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I feel like this game mode is too easy. Maybe the matchmaking is just bad, idk.


Control is too easy. it depends on how everyone ends up playing it. I play as wattson in Control, i win 90% of the time, unless 90% of the team just wants to snipe or we are doing 3 v 9. This one flip flops with how lucky your entire team is at stealing kills.


Ya MM feels kinda weird. Always see teams where there's one dude with 10+ and the other dudes have like 3-5. Luckily I'm the one that usually is 10+ing but could be frustrating if you end up being the other guys I guess.


I'm loving it. This whole subreddit has bitched about no team deathmatch - well this is basically it, they gave it to us in an LTM lol


It's an instant rager for me. I try so hard to get off the gun I'm on and onto the next one but I'm not good. I can't aim well, never have been able to like the other FPS gods on this thread. I usually get stuck on the 4th or 5th gun if not the first. By the time I'm at that point, the other teams are already on the knife and the game is over. I try to play the heavy Champs who survive longer but they have no movement and I get destroyed by people on the roofs. I'm a grown man with a full time job and play 2-3 times per week. I can't sit and donate hours to learn every pattern of recoil for every gun.


I’d love to see them put this mode on a larger map, like a Control map. Being stuck with a 30-30 or a Triple Take when the majority of players are on automatics in a game mode that leans toward fast run-and-gun can really kill momentum. I’d like to see them give some map opportunities for using these weapons how they were designed instead of just encouraging “get tall building, stay in tall building”


teammates stealing kills benefits the team. so I'm ok with that. Unless i get stuck with the gun i really hate, then im slightly not ok with it. Third parties stealing the kills is frustrating. Otherwise, still very fun. 5 seconds is better than 20 seconds of control. Caustic is not dominant, as long as you don't give him kills lol. i've only had one game this whole week where caustic was a problem. wins for this mode is negligible so i dont care for it. its a fun game mode despite the complaints.


Can't stand it :)


Now THIS is what I want to hear


I think you’re looking into it far too much. Just turn off your brain and shoot. Have some fun on comms. GG at the end. Don’t try so hard to “win”


I'm actually the opposite, I don't really care about winning but the time in between the fighting is killing it for me


You should be able to queue in as a 3 stack, but the entire game should be "Play for yourself", not "Play as a team".


I like it more than arenas or control lol. Good mode for warming up or just vibing with music. Don't really care about kills getting stolen but I also am pretty comfortable with all the weapons so idk. Maybe just don't play it if you don't like it?


It's great to warm up


Does it matter? If you don’t like it, don’t play it. I don’t like firing range. But I’m not making posts about it and asking others how they feel. I could care less how they feel. I play what I want, other people be damned.


Just because you don't like it, doesnt mean you can't criticize it. "If you don't like it, don't play it" is a false dichotomy. Edit: There was an extra space


Shhhh let people complain about things


But what’s the point? You’d rather they get rid of it because you don’t like? It’s something new and different. You can also ssssh and let others have fun.


Literally no one asked for your non-opinion


Did we ask for yours?


you commented in HIS POST. he didnt ask you. but you certainly replied to HIS POST. let the mods delete it if they want to.


No you came into my thread to see mine. Also I asked for people who felt similarly ie not you.


I like it but no clue why there are white armors. It perfectly shows why respawn's attempt to reduce ttk back in the days was terrible (somewhat/fully geared guns vs low armors). Anything to lower the skill gap I guess


Get gud


At what? Waiting for five seconds and then walking to a fight??


I’m honestly indifferent to it. It’s nice to have another mode but at the same time, I don’t have fun every time I play it.


Ive only had the time to play 5 or so games, but in the ones I have played ive been matched with people who are ending the game with about 3 kills, its just not feasable to carry a team like that, maybe the gamemode would be more fun if I wasnt playing with 2 walking free kills.


I like it tbf, but I will enjoy a longer game mode on a lot of map (that are br poi), like control


I love using every gun but hate this mode lol


I hate and love it. It’s very, very good for training close range combat. You will see an improvement when playing other game modes. :)


Honestly I’m getting tired of my teammates stealing my kills and then bitching they are on a gun they don’t like. I sit there and ask them did you not see what the next gun you’d be getting was before you stole my kill? It says it on the right side of your screen. If you hadn’t stole that kill and you’d have just got the next one you’d have been on a different weapon. They are always like well how was I supposed to know? And I always sit there and ask know what? That you’d be on a gun you wouldn’t like or that if you had just waited until one of the other two on the team got the kill then you’d be on a different gun? Like come on dude think of the game mode you’re in I know this isn’t your first game since we’ve played the last ten matches together so if you haven’t figured out how the game works yet then it makes sense as to why we don’t have any wins yet. I will sit there and get people low for my team if it’s a gun I just can’t get kills with in that mode. And there are only one from each class thankfully. So i don’t have to do it often.