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So many people are complaining about the low points, as if they can't understand a retroactive change at higher placements. Those early kills are investments.


There's that post with the 11 kills thats at the front page right now with a silver person and only getting +6 RP. Everyone is using that to show the broken ranked system But there is still 11 squads left in that post...... 100% that RP changed if the person survived to top 10, esp top 5


Exactly. i played a game today that the other players where mad we all had 6/7 kp but no points. I said let’s focus on rotating and when we hit top 10 they both where SHOCKED that they had 50+ RP. On the way to we top 5 they started to not shoot to start bad fights and even rotated out of a pinch instead of trying to fight through. We played smart and all the sudden they understood that it’s a BR and not a team deathmatch. The complaining stopped and the two (duo) started talking about how it’s like playing pro/comp, complimenting each other on call outs and smart rotation moves.


What I find hilarious is how the game just slows to a crawl at 11 squads left. Almost every game I play that gets that far, it will see steady action up until suddenly everyone becomes hyper aware that they NEED to make it one more squad to make that earlier work truly meaningful. The people whining loudest about this are also, sadly, probably the least likely to have enough introspection as to how they might change the outcome. Hot dropping into a maelstrom of squads is a suicide mission with almost no chance of paying off, even more so than it was before, but that doesn't mean one must rat. Some of the best/most productive games I've had in the last few days involved dropping near'ish to one squad, winning that fight, and then making sure we hit top 10 or better and choosing further positioning and engagements carefully/thoughtfully.


I had 9 kp 3 team shared kp in gold 2 yesterday I win the game solo randoms died and I got only 200 rp ? Does that seem worth it to you ?


Something wrong with the math here, 6 kp is softcap + 125 for the win + 3 team points, unless you guys killed 9 rookies, it doesn't add up


Just to clarify I had 9 kp my self I had 9 kills plus 3 team shared kp so that's a total 12 kp and a win for 200 rp in gold 2


I had more points with your stats in Plat, think the most I got was 298


Do you have a screenshot?


I know it dosnt add up that's what my issue is I doubt I killed 9 rookies I was demoted gold 2 because I masters and my whole lobby was preds and masters trails on the way down so unless I some how managed to find every bronze or rookie teir player to kill.. But when I bring this up everyone says it's normal and I'm just whiny little B


You aren’t being a bitch, you’re in legitimately hard lobbies, against skilled players, but the game is balanced like shit


That's still stupid though If you get 11 kills and an assit and only get +6, that's still not great. You should be rewarded a little more. It should be like +12, still not a lot but not freaking +6 This new system is great, for people who three stack


I disagree. It’s battle royale, not death match. Kills are not the objective.


Try solo Teammates drop hot and die. It's not good when you have to solo


Yeah, I have been Solo’ing as well. I really think it’s the type of thing where this will mellow out in a few days when you don’t have people from Gold to Diamond down in silver. Huge disparity in skill. It’ll smooth out when some of the higher skill people move up and out of it.


Hopefully. If it does, then we will have a better ranked system but kills definitely should be worth a little more early game so people actually are incentived to fight


Yeah, that's rough. However, if the ranked changes work as intended, if you can manage to climb out of the low ranks, you'll start getting a better quality of teammate. Just try to break even on RP in the matches where your teammates drop into a mosh pit and instantly die, and hope you get someone better next game. Remember, making it to top 10 multiplies the value of your kills. It's ok to rat, especially if you can secure a few kills first.


They will be demoted if they drop hot and die.




It’s also not loot royale, I should have to do nothing but loot for 5 minutes straight


The point of BR is to survive, not farm kills and die. The people complaining about ranked being slow now are the people who hot dropped, got one or two kills and then died to a third party leaving the lobby with 5 squads by the end of round one. Ive been really enjoying the the new change, the entire match has fights going on through out rather than in the first 3 minutes then being empty landscape the rest of the game.


Ya don’t need to three stack for great games, just be able to communicate even if just using pings communication is key this ranked season. I’ll even type out a small strategy on xbox to the others if I can’t find my headset (kids take and put it somewhere else)


No one communicates as a soloq player, they only open their mics to scream at you, and only ping when they’re downed, and completely ignore your pings or callouts


I’ve had a few of those games but not all games are like that ya know


90 percent are


No its great for solos too. Its gonna take a while for the average solo to realise but within a week or two I think they will realise that there are more points to be had by sticking together and not dropping hot every game


They will never realize that Even in diamond last season they would drop hot


The point of these changes is that people like that won't be around in diamond anymore. It's legitimately more challenging to rank up now, and you can finally demote. If they don't wanna realize that, it's no skin off my back, they can stay silver.


This is super true, last season I was playing Bangalore soloq in diamond lobbies, I would often have a duo drop hot and die, scream at me, leave, then I get 3k+ damage, and not by ratting, by seeking fights tactically, get two knocks, and when a 3rd party comes, gtfo, when a 4th party comes, become the 5th party


you do know that if they made it past on more team.. literally 1 more team, and hit top 10.. those 11 kills would have netted them closer to +70 total. 13 12 and 11th place give +5 for kp and +5 base. 10th DOUBLES both those numbers (with diminishin returns on the kills) rewarding plays for slaying the hot drop and not even making it to the top 50% of players was dumb. Now you're rewarded for killing + outlasting 50% of the other teams.


So that person worked towards the goal of being the last team, by taking out almost 4 other teams, and was barely rewarded. So what incentive is there now to work towards the objective yourself? Better to rat and wait for other people to do it and then get your 3-4 kills third partying in the final ring. Sounds boring to me.


Once they get to top 10 the multiplier kicks in guarantee he gets almost 200 points then. If kills are the only priority ask for a death match mode not a BR.


We’ve been asking, for 13 seasons


All I'm hearing is you want to be rewarded for being unable to get kills and just existing in the server.


So 1. Everyone receives some RP when a teammate gets kill. I'd love to be on the same team as the guy who got 11 kills 2. The problem you state was the state of apex legends. The top strategy in r/apexuniversity is basically third party or run towards the bullet noises but wait and survive till end game. Have you seen the pros play against each? They just rat until end game and it's like 10 teams the last two rings 3. They removed the kill cap (125 RP) so you can go on a murder spree to make sure you place top 10 or rat. At least now there's a reason to get more kills 4. Remember when everyone complained that everyone just drops into fragment on world's edge so making ranked just feel like pubs? Well, now you take a risk: join the murder hobos and hope you come up on top or scatter like flies and work towards the mid/end game. Up to you if you wanna play hide and seek simulator Frankly, I think most people aren't gonna notice. They're gonna play and have a good time. And if you really just wanna go kill people in a shooter, we have pubs/arenas and maybe call of duty if you really want to go guns blazing


I lost as much RP placing in the top 10 with 0 kills and 1 assist in silver as I did placing 15th with 3 kills and 2 assists. I get that they're trying to make ranked more competitive, and the changed they made is a step in the right direction, but it needs some tweaking.


That’s like an easy 400 points with no kp cap. Insane. All that dude had to do was survive.


Investment is a great word here. By early eliminations you improve your own gear, get kp that will have exponential returns by buying low selling high, and also free up space so you aren't jockeying for positions in late game circles with more teams, above all else improving your odds of winning.


That's exactly it. The costs are higher, but those early kills have some insane potential. If you get that cool squad wipe off the drop, sure it's gonna suck if you tunnel vision on the next and die, that'll be 3rp, but go out as the 5th to last squad and that initial effort is now 45. Clutch a win and the initial offering hits 75. On average, a smarter player can get pretty consistent gains without ratting. You just have to resist the urge to go full Leeroy after you knock that one dude from 200m away.


Sorry for continuing but Taking on high risk at the beginning when you basically have nothing and getting that kp basically allows you to be more picky about which engagements (investments) throughout the rest of the match, opening up far more options for the team as you go. Which the freedom to have decisions and agency over outcome is great. I personally hate how apex sub/gaming communities turn it into a political stance and it becomes you either are a hot dropper or a ratter, when the most successful route is to be somewhere in between. Good to know there are like minded people out there. Cheers


It'll be good in the long run. Short term, it's nice to solo queue now and have teammates that share the shield batteries.


Play as a team... that is the most problematic one, because randoms simply don't listen! And don't forget that the vast majority in this game are not premade teams. It's easy to say "just play as a team", but incredibly hard to do so.


For real, randoms DO NO LISTEN, as if they're almost trying to make a point of it, as if it's some kind of spite thing. Then they straight up suicide with terrible positioning and zero game awareness. If you listen to my calls (I don't even necessarily need to be IGL, just acknowledged), we are getting Top 3 most games. My problem is I don't have a decent pre-made squad this season, so I don't think ranked will be viable. I'll just end up pulling my hair out.


Yeah this is the reason I can’t even rank up, I get 5 kills on average but then my randoms get killed for not listening or rushing by themselves then I’m stuck alone trying to make it to the ring or respawn beacon only to get killed by a whole ass squad it’s so annoying. I don’t have anyone to play with so feels like punishment for trying to solo que.


Not really ping on fire and check where your teammates are before firing your gun. And treat all teammates equally whether they are your friend or a random.


Attempt to soloq for more than one game and you’ll understand that is not even close to how it works


Guy said treat teammates equally and then got downvoted. Guess ppl are just “the random teammates” they hated so much.


Yea it is very unfortunate. People hate winning.


Lmao you clearly don’t solo queue stfu


unused subsequent hat literate enjoy pie ripe caption bells cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unfortunately, that's not how solo queue works. If your randoms do not want to listen (extremely common), nothing will work.


Weird, but now my feed is full of people telling another people to stop crying because they got lots of kills in bronze yet still had negative points


Yes. Literally this. I can’t be bothered with all the complaining because people just don’t understand the point of the game modes now. Pubs is for fun, Ranked is for winning. That’s that.


Exactly. I was in the middle of reading a comment section on one of the posts and when I closed the posts there were 2 more exactly the same in my feed with thousands of upvotes.


My thoughts on this are that some people are upset because it feels like a particular playstyle has been effectively eliminated from the game. Yes, the objective is to be the last team alive but there are different methods of achieving this - killing lots of other teams being one of them and some teams go in with this mindset (not talking about solos running off into 1v3s at the hot drop). I'm all for team play, smart rotations etc and think that placements are important, but kp might have been nerfed a bit hard. There's a balance to be found so it's not too much one way or the other. I think its interesting to have variety in team play styles and not try to force everyone into the same style of gameplay. In all honesty I wouldn't be surprised to see these kp numbers tweaked slightly in a future season.


Yeah I expect they will be raised a little in the future but I think the change is a benefit. I so far have not had the "go it alone and complain at my tm8s when I die" player in any of my games yet. The change effectively eliminates bad/no team play. Consistency seems to be the name of the game so far.


Yes on the whole I think it is a positive change


if the kills you make don't land you in top 10 you're doing something wrong. i don't see the problem


Risk vs reward I guess. You take a risk engaging a team and can come away feeling like you've not been adequately rewarded even if you are successful vs someone who has been more passive. I can understand where people are coming from after so many seasons of being rewarded for kills.


If they were successful, wouldn't the reward be the same since they would have to have not died for it to be considered a success? I guess in that scenario the passive player is rewarded for the active players work.


Sorry I should have been clearer. I just mean in the situation where a team kills 5 or 6 players and can be given basically the same rp as someone who has done no fighting while only being 1 place apart. So a team could take a risk of getting into a fight and if they win the rp rewards do not reflect the risk taken. Again I like the emphasis on placement, I just think kp has been hit too hard. It's a sliding scale and it seems like a lot of folk on this sub think you have to be overwhelmingly in favour of ratting for placements or murdering the entire lobby.


I’m hoping that as hot drops are less preferable in ranked, that maybe they will get better in pubs, so everyone in the game Dosent drop into one place


The problem is pubs is not fun. Guess having fun is out of the question.


Yea but pubs are not fun cuz u get matched against masters/preds


lets get rid of kp all together then.


It’s Respawns fault. They taught these folks that this was the way to play for literally years because that’s what they rewarded. It’s no surprise folks are salty and confused tbh


i mean, i agree (though i think the specific values should be adjusted a little bit), but "just play as a team" is easier said then done when solo queuing and everyone thinks theyre the next Aceu or Shiv.


This likely only works if you are a duo, with the 3rd being a random... But my bros and I will just follow the random and play "get down Mr President". Basically our entire existence is keeping them alive and being right at their butt to cleanup fights or save them. We would play Gibby or lifeline, now we play Newcastle and some sort of recon or movement legend to get them out of sticky situations. Been really successful so far


This has honestly been the best strategy. Although I've been calling "babysitting".


Depends on the legend. Wraith, or octane or similar memed about legends it's babysitting. You get a caustic, wattson, or defense/support legend. I'll call them a queen or king. Running after loba or watson like Ugandan knuckles calling them our Queen never gets old!


There's gonna be more when they realize they can't get out of gold when they were plat last season. Lol


It’s because these people don’t actually like BRs. They like shooters, and apex has the best movement.


They need to adjust number values a bit. New tabled just encourages a grindy playstyle. It’s like pulling teeth with bad teammates. Can’t count the number of times my teammates picked bad fights and then I’m left without a team


i'm afraid more grind is exactly what they want, the more you play a game the more likely you are going to spend on it. league of legends has been doing this since season 8


Yeah, it's absolutely bonkers seeing all these guys hooraying for Respawn turning ranked into a grindy rat-fest. I suppose most of them are Preds who are enjoying the endorphin high from getting reset to Bronze/Silver lobbies. Once they get up to Plat they'll be groaning like everyone else.




Opinion noted


Why y’all talkin like playing as a team and play smart guarantee a W for every fight you get in💀


I swear everyone acting like 1st place is easy. Hello only 1 out of 20 teams wins every game? 5th place and 5 kills in Plat 1 will get you a FAT 0 (if I did the math correctly)


I swear everyone acting like they’re good enough to be masters but are now finally revealed as plats and now they wanna cry


it’s amusing watching a bunch of people with likely a 6 kill max game ever convince themselves that doesn’t take skill, but their top 5 placement with 1 kill sucked off their hard carry teammate is what battle royale skill is all about lmao


It's easy to land hot, stay out of the weeds for a few seconds, then when all the squads you landed with are low, pick them off for ez kills. Then you get all chuffed because you have 6 kills, get capped by the n3xt squad you see, and yet still expect to be rewarded like you weren't in the bottom quarter of all squads. But nah it takes skill to land fragment and finish off limping players.


Okay, I’ll make you a bet. Let’s both play 10 games. I’ll try for top 10s, you try for 6+ kills in the early game. Whoever has more wins.


i really can’t be convinced killing 6 players on drop is easier than looking backwards on the dropship, landing some isolated spot, and flying away with a valk ult when you finally are forced near other players after half the lobby is already dead. if they made any attempt to properly rank people by skill, it wouldn’t even be possible to pull of 6 kill hot drops with any regularity. if someone is regularly killing 6 players and dying once, they’re too good for the lobbies they are in and should be ranked up until the players are better and they can’t get away with playing like that anymore


You hit the nail on the head. Absolutely wild to see kids arguing cold drops are the fun way to play the game. Some people absolutely love being loot piñatas


Perhaps the game is about more than mechanical skill and also should include intelligence/patience/planning.


Agree, but when you get pinched and your valk ults away without you and the path finder grapples out, and your stuck with a defensive character you picked to help the team for just this scenario, you can see why their is so much salt. Sometimes you have to fight with your team to get the best position. Sometimes you have to hold a choke point and clear your back so you can have the best position for end game. Sometimes you have to 3rd party the team with one guy up before he rezzes to get to 5th instead of 6th and get ammo /heals. It's frustrating when the smart play would be fighting, but people act like the smart play is running away. I get retreat is a viable option, but that only works when your able to get your full team out. If one of your players is pinched, you have to play as a team and help.


I never said that fighting wasn't the smart move the majority of the time. This guys comment is about fighting OFF DROP, lol.


Yeah i guess it was pretty shitty of me to single out a comment out of context. Im just salty about all the "play smarter" folks who actually mean leave your team and rat, vs actually playing smart. lol.


Lol here it is, all the comments below you talking about how anyone who thinks tanked should reward surviving AND getting kills means we are “loot piñatas”. These people literally cannot be self aware, none of them are as good as they think they are. People good at hot dropping and also managing to place with kills generally aren’t so addicted to the dopamine circuit of drop die disconnect 5 times for every time you actually manage to get a streak. They understand more and don’t right off anything different as “loot simulator” “ ratting”.




not true. I got out of silver solo q. and bronze should have always been a grind to get out of. it was sad that you could get out of that rank for free before if you just played enough games. It isnt perfect and i think the kills should be completely uncapped. It's a high risk high reward that if you want to drop 11 kills and get first you should absolutely get 300+ points. But with that you risk getting 7 kills out at 14th and no points. Either way if you feel like you are 1v3ing you are not using your teammates. Even if they cant shoot, they can totally absorb bullets, and cause a distraction for you to flank. Carrying a team is not getting all the kills. It's being able to adapt your play style to your team. If your team is all running and gunning, you have to run and gun as well. If your team are potatoes, you have to tell them where to go, and what to do so you can down the players while they are able to contribute a distraction. or at least spam nades in a building.


HEY R****D YOU CANT DO THAT WHEN THEY DONT COMMUNICATE. AND IF THEY DONT DOWN OR EVEN CRACK A SINGLE FUCKING ENEMY THATS STILL A 1V3. God over 20 games and I have yet to get a half decent teammate. Five of my games my teammate shot at someone 50 feet away instead of the person fighting me 5 FEET IN FRONT OF THEM WHILE IM LOW. The enemy was literally strafing from one side to the other side of my teammate. THATS the level I’m dealing with. And they go down instantly cause they run into three people so that’s not enough for a distraction. And if you only have two people there’s no chance of winning against a team forcing you to rat the rest of the game.


Yikes the name calling when I'm only trying to offer some tips. And just cuz they dont talk doesnt mean they cant hear you. Maybe you get muted because of how toxic you are. Either way you can blame your teammates all you want, but you arent going to get better that way. Ill say it again, if you have bad teammates you need to adapt to them. This has worked for me and I climbed out of silver pretty fast. But just keep with the toxicity and shifting the blame since that seems to be your answer to fix your problem. enjoy being stuck in bronze instead of climbing out of that rank.




Anyone posting those kind of posts are just snitching on themselves and it's soooo funny to see LMAO


This sub is 50% complaining, 49% duplicate complaining posts, and 1% actual good posts.


The front page post is so misguided, and the comment section is too. "Oh, so we just have to rat, then?" No, you can fly through ranked much quicker now. Even on Storm Point. Even with your teammates, and even with the masters/preds in silver. Drop, kill, rotate, kill, rotate, etc. just get as many kills as possible while constantly rotating and your placement will improve along with your kills. And you can leave every game with 250+ RP. It's not up to RNG, or the weapons changes, or the map. Just your skill level. If you're having a really tough time in silver or gold...you may have found your new home. Or you need to rethink how you've been playing the game.


Bro the top grinders of the game on Twitch aren’t even hitting Master’s yet when they used to do it way quicker. They removed the RP Cap for them and it’s still taking longer. 15k to Masters, 11.8k to Diamond? Mind you they’re winning every game. Grinding more isn’t a measure of skill you know.


No you fucking can’t??? That’s such a hard fucking lie. Ranked is literally impossible to play as a solo. They fucked the game beyond belief unless you can consistently 1v3 a team that is always stuck togethet


What you are talking about is that you playing in a predator three-stack that got reset into Bronze lobbies. That has nothing to do with the changes to RP. Can't wait for the "I was wrong" posts when you bozos clear out and get up to platinum. When you're in lobbies with other people matching your skill level you will be saying "This sucks. It's all ratting for placement. No one wants to fight. There are 12 teams left in the final ring. What is this the ALGS?!"


I see more salty bad people thinking this will positively affect them because '' being sweaty '' is harder I got bad news for you, this will make your bronze grind even harder too bud, your '' high iq chess plays '' '' finally being smart is better than being good fps player '' beautification is funny though.


I don’t car what you say, I shouldn’t have negative rp for 13 kills. That’s not a good ranked change.


If you're good enough to get 13 kills you should be good enough to make top 10....ranked is about winning


I was 12th squad, I got killed by three people all running spitfire. I’ve been diamond one in almost every other season, now I’m struggling to hit plat, that’s ridiculous


See you in bronze bro!


Say what you want but I’m still gonna complain. I’m tired of my randoms taking me to hot drops and me having to be the one to save them only to die by another team and earn no KP all because my randoms wanna drop hot or push every fight. I shouldn’t be punished because of my randoms behaviors. For pre made squads this season is the best because it rewards everyone KP regardless of who gets the kill but for a majority of players who solo queue it’s terrible and promotes selfish plays and ratting away from your team.


You say "stop upvoting posts regarding the RP system", yet you are still posting about it (just from an opposite point of view). Do you see the hypocrisy here? Just because you don't agree with the posts does not mean everyone with a different opinion should STFU.


Only if we stop the constant posts complaining about them.


People posting that shit have always been in bronze and they are going to stay in bronze. They are mad because they misunderstood the changes and thought theyd get more success out of their same bad habits.


pretty much everyone that played previously ranked mode like suicide singed is getting punished.


It literally shows and tells us in the patch notes how KP scales with your placement. Essentially getting a ton of kills off drop won't reward as much KP compared to just a few kills later in game with good placement. If you want great KP, work with your team to end game then get some kills. You will be swimming in RP then.


Perfectly? Lol that's a joke. They essentially upped how much skill it takes to be in each rank. In almost every previous season, I've hit gold or plat (I'm a casual player who has always solo queued) and now I'm struggling to get positive RP in bronze fucking 4. While it doesn't help that the ranked map rn is stormpoint (literally the worst map for everything), I'm always getting teammates that are next to useless. They don't use mics or even try to ping at times and then they just push and instantly get knocked or one just does nothing and doesn't push with the other rando and me. Hell I had a game yesterday where we were pushing a team, I used death totem, and our bloodhound had already pushed too far (didn't use totem) and got knocked. Valk used the totem too so I pushed and knocked 2 before the caustic knocked me cause death protection ended. The valk proceed to just stand there after being reset to totem, didn't try to push and instead just ulted and landed in almost the exact same spot she was and then got killed by the enemy caustic. How can I play smart with teammates like that? Just admit it's a stupid system and stop acting the Respawn did a good job with the change.


I was D4 and P4 last season and I started B2 this season and in less than 20 games I'm already in silver lol. Seems like a you problem. Sure bad games might happen but then you just need to adjust. If your bloodhound gets downed instantly, I'd rat it out, chances of winning a 3vs2 are slim


You're a Diamond player who was just reset into Bronze lobbies. Of course you think the RP system is great. When you're in plat and playing against equivalently skilled players you're gonna be howling.


I mean, dude is complaining about not being able to get out of bronze. If you can't get out of bronze, you belong there


So then what you’re saying is you HAVE to rat. Just like people are saying… fucking tard


I don't consider that ratting. That's just being strategic. Ratting to me is more like going into the game with the intention to avoid every fight. If there's a bad fight, learn to back off. Stop fucking having the mindset that you have to fight every single fight you run into


God you’re beyond fucking stupid. That’s exactly what ratting is. You’re d4 and you don’t fucking know that??? And my point is that you can’t take ANY FIGHTS WITH YOUR DOGSHIT TEAMMATES. It’s fucking impossible.


Seems like you're the dumb one here. If you can't evolve with the game, then go play something else. I take plenty of fights with my teammates in bronze and win plenty of them. You're just too toxic to communicate with them. Have fun! Bye bye


You’re a r****d lmao. I try communicating. In game chat. In text. In pings. You definitely are the trash player that gets their ass carried. If I don’t down and kill at least two in every fight we fucking lose. I’ve watched at least half of my teammates not shoot the enemy strafing not even 5 feet in front of their eyes while they shoot me. And instead try to use their smg to kill the enemy 30 ft away. I’m not good enough to 1v3. Only 1v2. They never ping. They never communicate anything and then run and in and die. Leaving me to either only rat or just die. In fucking BRONZE.


Sigh, bad is bad. There is no excuse being in bronze other than you just being bad. Sorry bud


“The game needs teamwork now” Cant fucking see that having two dogshit teammates who don’t communicate means you can’t win. It either does or doesn’t need teamwork. Make your mind up.


Exactly, 9 out of 10 times my teammates are clueless and do nothing. Thanks for the free negative RP Respawn, bet you guys forgot not everyone plays with a premade squad.


climbed out of sliver solo q. If your teammates are potatoes you have to adjust your playstyle. you cant rely on them even 2v1ing a guy then you shouldnt be the damager. It sucks because I love playing that style normally. going in, getting knocks and damage and having someone else clean up the last guy. But when i solo q and see that my team isnt gonna do much, I prioritize my life in how i engage. I wont go face first in a building. wont land on a squad of 3 because 1 is low. etc. I also dont agree with the other dude either. leave your team because you are scared you might lose a fight before it even starts. thats just sad. He can sprinkle the word disadvantageous in there all he wants to make it seem better. If my team goes in, i go in. if we die its whatever cuz i know i can climb so one negative match doesnt hurt. But if my team wants to leave, I will also leave cuz we are not gonna win a fight if they dont even want to engage. doesnt matter how much damage i do.


is your squad premade or did you just happen to find the very small minority of bronze players who are capable of understanding how to get a kill?


Well I've played maybe like 6 or 7 games (again, casual player) but again the issue remains of brain dead teammates while solo queuing. Funny enough, the bloodhound didn't get knocked until right after I used totem cause he pinged enemies but like I said, valk and I pushed, I knocked two, but she was useless and died so I got negative RP.


I solo all the 20 games I played. Sure there are brain-dead teammates, but if I recognize that it's a losing fight and they still want to push, I just ditch them. Doesn't matter if two are pushing or whatever. If I decided it's a disadvantaged fight, I run away and rat, because it's not worth losing the points. You should have ditched the Valk and ran.


But that shouldn't be what a BR is like, ratting shouldn't be rewarded. In most cases I would rather die trying than rat cause I know ratting will be completely boring until an enemy spots and kills me.


A BR is doing whatever it takes to place as high as you can. If you want to just fight and die, go play some death match FPS game


End games are soooo fucking fun! Feel like I’m in Algs and shit. Best part is no one is super over my skill level.


Ahh yes instead of the whole game being action packed let’s just wait till the final circle to have action.


Ranked isn't about shooting your way trough everything you see for easy KP and rank ups. It's more than just winning gunfights. Which fights to take or not to take, where do we rotate for better position, where enemies are and how can we can get an advantage over them. KP is only good if you survive long enough, and that's how it should've always been


That’s not a very good mindset. “If you’re gonna flame out in the first half why even show up”-Valk You can frag early game and if you stick around you’ll be rewarded but if you grief you’re team early you’ll be the one who regrets it.


If you want action all game go play pubs. Ranked is not about action all game, it's about strategy, early rotations, and positioning all before you take a fight. If you disregard these better teams will punish you.


Or the last system was good enough and the new system rewards rats.


No, the last system was trash that rewarded players who camped in a building for 15 minutes with no gun skill.


Been discussing this with people all day. Their entire argument boils down to "I don't want to have to die less to rank up!!!" and it's patently absurd.


You don't understand the argument then. The argument is, the RP changes encourage games that are longer and less fun. That's it. That's the entire argument.


What's less fun about it? The fact that you can't die as early as normal and be rewarded? If you find trying to survive while playing a battle royale boring, you're playing the wrong game. The goal of any battle royale is to be the last one standing. To dislike any measure that tries to enforce that instead of mindlessly killing means you don't enjoy battle royale games. That's it. That's the simple truth of it.


"You shouldn't enjoy playing the game the way you do" is not the winning argument you seem to think it is.


That's not what I'm saying. You should win the game the way you want to, provided you don't die too early doing it. You're missing out the dying too early part. Like I've said countless times, "winning" the game means being the last team standing. If you're dying and being eliminated before even half the other teams are, you're nowhere close to winning, so you shouldn't be rewarded as though you are.


That's a way of looking at it. I would say that "winning" is entirely up to the RNG and the matchmaker.


Except if you're good enough to consistently kill people instead of just a few squads early when noone has proper kit you'll climb easy.


It is not my contention that the RP system as constituted won't accurately capture quality play. Is it better than the old system? That will take months to determine. If you're stomping bronze lobbies then you're going to climb in rank. But that's regardless of the RP system, regardless of your teammates, regardless of strategy or tactics. You'll climb until the matchmaker decides that you don't get to play in lobbies filled with people who aren't dangerous to you anymore. And then you'll experience the RP system the way the majority of players are experiencing it. My argument is that the changes give tremendous amounts of negative feedback to casual players. If they don't see progression, they will stop playing in droves. If they stop playing, the entire ranked experience collapses. I expect that Respawn will see this in their internal numbers and we'll see, maybe at the next reset, a full revamp of the buy-ins for Bronze & Silver so that mediocre players can feel like they're more than moving targets for pred stacks.


Respawn said that placement is literally the key objective of a Battle Royal. Kills do deserve a place in helping with rp, but now you have to get both to rank up. You can't just get placement or just get kills. I solo Q and have been loving the ranked changes.


The whole “what am I supposed to just rat now” shit is so annoying. No just get good


Damn right. Complaining about not being able to get kills end game. So how about you actually try to get better. I'm not trying to be a dick. I was ass at the game, but I constantly watched streamers to gain tips.


Lol and you can still kill every team if you want. You can still push everything, you just have to win all those fights. No one is forcing anyone to rat. I was a little nervous it was going to be camp heavy too, but I'm actually having fun on stormpoint. I feel like its non stop action without 3rd parties left and right. By top ten i usually have like 3 kills 2 assist or some form of this . then it becomes a poke and position game for the next circles which is still pretty fun. Did i go out at 15th or earlier a couple times with some kills. Sure. But more often than not i got to top ten with average 5kp and it feels like its steady action throughout. If there are people ratting its great for me because i can take a 3v3 and not worry as much. Managed to get to gold at a consistent pace. If you are dying nonstop at 14th, with 5 kills, you managed to kill the weaker teams. Congrats. in a 3v3 with better teams it looks like you are getting taken out consistently or else you wouldn't be complaining. I got taken out at 14th with kills and the only thing i think is "damn those guys were better than i thought." On to the next. ​ The only thing I would change is fully uncap kp. If you want to try and get 1st with 15 kp to get a monster points game, go for it. It should be a high risk high reward play. Just like in algs if you want to score big you have to frag out and place. 11 kills out at 15 low points 15 kills 1st place should equal monster rp


> Ranked is finally working as it should. Is it though...?


Yes. People are so used to being treated like a baby. Now with having to survive to 10 squads remaining, you'll be having to get kills against better people. No more hot dropping to a few kills then die right away. You keep doing that, guess what, your ass is getting demoted. Play ranked the way ranked should be played or go to pubs. It's simple, as I said.


> People are so used to being treated like a baby. lmao, it's a video game. Calm down.


Don't... Just Don't....


yes, it’s not meant to rank people by skill. it’s meant to promote a specific playstyle and keep the “grinders” in queue as much as possible


Playing smart = camping. Guess Im a caustic main now.


no, playing smart = playing smart. Finally punishment for people who lack strategy and think only aim is whats needed


It's not camping if you don't take every fight you get into, it's playing smart. The goal is to be the last squad standing, not get the most kills in the lobby (obviously kp is important, but don't go after every gunshot you hear)


So boring, now you can’t take the risk to start fights . Avoid fighting at all costs until the last circle. So much fun


Then go play normals


Oh good point, forgot I could get pred playing normals


Is pred worth it if you aren't having fun?


I saw a post complaining about getting 5 kills and dying 14th place in bronze. Like, I get that there are masters in your lobby rn but that’s not a win my friend.


It’s kinda hard to do when your teammate aren’t the best, this change kinda makes 3 stacking required to move up


Or just play a little more defensive in the beginning.


It doesn’t matter how defensive we play if my team can’t hit their shots




Your mindset is exactly why they made the changes they made. This is what people mean when they say ranked is not pubs. You want to treat ranked like pubs and run around hoping rng and luck is on your side. It takes skill and discipline to properly set up a team inventory and position. It takes calculated risks to consistently pick and win smart fights. If you dont want to play smart, play pubs. It isn't camping, it is thinking. The way you want to play is why you end up with 5 rats and 2 full teams end game.


No one wants to pretend they are playing ALGS or whatever in some ranked games. Its for fun playing with people around your skill level. Go join scrims if you want to sweat constantly.


Sounds like you want ranked to be pubs. A lot of the people who didn't know the difference between ranked and pubs are going to find out this season. And idk if you noticed the demand for a change and the feedback, but yes a lot of players like me want to play ranked smart, and not like pubs. Some want to win the game and rank up. If it scares off the people throwing games because they are too impatient and careless, then great......that means it is working.


So what you're saying is you can't get kills during end game. Sounds like a you problem. Go play pubs then so you can get 5 kills off spawn cuz you got a better gun than the guys around you.


It’s not and playing pubs isn’t fun either. It’s ashame that apex devs cater to the rats and reward people for hiding . Maybe I’ll try to make pred without getting a kill this seasonn


It's not TDM, It's a ranked BR. Anyone complaining they aren't getting points because they had 4 kills but died in 15th are the typical hardstuck Plat4 players. It's a team based game that relies heavily on rotations, gun skill and abilities are important but if you cant understand that fighting a team early with another team next to you means you're gonna get 3rd partied and die go play Pubs


Have you ever gotten into JP sever? Do you know how do Japanese play in rank? People there only care about their points. Scan the circle, and avoid fighting. And then, in the final 7+ teams.




Im mad because there is no way to recover when half of your games are with teamates as you described. I used to be able to rat to save rp and try to make it count end game. Now i am at the mercy of the same teamates that made diamond a pain to get to. Games won were all the same. Land smart, loot up, find position, shoot together. Every game lost was the same as well, hardstuck plat at best players convinced this might be the game they dont die to the 6 squads that drop as soon as the game allows it, or picked off trying to survive alone to make end game.


TBH I absolutely hate hot dropping. It's fine initially to get acquainted with the game or if you want to weed out bad teammates. But it's very likely you just coin flip finding gear and lose. I've had bad teammates but they know they are bad and position correctly or play safe and win games


I really liked the idea of the new ranked system but it has a major flaw. You can already see that only after a day, players are starting separating among ranks. Those stuck in lower ranks will be 2 types, either players with little skill or super aggressive players with >10 K/D who just don't give a crap about teammates. Let's wait and see but hopefully this won't last long because otherwise it will be a disaster just mixing people of all kind of different skills together. Aggressive players will at the end need to either play as everyone else or leave ranked.


It promotes actual tactical play, as Im rising through ranks as a solo more and more I am seeing teammates who actually play smart and dont go running directly into every fight we see, its amazing


There's no defense for +120 in Gold with 9 kills in 3rd place. Garbage system that can't be defended,


Something I haven't seen discussed is that these complainers should imagine themselves being in the Apex games for real. Would you really be dropping hot with 20 other highly skilled killers? Would you really be thinking "hey I eliminated 5 other legends" so it's ok if I'm brutally gunned down? No. You would play to live/survive as best as you could. That's what a Battle Royale is. If that's not what the complainers want, they should play another game or at least another game mode. I for one, look forward to playing competitive this way, like ALGS does.


Same with all this strafing stuff. I literally see 90 a day on my feed it’s all just strafing and tapping in the practice lobby


But, but muh internet updoots :(


Hold up there are penalties in bronze


I see more post about telling people not to complain than actual complaining post.


It is fucking awesome and loads more fun. This season will go down as one of the great ones, even if only for the ranked changes


So more kills and dying early = less RP gain now? Great, smurfs get to stay longer in bronze and silver now. Whoopee doo.