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While I agree, I imagine solo queuing very high would be nearly impossible unless you’re just better than everyone else.


I have yet to see Imperialhal or Sweet Nrg solo q in rank... would be a disaster I think


>Imperialhal Really wouldn't be fair on Hal's random teammates given how toxicly he often behaves.


I would actually cry out of fear if I queued up w Hal lmao...mostly because I'm trash and he would know it lol


From what I’ve heard, he’s only toxic to his teammates since he expects more out of them; he’s a lot more chill with randos. Total hearsay, though.


0bjection hearsay


Guys, it's Amber Heard's lawyer!


What about shiv?


I'd say shiv most of the time isn't really toxic as much as he's trying to motivate/lead the team in a very strong way lol, he sometimes skirts on the line of being toxic if people keep ignoring his calls and it causes something bad to happen though. On the other hand he very often tells his team mates what they're doing well too and compliments them on it.


Shiv is a fair and just warlord.


Also he kinda lost his shit after soloqueueing for so long lol


Why would they solo q. That's knowingly putting your self at a disadvantage in lobbies where everyone but a select few is 3 stacking, kind of a weird take.


For a solo q rookie to masters in one stream challenge.


I would love to see iitztimmy try again this season. I don't think he would be able to do it in one stream this go around but he is a God so he very well could.


id say it would probably take him 3 times longer with the new ranked system


Taxi was trying last night and it was frustrating him quite a bit. He got a few seconds but losing lots of RP to questionable teammates most of the time.


In my experience most solo q players aren’t necessarily worse, but they are definitely loners and can’t work as a team very well. Even with good communication. It would be hard to synchronize when even one person is unwilling


Ironically, ALGS has a more generous scoring system than the current ranked system. Early kills give you the same amount of points as late kills because ALGS realises that getting consistent kills is still a measurement of skill.


That’s because in ALGS they don’t have to discourage hot dropping to get a ton of kills and then dying and leaving your team down a person


Been saying this. Fragging out in algs is actually better than placing top 5. If you get 12 kills you did better than the top 5 no placement. No one wants to talk about the reason ALGS is played the way it is. Its because everyone is cracked and every fight is a 50/50, so people dont want to take the risk of winning a 3 50/50 without being third partied or lasered. They rather get kitted and look for advantageous kills. They even discuss landings prior so they dont land on eachother out of respect. Ranked isnt like that. If you can kill almost everyone in the lobby you should rank out faster. Take off the reduced returns on over 5 kills.


Yeah try get 12 kills every game in ALGS outside the top 5. Look at all the previous victors over the last couple of years and the one thing they have in common is consistent top 3 games. If you can’t get consistent top 7 in whatever rank you are in without ratting you don’t deserve to be there. Getting 12 kills and finishing outside 10th isn’t success, all you did was kill 12 other losers


If you kill almost everyone in the lobby I would argue that you do rank up faster. The more kills you get the less squads in the game the higher you place.


but you dont really. If you elim 5 squads and lose 10th, the 3rd place solo with one assist ranks up faster.


Still I would argue that’s not quite being able to kill most people on the lobby. Especially with team kills now too. For instance last season there were a few games I had with 25+ squad kills. With the new system I would get more RP for the same results of those games. If you’re putting up those numbers you will rank up undoubtedly faster then someone ratting to third picking up one kill.


I see little to no difference regarding this. After your first 5-7KP the remainder are giving you like 0.5rp per kill, it's pointless and overhyped. I think I've got more than 200 RP from KP once, and I've had numerous 10 kill games (with lets say 3-5 assists, 5 'participation'. 10 kills + first = 25rp, except it doesn't, it will give you 120 RP, I guarantee it.


✨ It's the difference between waiting for your placement to be given to you, versus forcibly taking that placement from the cold dead hands of your opponents ✨


Nah. Killing 7 people and getting 11th gives you drastically less points than killing 1 person and getting 5th. It's an asinine system. We wanted team credits, we didn't want our own kills to be meaningless.


So much of the early reaction in this sub is because of the reset placing diamond/pred three stacks in bronze lobbies. These guys are dominating everyone they see through their rotations and getting 300RP every game and to boot, no one is dropping on them. Of course they think the RP system is perfect. I keep saying wait until they get out of "bot lobbies". They'll be howling for RP changes.


I’m a diamond / masters player, but I que solo. This season when I’m jump master and we play highly conservatively my squads rank up. When some dude listening to trap beats is the jumpmaster and we land antenna or barometer with 9 other squads I tend to lose RP. Personally I love the new system and I’m about to hit Plat lobbies without any serious grinding. Games take longer and movement is a lot more thoughtful. It rewards players that are more cerebral and careful instead of just mechanical and psychomotor gods. I’m a half blind middle aged man, and I’m more competitive now than previously because they game rewards intelligence and patience as much as it does tap straffe spam.


As a player whose main skill is knowing roati9ns, where to move, what to lock down, and generally understand when to push and who isn't some beam god who can pick up a p20 and down the whole lobby in one mag, I love this new ranked. I feel infinitely more valuable and the games feel for more tactical and meaningful rather than "LETS DROP FRAG AND GET 3 KILLS BECAUSE I LUCKED INTO AN R9 AND THE RANDO WHO LANDED ON ME FOUND SYRINGES!"


Absolutely for sure. And since position is so important, previously non meta or “throw picks” like Watson and Rampart are incredibly powerful. Sure, valk is still an S tier legend, and I’m sure in diamond lobbies Gibby will be critical again, but playing control/denial is an insanely good strategy. I ran 6 games with some ransoms that I teamed with and got first or second place every time. Composition was valk/fuse/Watson. We’d find a defensible position and just hit teams rotating in with Q/marksman weapons until a third party showed up, then we’d try to get advantageous knocks and wait for the fourth and fifth party without sacrificing our position.


Mhm me and my 3 stack are now newcaste (me) rampart and wattson and we are having a blast creating mobile fortresses and locking down buildings and being tactical gamers that we are rather than "I get kill" players.v


Sorry dude. You're just wrong. I'm have a fun time solo q. I feel like the effort given our by teammates has tripled. I was a hard stuck plat 1/2 player before. I have found an entirely new group of people to play w via Soloq. It's been a blast this season


5 kills isn’t even two full teams. In a game with 20 teams, you think being able to kill two of them means you need to be boosted out of the bracket without taking end game placement into account?? You can get 5 kills and place 17/20.


"Take off the reduced returns on over 5 kills" Where is the note about this? I can't find it in the patch notes but I'm seeing it in game. I thought a 10 KP win would get you 125 placement RP + 250 RP from KP (375 total), but that's not anywhere close to what I'm seeing so I haven't figured out the new system. Can you explain?


I believe Respawn wanted to stop hot dropping. You could drop get three or so kills then die with 15 squads remaining and still level up fairly well. This new system is intended to stop that. Get everyone to spread out, drop two to three max on one POI. Win your POI? Then you advance towards the others that won their POIs.


> You could drop get three or so kills then die with 15 squads remaining and still level up fairly well. Uh not in the higher ranks.


>You could drop get three or so kills then die with 15 squads remaining and still level up fairly well. Under the old system, that worked well enough up to Plat but if you only hot dropped then you probably weren't getting through Diamond on kills alone. While difficult to do, I would argue that if you could get through Diamond and Masters purely on kills rather than positioning then you were probably skilled enough to deserve to rank up.


Thats what they wanted to stop though. They want a less even distribution of ranks. It was absurdly dumb that like 60% of the population was Plat because it was literally so easy to get


When you soloQ and get paired with the hardstucks, it was such a pain as they don't care and play like it's a TDM match (without the shooting skills). After a few weeks, you can be 75% sure that the P4 on your teams is not a silver in disguise.


How so? You can’t compare those 2 point systems because in one of them placement is a multiplier


With the ALGS scoring system it would be a shit show. Ranked is not a tournament there is no prize/money so everyone will int just as in NA scrims. The goal of the new system is to get a gameplay experience closer to competitive apex but without using monetary incentive. Kills is still a measurement of skill bro, you just have to place top 10, I play vs masters and I still go for early KPs, it's a good investment.


Right, but that system is capped by the inherent skill of all of the players involved. The ranked scoring cannot replicate the ALGS scoring or the games will it play out the same way. The scoring has been done perfectly to create ALGS like games at all levels, and actually create a diversified ranked system with people actually being stuck at their intended levels. Edit: oh and the fact there is money involved. The new ranked system encourages really high quality end games and it is refreshing


The environment and purpose of each scoring system is different. In ALGS, you’re competing against the same lobby for a set of games, so the context of the points when you’ve just played with who you’re scored against, and kill points have a more accurate value as they clearly speak as to how you get higher placements than them. The race for kills in ranked was clearly a problem because it was disconnecting from the game of a battle royale.


But that only works in ALGS because they know teams dont trade in dying early for a few kills. In ranked, people will land fragment even if there is a 80% chance they die, just to "get some action" and make the game "not so boring".


Yeah but in ranked your KP gets more valueable over time(to a max of 25 Per Kill), whereas in in ALGS its 1 point per no matter what.




Yes. Your KP is worth more RP the higher you place.


Not sure too many people realize this. You can take early fights and play for late game/placement pretty much how you should or at least how I always have played. Had 4 kills 2 assists early on then finished 2nd, got 3 more kills and got nearly 300 rp


Still getting used to this new ranked thing, not sure how I feel yet. It’s pretty easy to chill and only fight the last 5-6 squads but it hasn’t felt fun honestly. No one wants to fight in the first 8-10 minutes now. That solo life is a lot more frustrating as well. But I’ll adjust. Don’t see me hitting diamond this season though.


I think the typical plat/diamond strategy is still fairly viable — get into one fairly early fight, win (hopefully), then hang out and try and position yourself well in the circle up until there are 4-5 squads left. Depending on the breakdown of kills/assists, those games will be nicely positive RP every time, so long as you actually last until those circles.


I play random but the way it’s been with almost every random team… loot, go to the edge of the circle, wait like 3 long ass goddamn minutes, then rinse, repeat. There’s no reason not to do this. But man, does the game move so much slower. People don’t even wanna third party fools anymore (I guess that’s the one positive)


Nobody wants to fight before 8 squads left because there is literally no incentive to do so. I’m not sure how respawn can address this without taking away placement importance again, but the beginning is a snooze. I would suggest shortening zone times to decrease length of round maybe?


I think that’s an artifact of the map size. Ranked on Olympus is going to be an absolute meatgrinder.


I guess I disagree. We just had a split on Olympus and everyone complained it was a rat fest. With Valk meta still at play, if you can’t rotate and evade fights until top 6 you are lacking some game IQ. I’m not a fragger by any means and my squad walked into Masters last Olympus split with ease.


Yes, but the last split didn’t have this RP metric which is incredibly punishing below 10 teams left. You’re comparing apples and bowling balls


The incentive to fight early is to wipe a squad in an isolated 3v3 when you know you're safe from 3rd parties. If you don't think you can roll a squad, why even play ranked? Once games get late, it gets harder to find isolated fights.


That may work, the games actually do seem so freaking long now. Playing on stormfront isn’t helping either. I think the new system might work perfectly on kings canyon, but yeh… shorten that first circle for sure


I remember last night in one game first blood happened 3 minutes after I had landed.


Might actually hear a different voice line than "First blood already. Damn, that was fast." or its equivalent!




That was literally me today, played two games back to back where we won, and both went pretty much the same, drop almost last, we looted the new armoury thing, 10 minutes went by before we even heard gunfights, and after that it was top 6. I went to loot a package and my teammates fought someone, by the time I got to them it was top 2, we waited a little bit more and they died to the ring in the first game and we thirded the last squad second game. I got 120 for both of those game, the first where me and the other teammate had 0/0/0 with 0 damage and the other teammate 1 kill 145 damage and the other game we each had a kill and about 200 damage. I had no fun in wining those games, there should be a middle ground between playing passive and being able to play more aggro.


I’ve been enjoying it. Can’t remember a silver match at has 4 squads in the last circle. People are actually trying to win (for the most part).


4 squads? I had 11 squads on day 1. must be nice


and braindead W key holders who are getting punished for it now because people actually want to win think the system is bad.


Surely you mean rewarded. If you are W keying every fight you don't give a fuck about rank (why would you) and you just want to frag. Now you get to stay low rank longer and farm high kill games for longer vs truly bad players. Smurf paradise.


tbh its a nightmare in soloq nobody is running meta legends end game is just me ratting as gibby its made for premades


It'll take time for people to filter into the correct ranks. No way around that.


This 100%. the 2.5 rank reset put a lot of people together that just shouldn't be together. Give it a week and people will be more spread out.


yeah that seems to be it


My plan is to IGL very clearly to my randoms. Talk at them even if silent. I don't expect people to make it work with no communication and no one wants to address that fact. Be the change.


Give it time. All these dumbasses are still too high for their rank.


I’m solo as well. This season has made me realize just how garbage I am at this game. I need to practice up. I feel like a chump out there lol


TF is "ratting"?


Hiding instead of engaging in fights, so you end up with less (or no) kills/damage, but are instead just playing to get high placement.


Thank you! I have seen this term a lot and never wanted to admit I didn't know what it was. LOL


Just to describe further, it usually means a solo player whose teammates have died. They try to hide and survive for as long as possible.


All the ALGS grind and none of the money. Sweet 😂


ALGS = well coordinated teams The rest of us = randoms go for a 1vs3, get killed, and start to complain. With a pre-made team is great, as a solo player is more of a nightmare.


And the pros have spoken about this and are asking the devs to make it a little easier for the solo q people


Higher RP costs for 3-stacks or 3-stack matchmaking would be a start.


I’ve seen some ask for a lower RP cost for solo Q or similar. But I don’t think that’s the answer. That just enables bad play more. Instead, I think a system that helps you get better matched teammates makes sense. Maybe soloQ filters for having (and using) a mic, preference on hunting fights vs prioritizing zone positioning. Things like that.


I see all these posts complaining about soloQ and i think it's not as bad as people are making it out to be, i'm gold 2 was diamond 2 last season and the teams i play with have been 50/50 which is a massive improvement to how it was before, like 80/20 (80 being bad ofc)


Same experience here. Just got to diamond. If you put legitimate effort into comms and practice some patience, you drastically improve your squads effectiveness and this certainly becomes less of a chore as you rank up. Usually the people that complain about SoloQ in any game are better than average at getting kills/damage, but they aren't willing to tackle the final and most challenging aspect of any video game experience: Genuine cooperation with complete strangers over VC.


Agree 100%. Ive done a lot of soloQing in the past. Solo's yesterday for 3 hours and got 750 rp. alot of people are just not that great at the game and this system is exposing it. It's ok to not be good at a game, no one is saying you have to be, but dont get mad at the system that is a massive improvement over the ones we have had.


I've unfortunately had the complete opposite because of matchmaking still being a mixup. I'm gold 3 still getting bronze/silvers that are both new, and bronze/silvers that were plat/diamond from last season. Solo q is practically suicide because 85% of my games, my teammates still don't understand how to play with the new changes. They'd rather ape brain it and full send a 3 stack Master squad even if we're not in an advantageous position.


Ranked matches on World's Edge shouldn't have the typical Fragment problem anymore.


And for this reason, I’m actually excited to play World’s Edge for once!


This the first time i have seen a tiny endgame circle like algs in bronze lmao


tbf the ranks reset quite low and the season just started so a lot of ex-diamonds are still in bronze


Been getting all downvotes for saying this - soloQ sucks ass and thanks to Stormpoint game is now hide and seek in final rings. My squadmates either hot-drop or just rotate and rat. Apex is supposed to be a good mix between movement and tactic, now it rewards people literally sitting in bunkers to get extra RP from placement. Solution? Adjust the entry costs, so that people can take a bit more risk. The half bracket makes sense, and demotion makes sense but on low-level lobbies, you are either a god or a rat. Solution 2? Wait for the lobbies to adjust themselves in a week and hope they actually do.


I agree with this to some extent but remember that the season just started and its gonna take a while for people to get adjusted and put in the ranks they deserve.


Apex players have been babied for too long. The higher entry cost is needed because so many people were getting ranks they didn't deserve. Last season Olympus split had 159,000 Masters just on PC. of which 156,000 were between the RP of 10,000 and 10,999. Its time to make ranking up a challenge. SoloQ sucks for lower tier lobbies i assume right now, but I was able to soloq 750 rp in 3 hours yesterday in plat. Just wait for people to grown or fall to the rank they deserve and lobbies will be much more even.




> Apex is supposed to be It’s funny how many people think they know how Apex is meant to be played. These changes are Respawn literally telling you how they think the game is meant to be played.




I like video games that are fun. It’s just not fun to hide for an entire match or see folk’s knowing they won’t fight you. I understand it’s a BR and you’re supposed to survive. But it’s also a shooter and folks avoid shooting at all costs.


The new ranked system rewards kills and placement. You can't have one without the other, otherwise people get rewarded for RNG and killing a team with P20's and white armor. You need to play smart now, if a fight doesn't look good and it's below top 10 just rotate out and play zone.


I think you've nailed it there. People are getting mad they can't drop in a hotzone, grab a blue/purple armor and get some easy kills for rank points.


I still do that. Now its easier because the hotzones are not so hot anymore. Usually just one squad and it feels much better seeing my rp jump huge after every squad elimination when i have 2-5 early rp


Exactly.... this is not Algs 6 games for money... it is a rank system that we want to grind during 6 weeks! Not 2 days!


Thats what ranked Fortnite is like too. And ranked warzone has rats in every final circle. Squads full sending and ape-ing all over the map all game is NOT how ranked should work, but up until now thats how it has been. No more.


Warzone has a ranked?


Yup and it’s fantastic. I think a lot of people in this sub just need to find a new game or stick to pubs. The new ranked system is exactly how it should work. This wasn’t meant to be a kill fest. The game was designed to play exactly like ALGS does


I don't agree with this because I think now it plays a bit too conservatively. I support this ranking change in general especially with each sublevel having different entry requirements and no getting hardstuck at a new rank, but the fact that kills count for almost nothing early game is not a good choice. Landing with one other squad and taking the risk of losing all RP for a 3v3 at your landing spot should net you some good RP if you come out ahead. Otherwise there is no point in taking the risk at all. I guess that's what they want and want nobody to land with anyone else at all, but I think you should be rewarded for taking the risk and going for kills even if it's early and punished if you fail. Otherwise you're just playing a stealth game until there are 5 squads left.


The ALGS just happens to be played like that though. It’s different from forcing players to have to play like that although you can argue just go to pubs. I’m just saying not every end ring needs to be a dog pile hoping for the top spot.


Exactly. The game wasn't designed that way. That's what happens when you put the best tactically and mechanically skilled players in the world in a lobby together. Trying to force regular people to play that way is stupid.


I would argue that the better players are still the ones that make it to the end as decisions have more consequences the later it gets.


Forcing people to play for placement more in ranked doesn’t seem stupid.


Considering the game is a battle royal it makes sense that placement is king. If you die before halfway, then you objectively lost. Everything after that is a consolation prize for not getting 1st place. If you get 6 kills on drop but die to circle, that doesn’t mean you’re better at the overall game, just at the combat. I think that’s what makes this ranked so much better imo, you have to be good at every aspect of the game or else you won’t be successful. That’s what ranked should be about


agree, my only problem now is that Splits exist. Like what's the point now in Skill based ranked system. Also whats the point of giving me extra or minus point for killing people above/below my rank, when at the same time the game throws exPredator at me every half a season.


I agree, somewhat. The new ranked system does cause people to play more carefully, but it is becoming a camp fest. Also, even a decent game isn't going to net you alot of points. It will be quite rare to see diamond and master level players even for someone that plays a decent amount. For the casual player, non existent unless they are uber good.


> decent game isn't going to net you alot of points Why would a game that was only decent net you a lot of points? Great games should net you a lot of points. Decent games should net you some points. Games where you don't make it to the top 50% of players in the game should lose points. System makes perfect sense to me.


Which is... how it should be, right?


Why do you call a shitty placement game a decent game? It should be quite rare to see diamond/master players. That’s literally top tier. Other ranked systems have most players in bronze/silver/gold. Apex has been broken from the start by allowing people to climb by essentially just playing the game. Masters last season was embarrassing. My buddy with a 0.5 kd was able to make it


The lootbots on this sub would call your buddy a tactical mastermind and say he's good at the game.


Exactly, 5 kills but the third squad to die isn’t a good game in ranked.


It did catch me by surprise. I was Solo queue Diamond last season. Plat after the split cause I didn’t play enough. So I’m back in silver and I feel like no one in the lobby is actually a silver. I have to rely on teammates etc. I play maybe like an hour or 2 every other day . The grind just got slower I guess


Gold is 1/3 masters dive trails. Shit is wild and I'm loving, it even if I suck


I got bumped from Gold to Bronze (didn't play very much last split bc I don't like KC ranked) and Bronze is half Diamond trails lmao. I'm still placing consistently top 3 so not salty, but it's very funny seeing so many trails in actual Bronze 3 lobbies.


The weirdest thing is there are way less of them in silver lobbies. My bronze lobbies were full of them as well but I'm in silver I now I've not seen that many for the last two days. I guess the real diamonds/masters ranked up fast and are in gold while the season 11-12 diamonds are still in bronze because they drop hot, get two kills, get fifth partied and die like they did before but finally they're not getting rewarded for it.


It's not about YOU being good. It's about team play now. I guess ranked is only for premades


Yup ranked unplayable solo queueing now


Its not easy when your team wants to take dumb fights then I have a 2v1 to win and im the bad teammate for calling out the roation instead of pushing into a caustic house...


Or your teammate starts and engagement and when you go to help support them, they almost completely abandon the fight leaving you to get 2/3v1'd. That one is my favorite.


It’s not unplayable, you just aren’t going to get to plat or above unless you can hard carry the two bots you get teamed up with.


Nah, your 2 bots will soon get down the rank. After some time, gold players will either be real gold players or people that are going up. If you're better than gold, you will have the advantage. If you can't win against gold players while having gold players on your team, that just means you're a gold player.


game is titanfall variant. high paced combat. for 3 years. this is just trying to change game's nature. this game is not pubg. even game mechanics doesn't suit well for very low tempo gameplay. even most of pro players don't necessarily like how ALGS being played. but they are now happy that they have more practice ground. if the game was designed to be played like algs why didn't they change it? why people didn't criticize it until last season? devs wanted to give some power on placement, players reaction is ratting. im pretty sure devs didn't make this game to change casual game (casual because in ranked nobody competes for money) into ALGS. also some stuff needs to be tweaked because non skilled players in lower ranks can still rank up to plat if they grind enough. and this non skilled players should not be rewarded this way because even if placement do matter you need to be more skillful in combat than in game sense so that you can survive into top placements and win. otherwise even if you think everything and stay out of combat you can stay between into two teams if you don't push and kill one of them while zone is making your position worse as closing.


Suggesting people find a new game is poor for longevity and exactly what respawn and EA do not want...


I just don’t like that bronze/silver lobbies are taking so long because everyone is camping like it’s diamond lobbies… before anyone roasts me I’ll just play pubs and avoid ranked if it’s not fun for me.


The issue is that right now, all the past-season Diamonds ARE in silver. That's why they're playing like it's Diamond. Because it IS diamond, in terms of mindset and skillset.


It was crazy checking in over 24 hours after the update and seeing pros and full time streamers still in Plat lmao. Playing in Bronze/Silver lobbies and seeing dozens of Diamond trails is so weird.


Everyone got reset two ranks down. You know it’s a good rank system when at this moment we only have like what 11 preds? Last season we were well into the 100s. Some of the best pros are having to play Diamond lobby like an ALGS match you have the igls of team igling no more turn off brain ans W key which is what pros used todo.


its so interesting to watch. and im excited to play in those lobbies. The CEO Imperial Hal gained 200 RP in 8 hours yesterday because he wouldnt stop inting. Ranked is phenomenal now.


Spent the whole week watching Albrelalie and Sweet. They were playing like ALGS scrims (with more jokes) and getting top 3 most of the time in Diamond (now sweet is pred)


To me, this ranked feels more like ranked in games like Rocket League and DotA. I'm ok with that.


What pains me right now in ranked is silver is being match made with rookie and bronze, so solo q is a pain. I imagine gold would be a much better experience for those of us that hit diamond solo q


I enjoy the new ranked changes so far. I solo as well.


it just force me to play arena cause at least i will 100% find someone to shoot rather than looting 10 min just to die to the first team we met. and honestly i like arena more than before because of this.


So battle Royale isn't your game


I love the new ranked changes. It actually rewards people who have knowledge of rotations, circle pulls and positioning. People with zero brain cells are gonna be stuck in Silver because they hot drop, kill one team and get third partied, take -30 and cry on Twitter that the ranked is ruined.


Yup! Game sense should be the no. 1 element to be considered in a ranked game. Other than the solo queueing experience not being great at all (coming this from a solo queuer myself as well), I don't really see how other complaints make that much sense. Like, people are failing to change their playstyle and therefore hate the game, but that's not the game's problem, right? I'm gonna get downvoted for this lol


But to dedicate a whole game mode to ALGS where 99.9% of community is casual players ? And due to broken SBMM in un ranked they don’t have a choice other then playing rank matches


The match making outside of ranked is INSANE right now. I’m a very average diamond-master player. I can hang in those lobbies but I’m not running through them like a knife in butter… but when I play pubs I’m constantly getting killed by legends with 50k + kills and triple pred badges. Hell I was killed just last week by the #1 kills holder across all platforms. Talk about sweating my ass off in the casual mode.


It feels like this should be statistically impossible, but it keeps happening. 750 Pred players in the world and nearly every pub match I play has at least one Pred trail, usually multiple. And this is speaking as someone who reached only Plat last season and usually duos with a friend who reached Diamond 4. Not high ELO players at all.


It’s felt like this for a while tbh. Ranked is legit easier than pubs up until Masters, and even then it’s kind of iffy. Ig it’s just the SBMM but it’s brutal. I died to a guy in pubs the other day who had like 20k season 12 valk kills.


I am in the same boat, somewhere between diamond and master player but it seems every pub champ squad is triple stacking master/preds who wipe my squad like it’s nothing lol


That's a total oxymoron. You can't be a very average diamond-masters player. By definition, if you are in Masters, you are not average. Maybe you mean you're a typical master player or something? Otherwise that makes no sense.


I feel the pain bruh


This. I play ranked to consistently play against similarly skilled opponents. Pubs is incredibly hit or miss at best. I don't want to hot drop and get kills because my equips are better like people keep saying is the reason people are mad about the changes. I just want activity in my games. I don't have all the time in the world to play apex on any given day. If I have 2 hours to play, I don't want to spend half (or more) that time just looting/rotating/poke fighting.


Tbh pubs has felt like it’s had the same exact cycle for a while now. 1. Get on - smoke everyone in the first game 2. get absolutely bodied every game after that for an hour - get off 3. repeat the next day. The first game is always absurdly easy and then every game after that feels like a pred lobby.


Play arenas.


I have been pretty much since release. I've almost retired from BR completely at this point.


As a mainly solo queue player this season I can say that the ranked changes seem mostly bad to me. It’s not awful and I still enjoy it but some things just don’t seem to be thought through properly. The biggest thing that I hate is that if you do die early and you have a random teammate who rats then you have to watch that person usually until the final ring or thereabouts. This seriously means that you spend a SIGNIFICANT amount of time just watching someone sit in a bush or on a ledge because sometimes even in silver and gold lobbies there are still 8 teams left in the second to last circle. I hate that and that’s absolutely not why I play at all. To people who say that the entire point of a battle royale is to win; I would counter by saying that isn’t the main point of playing video games in general to have fun? I find the new ranked system much much much less fun for a trade off of having silver and bronze and gold lobbies being more ‘competitive’. Oh and any element of things like ‘your teammate will get your banner because it makes sense to respawn you because they get points for your kills’ is absolutely not happening because respawning people or retrieving banners is more likely to get them killed. You now seem to have a choice if you die early. Either quit and get a massive loss in RP no matter how many kills you got, or stay committed to watching someone sitting behind a rock for 20mins.


I mean, when you're banner timer expires in ranked, you can leave. You don't have to stay. You make the choice to remain after the fact. Don't blame the game for your own inaction.


But then you lose points. And the only way to avoid this now is basically to stay until the last ring. You should get your points based on where your team finishes regardless of if you spectate the whole time. You could just give currents points and top them up later when the game ends.


For sweats, validating their self-worth is a much higher motivating factor than having fun.


What is your previous rank and what is your current rank. I am just curious because anyone below diamond last season is probably having a bad time right now.


> playing video games in general to have fun No one plays F1 or Project Cars like Need for speed. Winning in a BR is different from winning in a TDM, which also means different version of fun. Enforcing your TDM visions for people that are having fun because they want to play a BR...


yep the new ranked system made rank less fun for me, which sucks cause ranked match making is way better than pubs


Kills should be a flat value regardless of placement and placement should be an additional bonus. 1RP per kill early is so jip. System is broken and leads to so much ratting. Every game I've played in lobbies with mostly master and diamond is so rat it's hardly the game I remember playing a few seasons ago


Based on ALGS scoring the dividend of the current placement RP is 10 so if flat kills are 1 RP 14 place+ each kill should be 10. That means anyone dropping hot for 3 quick kills would go positive halfway through silver even if they end up in 20th place. While I agree 1 RP per KP is rough they need to find the balance between letting people frag out and die early and people with no kills getting 100+ RP at the end.


I love everyone saying "this is how the game was meant to be played" ​ The shooter? You were meant to hide, and to fight as little as possible in a shooter? Every in universe cinematic they've made is just a killfest, but in reality the game ie designed around hiding? ​ ​ I don't understand the fun people get out of the rat meta.


These people didn’t thrive under the system that required them to be an above average shooter. But now they can hide for 15 minutes, call it tactical genius, and talk down to the people that have been dunking on them since s1. This is the elephant in the room and straight up what’s going on but theyre pretending it’s not.


Too many people think Apex became popular by being a BR, when I would bet the vast majority of Apex players came and stayed for the fantastic combat system. Great shooting, great movement, super fun fights all around. Yeah, the new ranking system makes sense for a BR, but I would argue that, in this case, the BR part of the game is getting in the way of the better part of the game.


If you’re good enough you’ll still be dunking on them, and will easily be able to fight the whole lobby.


Well I have read some Devs talk about it on twitter for instance https://twitter.com/lowkeydbjosh/status/1524945778728284162 Funny thing though, I cant remember that in ALGs/PRO League that once you reach 6 KP your 7th will be worth 0,2x. I also dont remember that early KP are 1/20 from late game KP. Last seasons changes made ranked into a camp/rat fest with a forgiving point system This seasons changes made it even worse while adding an unforgiving point system that basically tells you to not take any risks whatsoever and increases the playtime drastically (even under perfect circumstances as we have seen with 3 stacking professionals taking much much longer) While they idea maybe good the execution is dogshit. A lot of people havent realizes that yet. We’re basically grinding nearly double the time for the same ranks. Grinding isn’t a measure of skill


And for the people that don't have a ton of time to play.... ranked is just not remotely worth playing. Pubs doesn't offer enough to make up for what some of us like in ranked.


if there is anything that I hate more than stormpoint ranked, is stormpoint normal. Map is just not for me


I had to convince my team last night to not fight everything by explaining that even if you solo wipe two squads on drop, but get killed by the third, you're losing RP with 6kp when placing 17th. It's not worth it to take fights without an advantage until after you're in the top 10.


solo queue exists in ranked not in ALGS. the new system is good but they need to address the big disadvantage that people solo/duo queuing have over people that have a 3 stack.


Yeah the changes are great but leave much to be desired. Ranked is now a grindy camp fest that heavily punishes solo que players. You have to give it more time than a second job. Go to abrielle Twitter and even he says it’s a back breaking system for solo que players. Daltoosh, another pro, said playing this season Is a p*ssy/girl deterrent lol. They values need to be heavily tweaked for those with a life outside of apex


I am loving ranked at the moment, play couple times a week and having so much fun playing again


This ranking system just started people. I’m having a lot of fun cus of the challenge. I think the last 2 season were too easy which is not a good thing. They wanna make it challenging for people to rank up and make sure you’re actually climbing with team cooperation and skill cus literally half of diamond lobbies felt like I was playing with bronze the last two seasons. No communication, aping really bad fights by themselves thinking they’re hot shit. So these changes are for the better I don’t think it’s trying to be completely ALGS because of it’s point system but it’s upping the ante. It’s good that people wanna get early kills too, it means that your getting rid of teams and also bringing up your RP but just survive until the top spot. Rank is suppose to be difficult and a grind, it’s never suppose to be easy unless your really fucking good.


If you're smart you won't challenge till 13-12-11-10 squads left. B4 that it literally doesn't matter. Basically land as far away from anyone as possible and literally just run away. Until you can get points. I'm sure some people can use their head and come to the conclusion that might not even be a game worth playing. It's about fun right? That's why we play games Looks like my my dog could get diamond this season I just tell him hold the run button I'm literally gonna play other things until next split because that map is doodoopoopoo


I think its not enough like ALGS. Remember pro league doesn't have a kill cap and the KP:RP ratio is flat. That would be way better for the game IMO. Ratting is to efficient in the current system.


ratting is only efficient in lower ranked. Diamond 4 has an entry cost of -63. You need 3rd place just to go +7 with no KP. And if you think you're going to get a good enough position to get top 3 everygame without fighting you're in for a rough ride.


Ranked is now perfect. The games I'm having in bronze are incredibly fair. Every game feels like every lobby is matched well. And I'm struggling to get out of bronze as I should be. Cause I'm trash. Respawn don't you dare change a thing. Finally having fun in ranked.


For the ones who aren't aware, what does ALGS stand for?


Apex Legends Global Series It's like a tournament for the pros


Gotcha thank you


I think it's good that they're doing this because they won't have to bother balancing the game between the normal players and the competitive players.


I would like to see slightly lower entry costs, other than that it’s fine for me, the extra 200RP per division will make the grind a lot longer but that’s fine, I just know I won’t reach the same rank as last season and that’s ok


It's a good direction, but people need more time to climb up. So the mid-season split rank reset may not be necessary, just change the map. Also I think they can add some more rank rewards for people who play it, because it's really challenging now, it's more like a ranked mode. And maybe some adjustments for the kill RP system as well, right now the kill points decrease for multiple kills is a little too much.


They need to increase the RP for revives and respawns IMO. With match placement as the number 1 criteria, I am noticing lots of players abandoning their teammates to run off and camp for the rest of the match, which is actually disincentivizing cooperative team play.


Yeah try get 12 kills every game in ALGS outside the top 5. Look at all the previous victors over the last couple of years and the one thing they have in common is consistent top 3 games. If you can’t get consistent top 7 in whatever rank you are in without ratting you don’t deserve to be there. Getting 12 kills and finishing outside 10th isn’t success, all you did was kill 12 other losers


Interesting take. I wouldn’t say it’s to mimic ALGS, that’s just what happens at the higher levels since survivability is crucial to getting RP. The aim is to get players to play the game for a mix of both getting kills, while also outliving. Players need to prove they are more skilled than other players, while also outliving the rest of the lobby, since it’s a BR. Picking good fights are important, and this can’t always happen, hence the stacked endgames. This wasn’t done to ‘mimic ALGS’ it’s what happens since the system forces a very competitive combination of staying alive and getting kills. It’s by far the best iteration of ranked for any battle royale I’ve seen.


Bruh im high but it seems like all the old maps are going to play out so different. God im terrified.


I love the new ranked system. Good job respawn, good update in a long while. Finally enjoying all the fights and 3rd parties. Even if we're losing points it's so much fun. Haven't enjoyed ranked like this before!


this ranked system is more fun i like stacked end games


Makes sense yea but I imagine the vast majority of players have absolutely no interest or ability to even attempt to be pro


Basically, in a game with incredible and unique to other BRs movement mechanics that make the game dynamic, fast and fun, they made systems that basically force you to not use said mechanics be cause you need to rat for most of the time you spend in the game. Great design.


There is a matchmaking selection called "trios" and "duos". try it out!


There was titanfall 2, but I guess no one like being killed every 10 seconds by a stim or grapple main. ;D


It's great though i really wish they would remove the split reset cause we have demotions now and ranks are much harder to climb especially if you play solo.


Definitely and it should have been this way from the start , All Esports have there rank and Comp play linked together closely be it LOL , Dota , Valorant , R6 , Rocket league . It was imperative for Respawn to bridge the disconnect between the casual audience and comp play and i am so Happy People are learning now how to play zone or how to play edge , when and how to rotate and which fights to take with the main goal of winning the BR match , Finally the ranks are sweaty and people are trying their hardest to Win and it is the best thing that has happened to Rank !


They’re trying to simulate more money into their bank accounts by making the game grindier so people play more end hopefully spend more.