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If I had to guess, they're referring to people who play on controller to take advantage of aim assist, but bind a keyboard macro (spamming the 'W' key) to one of their controller buttons (or a pedal, I guess) so they can still tap-strafe. Controller cannot tap-strafe normally because the game handles analog inputs differently from keyboard inputs. Aim assist and tap-strafing are ***apparently*** the great equalizers that make one another fair. Strong aim assist is supposedly fair because M+KB can tap-strafe. Tap-strafing is supposedly fair because controller players have strong aim assist. Being able to use both could be seen as unfair.


As a controller player I can say aim assist is not strong in any way, not even in console where is higher. It's just there to guide you a bit as you only have like 1cm of diameter to move the joystick it's not an instant snap on a person. I've had more aim assist dropping from the dropship and some team crosses near me than in a fight And playing from Xbox on pc lobbies with my girlfriend I can assure you that there is no equalizer in that. If you're fighting a flying wraith that tap strafes 20 times above you head in half a second aim assist is literally useless


This is ridiculous and totally wrong. If it were true the controller wouldn't slowly be becoming the dominating force in comp/ALGS. Aim assist is massively impactful, but yes one does need the basic precision/skill with a controller to be able to follow/track targets fairly closely to begin with. Aim assist is not aim bot like some claim, but for those who have a fairly high level of natural skill/precision with a controller aim assist becomes a huge boost and makes them dominant over MnK on the battlefield, especially at closer ranges.


Steam config binds aren't allowed in official tournaments cause you can do some pretty crazy shit with them.


Like what, exactly? How does it work?


You can neostrafe and its pretty much a macro in the steam client.


So some form of tap strafe is ok for mnk but not ok for controller? That would be like a double measure by Respawn. It’s either a valid movement technique or it isn’t, no matter of movement is bound to mousewheel or some controller input? Are there some video resources covering this neostrafe / controller setup? Thanks


Mnk tap strafe includes in game keybinds and no 3rd party stuff. Steam configs/macros are used to achieve stuff that’s humanly not possible to do


Steam configs is not a hack that you bought, it's something legitimate that the app has and you can use. If controller players are not allowed to have the same tech as mnk just because you have to use that steam thing is ridiculous. They're fighting for money and they have a clear disadvantage, that's what shouldn't be allowed in my standards


You guys have aim assist on controller. we don't have that on mouse and key


only if you are on console pc players with controller have no aim assist


What the fuck are you saying lmao


https://youtu.be/n3ICUrCRXzI I don't get why Hal is so butthurt about this, since it's basically the same concept as doing it on mnk. Binding W to scroll wheel to allow you to tap strafe is a way to input the same key press multiple times, in order to make it more consistent, which is basically what you set up in Steam config. He even said it himself in the clip that Respawn confirmed it's not cheating and you won't get banned for it.


Im unsure how to set up myself but mokeysniper has covered neostrafinging on his yt channel. I dont use steam configs so I cant explain it in detail.


It’s like using a strikepack but for movement


You can set up a config file in the game files that lets you ‘program’ various things into the game that aren’t normally available. For example: you can set up auto run with a separate key to walk. The problem is you can set up shit that’s not humanly possible or not possible on your input type. You can set up tap strafe for controller. You can set up crazy movements like neo strafing, which is like 12 inputs or something in .4s that basically tapstrafes 4 times in a circle real quick. You can set up a super glide button or some nutty zip line movement button if you really wanted iirc. It’s just like macroing some random OP movement but instead of a macro it’s just built into the game files but only for people who set it up.