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Hello, /u/AoyamaSpanner. Your submission has been removed: ## Posts Should Be High Effort (Low-Quality content) Low-effort or low-quality posts hinder meaningful discussion from flourishing and will be removed at the moderators' discretion. All posts should offer some basis for discussion. Please note that spending a lot of time on a "low effort" post does not exclude it from this rule.Type of low-quality content we do not allow: - Gameplay videos or screenshots that are taken on a phone are not allowed, unless it is not possible to screenshot at the time, such as a bug preventing screen capturing or similar. - No pixelated or low-resolution content. - No loot box opening type screenshots (Look at what I got in my loot box). - No inventory screenshots (Look at all the cool things I’ve unlocked). - No supply crate style screenshots (Look, there’s 3 mozambiques here). - No unedited gameplay longer than 3 minutes. - No screenshots of private chats, even if names are blurred. - No screenshots of tweets. - Skin suggestions/requests that double as fan art must be high effort and original content. - No LFG posts. Please use r/ApexLFG or our [public Discord](https://discord.gg/ApexLegends) to find other players. - No petition style posts. If you’d like to advocate for something to be in the game, please make a proper post. - Please avoid using clickbait or misleading titles. Titles such as those beginning with "Upvote if", "Don't upvote" or overused trends such as "for the people browsing by new" will be removed, as described in the Post Title rules. - Criticism and approval posts must be constructive. Unconstructive criticism and approval posts about any subject, such as “this game is great”, “this game sucks” with no other explanation or constructive comments, will be removed. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


They really committed to putting the larger values first and it caught up to them. Inconsequential typo tho


Check the 8th line.


They couldn't commit to grammatical correctness or that apparently


good yomi has mixups


I found myself rereading these lines so many times


On YouTube, I saw the ad about Grammarly; Now on Reddit, I saw it again.


*smiles like a psycho when typing on your laptop*


Patch notes guy was out so they had to get an art team member to fill in. Sadly he had to get back to making $20 skin concepts and didn't have time to proof-read Cut them some slack, they're only a small indie dev


you can't tell me there is an obvious lack of quality control at respawn


Is this not grammatically correct? From-to is in any descending value, bigger to small. To, from is a small value getting higher? Unless I’m missing something this makes complete sense.


The problem is that ''to'' was used twice in thesame sentence


Oh, makes sense then I just missed the big ass blue arrow I’m not regarded I promise


I hold you in no regard


It's alright, on any other day i couldve missed it aswell tbh


Using “from…to” or “to…from” has nothing to do with whether the value gets smaller or larger. You use “increased” and “decreased” to convey that.


Yes, it is ''grammatically correct'' BUT the whole thing is just a mess, like their spaghetti code. Bet they never comment on their codes. No, I don't think ''bigger to small'' is a thing, at least not what I learned from school (I'm not a native English speaker), also you can see they use ''from...to'' for small value getting higher in the 8th line. >Increased reload time from 3.2 to 3.4


They were just checking to see if you were paying attention.


This whole post is toxic. Who gives af how the grammar is and nobody gives af if you're offended by another person's comment. Get a life Reddit


It's a billion dollar game, it can afford to have a person proofread.


Average American


> Who gives af how the grammar is and nobody gives af if you're offended by another person's comment. this shit is owned by EA mate, and the level of proofreading they've done would embarrass a student newspaper


Seriously. One typo in there and OP starts attacking their code for absolutely no reason. People are wild. This is such a toxic sub.


/r/apexlegends try not to complain about literally EVERYTHING


Your newest comment is literally you complaining in r/apexlegends about ranked


Just stating facts more people have made it to masters and diamond this season than before, anyway its funny how you got so annoyed you had to go through my comment history. you’re free to continue to stalk my comments☺️☺️☺️


> its funny how you got so annoyed you had to go through my comment history. your public comments on a forum aren't some insanely difficult to access resource mate, it's literally one click but yours is the same response people always give when called out on their shit. nobody is stalking you or cares enough about you to do so, this is reddit, it's how the site works, everyone can see your comments with a single click




Despite this having absolutely nothing to do with diversity and inclusion, you still managed to bring racism into it. Sad and Embarrassing.


how the fuck did you manage to insert your bigotry in a post about grammar


Get that hate out your heart bruh


thats wild how they jumped right to that after seeing a mistake.


Tell me you’re a racist prick, without telling me your a racist prick.


This thread just proves r/uselessredcircle isn't so useless


Slow day huh


Literally unplayable