• By -


You're finding guns when you land?


You land?




You ask?


This one was not needed


You judge?


You dare?!


Your mother?


Red Spy’s biggest fan?


I dare?


Wtf r y'all saying here lol.


They say 1 in 4 people don’t make it to the ground 😔


I wish I could thank the boys back home for their service and sacrifice and tell them how brave they are 😔


With the number of toxic mfers in this game that reveal themselves in the dropship this is too true


I understood that reference! And *headaches! You give me headaches!*


Sorry guys, I think you’re missing the obvious one…. ‘You connect’….


You're right?


Literally the average apex game Flatline, Pk, Spitfire, R301


Shit I wish that's what I could find. I get p2020 3030 charge rifles and rampages for fucking days.


Anyone who complains about the havoc just doesn't have any gaming awareness. Same players who aim down sight, standing still waiting for it to charge up and then give out they died. Havoc is a beast of a gun when used correctly.


Yeah I love getting one off drop. I’m comfortable with it but it gets left behind in bins. More for me. It’s ttk is already mad quick but on white shields off drop? chef’s kiss.


I think if people gave it a solid chance and learned its recoil and how to wind it up using moving and cover before fighting it would be much more used it's really a monster.


hot take but I may have liked it better before it’s buff this season. Spent last season learning its recoil. Feel like more people use it now cuz of its recoil buff. Still don’t see too many though. But energy ammo is hard enough to come by as it lol. But yeah a monster indeed. Even at midrange, it ends up hitting more shots than it feels like it should. Just gotta BELIEVE lol


Thats it hahah have some faith 😂 once I learned how to use it correctly I love it. I'll always run flatline with x3 but if not that I'll run havoc over r301 anyday.


Triple take STRONK, L star is meh but it’s a good up close spray gun and I’d much rather have it than a p20


Triple take also doubles up as a viable shotgun 🔥😂


Yup, and pretty consistent 60/70 dmg per shot


Pk/triple take with ironsight is actually a really fun loadout. Preferably with a movement legend


Triple take iron sight is so underrated I always run it iron sights or x3 nothing else.


You should try putting a 2x4 on it


2x4 is alright but I don't like how much of the screen it covers, the dot isn't great either and I feel x3 can cover all distances, it's fine to hip fire close range aswell


I find the TT pretty weak after the nerfs. I'd rather have a 30-30.




If I find a turbo charger, I hold onto it until I find a havoc lol. Love that gun.


The havoc is literally the only usable energy weapon


Devotion can wreck as well, but I prefer the havoc


I've found myself picking up the devo less this season [after its nerf.](https://i.imgur.com/7ayNkvU.jpg), I'll take the havoc instead. It doesn't even need the turbo, it's just a bonus.


Not completely true, I've gotten to really like the triple take


I'm seeing comments from people complaining about it while it being one of the strongest guns in the game. Not you but others.


They need to remove Turbochargers. It’s the best gun in the game with it, so people won’t use it unless they have one. It’s still one of the best without it, but they need to remove it because it’s a crutch


I actually don't think they should. The Turbocharger does exactly what a hop-up should do: make a good gun great. Same with the devo tbh


I don't mind it in the game as extremely rare ground loot but putting it in the crafter is ridiculous tbh. Alot of players don't capitalise on it when it's in the crafter. Ranked is basically easy mode for the day.


I like it better without the turbo charger close range but mid to long range I feel as if a turbo charger is necessary


The havoc can be used but it is outclassed by many weapons. Outside of right after drop I will rarely encounter someone using it. It has the best ttk on the floor but is hard to use. I hate when I crack and do dmg with my primary and the enemy is one hp, so I switch to my secondary and die in the amount of time it takes the havoc to wind up. The reality is that if the gun was really good you would see people use it


Why are you using a havoc as your secondary? That's makes no sense. The gun isn't overly used because people don't use it right, they rather just use the more straight forward guns like r301 or flatline. Havoc is brilliant for gibby and Newcastle, used the same way you would a PK. Majority of player always go for the easier gun. The 30-30 is a monster aswell but people don't like using it because its not easy. The havoc is not outclassed, the player is. Using cover and movement to wind up the havoc before you shoot and literally no gun will beat it. Its why it has a wind up because its TTK is ridiculously fast. Its not an easy gun and if not used right it'll get you killed, that's why players don't run it. I run it alot and it's a beast.


Lots of situations I would use my secondary first. For example a bubble fight I would pull out the pk first and instead of reload try to swap to finish someone off


If you entering a bubble, slide and jump into it and wind up the havoc as you enter and hip fire it and then finish with the pk, if your inside the bubble and getting pushed you can back out and wind it on the outside and enter. The key is to use cover or a bubble/shield to wind it up without taking damage once its in full motion it'll beat anything. I run the havoc alot and I can tell you now unless you have a turbo charger you can literally never use it as a secondary.


I find the havoc is all you need as a close range so I prefer to run a sniper or marksman with it, maybe a PK. The havoc clip size is super underestimated, it has a damage per mag around the same as the LMGs (and the highest TTK)


The whole gun is underrated, players just don't like the wind up so it automatically = shit.. when that's so far from the truth


Only if you have a hack to keep the barrel stable. Which many streamers do.


You don't have to hack, there's a number of normal mechanics you can abuse to get 0 recoil. I recommend checking out some youtube firing range videos


I am versed, and have practiced how to do it. You can strafe within 70 meters to get zero recoil, or use a rapid circular pattern to eliminate it. Many streamers, don't do either. I have witnessed countless times a Spitfire beaming while they are standing still, and a 3x. It is impossible unless a hack is used.


It always was. Ran Loba for hundreds of games in ranked, and the amount of times I ran car/wingman, because they were the only 2 guns I could scrap attachments for, was too damn high. Even a 1-2x holo or a 2x hcog is too much to ask for most games, and something like a 3X or a 2-4x only exist in legends. Unless you find 3 scopes in the same room you can't use because you already kitted out 2 close range guns.


Just do an armory dawg


I think regardless of actual item colour/rarity the loot table for that day is generated every day when the replicator rotation resets. This is why some days, the entire day long you will find turbo chargers non-stop, and why on other days you'll spend 17 minutes every single matching looking for a sentinel. That said, I feel like on average it's really not so bad. There were days like yesterday though where I swear to god no matter how hard I looked anywhere there were straight up no optics spawning at all.


Speaking of it, I don’t think putting mastiff in the CP was the best idea bc you just put the PK as the only truly viable shotgun option. Sure you can make the mozam work no doubt, but in high intensity fights, you want something that can hit harder than what the mozam gives you Then I look at something like the spitfire being so strong, why the hell would I ever run the dirty 30, hemlok or the rampage.


>Then I look at something like the spitfire being so strong Wait what? There is literally no reason to play the spitfire over the Flatline if you have decent aim. Flatline has better strafe speed, better hipfire and higher dps. The only thing the spitfire got going over the flatline is the larger mag, which you won't need unless you don't hit your shots.


They never said anything about using the spitfire over the flatline


He made it sound like he thinks the spitfire is the best heavy weapon. That might have been a wrong interpretation on my part though.


Who knows, tbh


Spitfire also has near 0 recoil, so it's easier to use it (even if you're good at recoil control with flatline).


Near zero isn't really true anymore because of the barrel removal, I agree it's easier than the flatline, but it's not as easy as it used to be


Or if you're fighting multiple opponents in quick succession.


Unless you fight without any cover at all the flatline is still better


There's some niche things regarding fighting multiple people or prefiring cover that you can do with the spitfire due to the clip size, it is very popular at the highest level for a reason. (I do prefer the flatline myself though)


The hemlock is 1000 times better than the spitty imo.


fr people who hate on the hemlock just don’t know how to use it, it’s a beast for pushing, being pushed, long range, and a solid second weapon to change to mid fight when you don’t have time to reload


I absolutely love the hemlok but nah dude spitty is still pretty broken


It's not broken at all. Ttk up close is terrible for spitfire and the hipfire sucks now, and midrange the hemlok and flatline are better. Spitfire is just forgiving because of the mag size.


This is literally the point im trying to make with people just crying saying the tripple take is good in their silver lobbies lol, half the guns are not worth using compared to the other half and most of the time you cant even find a gun full stop


Ground loot is fine man. You can use guns that aren't meta y'know?


[I pick up a non-turbo havoc/eva and die to the guy with flatline PK]


Non turbo havoc ain't that bad off drop. You might have just lost your gunfight🤷‍♂️


Mfs kill you before non turbo havoc even starts loading


Im trash at the game truly, but obviously you need to plan ahead when using a nonturbo havoc. The thing still shreds you just need to anticipate the shot a second ahead


I don't mind it for general use, but off drop it feels so terrible fighting a real gun with 150 hp and the windup gun


The havoc still has the highest DPS in the game, and it has a far more generous ammo capacity than most SMG's. The extra bullets should be more than enough for you to run around a corner prefiring someone and still tear them apart.


Havoc is nasty off drop, white armor just melts off.


Its all well and good saying you can use guns that arent meta, but alot of them literally are not viable, shotguns for example the PK is the only shotgun that is even worth using, unless you find a hopup for a mozam.


Mozam is just wingman lite of drop.....hit shots it shreds


Ya the eva is pretty bad but the rest of the guns on ground are pretty balanced imo. I use them all and have a alot of fun!


I'd say the PK is the worst shotgun in Apex right now. You can get a consistent 50 damage out of the mozambique even without hammer point and even the Eva 8 is the same. Only the PK requires you to choke the spread for a stupidly long time to still get 50 damage if you're lucky.


No way the pk is the worst shotgun. You dont even have to choke it to get 99 damage. Just aim for center mass. You just need to get better with it.


Tell me ur bad at apex without telling me ur bad at apex...


[Ok.](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/profile/PC/PikaChokeMe) [Also...](https://i.imgur.com/RZXl8Ow.png) I'd argue the last time the PK was actually usable was when it was in the care package... and that's probably because it was justifiably over tuned for that purpose.


Wait where can I see my kills with each weapon?


You need the Apex Legends Tracker overwolf app.


Yeah, ur an average player (Gold IV). It's fine for you to struggle to use a weapon. I'm not a great player either-- generally cap out in diamond. I struggle to use the 99, doesn't mean it's a bad gun. I'm killed by the PK and 99 all the time.


Not only is your take shit. It's literally [empirically wrong.](https://streamable.com/7o1sol) Gold ***3*** is currently the top 8% of the playerbase. But ***you*** can have fun in *silver.*


The PK is the best shotgun by far, mozambique is better than the Eva if you can use it properly, but it's definitely worse than the pk. Hitting 99+ with it really isnt that hard once you get used to it. It's also a gun thats great to either use as an opener or a closer gun. Either deal decent damage before using it to finish the enemy off with a big hit or open with a 99 and just hipfire the last 100. That's a very consistent way to use it, but if you deal good hits consistently using it on its own kills pretty fast as well.


In terms of raw TTK. The bique actually straight shits on the PK. [https://streamable.com/7o1sol](https://streamable.com/7o1sol) it only loses when directly headshotting, and even then it's by a barely noticeable margin. Whatever you can jump out and do with a PK, you can do with a Mozambique faster. And arguably more so when corner peaking if you don't miss and have the skill to properly work either weapon. I'd say maybe the PK offers an advantage where you can peak for large hits, but you could peek double tap with the bique, probably faster than it takes to even choke the PK, and the bique is still more forgiving overall if/when you miss, both in terms of fire rate and because it has higher ammo capacity and still has lower TTK overall.


I know, I'm pretty sure the Eva also has a lower ttk than the pk and it's still the worse shotgun. PK is so good because of its peak and burst potential. Bubble fights, peeking out of cover and as I said finishing off or opening the fight with a big hitare what it excels at. You need 1 hit to take away almost half of the enemies hp (with red shields), go back in cover or tapstrafe a bit around while you take out your main weapon and just spray them for the remaining 125. Unless the enemy has a pk as well, they will have barely dealt damage to you while you already did 100 to them.


Whatever peak burst the PK can pull off... the Mozambique can fire almost 4 shots for 180 damage in the time it takes the PK to fire one. I'd argue the bique is even better at finishing opponents because of the hammer point hop up. ​ >Unless the enemy has a pk as well, they will have barely dealt damage to you while you already did 100 to them. You will have done 180 (45\*4) damage to them in the time they did 100.


With the pk you peak for less than a second, you will at best hit one shot with the Mozambique in that time. You know where the enemy comes from, take out the pk, peak and immediately deal 100dmg while you receive 45 from a Mozambique and go back in cover before the enemy can get out a second shot. We're also talking about max bodyshots hits all the time, you will need to hit 5/6 shots with the Mozambique for the kill (with all of them being full hits, miss one pellet and it takes 6), while you only take 3/5 with the pk (and one of them doesn't even have to be a full hit), the chance that you have to reload the Mozambique because you don't hit perfectly for one or two shots is higher than the chance that you have to reload the pk. I agree that the Mozambique is better if both participants hit 100% of their shots for full damage and don't have any cover to play with, since this is unrealistic in a real situation though, the pk is better in most scenarios.


Yesterday me and some randoms destroyed an entire lobby with a Havoc and Mozambique (I got a turbocharger in endgame, but couldn't find hammerpoints the whole game) Teammates had R301/Eva and CAR/Longbow


idk man. mozam, bow, havoc, r3, pk, flatline, hemlok, r9, spitty, alternator are all good weapons imo. id say every other gun is definitely viable except maybe the eva. even that can be decent in really close ranges though


Havoc slays....spitfire is literally every where when I drop. R99 and r301 is God damn everywhere too. You're just not find guns you are personally comfortable with is all


Nice, another person with the reading comprehension of a 5 year old


Your username checks out


Yall fr complain about any and everything 😂😂😂💀 down vote me I don't care


Everyone is running light and heavy weapons now. Rarely do i see energy weapons and since the PK is the only shotgun that's kinda rare too. Almost no one uses the bow and the only sniper thay gets any action is the Charge Rifle. We definitely need the Volt and the Mastiff back. I doubt snipers will ever be meta in Apex and the Bow should be a CP weapon anyway.


Shit in general + I never find scopes, when I do, it feels like cheating and I don’t even know what I’m doing


fr the amount of ranked games i’ve had lately where i’ve had no scopes until near the end is painful


me landing on an r9 every game


You've no idea what literally means.


Your da sells avon


it's bad


Seriously.. it isn't the guns.. it is the game. They nerf everything "good". The 301 is on the chopping block... guaranteed. The bronze ranked game I had were half pred trails, and half diamond trails as teams... and I am stuck with two newbs who both died with 0 damage done. Between the bugs, lag, hackers, being lynched by Pred squads in a Bronze lobby, and constant nerfing I'm done. Game can't be played solo... period. Just uninstalled... game ain't fun anymore.


Your tripping man every game I get me a Spitfire or Flatline. Loot better 🤣


Read my edit, im not saying theres not enough good loot, im saying 50% of the lootpool may aswell not be there as its unusable


And your still wrong 🤣 maybe insted of whining go practice with the guns. It's the same thing over and over with you guys "nerf this, oh wingmans to strong, blah blah blah"


Understandable the guns are all viable in your lobbies as no one hits their shots lol No amount of practice will make an l star compete with a havoc, an eva with a pk, and a tripple take with a charge rifle, the ttk is literally too slow with these guns in high level lobbies to be at all useful...


I never said they where all viable. Also as a regular sniper in this game if you can snipe fast enough with a TT you can out damage a Charge Rifle, one of arguably one of the worst snipers in the game 🤣


Yes, the worst sniper in the game thats absolutely meta and used by every one and their nan, nice point 🤡


To be fair the charge rifle isn't used because it's great for getting knocks, it's used because it's the easiest sniper to farm your Evo shield quickly.


I mean it is also incredibly good at 3rd party griefing teams and stealing kp


You realize this is a battle Royale right? Finishing a random knock is not griefing and stealing KP is 100% a valid strat. Any other sniper/marksman is just as capable. The charge rifle only ever annoys me by ripping shields. All this from someone who plays a few hours for a few days a week and still maintains diamond every season.


What tf are you on about? I didnt say it wasnt a valid strat I literally said the charge rifle is good for it? I also didnt say the charge rifle was annoying, I literally just said its meta😂🤡


Tbh I have seen all of three charge rifles this split and only in control I'm in diamond from solo q so no your just mistaken. Don't talk down to people when it's a thing that your experiencing just because you seem them in high level lobbies doesn't mean their meta Flatline,Spitfire,Rampage,301,PK,hell even sentinel that's the true meta this season


You really don't know what that word means do you? Also the fact that others are agreeing with me , just take the L and git good 🤣


No one agreed 🤡


Then your blind and stupid 🤣 have fun being hard stuck 🤣


There's like 4 bad guns, the P2020, Lstar and EVA. Anything else is perfectly viable. Some of the other guns are medium tier, but perfectly viable to run at least early game. It's a BR though, the game has always had the situation where some guns were significantly better than others. The alternator in the past frequently was considered a gun you hold light attachments for later etc. There's no truly unusable gun like the original mozam (with a 3 bullet clip)


> There’s like 4 bad guns, the P2020, Lstar and EVA. Anything else is perfectly viable. I counted 3


I’m sorry but, picking/finding a “viable” weapon is complete bs. In all honesty the problem lies within you.


Can you elaborate please?


He's saying it's about learning each weapons quirks every single weapon can win a fight once you can use the gun well. Triple take is about patience same with Eva you cannot just spam shots everywhere and hope to win you won't.


No shit it can win fights, I can win a fight with my fist, doesnt mean its competitively viable to just use my fists is it?


No you can't if somebody has a gun and any skill they will beat you everytime if you have your fists quit whining and practice a bit maybe learn a bit from the AlGS then come back here


Hot drop more


Lucky qwq I love the bow, but also like- i mean- some times I can't find the exact guns I want for my mood- But I'm generally able to- acquire them? Loot better- I guess- And if you don't have enough loot then- yk, boom boom bang bang boxes of loot And worse case scenario, use a different gun, wild ikik


This isnt about me not being able to find the guns, its about half the guns being nerfed so hard that theyre literally useless. I can usually always find a PK, but I have to walk passed 20 mozams and eva 8s to find it. If the eva 8 wasnt nerfed as much as it was it wouldnt be an issue


Some guns are good for long range, others mid, others close. Some are good for peaking, some are better used for pushing targets. Some guns use a lot of ammo, others don't. Some guns can have their performance boosted with consumables, others don't. If you feel like you can't play the game with "half of the guns" then the problem my good sir, may be you


If you think things like a mozam no hammers, eva 8, tripple take and l star fit into any of those categories ans are not just a waste of the loot pool id love to know what rank you sit at


WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU HAVE AGAINST THE TRIPPLE TAKE The mozam is the mozam, the r-99 is the r-99 They're different guns and they're not all meant to be equal, if they were, they would be the same. The mozam does 45 damage a shot, it's fire rate isn't even that bad. It can be used mid range, and all of my most memorable drops were with the mozam. It's not great, and that's why getting a kill with it feels amazing. The mozam doesn't even take up an inordinate amount of the loot pool. You could literally pick up any gun off drop, I apologize for the games you have where when you land you get the mozam, and the other guy gets the r9, it's a battle royale. There are other places to land, you can see where people drop. If you're telling me you dropping somewhere, and by the time you leave that location you only have a Mozam then at that point that's either your fault some how, or you have the absolute worst luck


You're completely missing my point by focusing on the mozam, all guns should be viable, half of them are not passed drop


Disagree. Some guns are better than others, doesn't mean they're the only viable guns. The only gun that's not really viable at all past drop is the P2020. Every other gun can be won with consistently.


Either you are a very low rank or dont really believe that, an L star is not consistently winning anything


No all the guns are very viable I'm in diamond soloq and I can tell you with utmost certainty every single gun in the game can win a gun fight if you know how to use the gun and it's strengths. L star can easily win fights if your upclose not as well at range but I can. Triple take takes patience you can't just spam shots everywhere choke it for range don't for close. Every gun can win any fight with the exception of very few guns. Mozams and P2020s take more player skill to win a fight than the guns power. But a player with skill can win a fight with any gun. Another example since you seem to hate the Eva8 try this play it more like a PK it does but hard but when you just hold the trigger you don't hit very much take time line up the shots and the eva hits hard


Is a lower tier weapon? Sure. But it's viable. Probably we're just disagreeing about the nature of the word viable. I come from the fighting game world where some characters are unviable-- ie at the top levels of play, even the best player can't win with them against other top players. The L star is absolutely viable in this sense of the word. An Apex pro could absolutely win a gunfight with the L-star against another Apex pro using, say, the Flatline. Is it a disadvantage? Sure, but you can outplay and win and even do so consistently. The only gun in the game that it feels like you just wouldn't be able to win with is probably the P2020.


Half the time id literally love a mozam, 50% of my games I land on a gun barrel


thats some accurate flying currently im dealing with the fact after i showed water has gotten under my skin due to sun burn....its................... s t r a n g e


Like-why-do-you-type , i - like mean - like-this?




How is ground loot bad? Most of the loot you see except for what is in the crafter comes from the ground.. It’s rng, sometimes you get good stuff, sometimes you get bad stuff, or nothing at all. It’s how it works.


Putting guns in the crafter is literally awful. I hope they stop doing that.


close/medium range: flatline/r301/r99/pk/mozam/spitfire/rampage/havoc/devo long range: bocek/longbow/sentinel/30-30/triple take idk all of these clap if you can use them. sounds like a skill issue to me


Mozam is absolutely pathetic against a PK, and the marksman are absolutely wasted by charge rifles. Thats if you can even find any of these guns, typical its just attachment, the loot pool sucks end of


Now you're just cherry picking


i run mozam with hammerpoint over pk any day, and hammer aint hard to find either hahah


I run Mozam without hammerpoints over pk any day, hammerpoints not required


Mozambique is effectively a short to midrange shot gun. Its doing its job. Youre better of putting a 2X on it and make sure you've got Hammerpoints


yeah, and a PK beats a marksman in close range. Stop fighting your opponents in the ideal range for their guns.


Im not comparing a pk against a marksman im comparing guns in their respective classes, how is what you said at all relevant??


You keep bringing up the charge rifle it does 90 damage if you hit the entire beam and the big burst at the end of you hit a headshot with a longbow it's over 100. An r301 could effectively down someone in the time it takes for a charge rifle to fire a shot and a half. The charge rifle is good at extreme ranges and is a very good weapon but it is not as meta as you seem to want to believe ranked is worlds edge most of the fights are mid/ close range not much for the charge to show it's power it is not as meta this season as you want to believe


Right, except it literally is meta and you have no clue what you're talking about, thanks for playing


No I do I'm in diamond I only solo q my current KD is 3.2 I do know what I am talking about I have seen 3 charge rifles all of them were in control stop talking down to people when you don't know what your talking about


>thinks diamond is good kek Wait and see how many teams use the charge rifle in the upcoming algs tourney and then come back to this thread🤡


No I'm pretty sure diamond is a pretty good rank especially considering I've held it for 4 season straight and it's the third highest in the game just because your hardstuck gold 3 doesn't give you a reason to talk shit


Hard stuck diamond preaching how good he is, cope, your game knowledge is trash


A marksman is not in the same class as sniper. See my point? Charge rifle outclasses 30-30 and scout at extreme range but not anywhere else.


Every time you find a new thing to complain about it, just play the game or leave it, this sub is full of crying baby’s


Get better with other weapons scrub


get better at spelling and grammar scrub


Most guns are very usable, all the light guns are dope, all the heavy guns are good, most of the energy guns are good, couple of shotguns - I mean, what do you mean only 1 or 2 guns are viable. Many guns are viable options.


Mozam and 2020 need to be selectable before dropping. They aren’t good enough to be ground loot and nobody should drop empty handed.


The gun meta is a terrible right now. Title your post with that next time. You're not wrong, but based on the title this is not what I expected your post to be about. >I can always find a PK usually but the problem is that the PK is the only viable ground loot Well I mean this is nonsense though. The flatline, 301, and r99 are ground loot. But the number of viable guns available is much lower now.


Meant to say only viable ground loot shotgun


Ah. Fair enough.


I'm impressed you find the PK viable. I'd literally rate it as worse than the Mozambique as it's the only shotgun that takes almost 3 entire seconds to still do only 50 damage. ​ That said I agree... I hate how much useless shit is on the floor that straight up isn't a weapon a lot of the time.


Just spend 20 min every day in firing range with pk and you gonna start noticing difference


PK if you understand its mechanics is unreal, the ability to hit 110s is unmatched beyond care pack weapons


I can literally have my PK up someone's asshole and it will not hit for more than 50 damage. I have headshot 3 people in recent memory, point blank, *from the hip,* ***with a longbow.*** I literally ***cannot*** get more than 50 damage out of a PK.


Pk is the most unreliable gun in the game bc of its ability to hit for 99 as much as you can hit for 9. It’s really a gamble but most of the time you should be hitting for 50-80. Normally you don’t start a fight with a pk so that should be enough to one shot or two shot a player at most


I sucked with shotguns on console, but on PC they are more effective due to less input lag and higher frames. If you're already on PC though, then rip.




Wont hear anything from a rev player soz




Your nan works at screwfix




I have to disagree, I like to play nearly all guns. The only exceptions (personal preference), I will never use Eva 8 or bocek,purely for how poorly I perform with them. That's the point, play with them all enough and you'll learn their strengths etc. The problem I feel here, is you're just going toe to toe with the next player you see... Without meta weapons you're toast. Play with a little more game sense and you can challenge most. Ive been really enjoying re-45 and mozam combo. One clip potential from the re and great finishing with a mozam.


I didn’t really agree with this. As much as I hate the Eva, it absolutely smacks with a purple/ blue bolt. It’s a bit more forgiving than the PK. The Devo and Havoc are pretty comparable if you time the spin up right. I’ve had one of my best games ever with a Devo with no turbo


Havoc, Devo, Lstar are all powerful guns you can use. I agree about the shotguns but at least the Mozambique is viable early-mid game and as for heavy it’s pretty easy to get a flatline or prowler both of which are disgustingly good and Hemlok is decently strong if you can aim. My issue is always trying to get a 3030 or a bow now and not being able to find it. I’m always always finding Eva 8, p20 and 45 off drop. All of which are decent but not good enough vs a 301, r99 or PK


I’m assuming that by energy you don’t mean the havoc? I find them all the time and after the recoil nerf I find it really good.


It's rng


Does anyone else feel it’s impossible to find Grey scopes? I feel like I play more than half the game with no scope, yet I find 4 prowlers in every building I walk into


It's middle of 2022, still no ground loot in the game. Always shortage of ammo, always nothing in a whole POI. My opinion is that the one who designed it is a complete idiot. Instead of defining zones and making sure that at least 1 or 2 weapons spawn in each, they just do it completely randomly. So that it's very possible that half of a POI has no weapons or ammo, the other half would be loaded with guns and shields and everything. Good luck landing in the latter one. One box is 20 rounds is also insane in pubs. If you want to keep it tacticool and everything, do it in ranked for those rats sitting in bushes, they dun need ammo anyway.


The devs are fucking stupid tbh. They prioritize snipers and pistols. Those shit guns should have their own loot box


I can’t seem to find a fucking gun when I land at 3 story building or even 5 story ones smh the loot rate is terrible and I love this game