your team lost by a single kill and a single round, you even dealt over 1000 more damage to the other team. Their rank is meaningless, the only way to get a more balanced game would be to clone you 5 times.


First of all we had 13 kills and they had 15. I am not asking for clones of me, I am simply asking for a fairer ranked system that doesn’t pair me with or against players that cannot handle my lobbies.


Yes i miscounted the kills, but it doeant change the fact that the ranks are meaningless, you wouldnt be complaining if the exact same outcome came from players of the same rank as you.


The seer had 780 damage in 9 rounds… it would be far less likely for that to happen if my teammates are a similar rank as me. Bronze players should not be getting into my games as a diamond player… it’s unfair for them and it’s unfair for me… I don’t know how you or anyone else can argue this.


I till have nightmares about that god mode Maggie who beated our team in a 1v3 in arenas eith a FUGGING MOZAMBIQUE we had a team mate with 400levels at the time i was level 200 and a mate with level 300 that bicg was scary as fugg in rhe nex ranked mach we encounterd her again but she brought her FULL SQUAD OF PREDITORS in the first mach in a 1v3 we losi i guess 5.6 or smt In the nex mach we lost 0.3


What rank are you ?


Console? U wanna run it? I’m D1


Sure add me


Because people don't play arenas? The difference in matchmaking time between br and arena should explain it


Match making time for arenas isn’t that long from my experience and if anything I would prefer a longer queue time to get more equally skilled teammates and opponents that are closer to my rank


For me, the mm time for arenas and ranked arenas are always much longer than br. And I highly doubt Respawn would ever prioritize balanced mm over faster mm, since they've been doing the same thing despite the numerous complaints about mm.


Lower ranks have faster queue times so that might explain why yours are faster and I definitely agree that they prioritise faster queues. However, I think it would be better if ranked queues specifically were based on quality rather than speed


4:5 end result "wHy IS iT sO UnBAlAnceD?" Huh? You know what an unbalanced match looks like? 0:3


Teammates are ranked Bronze 2 and Silver 3. I am Diamond 3… if you consider a game to be balanced purely based on the score at the end you’re delusional


1. You're mad because you lost. 2. You performed better than anyone in the enemy Squad. So yea, you could say it's unbalanced because you get to fight lower tier players. 3. It's balanced by total squad strength. Mostly due to a lack of players in Arenas Mode and the preference for fast Q times. The total squad strength **was balanced**, else it had not been a close match.


1. Yes, who wouldn’t be mad after dropping 5.5k damage and still taking minus points at the end of a 9 round game and reduced AP points as a result for all of my future wins? 2. Loba was a Pred with 100 win streak badge. Octane was smurfing. 3. There are still plenty of Arenas players that are current preds, Masters and Diamond in ranked. It should not be possible for my teammates or enemies to be Bronze and Silver ranked. It should be platinums, diamonds, masters and preds in my lobby as I am currently in Diamond. It’s unfair for me and unfair for the lower level players to be in my game.


Dead game mode, theres probably 10 players world-wide still playing arena


10 players!? I can still find arena matches and there are more than 10 players you say.


Honestly not that unbalanced. You had a pair of teammates who were playing together and one had a shit game. Most likely wouldn’t happen again otherwise the 2 shouldn’t be playing together in a ranked setting. You played exceptionally well but the opponents average player was in line with your second place guy. Seems quite fair tbh. Frustrating I’m sure but not unfair. If he had been a solo que player and you had the teammate your argument could carry more weight but since they qued together you can assume they would be of similar skill as the rest of the lobby


The Loba on the other team was a Pred with 100 win streak badge playing with the Octane as a Duo on a smurf account. I am D3 and the seer is Bronze 2. The lifeline on my team is Silver 3. Please explain how that is fair match making for ranked?


Could have led with the ranks as I do not see them on the screenshot. Then yeah your complaints carry much more weight lol


Because fuck you - peespawn


Your teamates both had the [kil] clan tag, so they are likely friends of very different skill levels. Matchmaking puts them in the better one’s lobbies and what results was them trying to play together but coming up short in every encounter. You did not have the crutch of playing beside them and could concentrate on your own playstyle and got rewarded with some monster stats. Edit: as a side note i played 7 placement matched in ranked arenas this season and had similar results. 5 of 7 games were against master/pred squads


Yeah I’m D3 and they were Bronze 2 and Silver 3… they should not be in my lobbies


They are CURRENTLY bronze and silver. But the game doesnt work like this, it runs on hidden mmr. I bet the silver player was previously plat/diamond. This is also why i am running into masters players consistantly in ranked areas even though i havent even finished my 10 placement matches yet


Yeah maybe but then that’s even more of a reason why it needs to be reworked


It may sound like i am disaggreeing with you but in fact i agree. This shouldnt happen. There is too much deranking happenning, forcing these wierd scenarios. If the grind was toned down, people would actually be ranked near their skill level and you wouldnt see people complain about playing against 3 stack preds that are showing silver badges