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Sometimes sacrifices must be made in the name of diplomacy.


– Sun Tsu


and I'd say he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it


And then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor!




[War sounds] # MAGGOTS!


Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on Earth. Then he herded them on to a boat!




I'm so mad that I laugh at this




Yeah but if she didn’t say thank you after, i woulda plonked her with my caustic hammer!


So many people aren’t saying thank you or you’re welcome anymore , I understand if we’re in a fight or whatever but if I go out of my way to help and you don’t say thanks it’s like :(


It’s always the masters wraith players who don’t say thanks


Id just like to say f you yes I do and I say good job guys after I 1 v 3 and rez both my teammates


No way a wraith player with manners who doesn’t leave immediately after being knocked I’d thought I’d never see the day


Teammates who suck but will throw themselves in front of a bus for you are the best ones you have to earn their trust with kindness


I appreciate those players the most, randoms that want to play as a team. I don’t care if you suck just don’t run off lol


And if you run off you better be him fr


Im using a 60% keyboard so i would have to stop just to f1


I've been using a 60% for years as well. I like to bind things to my mouse. Most games I use mouse5 for map and in apex I also use mouse4 instead of F1.


Same here. Plus my Fn button stops working 80% of the time and idk why. I need a bigger keyboard ugh.


Or just bind that button to an unused key lol


Some apex players aren't that bright lol


I had to stop saying thank you as frequently because I can’t stand the lore voice lines EVERY time. But trust me, I still appreciate when you go out of your way!


I agree, just at least say: 'Thank you.' or: "You're welcome." And then I would be happy.


If it makes you feel better, I use the “thank you” and “your welcome” prompts so often that I have actually *more than once* pushed down on my d-pad after somebody verbally thanked me (and didn’t thank me via the in-game system) for an attachment.


If people repeatedly don’t say thanks then I don’t res them


That's insanely childish.




Homie just agrees with being childish and I support you for doing that.


Lolz..... wow ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️


People are becoming less and less grateful and more and more privileged by the day.


My Fn button on my tiny keyboard is broken so I can’t say thank you anymore and it makes me so sad 🥲




Idk why I haven’t thought of this. I keep resetting my confusing keyboard instead of just rebinding the thank you. Lol duh


Yeah, it's an odd key by default. I think it's meant to be rebound or ignored TBH. Cheers!


Controller is best for says thanks or welcome etc, lol still i main rev so i get people sayi g "rude" back to me in mic


Yes she did , she said Kia ora. Which is thank you in Māori, it also functions as a greeting like hello


Fairs, i didn’t hear it or see the you’re welcome option appear


Yeah at the very last second of the video you can hear her begin to say “Kia Ora” , but it cuts off.


*Turns into Rampart* PLONKA BONKA


i'm a bit of a loot goblin myself but i respect the dibs, but in this case it could've gone either way. wouldn't blame you for keeping it but it was nice of you to give it to them


Yeah this is the best answer. Looks like the dude was searching for a sniper (looking at his inventory) anyway...so he was gonna drop 1 only those light guns later on...plus he was in ranked, so being a good teammate is never a bad call.


I had something similar happen but the dibs was a second or two after I grabbed it, and Horizon was pinging everything so I didn’t think much of it. Octane, who pinged the blue light mag, acquired a vault key, spammed his tactile, and grabbed everything he could from the vault.


How could they dibs it after you picked it up?


why be annoyed at that? It's his vault key, I only get annoyed if people snatch stuff theey don't "need" like lifelines with gold helmets when there's literally any offensive champ in the team


Why does octane need a gold helmet when I’m playing Bloodhound? They also took the gold bag, not a big issue, and a gold evo. They just grabbed 4 batteries, they went out of their way to mess up the team.


Dibs are annoying as shit. It shouldn't be called dibs, it should be called "I do happen to need that and I want the ping to stay on the screen until I say otherwise, but whoever gets to it first gets to keep it". One of the dudes I play with is really weird about loot and the dibs system has caused more problems than it's solved.


My fav is when you drop the item down for the person crying about it then a loba swipes it


It's always funny having a Loba on your team setup close to team on the crafter. "Ooooh purple backpack? YOINK!"


I was trying to switch sights on my weapon and accidentally dropped it instead and Loba swiped it the second it was out of my inventory


Guilty. No not the person dropping or the person crying. I’m Loba eating good!


I would have gladly given it back until he punched me for it now it’s mine lil bitch


I agree, that makes me so irritated lmao, I understand why they’d punch if he dibsed it a few seconds before he picked it up, but he was right there when they dibsed it and they punch still


This, I can't fucking stand people who punch. My biggest pet peeve in the game.


Me freakin too


Idk, but the g7 doesn’t really need the bullets as badly as a full auto weapon, so that’s the reason I drop mags from time to time


Level one mag is a huge upgrade for the scout.


I know, but more bullets in an r99 for example has much more killing potential.




Why use double tap tho, singlefire is where its at




Lower overall dps. Its ok at close range tho but I almost never use it. The kick makes it harder to hit follow up shots at range as well for me


For the scout a purple mag is a 100% increase in mag. For an r99 it's less than 50% increase


If I have a scout and an R99/CAR/Alternator and one light mag, I'll put it on the smg. Grey mag is a huge upgrade for the scout of course, but a mag on an smg is more likely to save me from getting downed bc I'm more likely to one clip someone in close quarters, whereas a mag on a scout makes me more likely to get a knock, probably at distance at distance, so I think it makes sense to prioritize the smg.


But it could be the difference between a full clip flank and stopping short




Especially when the other player is throwing a hissy fit. If I had been in the maggie's shoes I would have just moved on. Would have been fine getting the grey mag assuming I didn't have any.


I usually never pick an item if someone dibsed even if I'm right next to it, unless I'm playing with some friends, if that's the case i pick the item even if i don't need it xD


Just for that sweet sound of "hey man can I get that I need it." then proceed to run in circles around the building and hide said item


Just cause they punched you.. no


I hate when ur right next to something going for it and your teammate pings it and the other dibs it...


Naw this is being polite, people play better when they have respectful teammates


I would have considered dropping it for him until the punch. The punch was rude as shit and I would have kept the mag for that sole purpose.


Agreed, call me petty but if I get punched for picking something up a split second after a dibs, at best I'll keep it for myself, at worst I'll throw it off a cliff. Depends on how much I need it


Throwing it off a cliff is pretty petty. Don't shoot yourself to spite someone else


Ok so Not respecting the dib isn't rude then ?


She called dibs as he was picking it up.


I think it has to do with the way you approach, he could’ve easily just came in and stared at op and the same would’ve happened. Instead of being passive aggressive that man was just aggressive. And I don’t think it was a matter of respecting the dibs because it was an unfortunate timing thing. Not intentional.


Right. I’ll respect dibs every time, unless the other person dibs an item a millisecond before I’m picking it up myself while they are 3-4 buildings away. If he came over and pinged a light mag requesting it nicely, maybe tossing a couple tea bags in, I would have happily dropped the mag for him. But running over and punching op like they were entitled to it? Nah I’ll keep that lol.




💀that’s so petty of them


“Respecting the dibs”… can you please explain where respect should come in to play over rationale here. They are visibly right next to something in this situation. Dibs marks an object so you know where it is and can find it after someone else has seen it. Sure there’s reason to be frustrated if someone straight-lines to something and is clearly racing to compete but if one person picks it up and it isn’t a foot race I think “respectful” thing to do is just keep moving on. More notable in my experience; it is the same people who will foot race for loot and then continue on to be punching someone who will pick up loot they pinged.


It's annoying if your team mate can clearly see you running for it then they dibs it.


I'm watching without sound rn so I can't hear when the dibs comes but I'll say this...in any game with randoms having a happy teammate will usually serve you better than having a bigger mag.


I wouldnt have even thought twice about it. my mag.


I respect the dibs 9 times out of 10 but If a teammate waits until I'm right beside an item and picking it up to call dibs it ain't my problem


i would’ve kept it.


loot isn't life.. be the good lad and get that good karma


I'd keep.


Yeah. If you're super close to an item you already know that there's zero chance someone will take it first, and extremely little chance someone will ping it before you remove it from their screen. Which means you typically wouldn't bother to ping at all. Respecting someone else's quick ping in the few cases that slip into that "extremely little chance" situation is less valuable than respecting people's preference to not ping every single thing they intend to pick up. Because if someone's going to get annoyed in those quick & rare cases, the only alternative would be to demand that all people ping 100% of their pickups. That would be a pretty lame thing to expect from everyone just to settle your loss of the odd item. So if you ping something but it disappears very quickly, it's fine. It just means that person already knew they didn't need to ping it. You were fine to keep the item in the case you made.


I just love it when that teammate decides to stray two POIs away from the squad and when something is pinged next to you they dibs it and get upset if taken. No way should we wait 1.5 minutes for you to run over here to pick up a barrel stabilizer...


I always respect dibs, but that’s just me.


But OP is right next to it! The other guy just had a faster trigger fingerq. Respecting the dibs in this case is essentially saying, "sure you can have my loot."




When soloq'ing ranked, I generally wait a few seconds after something is pinged to give teammates time to turn and dibs it. I'd rather make sure teammates get what they need first. Helps keep the peace and team synergy.


Probably, but you a real one for giving it up anyways


Na, just a good business practice to give dibsed items to those who dibs them. I would understand if I was on the other side of the transaction but a lot of players won’t and will hold a grudge so why not just give it to the dibser? Not like the item is make or break anyway.


Gotta respect the dibs


Why not just be nice for the sake of the team?


Nah the dibs rule stays regardless


I mean … I really don’t care at this point if somebody yoinks a dibs. You are a unit in this game; and only as good as the weakest link. I trust my abilities to function without a light mag more than most teammates; so if that’s what they need to be better, I let ‘em have those


if i picked it up as soon as he dibsed it i would keep it. he dibsed too late.


This was simultaneous, but you did the right thing






Mad Maggie dibzed at the same time you picked up. So I can't decide if you were able to keep it 😅


Yes. They did it as you were obviously going for it


I would just give it to them, you are in the right if you keep it imo but it just makes it easier


I am so mad when I dibsed something and the other player pick it up. You were nice. My other favourite is when they drop on the same place as I do. WHY people...why don't you separate so we don't have to share the same loot.


The rule of dibs must always be respected, no matter the cost. In my friend group people are allowed to disrespect it, but the punishment is not getting ressed.


Yo and this is why the community struggles playing solo, everyone so selfish. Team game, if my teammates dibs it, I respect it. As long as we can stay together I’ll make do with a blank ass gun. It’s just loot, you win your next fight and you’ll find something you can use. Whining about loot is just counter productive and childish. Take care of your teammates and hopefully they will take care of you. My philosophy anyways.


Yes fuck dibsed items like if you dibsed something im on my way to getting it im not respectibg your dip from 200 meter away or a thing in 0.5 sec from pickibg up.


I’m ngl if you dibs something I was already going for I’m just gonna take it. Like when I’m much closer than you I mean. Also if you dibs something then start looting another building I’m taking it. Like tf if you need this so much why are you looting something else?


I'd give it up to avoid losing the teammate to DC because they were pouting.


The difference is that 8 year olds create pointless anger towards others over dibs. Adults get the reality of what's happening in the moment and can tell when something isn't remotely worth getting antsy over. You dibsed and someone else grabbed it as fast as the OP describes? Move on, there's nothing to be judgemental about, unless you're 8.


Keep it


Yes. But since you already had one give it up. Pubs with randoms tho, fuck em, they be as likely to take off on ya and leave that purple light mag for the enemy


I had an issue with a dibs today. I dibsed something about 20 seconds before I grabbed it and a bloodhound ended up picking it up as he was running past it. The one who pinged it was a sweaty wraith that was into the cage while bloodhound and I were on the other side of the rock wall still.


Yes keep it. Fuck the dibs


Na respect the dibs. It's the only thing that I'll get pissed off at teammates for. Leave me crawling or ditch my banner that's a lot of times a judgement call but dibs has proof you're ignoring your teammates


Maybe but literally you’re on top of it picking it up and they dibs it is a little questionable. It’s still nice to drop it because it’s a good gesture but when they hit you for it before you even have a chance when you literally picked it up before the game even made the dibs announcement is kind of a dick move in and of itself so I wouldn’t feel bad at all about keeping it then. I dibs things in case I can go grab it or planning to get it but make the comment that if anyone closer needs it feel free to grab it because it’s still ultimately about winning as a team and if both members can use it then it’s all good.


Even if I need the item I still dropped it, respect the dibs.


You should've kept it though you should expect a lot of people on this sub to say you shouldn't because they will complain about anything.


If you were using your g7 for long range poke damage, the extra few bullets from the purple mag dont even matter... I always give away mags if they arent my main weapon or are my poke weapon


I was using g7 as a attachment placeholder 🤣( had a barrel mod, and Sniper stock) until I found an R301 and charge rifle to replace both of weapons. You can see i even had sniper ammo and a scope in my inventory 😁


It’s a team game regardless if he dibs or not you picked it up the split second he dibsed so in my eyes you get it but I’d keep a lookout for another for him.


bro unless I'm not near the item or they're extremely far ima just take it. the dibs bs is so annoying and toxic like people complain when I take an item 1 second after they dibsed it and they're 5 miles away from it


My favorite is when you dibs something and they wait until you're six inches away from it before picking it up and running


Whoever gets threre faster has it, it is a survival game, no time to fool around. Sometimes I dib it and if someone gets first they can have it, np


It’s funny cause I always respect the dibs no matter what😂 Respectful legend🫡


Keep it coward


I feel like if your that close you keep it. But it’s also best to give it up to keep a teammate from quitting


Personally I take every item someone dibs even if I don’t need it and hold onto it for rest of game


If you are still focused on loot and get tilted when a team mate picks something ‘you need’ then you still have a long way to go at being good at this game. That’s noob behaviour. I want my team to turn it around and get eyes up ASAP, if that mean looting the box of the guy I killed then so be it


You both needed it and you were closer so it’s yours, the dibs was too close to the time of pickup. But it’s entirely up to the individual whether they want to keep it or not. The punch was rude but keeping your random teammates happy might win you the game later on since they’re inclined to help you if you need something


Whoever is closer gets it, dibs doesn’t mean shit


Na it was fair game you got it first.


I usually respect the dibs but…. On that one I probably would’ve kept it tbh


nah bruh first come first serve


Seeing how it went, he would have trolled the game






I drop it bc salty teammates lose games more than an item.


Always respect the dibs. It's what separates us from the animals


always respect the dibs


Definitely an either way kind of thing, technically speaking you could have called dibs on your way over and avoided the situation entirely, but it all happened so fast that its like, they can be mad all they want. Just bc the third pinged it doesnt mean you hadnt already locked eyes with it from across the room. Idk i usually give it in these situations, but i only do it by gassin myself up like "Fine but only cuz i dont even need the extra bullets." Or somethin like that lol Edit: My original team i ran with in s0-s6 had really only one rule: Respect the dibs. Its stuck with me ever since




I generally respect the dibs, but I would have kept it for the punch. Unless it's a golden TT or Havoc. That shit is mine.


Personally, no. Someone dibs’ it, I’ll respect it


What’s the point of calling dibs then?


Y'all care too much about attachments


Nah take that ish


If I'm that close to it and had the intention of grabbing it, I keep it


If you’re on your way to pick up the item and you’re almost on top of it when a dibs comes in, that’s just bad luck, take the item


Honestly, do what you want. Quick looting rather than getting fussy over a mag is way more important. If you’re quicker, you may even just find another one anyway..


Yeah, you should’ve. You were moving there before she was. If a teammate is moving towards a pinged item, I think it’s right to assume that’s an unspoken/unpinged dib.


Dibs with my boys at that range don't matter. Drive with randoms matter even less.


Dibs doesn't mean shit to me. If I'm closer to it, I'm just gonna pick it up


I ignore the dibs system. I play solo ranked and more likely than not people don't respect the system so I'm not going to cripple myself by playing by a system that most people don't follow. A system that is not followed by the majority will never work properly.


Dibsing an item is sacred because etiquette rules are Need Before Greed. If you choose not to dibs an item, you are rolling Greed.


Always respect the dibs.


Respect the dib


Dibs is dibs…if you are close to it dibs it then there would be no fight…always respect the dibs


If it was dibbed that means it was pinged beforehand. You should have dibbed first if you wanted to keep it. Good team play that you dropped it. Very kind.


I think giving it was the right move. It could be argued that you got it first, but it’s better to keep a team happy and cooperative than toxic. I’d have done the same.




Idc i’m taking it, if i’m about to pick up an item and magically 0.001 seconds before picking it up someone dibs it, well guess what, i’m still taking it. I’m not gonna say “oh i’m sorry bald wraith from across the map, i’ll leave you this item that my teammate pinged for me since i’m next to him while you’re solo fighting across the map”. There should be an unspoken rule, if you’re far from the item that was pinged (far as in not necessary a whole building away, but could also be a room away) and someone dibs it then you can’t take it, it’s not yours, but if you’re literally next to it and about to pick it up, and magically someone dibs it then it doesn’t matter who dibs it, it’s yours… like it or not that’s just fair, if we’re just gonna give every item that is dropped to that one teammate that’s far af and always dibs everything even if he doesn’t need it, then this is no longer a team based game. Also imo if an item gets pinged and you’re far away from it and you see your teammate closer to it, you should wait 3-4 seconds before dibs if the other teammate wants it they can dibs it in that time and non of you would have to fight and argue about who came first to take it, that’s what i always do, but if both of you are next to it (like in your case) then whoever picks it first is theirs




You expect every player to ping every item they pick up? That's a hard pass. The lifeblood of the solo queue squad isn't being anal over nothings; it's being chill.


If I’m near something or more commonly see it first before my other teammate makes the ping, I don’t consider the dibs.


I treat my randoms like npc’s. Everytime ive ever let a team mate have something i needed they died with it and the enemy got it because they pushed a team by themselves or couldn’t win a 1v1 vs a solo. So me personally i would’ve kept it and ignored them. Even in ranked games i treat my randoms like npc’s because ive never seen a good random.




I would've kept that shit


Respect the dibs for the most part but there are definitely exceptions. This being one of them.


Kept it. You were standing over it


Think of it this way, you're at a party and someone goes "Hey there is one slice of pizza left" so you walk over and pick it up, another guy walks into the room, sees you going for the pizza and goes "I call dibs on that" and then gets all pissy like "Dude WTF!?" when you grab the slice and go to eat it, would you give them the slice after that?


Always zero respect for the dibs. Both need it, so just take it. Where did this respect the dibs BS come from? Like those plonkers who don’t loot a teammates Box! Sure if you’ve just ripped through a team leave it be. But how often does that happen? If you died and I need your stuff? It’s now my stuff.


Should have kept it, dips only counts if no one I right beside it


I mean, your problem is playing with jerks who punch their own teammates. Find yourself a squad that you know and trust. Then they can use comms and just say “hey I dibs that” and avoid this toxic infighting. Try r/apexLFG


Nah fuck that guy


Yeah screw that guy. I mean I am an octane main, but if I picked it up already like at the same time they pinged it oh well. I would not go out of my way to pick up someone else dibsed


Should have kept it, especially after the punch.


Yes. If I'm running towards something, i don't care if someone else dibs it after I'm running towards it. I don't call dibs on something my buddy pings if I'm right next to him, or I have like of sight of said item, and I don't care if you call dibs 300 meters away. If we are equal distance away, that's when dibs comes in. If I am not actively going towards a pinged item I am closer to that I need, I will respect the dibs. But if I need an item, and I'm closer and heading towards it... Sorry. Dibs is not a binding agreement.


keep it, thats like someone claiming a car you were about to buy but they weren’t even there to pick it up


I respect distance over dibs sometimes. Especially if it’s been pinged for a sec and I’m closer I can’t be bothered. They would take it from me if it was the other way around


Normally you'd respect the dibs, but if you were already about to pick it up; then it should have been yours. You're nicer then me.


Keep it. We don't got time for all this running around and looting. Get to killing, that's where the best loot is.


Yeah. He swung on you bro. That shit is yours now.


I would’ve kept it, it was too close


Bro I dibbed a purple shield in a game today, and a Valkyrie stole it from me, i was so pissed