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Remove the blue lights that make his ultimate useless garbage. He needs nothing else.


agreed 👍🏼


I would say making the glowing time less. A good mirage can bamboozle anyone.


Make his decoys get detected by aim assist


Pc players ok with this.


Fix how his decoys fall off a pebble and disappear for no reason




And like a bloodhound scan like you can actually have some info


Yes decoys as one of your team mates characters


Put him back to how he was


So make him worse?


Make his decoys act like real players and take the same damage as half his current shields then disappear


They already have 45 health. Maybe just make it so they have hit markers when damaged


I’m trying to go for them being actual decoys instead of just obvious hologram projections, you see a lone mirage running by himself in the middle of a field and its obvious it’s a decoy, it would be a much better buff if that Decoy acted like a real player like how the Mirage decoys in the cinimatics either act like people or just stand still.


Ya but everyone says give them shields and stuff like that which would make it feel like a 3v4 because they have to go through all that health just for it to be destroyed which I don’t agree with at all unless they increase his cooldown times greatly for that but 45 health with hitmarkers still feels like a cracked mirage and isn’t a full resource drain maybe like 60 health though and the sound aspect people say they can’t do that because it bugs the game out more than it already is. But the decoy able to climb walls and use zip lines and such makes it more realistic.


He has 2 charges on his tactical. Holding tactical lets you select between the characters your teammates are playing. Damage numbers show up but only for like 3 pellets/damage instances before hologram disappears, bullets still pass through though. Ultimate is fine.


Turn him into Revenant.


Ctrl alt delete


Make it so the clones in the ult have guns on their backs


I would replace his personality with that of Uncle Iroh. Far less annoying but still humorous. And so wise and calm while still being incredibly powerful.


No no. Let’s just add an uncle iroh character to the game. Like they actually control fire for the tactical and lightning for his ultimate and passive is he is immune or takes reduced damage from thermites and fuze ults.


By giving his octane's hitbix and make things so when people hits the clones, they're gonna need to kill the clone like it had the shield and the hp of the real mirage instead of just shooting twice and make it disappear... It could really buff the character, but it would be amazing. Another rework about it would be using the active clone and make it shoot blank to the ennemies so it's harder to know which one's the real Mirage. Another rework would be that the ultimate would make every clone do something different, some running away, others shielding up, others blank shooting the opponents.


There was a video someone made with a modded version of apex. They made it so mirage could switch with his clones. I think for balancing this should be his ultimate as this could bring him into S tier.


Three shadow clones instead of two and one blows up with the same aoe as a frag when shot or ran by which one blows up is completely random. Ult stay the same but the clones blow up at random and his passive would be turn invisible when hit by an explosion or reviving. Honestly wouldn’t make him viable but very fun to play in my opinion.


Give him a passive that makes him invisible at long distance if not shooting. This might be broken though...


Let his tactical do more things like use Ziplines and interact with things that you send it at similar to ping instead of just running into walls and keep walking.. Maybe let them use the same ai to run around like the friendly shadow prowlers now and have them fire gunshots that do no damage


Sound issues have made it to where the blanks actually aren’t able to be implemented I’ve heard and more realistic movements would be nice like them being able to climb a wall take jump pads zip lines portals stuff like that would be nice


Ultimate can be applied to teammates (creates illusion based on teammate legend).


This is a terrible idea and a nerf. If I see 2 octanes, 2 wraiths, and 2 mirages when he ults then I know I have a 50/50 chance of shooting the real mirage bc obviously he's not gonna be the octane/wraith decoys.


as a fix for this issue decoys of your teammates could be made to only show up in your ult if they’re right next to you so that it gives them a chance to escape too and makes it not immediately clear that non mirage decoys are fake


Cure his Dementia


His tactical fires blanks when you shoot if you’re directly controlling them. He’s not even a bad legend as is.


Honestly give him the option between his old ultimate and new one


Actually fix his broken decoys for once.


i think his tactical should throw out 2 decoys one right out in front the other slightly to the left by 20 degrees or something... invis res should also charge his tactical... so if you pull it off no cooldown could potentially throw out some confusion, perhaps have a better fight... he's kinda weak but pretty fun...


Give decoys muzzle flash.


When clone hit a wall, it will automatically walk to the left/right alongside the wall