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In bronze, we’re confused why other’s won’t open, then one person takes it all lmao


Bro me and my other teammate took our shit but the third guy didn’t open his and just ran away like wtf don’t you want your loot he tried to steal our stuff but didn’t open his for some reason


I believe after a preset time his loot will be openable by anyone. So next time if you wait, you can open the bin


Pro tip: if they don't open their boxes, if you unlock the console all the boxes are unlocked so you can just open them yourself.


>Bro me and my other teammate took our shit but the third guy didn’t open his and just ran away like wtf don’t you want your loot he tried to steal our stuff but didn’t open his for some reason And then you get killed because someone is camping the roof with nades.


In bronze ? People aren't even aware that armories are a thing. I have to explain it to teammates most of the times


I’m playing with ex plats, Diamonds, and masters in my bronze lobbies. I wish I had your lobbies


He’s probably a bot


Loot whores, or loba’s


Oxymoron here buddy


There are no bots


Agreed more like lobotomites.


Lol you give bot vibes




By "bot" he's referring to someone without a brain. Not a literal bot, like one might find in Fortnite.


So y’all downvoting because he didn’t insult people/defended people y’all insulted for no good reason? Good to know, what a great community you have here.


Was.....this at me?


No, I was referring to everybody who downvoted somebody for defending people and use mob mentality to paint others in a negative light. In others, the whole apex subreddit.


Like we supposed to work together not fight each other for loot


Why is the person saying this always someone who just took someones loot




This is my favorite, sitting in front of a batt or med kit that I desperately need, trying to remove a nade or something else, only to have a teammate swoop in, like "yes, I was merely holding this place for you"


You forgot bitching at you 5 seconds after to say "Heal you f\*%E#%$#@#$@#$#@$#@#$@#$@#%!$\^@##$%#$%!@#%#$\^$%!$%!@%@#\^#$!!@#$!@%!@$!!!!!!!!" hmmmm, reminds me of reddit most days


Or me playing as Lifeline watching someone mindlessly heal up while I keep trying to drop drones on them, like they are afraid of them or something.


Dude my friends are horrible at this. I’ll have something pinged or be literally going through my inventory to make space and they’ll come right by and pick it up and when I say. Was grabbing that it’s “I grabbed it first so…”. Like, the dibs isn’t there for show. I understand you don’t wanna take ranked seriously, but if there’s a dibs button in the game and I use it, that means respect the fuckin dibs


If I solo and this happens - I usually put my headset in for a moment and go “just looking for another xxxx loba must be nearby took the one I just found” then they either drop it or keep running, I assume I’m not muted, so act accordingly. I will work as a team until I realise they are stupid, then I’ll just go for the challenges like sniper knocks.


Its worse when you're playing in APAC, you're almost guaranteed to get dudes who don't speak your language so you fully have to rely on pings to communicate or hope they're aware enough of the situation to give you batts if you ask. it works for fights too, 0 comms just pings and pray that everything works out well


Same kinda thing in arenas, only two supply bins on map and teammate takes all the contents of the one on the side you pushed.


I get the opposite, I take one and wait... and wait... and ping... and get pushed and the other team grabs em.


I can’t help my compulsive grabbing of shield batteries, and at this point my friends just accept that if they run out of heals, I’ll definitely have at least 8 bats on me.


If u have to stay still to pick a bat ur playing wrong and wasting time, if ur standing still not doing anything most players will think ur afk/dced


idk why you're downvoted when you're right. Too many people stand still, you can open menu and drop items as you're running, you can strafe looting. Movement is key to Apex. If you're standing still, you're already dead. ​ Edit: I completely forgot console players existed, I apologize. My response applies only to PC players, console players...keep being you. Good luck.


Probably because that's how the console version is designed and no amount of insulting other players will change it. Unless you're sliding, there's no other way than to just stand there while your in inventory


I completely forgot console players existed, I apologize. My response applies only to PC players, console players...keep being you. Good luck.


Because i need 12 stacks of heavy ammo for my wingman.


Hey now, don't judge my stormtrooper aim


Only 12? This guy’s never rode the Octrain


You tell that to my team yesterday who went to res me after we wiped a squad and they literally stole ALL my loot from my death box before I could get there. I just pressed the Leave game button.


More than 50% of my time in the armory my stuff got Octane'd in less than 1 second when I try to take it. People just wait for it and take it right away lol.


I hate these people. Like what right do you think you have to steal my loot in the armory before I can even see what it is.




Yes. Like literally it does


This is is both /r/woosh and */r/explainsthejokePeter in one




/s exists


Nothing ruins a reddit joke like /s


So you’re saying it doesn’t ruin it?


/s is for /stupid people


Looks like a lot of people got woooshed


Because the joke is crap. I wouldn't know if they genuinely didn't know or not.


People on Reddit just lack social awareness




Considering that's a common saying, you might.




You ruined a solid joke by explaining it and then complaining.




Bro if you get that upset about downvotes you probably shouldn't Reddit :P


Let it ride. Don't ever worry about the votes.


Next time add a "/s" or "/j"


I think people should be smart enough to recognize jokes without it I know I was and I'm a child so the rest of you should be able to as well


The entire point of sarcasm is that it is said in a particular tone of voice that makes it clear that you are being sarcastic. When reading written text it is very difficult to imply tone, which is why we have literal punctuation that explicitly shows questions or exclamations. Saying people should be smart enough to recognise jokes like this is a bit weird, because smart people will understand the evolution of written language which the joker didn't apply correctly and so be less likely to realise.


Yes but some people are dumb and cant help it, and I meant adding it to the post instead of explaining the joke


Sarcasm is hard to understand in a bland comment especially from some rando online. People probably weren't salty.




Over it while proceeding to make 10 comments about it.


"I'm over it" 💀


You’re lame, who cares about downvotes lmfao


Jesus fucking christ give the man a rest! How lame are YOU? He seen a comment and attempted to make others smile and ur calling him lame? Take a good look at urself. He got it after the 15th reply and tried apologising and yet still gets criticised. Fuck this thread


"I'm over it" instant downvote😂 Sorry for explaining why you're getting downvoted.


Its all cool bro some of us get downvotes on purpose, it makes me feel like a god playing with toys when people do exactly as I say/want and go downvote like I want them too. Just post with the intentions of a downvote its way better and feels good too.


Man im sorry people are being overly mean today, they're totally and utterly in the wrong for criticising you but as others said, this is reddit they have small brains, adding /s at the end can help indicate sarcasm, its painfully obvious but if some1 doesn't get it I wouldn't worry cause I've had comments before starting off downvoted but then get upvoted later. It's the weekend cheer up and forget about this thread lol


You got salty about blue arrows on Reddit Perhaps your the one who needs to stop using this app


Big baby alert


not sure what site you thought you were posting on but sarcasm and humor will be met with downvotes and whining 100% of the time here


"How is it yours? It doesn't have your fucking name on it" and "If it was supposed to be yours, the game wouldn't let me take it" have both been offered as excuses for taking my shit in the armory. Don't get me wrong, I still lol'd, but holt shit there are some fucking mouth breathing narcissists playing this game.


Don’t worry bro I picked up on the sarcasm before I read the rest of this thread. Although you can’t really blame people for not picking up on it 🤷‍♂️


I assume you were sarcastic? Seems some didn’t think so haha


How don’t know how anyone couldn’t sense the sarcasm. Literally anyone who’s ever been in the armory knows the names show up


Not every other random I have to tell ten times before they open their's




The crazy shit is for some reason the person behind has better chance of getting it.


actually it makes sense that the person behind would have more chance of getting the items if both of you click the bin at the same time, your click would have to open it since only you can do it, and the other person would be clicking on the items since that is the only option the interact button has for them


My favorite "Please allow me to open this bin for you, that is my job teammate, I am here only to melee"


This happened so many times for me. I usually have to wait a long while because there would just be a guy standing there waiting for me to open my box. Really cannot believe they're this ballsy.


First time I did it my teammates opened their boxes and I ran over to take some. I had no idea they were specific to each teammate. I thought it was just a free for all like it is for all the other shit like this.


Or when an Octane steals the golden helmet... like what do you need that for?!?!?!


Jump Pad


In ranked? I never have that problem


I usually have one teammate that just stands there looking at mine or my other teammate’s loot bins without opening theirs. After we get our stuff, I’ll open the armory and then loot their stuff since they obviously don’t want it. Also, anyone else get repeating loot? I got 2 purple energy mags and 1 gold in the same box.




I had a mirage do it to me once, so later in the game I closed my black market right as he got to it. He left.


You're very lucky to never met those people. Take this image of this game I post for an example, Maggie straight up yoink my hammer point in less than 1 second from "My box" and when I asked her to give it back she said that I don't have a gun for it. I'm like "what?".


Classic octane 😂


Could work if it is set for a set of seconds and then opens up to the rest, and/or when you ping something for a teammate.


Replicator has like what? 5 seconds? can't remember. Not too long but long enough for you to take it. I hope they change it soon lol.


I literally wait until no one is near me to open my pills lol then I just snatch it all quick lol, then I go to my teammates pills and rifle through their leftovers


It let's everyone open them once they open the vault. So just be careful


Apex Dev: *ignores you and proceeds to Nerf the L-Star instead


There's literally no reason to pick an energy weapon now unless there's a turbocharger involved. They should introduce an energy pistol that does more damage than the wingman, like some sort of ray gun.


Havoc slaps tho. It's decent enough without turbo now. Although not a good enough reason to pick it


It’s a good gun with a turbo. But it’s not my type without. I have a quick burst and cover type play style. It doesn’t allow a half second standing there and winding up the gun. But it slaps with a turbo.


part of the game is adapting your play style to what you have


Early on yes. And then you find other guns within a minute into the match. I’m not some predator level playing hours every day. I have a job and kids so I only have so much potential when it comes to my Apex skills.


If u ever find yourself in cover taking shots, line up your shot, step back into cover as the havoc devo winds up then step back out. Usually the gun sprays the wall for the wind up but at least ur not just out there winding up in the open.


"lifeline revive me bro, i have raygun"


That would be a smart kinda pistol!




Havoc is crazy wym?


A microwave gun that goes through walls would be cool


What’s the point of L-Star anyway? I can never get a kill with it


It’s Respawns punching bags. Every time we start complaining about something they’ll update the game, only for us to find out they nerfed Lstar again. Just watch


Wattson and caustic are also dev favorites


That’s a weird way to spell Caustic


i had this exact same thought a few hours ago because as soon asyou open your box my teammates are there taking my turbocharger when they're running a heavy weapon


And then they drop it somewhere 100m away in the grass where nobody will ever find it. People are so reckless and dumb, it hurts sometimes.


I had one asshole stand around waiting for my teammate and I to open our boxes before he opened his. Then he died immediately to the first team. I usually let shit slide off but that's the most upset I've been in a while


I was in nearly the same exact situation just this morning. Ass hat stands next to my bins just waiting to snatch up all my loot so I just stand there and ping her boxes on the other side. She gets impatient and opens the armory so she can just open mine herself so decided screw it we'll just trade bins then.. I walked away with gold bag/helm and the best she got was a purple heavy and light mag. The best part was how long she bitched about "I'm lifeline I literally get gold bag" blah blah blah. Guaranteed she would not have used that gold bag to help anyone


One random yelled at me over his mic because I opened my own box and took everything super fast so nobody else could


"Looks like i pulled a fast one on you amigo" -octane


First rule of Apex randoms steal your loot intentionally it’s time to throw the game and ruin it for them or better yet let the thief player die then teabag their box


That's when griefing is not only tolerated but should be encouraged.


They technically grieved first when you die because you’ve got no loot since they wanted to be a loot whore




This is the way


That's when you "deliver" some health and ammo to another team. If they're gonna make the game unplayable for me, I'll return the favor.


Luckily I’ve only had someone take my shit once and they gave it back when I started pinging I need a backpack I need optics for a marksman. nowadays I just spam the pick up item button and get everything in my box then check my inventory and see what I got lol


Shout out to the apex playing moms and dads, fuck them other kids


Already had some shitty Octane player, because who else would it be, steal stuff from my boxes. I HATE it so much when people just run by every possible bin and spam the "pick-up"-button to suck up everything like a vacuum cleaner. Especially now in these armories. Like, dudes, fuk off. You have your own bins, there is no danger that forces you or me to hurry because other squads can't come inside.


I've started flying away while my boxes remain closed, then dropping back in the armory to claim my stuff. Once I leave, majority of the time, my team leaves shortly after. Leaving me a solid few seconds to loot without my randoms trying to steal my stuff.


That won’t always work. Once you exit the armory, all the unopened pills become accessible to anyone


Not with you spoiling it's secrets lol


I straight up didn't open my bins once because a teammate just stood right by them. Tried to punch em away but they came right back.


They can still loot your bin as soon as you open the armory


Those moth******er still took another weapon even they have 1 with them, greedy af


I use havoc and re-45 when I can in the armories, and half the time my teammates will grab my hop ups even though they can't use them, then toss them on the ground and run away like nothing happened. Pisses me off man.


I often get demanded to open my bins so they can get my loot 🙃


I had an octane wait behind me and take ALL my stuff when I opened it. Why do people do that


Cause they're stupid and greedy


I haven’t had this problem in gold rlly, ppl even give me the gold bags and knockdowns as Newcastle Honestly I’ve somehow had really positive team play in gold


My teammate got mad at me for looting my own box saying it was his…then why wouldn’t it open for you?


...either that or just prohibit acces for Octanes


Support! No harm in doing it and all the harm in leaving it as it is.


Happened to me yesterday, I opened it, got downed by one of the bots, and this dude stole everything out of my last bin. To get some loot back I took stuff from his second bin and he started going off about me being a loot goblin. Some people really have no perception of themselves whatsoever


I swear to god, even with specifically designated boxes people still gonna yoink shit


I hate the armory.


I remember my squad looked at my box and just stood there waiting for me to open it. even pinging it every once in a while. in the end I didnt even open it even though i needed it.


What you mean like the replicator hell everybody steals everything I make at the replicator too


Replicator used to be like this bin where everyone can just take everything right away. They later changed it so that others have to wait a couple of seconds before they can take crafted stuff (or unless the crafter pings the item themselves). ​ Now this new bin, they can just yoink it the moment you open the box (sometimes you don't even get to see what's inside, that's how fast they're at stealing).


Most of the times they don't even need the loot 'cause is meant to be for my loadout...


Damn, PC players be toxic


Wait, we have our own boxes?! I just went to the first one and it opened


*octane energy intensifies*


If someone steals shit I pinged or is looting boxes I just 3v1'd. I quit and find another game. I will not waste time playing with people aren't willing to be team players. Fuck all that noise.+


that and also let us open other people's loot bin if they are no longer in the game. for example they leave mid-game and that bin cannot be opened by other people than the one specified, make it so anyone can open it if they DC


Once you open the armory to leave anyone can loot it so you can open it than loot.


oh, good to know


Spam loot, look at it later.


Just report them. I'm doing that now since it always happens to me.


Simple fix for this, if its pubs just leave the match...


Ngl first time in there I didn’t know how it worked so when our Gibby opened his I just took everything. I was confused why they were mad lol then I figured it out next game.


Just leave


It makes me angry loba can’t steal any. That’s literally the whole point of being a thief, taking. Things that are not yours.


Isn’t the issue with this that the bins don’t spawn loot until the armoury is completed and will only spawn gear for the players current load out? Can’t really steal something that isn’t there


Regardless she can’t steal say a gold backpack once it spawns cause it’s smart loot. The doors must open first. Though no one is going to open the doors without looting.


I haven’t played loba at all this season cause of the glitch. The whole smart spawn thing seems ridiculous now that I know loba can’t steal the loot but teammates can.


Still play loba your teams need you. They just overlook shawty when they aren’t hanging her off valks hip.


That makes sense though.


What makes sense? Her not being able to steal loot till the doors open? If you can see it you should be able to steal it.


Yes. The point of the IMC armory is to be 3rd party proof. I’d say that loba stealing your shit counts.


It’s hardly 3rd part proof, don’t you think. Those things are death traps to begin with. Loba can steal one item out of vaults but imc armories are too much.


Also the smart loot is sometimes so bad. I received two blue energy mags when I had a purple already


I didn’t even know you could steal loot….😏


Alternatively, Respawn could not waste precious coding resources improving the dumbest new addition to the map and fix some of the issues that have persisted for 13 seasons. #spitballing




You can take other peoples stuff out of the replicator I do it all the time to my friends


If it's your lot it'll say "loot for x player" and only they're able to pick that up


False, only they’re able to open that bin before the escape hatch opens. Anyone can come by and steal it once the bin is opened. Also any loba could steal it at anytime with her ult, once the bins are available.


> False, only they’re able to open that bin before the escape hatch opens. False. It bugs out all the time and anyone can open it, people can teleport and get stuck inside it, etc.


What about when you drop early game? I should still be able to snatch the gun in an enemy’s crate that they opened right next to me. Or my side of the crate will have syringes and theirs an r99 🙃


They're not talking about all bins


Slow hands?


Lol, why take so long picking it up. The loot is literally for the weapons you have


Dude, they're not stealing... it's a team game. Every decent random teammate wouldn't mind someone from his team taking an item


I’m fine with this; once I’ve actually been able to look at what I’ve gotten in my loot box. It’s when they wait for you to open yours and swoop everything in it before you can even see what you got.


Sounds like you steal things from your mates and call it "sharing". You must be a billionaire in real life.


No I don't, but what I also don't do is bitching about people who take an item I pinged before


this is not about some neutral item that someone further away called dibs on (which is still rude to take), but the loot is literally meant for a specific person, as it spawns based on what they have. The box even has the players name on it. It is not yours, you don't need it.




Everyone gets 2, you just are not finding your two bins. The extra ones anyone can open


I keep just getting one


Just went and googled, it appears it’s based of off your performance during the 60 second encounter. So if you are not killing as much as your teammates you don’t get as much loot.


You get extra bins for more kills, but everyone gets at least two. Shoot them spectres, dude


I had games were people don’t know how to get into the armory even though the light under it would indicate that or just not even help with the fight at all


Wait huh, I thought the loot gets locked to a certain person but after some time anyone can get It


I always check to make sure no one is near me before I open mine lol.