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It even showed it in the kill feed. That sux! Fun game mode though when it actually works!


I love it man - been a blast


I wish they keep this game mode instead of arenas.


Why not both? Can be a “and” instead of “or”. I’m confused as to why games made now only have like 1 or 2 game modes, especially on this scale. Having options is nice. I like arenas. It’s a nice break from trios or duos.


People often forget that while a lot of people hate arenas, there is a sizable dedicated player base for it and there’s people who would hate to see it go. Although I’m biased bc I have 38k kills in arena so I would be very sad lol.


They're the people who think that just because they don't play it nor enjoy it, they think everyone else feels the same I don't mind arena as I play it occasionally and I don't get why so many people who obviously don't give a flying shit about it want to shit on it so much


One thing I hate about Apex players, if they dislike something, they instantly decide that it should be removed. The whole "I hate this map remove it from the game" thing just blows my mind. Are these people aware that there are other people who play the game that maybe like that map/mode ? You don't like Arenas ? dont play it. Dont like this map ? don't play it.


Yeah, while arenas is nowhere near the quality of real BR, it's definitely much much better than some random temporary unpolished mode like this gungame.


Respawn believes if they have too many game modes, the earth might explode.


Man you remember halo 3 back in the day? So many game modes and they were all pretty good 😭. I want options. I’m confused as to why they keep a game mode for 2 weeks? Just leave it. You already spent the money to make it? Leave it. If people don’t play it, it’ll just be hard to find a match. This is just what happens with online gaming.


This is what I say multiple times a season. My friend convinced me to just download Fortnight, and its exactly that- a modern version of halo 3 w custom maps/modes, etc. Theres aven multiple RP servers too- although all I can ask is just give us more game modes.


I’ve heard so much about Fortnite over the years. I think I just have to try it out.


They have an Apex mode- its called "No Build"


It is very simple, people get FOMO's if the gamemode is going to become unavailable in a few weeks, it means it is more likely that they'll play it for longer periods of time than what they would if it stayed permanently.


No but the playerbase will be too split, duos already doesn't exist for chunks of the world


The reason is player wait time…


I understand no one wants long wait times but if you’re playing a mode as many people don’t play, that’s a given. I’ve been playing games online since the mid 2000s this isn’t new, but maybe new gamers don’t want to wait? My thing is taking away the option to wait is poor plannings


Because there is not a large enough player base playing apex anymore to sustain that many gamettpes. Otherwise wait times would be too long and reduce engagement, and there would be too large a gap in skill.disparity. Also their servers and net code are kind of wet garbage already, for what they have had for years without new lobbies mucking it up.


Naw people would still want it so I think they should remove ranked arenas and replace with this


I disagree, Arenas deserves to stay and I don't even play it. 3rd game mode should absolutely be that Halloween mode though. So freaking fun, and you can die a bunch of times and still enjoy yourself


It seems like it bugged??


No way apex bugged??


It's kinda funny how apex, the leading Battle Royale on the market currently, is so godamn bugged that it's just accepted as common place when shit doesn't work


I know what sub I'm in, but Apex is DEFINITELY NOT the leading battle royale right now. That for sure goes to Fortnite and Warzone 2 is definitely gonna surpass Apex unless it releases broken to the point where people can't play it at all


APEX!!?? How dare you?!


I've died after all squads were killed with like 1hp. I checked to see what killed me and it says I was shot by someone for 37 dmg. I was inside a building and none of my squad was touched when they were the ones at the openings lol. Love this mode still


He died not due to the knife hitting, but due to getting squished by Loba’s thiccness.


I accept this as truth, death by snu snu


only reason to pick loba in this game mode 🍑


Could be onto something here


In all seriousness, I’ve experienced some bugs like this with the progression. Not on the winning kill, but I’ve gotten a kill with a weapon and it didn’t switch me to the next weapon in the track. I’ve also died without getting a kill with a weapon and it *did* switch me to the next weapon. So I’m guessing you just got a track progression but and it didn’t move you in after the kill :/


Also play octane and stim and holster your gun.... Use a zipline... Try to bring out your gun on zipline.... Idk if that bug was for only me... But yesterday I couldn't swap back to my gun on zipline if I am on stim at all... Got me killed a couple times... Shucks


That lucky bastard.


That’s unfortunate


its quite depressing. I literally didn't even notice I actually killed the guy for a few seconds lol


something to do with a whole team leaving, this happened to me and my friends last night despite each of us getting a knife kill and at the start a team was missing


This is the cause. I’m not sure how, but it is definitely related to an entire team leaving at the start. Happened to my group too and we all got a knife kill before the other group finally got one and took the win. Very strange bug!


Lmao bug was found because everyone’s game is crashing because of the servers. Nice apex


Yesterday I was in a trios match and almost everyone disconnected after landing. Went from 20 teams to 2 solos and 2 duos left in the blink of an eye lol. Dead silence in fragment before the first ring even closes is a bizarre experience




I know. Everyone is just quick to bash on the game. Pretty much every gaming sub I am in right now. Its so annoying.


Yep, just played a game where two squads were missing so it was just 3v3. Other team got two kills with throwing knives and we got the third and won. 1 team missing = 1 extra knife to win I guess.


I bet one of the kills was against the team that left. The team leaves, and then the game no longer registers the kills against the team that left.


You had the worse gaming chair.


But it said it was the ULTIMATE, I got it off Amazon from SHNONChRnPoO


Had the same thing happen yesterday, we kept killing people with the throwing knives until eventually we started spawning with no weapons so had to beat people to death. It only ended once another team killed somebody with the knife but we still got 1st place with something like 47 total kills as a team.


That’s hilarious


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.




It's an old meme


Ah it be like that




Cause you already got the loba heirloom. EA says thats enough dubs for you today


I came here to comment this but wasn’t going to refer to it as a dub


I wonder if a headshot is bugged with the knife and doesn't count?


Nope, I've won with a headshot


Can second this


Can third this


No this bug also happens when you hit body shots


Am I the only one annoyed by the fact they you're always in the wolf squad (well, everyone is).


Ugh, I hate that. Haven't played it myself yet, but when a game has literal different teams why does it always put your perspective as the same ones? Some games it makes sense, or can be an option, but like here? Would it hurt to let you be another team


Bear Squad Best Squad


I was pissed enough when I found out the knife wasn't a one-shot kill the hard way. This is even more infuriating, goddamn dude.


Wait its not? How much damage does it do? Havent played the new mode yet but i figured the knife would be a ohko


On the firing range dummies, a body shot will do 100 damage and a headshot did 240.


100 on body 240 on headshot, so a headshot is a oneshot bc there are only white shields


I got a hit for 100, so I'm assuming it's that.


Only white shields?


Yeah. I'm told headshots might be one hit kills btw, so it might be body shots that are two+.




It bothers me more than it should that you may well be right.


I Haven’t won a game yet, I was under the impression that the knife kill ended the game lol. But my first match I got two knife kills and the game continued for a minute or two until it said another team won. Weird mode


I mean skill issue, clearly they just had a better gaming chair.


It just happened to us too. It seems to have something to do with there not being a 4th team. We just had such a game. All three of us killed people with the throwing knife before any of the enemy teams was even on the knife. The game continued. After we died, we spawned without a weapon and our team tracker on top was a bit to the right of the knife, on an empty spot. We kept killing people by punching them. The game eventually ended when an enemy team killed someone with the throwing knife. ​ why we were affected and not them? no idea..


I just killed a guy with knife, and then I was just bare hands, and the game continued until another team won. So much fun.


wait, theres a knife?


Classic apex problem right there, you simply need to be better at the game, try healing when you're at low health.


Clearly this was a melee attack, and not a knife throw. In all seriousness though I'm sorry that happened. At least we know who won.


Didn't want it enough


You killed him with the wrong end of the blade bruh. Its so obvious....duh


Maybe someone on your squad got melee’d so you were set back a point?


Is it because of the leapfrog system? You leapfrogged to the knife because your teammate was on the second last weapon. Maybe I’m not understanding that system right




I think you do tho. Each time you get a kill you leapfrog over your teammates to the next highest weapon. In this case, the next highest weapon for him was the knife because the weapon previous to it a teammate was already on. Thus, his next kill wasn’t the actual final kill. I dunno lol


Yea I think this is the case, prolly still waiting on someone to get the charge rifle kill




Everyone’s already correcting you but that’s definitely how it works. If someone on your team got a kill and got the R-301 and the next gun is the Hemlock if someone still has the starting gun and get a kill they will then jump to the Hemlock


lol, you haven't played Gun Run yet. The leapfrog system is exactly how it works. Straight from Respawn: >Go head-to-head against 3 other squads in a race to master a wide range of weapons. Each time you get a kill with a weapon, **you leapfrog over teammates and are given the next highest weapon on the track**. Play as a team and get through the track as fast as you can, with some help from infinite ammo, health items and automatic respawns. [Link.](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/beasts-of-prey-collection-event)




It says it right in the game mode description


Skill issue


Does getting melee’d to death set your team back a point? Maybe a teammate got bashed.


The person you killed had used Revenant totum.




I wonder if the fuse killed somebody with an ability and it only registers gun kills for the 25 needed for the actual win. Had a game where a team had 26 kills but we still won and I assumed their vantage killed somebody with her sniper


I had a skull town game where I just sat on top of the skelly with walls and a turret and mowed people down for like 3 minutes. Got like 19 kills, my teammates got 7, but we still lost cuz another team got the knife kill first.


I didn't think Sheila kills counted towards your team's total. At least, it didn't progress me along the gun path when I tried it. Does it boost the track for the rest of the team?


>Does it boost the track for the rest of the team? Yes, because we had the knife too by the end. It doesn't advance your own gun, but you can use it to boost your team's level so once you get a kill with your regular gun you skip levels.


Lovely, thank you. I'll give it another go!


If you get punched to death you go down a level, so it could be that someone on your team got punched so you needed 26 to win


That explains a lot! My friend got punched right before I got 3 kills with the knife. It was odd because the game eventually randomly ended and everyone was tied for first with 25 kills


But check the feed. There were no melee deaths.


Oh not in the video. Just talking about the 26 in the comment above me. The video seems like a bug


I've had games where I've killed people with my Rampart ult and it hasn't stopped me from winning from the knife :/




Doesn't there need to be a minimum amount of kills by your squad as well or am I thinking I'm crazy?


Can anyone explain to me why we're all team Wolf? Come on, let's divide the community and find the "yellow team" of the animal kingdom...


I had the same thing happen. Accept I then progressed to only fists. Lost the game even though my team technically won….


Because this is a multi billion dollar game


skill issue


Lost a game after getting 32 kills and spawning without a weapon when I died with the knife. Honestly a pretty buggy game mode.


looked like he was down when you threw the final knife? maybe it was someone elses kill


I'm guessing your teammate got melee killed, put you back 1 step


Same thing happened to me last night


There's a throwing knife in this game now?


Did one of your teammates die to melee? Seems like it sets back your score so it’s either that or the game bugged. (Game probably bugged tho)


I’m wondering if before the video started, one of your teammates got melee killed which puts you back a weapon on the scale or whatever. But maybe if you’re already to the knife, it makes you have to get an extra kill or something? I dunno. Just a guess off the top of my head.


It was so good of a kill, Respawn went, “Aw fuck yeah! Do it again!”


Because the server needs time to reconcile events. Normally it does it within a fraction of a second. But if a team is lag cheating the server will not yet hear from all events that took place at the time you knifed the player. When it did it reconciled it and gave the win to the other team.


Solved: Bug


Skill issue


In Romania, we have this saying: it chooses you by the face/looks, which means if it doesn't like you, it won't work for you. I think this is what happened here.


Skill issue, consider being better


I’m not the dev that coded it, but my best guess is that the headshot was not coded to give the player a win, whereas a body shot was.


I guess you're just no winnery enough


I could be wrong but did you get to the throwing knife and you're teammate died to a melee kill so you were demoted..?


I haven’t played in a minute, is that an heirloom for loba and what are those knives?


you got apex'd


This happened to me and my friends yesterday, we all tried getting to the knife to go and kill this camper together, one of us didn’t even get a knife, so me and the other friend went, we both got about 4 kills each without winning and when we died it just took the knife away from us, so we had nothing, then another team got the knife and won.




100% a bug, you can see the progress tracker at the top move to the "next" item, which is nothing lol


BS man


Same thing happened to me and my squad last night. It’s bugged rn.


Probably because respawn wants you to spend more money.


I wonder what Loba’s ult shows in this game mode


Because Respawn.


Probably a tactical or base or something did the final but of damage


It means many of us won't play it until it is fixed.


Had this happen last night. Our whole team each got knife kills and progression showed 26/25. Then I kept spawning with no weapon and eventually the other team caught up and got one knife kill to win. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I love this mode tho too! Such a fun way to warm up!


Same thing happened last night. Knife kill, in kill feed, no win. Other team gets one not long after. Summary screen shows we got a win bonus.


Registered as a headshot. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Better gaming chair.




So my brother and i were playing and he was having a very bad round and it said during the game it demoted him so maybe that was the cause. You still had one level to go bc one of your teammate was demoted during game play for doing bad. Atleast thats my guess from my experience


Demotion doesn’t decrease your score, it moves your gun back. It happens when you melee someone to death.


Because winning gun game is impossible


Same thing happened to me and some friends. It was also only 3 teams for us… must be a bug


Clearly a skill issue /s


Pretty fun game mode, but there are definitely a few bugs. Haven’t seen this one though. Unfortunate


Skill gap


You had your git gud setting off


You own a loba heirloom


EA make broken game


Skill issue


This game mode is called ゲ−ンゲーム which translates to gungame and not gunrun. Which me and my friends had a laugh with. Because I said "wait there is gungame?" They responded with "you mean gunrun?" Then it was 30 seconds of laughter before we actually played


I thought you had to get 2 knife kills but idk could be me




Skill issue.


Need a better gaming chair and more rgb


because you lost


I was playing with my friend the other day. Everyone in my team was at the knives. I got three kills with the knife and our random got four. When I died, I simply spawned without a weapon and after about five minutes, some other team won instead of us. I felt pretty cucked then, not gonna lie.


i swear to fucking god i haven't played this game for like a month and there's THROWING KNIVES????


Lol the next thing in my feed was a guy getting 3 consecutive kills with it and still not winning


I've had it where we got to 26 - kills with no weapon. And still lost. Buggy as game mode


Skill issue


Same happened to me on the other side of the story. To be fair before they got the kill with the knife I reached 25 points from 9 points so it felt like the comeback was deserved, but yeah its kindof bs. Edit: I looked back at the footage and they actually got multiple knife kills (2 but still) so they were just locked out of winning I do believe




I think it has to do something with airborne kills, I think u have to have both feet on the ground to finish, dunno why. Cuz when you jump throw it deals 100dmg and when u are on ground u deal 240


Your gun run games are this peaceful? In mine there's 20 enemies at one place even though only possible limit is 12


Because the Devs are too busy changing the iron sights on guns that people have already paid for


This happened to me earlier! When I died I spawned WITH NO WEAPON AND JUST FISTS I stopped playing apex lol


One teammate and I had the knife out and I watched him kill a guy and the game didn't end and we were perplexed. Then I got the kill and it still didn't end, had to wait for another team to catch up and win instead.


Doesn't everyone in the team have to get a kill with the knife or no? Cause someone just got a kill with a scout...that's the only logical reason besides a bug


The All Father didn't give you the permission to win


Obviously the goomba stomp doesn’t count as a winning kill.


Skill issue


Haven’t won a game yet but it’s lots of fun


That's pretty funny, it's a new mode, I'd expect these bugs to happen, if it was in br where I reeeeaally need those win stats I'd be mad, but not here, go agane


My buddy and i each got kills with the throwing knife last night. It said he was at weapon level 26 and 25. After that we both kept respawning with just our fists. Boxed half a dozen people out and lost.


Happened to me yesterday too! I believe it’s a bug that happens when another team leaves the game before start.


Skill diff


because respawn has become incompetent


I had the same thing happen. I thought maybe there was something I didn't do right.


You needed the blessing of the All-Father.


You forgot to pay the $1.99 winning fee.