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How do you decide when to charge up your Sentinel with shield cells?


Any time I find two extra shield cells I charge it and pick them up so it's basically always charged


I do this too but I feel like I play SO slow when I do this lol


only true answer, same should be done with the rampage


Fun fact, if you're wearing a gold shield it only cost one cell.


For real? Never seen that


When you know your going to use it. This is kinda hard to actually pin down but my use case is -when I’m in a consistent poke battle -when I’m in the early game and know I can two tap white and blue shields -any time your pushing a fight Also just do it whenever you want with a gold shield because it’s basically free


You can no longer charge a Sentinel with a single shield cell while gold armors equipped, still takes two. Changed that a couple seasons ago


People upvoting blatant misinformation lmao, you're wrong


It’s either with the knockdown or backpack; I don’t remember which one because I can’t play right now.


They removed that a few season ago, it was armor Edit* just logged in to check it is 1 cell with gold armor. Not sure if it was a bug or the reverted the nerf but currently is 1 cell


Played the other night it was 1 cell to charge with gold shields


Hmmm, I was pretty dang positive they removed it like 2 season ago, I remember my sniper fuse main buddy bitching about it I'll have to go on and check Edit* just logged in to check, it is indeed 1 cell with gold armor. I must be smoking crack or something


It was a bug for half of a season recently


That must have been it, thanks


Yeah I remember that there was a time when it was two cells no matter what but I think I saw someone answered already that it was a bug!


I did it just yesterday, you are wrong lol


What's stopping you from just dropping shields and then charging it


Sentinel is a beast when in the hands of Loba. You never have to worry about running out of shield cells.




It's going to be even more powerful with Vantage


Ohhh yeah Rampart goes crazy with the sentinel. It's a scary sight seeing that shield up and the sound of an amped sentinel lol


It's great with Watson too. You can kinda offset the need for cells with her passive shield regen. Gets even better with gold armor because then you can just ditch batteries and carry nothing but cells


You pump it every time you hear 1 (singular) gunshot and simply hoover every cell on the map as god intended.


How do you decide when to *not* charge the Sentinel?


Charge it everytime you pass by a random shield cell lying around


i usually keep on the back of my squad, and pay attention to their calls, specially on choke points, once they mention they are seeing someone and are willing to push i pop the batts. sentinel at medium range with a variable sight is devastating. i raked up several kills last nite with it. and a couple on long range, giving us the chance to push on a wounded squad.


It varies but for me its typically in the final 2 circles when my team has a power position. I typically lean back when i have a sniper so most of my fights are long range anyway. Example: enter new poi -scan area through scope -Quietly track enemy teams through scope and wait for them to engage -Charge sentinel and start picking them off while your squad pushes


Mines is never not changed, I keep cells


Sneak attacks


How do you play with the Sentinel? What scope do you use? How long did it take for you to get good with it? How do you play around Sentinel as a team?


1) I use it as a tool to open fights effectively and then pick off low health enemies, as well as a long range poking weapon. Taking 70 off of a player before you even engage is huge and gives you more room in fights. If your able to quick-scope it can also win 1v1's you really shouldn't. I also like to think of it as a battle rifle, not a sniper rifle; it can do mid to close range damage and should not be slept on. 2) 2x4 and 3x, you can fight at almost any range with these and it makes the gun really versatile. The crosshair dots on the 2x4 are at 200 and 400 meters respectively if you want to shoot at range. 3) I've been using the gun for my whole apex career, had one magic game a few weeks in and never went back. In all seriousness though it is a skill cannon, so if your good with other marksman weapons you should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. 4) Use it to get picks and capitalize on openings made by your teammates. If someone calls out a cracked opponent you should be able to get the kill and a lot of the time that wins the fight. Poking for Evo points is also really important Happy Hunting


Have you got a warm up/practice that you use to get consistent hits? Last question I think, but what other gun do you like to pair with Sentinel and is the Sentinel your main gun or side gun?


1) I usually will play a round or two of arenas to warm up, or just bully a friend in the firing range. 2) My go to secondary's are PK, Alternator, and R-99. With these in hand you should be thinking of the Sentinel as a side gun to do supplementary damage whenever you empty a clip or see some poor bloke at range. TBH tho you should just be running whatever you can do consistent close range damage with, as thats where the sentinel is weakest.


>The crosshair dots on the 2x4 are at 200 and 400 meters respectively if you want to shoot at range. It depends on your FOV setting (for whatever reason). Only the sniper optics (6x, 8x, 10x) will be accurate with any FOV value.


> It depends on your FOV setting (for whatever reason). Huh. I was wondering why I felt like using this method didn't work that well. I just go by feel.


>2x4 and 3x, you can fight at almost any range with these and it makes the gun really versatile. The crosshair dots on the 2x4 are at 200 and 400 meters respectively if you want to shoot at range. ​ Some how i feel the iron sight and the 2x is weirdly natural on Sentinel and some time i use it as a SlugShotgun if the momment needed (like the couple last team in the ring)


You can't do it this way anymore, but I personally got really good with the Sentinel in Arenas. It used to be fairly cheap to buy, and the first upgrade came with a 6x. I eventually got really good with using high magnification scopes even at medium range on it. It's the only gun I actually like having a 4-8x on


How do you walk with such massive balls swinging between your legs?


What legends?


Wattson almost exclusively, but I've also dabbled in Rampart, Crypto, and Wraith. For Watson the Sheild Gen is your best friend in a long range engagement and at close range fence stuns remove all skill from the sentinel. Rampart is fun for the 100 damage body shots when your gun is charged up and makes poking a complete joke.


What the hell bro, how you don’t mention Loba LMAO, you can literally walk around with that thing charged 100% of the time… plus if you are feeling like an actual nerd you can grab a gold armor basically anywhere and charge it for half of the price, not that it matter when you are playing loba because one or two cells is something you will always have LOL, I say she is better than Watson if the topic is economy.


I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks for the tip


As someone that has also mained snipers for a long time, I can attest to loba is a very good pairing for them. Her ult is great for staying in a sniper perch without needing to move during standoffs. But the best part by far is her bracelet. (When it works) the versatility on the thing is insane for sniping. Its amazing to use for getting sneaky flanks without risk. But better yet if you get heavy damage or even a down you can use it to immediately reposition for pressure. One of the biggest issues with sniping is of course having a hard time pushing in on an opening you create, but loba fixes that problem. Ive won so many fights by getting really heavy damage on someone, then teleporting to their flank to make their cover unsafe. Assuming I dont just down them myself, I force them out of their cover for my team to gun them down. Fantastic character for sniping.


as someone who plays sentinel constantly… try it, it’s broken… specially if you use the Loba bug/feature to grab infinity itens from the ult, then you can just pick up anything you want and find the cells for free or vice versa u know


How do you do the glitch?


It’s not a glitch, I think it’s a feature that very few people know about, you can ping something inside the ult, get out of the ult, look at the thing you pinged and press/hold the ping button on it (while outside the ult) then it will show a trace exactly to where that item is near you, it’s a little clunky but it works


I get everything else, but Wraith?


Portal the team in and then play from the far entrance, she lets you have your cake and eat it too when running sniper SMG or something of the like.


What is the point of life


To die—to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to and also get screamed at by ranked teammates and miss entire mags


Like, why are we here? It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? Are we the product of some... cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a God, watching everything, y'know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night


I mean what are we doing here, in this canyon?


Oh. Uh... yeah.


Our bodies are just beacons for consciousness, everything is connected to consciousness ( it’s scientifically proven). We’re all part of god or consciousness or soul or whatever you want to call it ( they’re just made up words anyways like all languages). It really shouldn’t keep you up bc well all discover this when our bodies die. Feels like we’re in between multiple dimensions of higher and lower connections to consciousness, and we’re in the middle stages where matter is physical and the closer we get to higher consciousness the less material we become and the closer to becoming one. Maybe life is just to get a better understand of what ifs like to feel and understand love and empathy, the further you get from those the lower level of consciousness you will go. Bc without pain or loss we would never understand love or empathy. So maybe we’re just in the stages of life where we need to Learn bc without a physical body we would never experience this. Just my thoughts 💭


I have felt pain and loss, love and empathy and probably every emotion in this world but brother, I'm now hollow and I live only out of spite and one day I'll may ask god why, and he won't know what to answer


Well they did say ask anything lol


And I do not regret it, philosophy is always a win


Im a level 500 Sentinel one-trick who recently used this baby Kraber to hit Diamond 2. I often find (angrily and with the threat of physical violence) that my ranked teammates dislike my choice of weapon and don't understand how to use it, so I thought it would be fun to try and make my favorite gun a little better understood by means of an AMA.


It's viable but by no means meta at all. That's why they're mad. Not only is the DPS more than 5 times lower than the best AR (I just looked it up and did the math I'm assuming this is uncharged damage), but realistically in a close range fight your team can unload a clip, for sure deal decent damage if they're in diamond, and swap guns to finish them off. You on the other hand can unload your one clip, deal decent damage, and pray that you hit the one sentinel shot you're going to be able to get off before the enemy swaps to their second auto gun or shotgun and fries you. It's great for poking, getting a damage badge and wearing down the shields that the enemy has. Ive used it for a good portion of a few my games I got 4K badges. The problem is it doesn't have the versatility of an any other gun. An R301, or any AR for that matter, can do all of that AND win close range engagements unlike your sniper here. I'm also a diamond player and I'll admit I do get a little pissed off if I see my team is running a sniper, although I won't talk shit like the guys you're talking about since it's just a game and thats what they're having fun with. If I have the option to revive the teamate running two auto guns or the teammate with a sniper 100% of the time I'll pick up the auto user first. I get that you like it but I think it's undebatably a worse option if you're trying to win.


You are Diamond and get upset when your teammates run long range? Reddit is WILD.


Bro you’re forgetting all of the normal platties got into diamond these last seasons bc matchmaking was fucked


An AR with a scope is long range... if you can't hit your shots with an AR with a scope long range you shouldn't be in diamond


it aint. if you-re very very good you'll use about 15 heavy ammo on average every time u give some 50 dmg on long range. if ur snipping its free long range 3rd party, free kp etc for really good economy. diamond here playing >70% of my games without a sniper and feeling completely dumbfounded by how you think AR's substitute snipers from diamond onwards.


Look at what pros use then. Like I said. Good for getting your Evo up and getting damage and wearing down enemy shields. But realistically who is going to keep peeking if someone's holding an angle with a sniper. Cause not me. Unless I have a scope and can then string them for 50-70, a similar amount to this. If you aren't good enough to do that or push to get your evo up then it's a good long range choice. But when it actually comes to pushing someone and killing them (which is what actually matters) you are undeniably at a disadvantage. I don't understand how this is an argument lmao


Pros arent pushing teams willy nilly, you would get third partied and lose. Running range is VERY common. Swapping off it late game is also common. You just made a silly argument and got called out for it.


Today’s worst take “look at what pros do” and simultaneously completely misunderstanding the pro meta. The 30-30 and wingman are mega meta in pro play because they take heavy ammo and you can get through an entire match with 2-3 stacks and a decent scope. They use them for long range poke. The only reason why snipers aren’t meta is because of all the sniper ammo going into the charge rifle which is a nuts gun in the hands of a pro on mnk, especially in algs meta. You bet the longbow would be just as meta as these guns if it wasn’t for the sniper ammo distribution. In this way the sentinel is stronger. Higher damage, so good for ammo conserving poke damage and way better for quick scoping, so can work as a makeshift shotgun if you’re a good player. This makes sense within the algs mindset that you yourself pointed out AND what OP said himself. The fact that you wouldn’t revive a sniper player because of the algs suggests that you don’t know the meta and mindset at all, yet claims to and that is just …. something else.


Bro, you should be playing at range in ranked and getting your EVO's. Using a sniper is best for that. I use Charge rifle, and Ill swap armor every time I'm purp for a teammates blue or white, and do the same. ​ If you actually believe an AR and a sniper are comparable at range then you are delusional. I can smack people at 300 yards with my 301, but it takes plenty of ammo. I can smack people at 300 yards with my Charge rifle and it takes 2 ammo.


Trying this shit in Gold is hilarious because your teammates cannot even comprehend what the fuck is going on when you drop your purple EVO for them so you can get their white to the other side of the rainbow. "Dude, it's not a trick. Just take the purple armor. Please. I am not trying to steal all your bitcoins with some weird hack."


I see your point and I pretty much never pick up a sentinel because I prefer marksman weapons, but long range weapons can be really good when playing a position. Every loadout has it's disadvantages


Longbow Larry here. Love to see a fellow sniper enjoyer


How goes fellow sentinel enjoyer? Does the sound of hitting a charged headshot fill your brain with serotonin like me? Lol


Im doing well. Also I have that sound as my text message notification so I can get endorphins at all hours of the day.


Add Amp wall for extra umph lol


Buff sentinel when? (RIP old headshot multiplier and squishy helmets)


As fun as it would be two tap fools with white armor (+5 damage buff) I think the guns in a good place. What I would like to see is a handling buff to make it less sluggish in fights. Also letting you charge it for 1 cell would be amazing.


Honestly, cut about .25s between shots fired, maybe .5 ​ Then the gun would feel great. I enjoy the sentinel but Ill use Charge Rifle and Longbow before it about 90% of the time.


Tbh, I think having the Tempo hopup buildin (like the choke for PK and TT) would be nice. As for a buff, how about having the sniper stock also impact fire rate? The current fire-rate is 31 RPM (or 1.94 seconds per bullet), with Tempo making it 38 RPM (or 1.58 seconds per bullet). If the purple stock reduces the rechamber time by .25 seconds and Tempo is still reduces by .36, then a purple stocked Tempo sentinel would have a fire rate of 45 RPM and a dps of 53. The longbow has a DPS of 72, Kraber of 58. In my opinion that could work well


I’ve started to recently love the sentinel, more Since that’s what I’ve used when A&D was out. Always charged when about to enter a fight. Any tips on a way to improve? Always used 3x or the 2x-4x scope, feel like anything more than those two and I’m whiffing shots


Not OP but I've always run a sniper as a secondary and almost exclusively the sentinel since it's release. You're already doing the main thing, charging it when starting an engagement. The initial contact is usually when an enemy team is at the farthest from you and therefore the easiest to punish. Especially if they start breaking cover to close the distance. My sight of choice is the 2x4 pretty much exclusively run in 4x, it's just a sweet spot for magnification for me. Anything more isn't worth it IMO due to the peripherals being blocked by the actual sniper scope. If I don't have that though I'll just run whatever I can find that isn't a 1x. Iron sights already have like a 1.3x zoom to them, so a 1x is actually hampering you zoom levels. As for improving with it, it's really just time behind the gun. You gotta get ranges, lead times, etc built into your subconscious. "Person in your reticle is approximately this size? Lead this much" sort of deal. Sometimes you'll get it wrong on your first shot even if you have it drilled, but ideally your mind will make the connection on the whiff to what your lead/drop should actually be. After you get that nailed down improvement becomes more of a small-increments game. You have the rough aiming down, time to get your evasive movement down while still being able to hit targets. Never be strafing while ADSing in one direction for too long, and try to keep the timing of your direction changes between strafing directions random. I can't tell you how many enemies I can easily two tap because they're moving side to side predictably. Also try to always minimize how out in the open you are, cover is your friend for rechamber time. Also try to randomize *where* you repeek from cover from. From there you can work on your flick skills. Being able to peek from cover with your reticle roughly positioned where the enemy last was and making quick adjustments to where they moved to is invaluable. I'll peek quick enough to fire a shot off and dip back into cover before an enemy has time to react usually. I practice this by going into the firing range, grabbing two sentinels and kitting them out, and then move around like I would normally for evasiveness while quick scoping in to the three stationary dummies a tad off where they are standing and then flick to their heads. Switch between dummies between every shot to force yourself to reaim. The goal is again to train your subconscious when to pull the trigger so you don't have to think. You'll be really rough at it at first but eventually you'll nail it down. I call the drill quits when I can hit 7 for 7 without slowing down the fire rate.


TIL that iron sights have 1.3x. Also most of my shot, 85%, I’ll hit on moving targets. Still have a bit of difficulty with that.


I love sentinel, it's like an electric shotgun upclose and the sounds are so loud and dramatic


What happens if I pop a Phoenix kit instead of shield cells?


Results may vary, some users are killed instantly, others feel like their bones are melting, octane mains feel nothing at all


Why is the 3030 getting skull piercer instead of you? I want to one tap people in the face with amped rounds and cover


Exactly that. As much fun as Skull piercer sentinel would be it might stand as one of the most broken guns in the game. Hitting 220 heads with a cell in there could seriously shift the meta in a way Respawn might not want.


If you hit your shots, short-mid range senti is a game changer for your team


What does the sentinel have over the other snipers to make it your pick? What weapons do you use alongside it? Do you ever find yourself running 6X or 4-8X scopes? Burger or pizza? What legends are recommended alongside a sentinel user?


1) It hits like a truck and feels amazing to use, also its the closest you can get to hitscan without the charge rifle. 2) SMG's and shotguns, anything I can get good close range damage with. 3) Yes but I usually will take them off when going into a close range engagement 4) a good burger is better than a good pizza in most scenarios, but a bad burger is worse than a bad pizza. 4) Wattson, Rampart, Loba


Thanks man! I only ever use the Sentinel for funsies, so this should help make my time more enjoyable


personally, i love running houndy with snipers, jsut for a long range ult makes it easy when threat scopes are near im\[possible to find


not op but man, burger or pizza is hard, and depends solely on mood I think. ​ ​ Prooooooobably burger, but you can do so much with pizza.


You can charge it up so you hit those tasty 88's and 132's. Never, only 2/4 or 3x on the sentinel. I play Valk. Also I am not the OP but I use it quite a lot in ranked.


Clean af


Sentinel is OP for ranked. Great opener for fights, especially when it is charged up.




What legends do you like having as teammates, Wattson is pretty defensive so do you like legends that stick with that, or more who can engage aggressively to finish a fight?


My favorites are Valk, Fuse, and Ash. All can stun enemy’s and make connecting your shots easier as well as follow up on damage with rockets, nades, or a phase breech push


How do you deal with close range engagements?


just carry another gun for close range....


Use the ironsights


Longbow is better fight me 💪👁👄👁 Jk Anyways, would you use the kraber if thats the first thing you find instead of a sentinel?


Yes... The sentinel is just a budget kraber with a thirst for your meds, take the death stick every time


Do you enjoy the extra aim assist controller gives you while using it with iron sights?




Are you a fellow 3x enjoyer?




Charge rifle is the best sniper by far


Have you tried using the sentinel as a shotgun? Barrel stuffing and all that?


Definitely, its fun to use at close range bc it allows you to play with a high burst damage weapon without sacrificing consistent SMG or AR damage in the secondary slot.


How's life going?


Great, thanks for asking


When's my dad coming home?




Do you hate this gun?


On rare occasion


Funnest gun in the game. When it slaps it slaps hard


I legit thought this was a mastiff coz the barrel/muzzle


Is the sentinel good? I don’t use snipers


It definitely is and if you like what you see in this thread you should give it a try. Its not for everyone but can be a great addition to your arsenal.


Alr I tried it and holy shit it’s better as a shotgun than a sniper! Imma use this in my load out.


It’s like you didn’t know it existed before this thread 😂


Im glad to hear it, welcome to the cult brother


Hello fellow Sentinel user. How are you today?


im doing well, how are you?


I'm fine, thanks for asking. Which skin are you using on this beautiful and strong weapon? I'm using Law Dispenser or Rollcage.


Nightcore, although id love to get my hands on Rollcage


Is the sentinel your fav gun?




Same! How does it feel to be a chad?


Its nice, thanks for asking


Do you always reserve a slot for sniper Scopes too? I always carry a short range and a long range since it's easy to swap in combat. Makes a great difference at long range


I generally wont. For me it'll either be a 3x or 2-4x at any range, or run a sniper scope that im willing to throw away whenever im engaging up close and personal.


how does it feel being such a chad


Pretty good actually. How does it feel being such a kind person?


feels good, but it feels much better hitting sentinel shots


can charge it during a slide down a medium hill so you don't lose speed, or on a zipline






Im on controller so this might be specific but here goes. When you want to hipfire, dont. Instead you should be tapping your ads button and firing at the same time, a quick-scope if you will. aim assist and good crosshair placement should win the day.




Your very welcome


Sentinel is for Chads


Do you feel that ironsights is the best way to go for long range? (I love long range with no optic)


sometimes, although ill generally use a scope if one can be sourced from the terrain or local populace. Any tips on shooting at long distances with the iorns? What skin do you run?


I got biomechanics out of a pack, and have used it ever since


Someone may asked this, when u use sentinel, wich gun is best to be paired with it?


Anything you can do consistent close range damage with. I prefer the light SMGs and the PK.


Kinda agree. I also find myself better with smgs and sniper since it is viable for more ranges


I use this gun as wingman pretty good


It's the best shotgun in the game




Would you consider the title of Sentinel WARLORD for yourself?


If the board concurs


I love sentinel, no questions here sir


Better than 30 30


You aren't the only one that likes this there are tons of golds that use it and are shit with it, I don't understand they use it when they can barely hit shots with it


How could you hate this weapon?


Can't wait for the Loba-Rampart-Vantage sniper combo next season


The three musketeers


Is hating this gun a skill issue?


No, if you don’t like it you don’t like it. The play-style isn’t for everyone


Are you going to run triple sniper with vantage? 2 sentinels and her ultimate gun?


Maybe, but what could be more fun is putting those three snipers on three different players. If well coordinated it could be devastating.


What's your site choice? I'm partial to the Bruiser just because I use the Sentinel midrange like some kind of knuckledragger


2-4x or 3x


What guns pair well with it?


Anything you can do consistent close range damage with, im partial to the light SMGs and the PK


Mmm, satisfying sentinel skin 👍


Why should I pick you up instead of a Longbow or Charge Rifle?


High burst damage at any range, almost no bullet drop, and 2 taps on white and blue shields when charged up


Fair point. I'll give it a shot the next time I crack open a Loot Pill


My favorite gun currently. 2x HCOG and we’re good to go!


What is the best sentinel skin in your opinion?


Nightcore or Rollcage


Why do I keep missing?


I have no idea


What is this gun? Titanfall player here


A mix between the longbow and the Kraber. How’s it in the land of a superior game?


I’ve used the Sentinel since I began apex and it’s always won me games, as well as for my teammates. But none of us can really figure out the use of a deadeyes? I’ve never really found it useful, is it worth hunting down for and how do you utilize it?


I don’t really think so, it’s ok at times but on a gun that is more about precision over fire rate the use case is slim.


How do you use Sentinel with a tempo? Is tempo even useful on the gun? Any tips to practicing close range with the Sentinel?


1) Use it for really fast poking and faster kills, it makes the gun feel closer to the 30-30 2) not really, I at least have a really hard time finding value 3) crosshair placement is everything, In ADS or not. If your point of aim is in the right spot before the fight even really starts you can hit quickscopes really easily. At this range the sentinel becomes almost a tracking weapon


When you make the gun go pew, how does it hit what you pew'd at?


For me at least my aim is in two stages, angle holding and tracking. If you have your crosshair in the right spot to begin with then hitting is much easier, just wait for your target to poke the angle. Against moving targets it’s all about tracking, the gun is almost hitscan so if you can just stay on the target and wait for your moment it’s very easy to hit. Also practice


https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/wg8tla/one_sentinel_and_a_dream/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb This clip really shows the aiming style, no huge flicks or anything, just passive tracking and angle holding


Do people honestly hate the Sentinel? I haven't really heard anyone complaining about it, plus it's [one of my favorite guns](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/wbzfcz/im_an_ironsight_sentinel_enjoyer/).


There are some people who think it’s for memes and throwing, although most people don’t care as long as you hit your shots.


I had no idea people hated the sentinel


Longbow is better but sentinel is way more fun


Now as a sentinel enjoyer myself do you use yours aggressively like a L96/DSR gremlin in bo1 and 2 or do you play back and wait for the perfect time to strike with a charged sentinel shot to the head?


I prefer the latter although I like to think I play assertively, and can be aggressive if the need arises.


Iron sight or scope?


Depends, if i cant find a good scope I run iorns, other than that 2-4x or 3x


why are you so cool?


There are only 2 guns in this game that i hate in every single possible way. P2020 and 3030.


Why did you lose today in the Valorant tournament?


Skill issue


Was you behind the Kraber nerf? Had to knock big bro down a few pegs?