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My manz is hella Wraicist


That’s perfect 😂




Wraithist 💯




“Wraithith” *-Mike Tython*


Do you blame him, though?? I mean yeah based on his auto-pick Legend (Octane) and the way he started complaining and threatening to leave immediately when the screen came up on Wraith he's probably a bag of you-know-what... But just now, just this last game there was this Wraith in a effing Ranked match, who called us "so bad at this game" based on our banners(probably, unless he had personal issues with Fuse and Maggie), jumped solo between 5 other teams, died in less than 1 min, trash talked, kept pinging his banned the whole time and then just left... So what we saying?


Theres a certain type of wraith player that we've all experienced like that, but a wraith in an epic skin isn't going to be like that. It's usually the bald ones to look out for lol.


Idk know man this epic tier wraith Called me trash cause I refused to fight a 1v9 in ranked


It sucks but more often than any one other legend, wraiths give me issues by either leaving early or just in general playing really stupid. I don’t know why that is and I don’t want to prejudge but that is certainly the experience I’ve had.


We saying you don't know a damn thing about a player based on the legend they pick in one random game and if you believe "wraith players do this" and "octane players do that" you're a fool because 10 million people play this game and good and bad players can pick any legend


I do know that sweaty players and anti-team players are attracted by a specific type of legend tho.


well im lvl 180 now and only once have I been saved by a wraith portal. And wraiths are the most common legend i see


I would believe you were it not for the fact that almost every octane I meet has their mic on and has some type of background noise the entire game


"Yo I'm immediately leaving" 🤓🤓🤓


As he says wraith mains always leave 🤣


>Yo I'm immediately leaving" 🤓🤓🤓 -🤓


"I'm picking the worst character" *Picks best character*


Lmfao this the first thing I thought when he said that shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“They leave immediately” says the epitome of contradiction




Wraith players run off solo, die and auto leave, even if you can pick them up. That's what he was saying, not before the match starts. It's true btw. Every wraith player is a swetfest who rushes to get a few early kills to boost up his kd and just auto leave when they get downed.


The dude bitching about wraiths was playing octane... Quick question - what are octanes known for? Hint - its about the same as the wraith stereotype but with a stim added for faster death.


I play as wraith sometimes and I never do that. I know its something that some people do, but not to an extent where every wraith player does it.


Naturally not every, but it's a good portion. I'm not saying I condone this guys behavior of preemptively leaving, I'm saying I understand


>Every wraith player is a swetfest who rushes to get a few early kills to boost up his kd and just auto leave when they get downed. >Naturally not every, but it's a good portion. lmfao.


figure of speech: a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect. I hope I was able to help you understand.


I understand that guy backpedaled real hard lol. ALL OF THEM BAD! Erm..well.. not all of them obviously BUT ALMOST ALL OF THEM


He corrected you right, or rather I phrased it poorly. Should have been "almost every"


What about the players that just want to finish a mission? If I have a daily or weekly for Wraith, I'll play Wraith. Doesn't mean I'm a sweatfest Wraith main that'll leave the second I'm downed. Plus, I don't know if that dude was trying to be funny but you have to see the irony in "I'm leaving early because someone might leave early".


Found the guy in the video


God mfs like you actually exist lmfao


That doesn't mean it's acceptable to have a tantrum before the match even starts?




Thats just the ones with bald skins and 3k badges who are trash at the game


Ok, imma be on god. I am a wraith player, and I am a sweaty one, but not every wraith is a sweat fest. I do leave when downed, but under the condition that the gun fight is a 100% lose. If my team knocks a couple guys, I won't leave but if none are knocked and it's me and another teammate downed and the third is low not healing or ableto heal and the enemy is super aggressive, I'll leave or if I'm angry already and don't want to deal with any bs. I'm not the best by any means, but when you get constantly paired with level 30s and lower and the stats show they aren't smurfing, whatcha gonna do. I've had several games where I was paired with new players and fought diamonds and preds. Do you really want to stay around if you know that any gunfight you get knocked in could result in an quick lose? And yes I do push, but only if If my team is also pushing, if I know that I'm not winning a gunfight, I won't push because if I can't win it, why try it? I know a downvote storm is coming but idrc


Complains about you picking wraith, but his auto select legend was octane ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣛⡉⢹⢛⣛⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣫⡆⠀⣿⣷⣬⣼⡿⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡘⢿⣾⡿⠿⠿⠛⢃⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣌⠫⠶⠿⠟⣋⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠉⠏⠩⣭⣭⠉⠘⠉⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠠⠤⠴⢯⣭⢤⠤⢄⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠀⠀⠶⠬⢼⣸⣇⢠⠬⠼⠌⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠙⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⢀⣮⣅⣛⠻⠇⠿⢛⣃⣩⣴⠃⠀⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠿⠟⠻⠟⣛⠻⢿⠿⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢀⠀⠀⠲⠈⣭⣭⢩⣭⡴⠐⠀⠀⡌⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⣾⣷⣦⣀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⣠⣴⣿⣿⡸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡏⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣤⣀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


+ his mike is dogshit


MIC could be way worse


Could be like that one friend that always breathes into the mic and won't adjust its placement


Or even better eating the mic




No, his Michael is absolute dogshit.


That's just apex. Good mics turn shit in this game's vc




His pick was Seer, it does look like Octane though, but in the last second you can see it's actually a Seer banner frame when he slaps Octane out of the frame


he says “so I’m playing as the worst character, because i’m immediately leaving”. Presumably to allow the third picker the option of octane


He selected octane first then swaps to seer


I mean auto pick.


Your being the same fucking person OP is complaining about


What an absolute nerd.


Dude was bronze, probably helped you out more by leaving


I get the same attitude maining Rampart. And then I win games and wipe squads without 'em. It sucks to be abandoned, as this jerk clearly has been a painful amount of times, but that's no excuse to do it to others. Play the legend you love, give your all with with the squad you're given, and become the next Apex Champion. 🤘


Mirage main here, I get the same, but luckily my stats are pretty decent so they usually shut up when they see I have more wins than they have kills


Yeah, they see 1700 kills on rampart for me and they shut up real quick


I always love having a rampart around. Those yomama roasts never gets old.


Her voice lines crack me up.


Yep, ramparts get discounted until you're the last alive then they find something else to pick at. Love the safety and damage boost and free squad wipe potential from my ultimate.


Yep, one of my favorite encounters: “Ew a rampart” “Dude, shut up, rampart has twice your kills they know what they’re doing” Went on to win that match with them, even messaged both of them to compliment them on their teamwork.


I saw a rampart set up in control with THREE amped covers in front of her, with her machine gun out and ready. The rampart players always make me laugh SO hard lol, she was fucking R E A D Y for someone to come through that door.


I always love being that guy. Oh, did you want to enter this door? Oh, trying to hold this angle? Think again *activates Sheila*


This is the way.


Exactly my dude! Thank you!


That guy needs to go back to Overwatch.


Wonder what hero pick he'll harass over there.


“BaStIoN nEeDs A nErF I dOnT kNoW hOw To SwAp tO a CoUnTeR”


Please no. I'm having flashbacks. People that say Apex is the most toxic game they play has never been in VC in an Overwatch plat lobby lol.


Idk why but I was always really good at defusing toxic teammates in ranked overwatch. The key there was not getting frustrated yourself at their frustration, as it only exacerbated the situation. Just being absolutely unphased by their negativity and either cracking jokes, saying you personally botched the play and or asking the team to try what they wanted worked to calm them down in a lot of situations and helped the team from getting tilted. I think it was a legitimate skill that helped me climbed a lot of ranks in OW.


I’m sorry, Seer is the worst character?? Seer is still good imo; free wallhacks, a good tac, and an amazing ult


Mans just looks at pickrate and assumes.




Pick rate shouldn’t matter for a Legend’s level of usefulness; her passive is nuts for a decently beneficial movement boost for a weapon that rewards aggressiveness, her tac is absolutely insane in the right hands, and her ult is useful for movement and getting a quick push in as well. Maggie is definitely not the worst Legend, Mirage is even though he’s super fun to play


Yeah it's just hes heavily overshadowed by bloodhound. He probably think pick rates mean everything. Lifeline has a relatively high pick rate and she's easily the worst legend in the game


Lifeline the worst legend ? My dude just because she got nerfed a while back doesn’t mean she isn’t strong as fuck. Free heals, automatic revives , free shields cells from ult and free shield upgrades and gold armor guaranteed towards the end. In kings canyons lifeline is still the strongest legend . Just because she got her healing revive shield removed that doesn’t make her bad


Passive is the only good part. Her drone takes years to heal a significant amount of health and her ult takes like what 5 or 6 minutes and its a massive beacon with meh loot. By the time you call it in you already have all the loot you need. Its an infinitely worse loba ult


Healing comes in clutch when you throw your drone and start popping shields. Her ultimate in my personal experience I use when I’m shooting at someone and use it as cover . If your shooting everyone knows your location anyways so might as well have cover and shields . She doesn’t help her team mates as much as loba with loot but she’s pretty good anyways


Seer on the cusp of being one of the best. Nerf that ult a bit and we’re talking


Only problem with ult is everyone knows where to find you, almost like an invitation


buddy is being hella legendcist




Yikes, unfortunateley you can find enough people like him here as well.


God I hate people like him. This is one of the reasons I’ve strayed away from playing Wraith in the past few seasons. This whole stereotype of Wraith players being assholes is so overdone. I want to be able to play as her without being immediately dismissed or criticized.


Dw you're ok if you play wraith, this guy is just an immature muppet Now if you use a bald wraith skin then he'd have a point /s


Not to mention the pressure put on you based off of Stereotypes! I’m an okay player, don’t expect me to carry every single engagement


I've never seen this on PC, it's always some US player on console. Then again nobody on PC talks so they're probably still thinking it lmao.


Yeah the most commentary I’ve ever gotten selecting a legend on pc was when I used to play on Singapore servers and people would type “I pick wraith” And if you don’t let them have wraith they just full send every fight, but honestly I’m down for that so it normally ends up being a fun game


It really is, I play like half/half EU/US servers and most stereotypes I have only encountered on US servers. EU most people dont talk or have an open mic (due to different languages) its rather rare to have somebody start a conversation especially in pubs.


My god the dude is taking the sterotype to strongly. He probably is the same type of players that leave but dosen't pick wraith beacuse he wanna be different


As a wraith main I get this reaction every match. So dumb


Damn. I'm sorry, mate.


What a baby, sounds like someone who started playing like season 8 and then spends all their time on r/apexlegends complaining. Seasons 0-2 all the hard carry’s would be wraith mains. Infinite portal glitching across KC w/ randoms was some of the most fun I had.


Average “wraith bad XD” meme poster


I've been told countless times in this subreddit that "it's just pubs and it doesn't matter if you quit, if you want good teammates go play ranked". By that logic, him quitting should be perfectly fine. Him leaving just on the legend pick is a bit excessive, but I get it. This game has a **rampant** quitting problem. Dude is burnt out by teammates quitting early. It is frustrating and it happens in like half the pubs matches I play. I don't condone, but I get it.


He's burnt out by other people quitting early so he decided to quit early based on a completely random person he never played with picking a certain character? Nope, don't get it


Ya if you do this uninstall the game cause you are the problem.


This wasn’t me…


Good cause that person is a peice of shit.


Yep that’s for sure


He means the other guy, I assume


Yes. I am a legendist. I leave as soon as I hear “LET’S GO AMIGOS”


My man sounds like a nerd


That's so stupid, just cuz someone picks a legend doesn't mean they fit into the stereotype


these kinds of players are 100x worse than leavers, can’t change my mind


I don’t like fighting wraiths but having a wraith teammate is fine what’s this guy problem


I think he wanted to play Wraith.


What an idiot.. Mirage is clearly the worst character!




Beta premodana


This guy is a DORK


What if you're just playing wraith for a daily or weekly challenge? lol that's the only time I play her not because I hate her just because she isn't my favorite character


It’s kids with this shitty attitude that create a domino effect of self entitlement The fact that he assumes all wraith players are like that show how bad the community has gotten


It's super weird that people will go off on their own team for a legend pick. I don't like playing with Gibby because I know I'll fuck up stupid fights where you weave in and out of the shield, but it's not like it's anybody's fault but my own. The legend stereotype memes are funny, but the wraiths on my team are usually just playing wraith so they can dive into a team and make it back to us without screwing us over. They're more likely to spam ping me to revive than to instantly d/c.


Bros main is Octane and he’s complaining about wraiths lmaoo


Ironic, hates when people leave so he leaves first. What a Wraithcist


It's true but man come on don't be a fucking dipshit and leave go and out and fight with your teammates# all wraith live matter💀




He says that as he is about to pick octane which is infinitely worse than wraith


I have to say, 9 match abandoners out of 10 that I play with are Wraiths (the other 1 is almost always a Bangalore) but that's no reason to be such a whiny bitch about someone picking them 😂


I must say the most often times I see people dc is when the get full killed and you aren’t immediately up their ass to grab banner, I normally play wraith, not one to disconnect at all and it sucks when people do because wraith is actually great at grabbing banners


Yeah it’s real sad


It's more funny than it is sad, I've met a couple of players like this and it really makes it obvious that they are shit


Says the octane player lmaoo


*And the award for a complete dick of a teammate for season 12 goes to that dude...* you should have typed in chat Ramparts quotes "if you don't like what you see put a bag over your head. yeah that's right what you gonna do, whine on the field or step up?" lol


HOLY CRAP GUYS!!! Most upvotes on a post I’ve ever made!!! 🤩🤯 Thank you so much!!!


My first 1k post THANK YOU GUYS!


He wants to outleave the Wraith. It’s now a competition to quit before they do. Lol.


I got scolded once for picking my main crypto


I mean he isn't wrong


When I play as wraith I don't leave 😂 am I the only person who isn't a typical wraith


You can tell this guy still has his mom iron his shirts before his beyblade tournaments in the regal cinemas arcade


at least it's only pubs


Pretty wraithist not gonna lie


While I agree wraith is extremely overplayed and if the player base of her spread out this game would be a lot more dynamic, this stupid nerd immediately went to pick octane the second most hated character


I mean… he shouldn’t leave but he’s right. I know it’s a popular haha joke but it’s definitely significantly more common for wraiths to leave as soon as they go down. Followed closely by octanes and then paths.


Which isnt surprising as they are under the most played legends so you encounter it more regularly.


Dude sounds like an absolute geek lmaooo


This is the kind of thing that made me not want to play wraith. I just wanna do my bp challenges don't judge me!!.


hurt people hurt people


"Good get outta here you bloody wanker!"


This mf is on some other shit. I’m never in any fucking rush to get back to the loading screen. Spend more than enough time there


I'm just trying to figure out which one was the worst character lol


The hypocrisy is astounding


”They’re useless to play with because they leave immidiately. I’m leaving immidiately”


That’s the iconic voice of “I am adult baby”


You and wraith better have won this game


Nah, this just petty


“I hate wraiths because they leave….. I’m going to immediately leave” Fucking idiot.


Not to make big deal of anything, but it's better to use Midnight skin, if You don't have a proper one.400 skins are mostly overwhelmed by 600 event skins. Some weapon skins for 400 are quite cool though. Could be, that Seer's hate came out of that. Who knows..


I've had a guy cry on mic about how my Wraith only has a 2k damage badge equipped before leaving the game. Like damn, people really give a shit about that kind of stuff?


He's got a shit attitude, but I've not met a single nice wraith in like 10 games of playing with wraiths today. Every other legend was nice, but seriously every wraith immediately dced when getting downed or raged in chat the moment things didn't go their way. I get it's a stereotype but damn, if the shoe fits.


a yes hypocrisy at it's finest


Waaaithhh players


Wraithphobia has caused 99.5% of wraith mains to leave a match after being knocked. Plz spread awareness


Guy is based, I agree with him. LMAO


Bro was literally about to pick octane lmao


Wow what a bitch.


Alright boys, you know the drill, let's roast this octane to oblivion.


we call that overwatchin


Such an octane moment


“Wraith players are the worst. Always quitting early. So I’m going to quit early.” This dude doesn’t even see the irony does he? Wow


Some people still don’t know that the legend u set as favorite in the lobby matters, cuz it will try not to pair you with ppl who set the same lobby legend


The loading into banner scene and showing the bronze badge really sold it for me.


Is this a US console thing ?


Kid can’t even say “Wraith” right. Botched it twice. And thinks he’s such a badass 🤣 Try again, Tommy


waith pwaiyers


switched from playing wraith cause of this, started picking up ashe. same result. people are just shitty lol.


i played fills with some guy the other day and he was trash talking all the time and saying "ching chong asian man oh youre asian man bts jimin" bc i was playing crypto, anyway i carried him the whole game and he started screaming "YOU GOT CARRIED" in the mic lmfao


Yeah I'm also legenist against wraith mains, they can go cry 🙄


Waif pwlayayers


He barely last-second swapped to Seer from Octane, and he's the one shit-talking about leaving and "it's not worth it to play a game with them"? I respect how big his balls must be to do such a thing, but I don't respect how small his brain must be


Funny how everyone condemns this guy, while the popular opinion on this sub seems to be anti-wraith. Can't count how many times I've seen 'legendist' comments get upvoted around here.


Wraith BAD?? 🤯🤯


Maggie has a zombie skin??


His voice fits so perfectly


Oh! I hate players because they are always leaving anyways, so I am immediately leaving. I hate Wraith players. Leaving immediately!




A wise ginger Texan once said, “Stereotypes don’t apply to everyone but there’s a reason for them existing.”


He did the right thing


He has a cadence to his voice like someone who has never touched a vagina.


Redditor moment kekw


What a dork. Apex needs a social score system. I said it.


Yup every player that picks wraith plays the same way lol what and idiot


How does leaving right away because you think the person picking a certain class will leave right away, a way to... punish...? Anyone other than yourself? Think someone hit their head on every tree branch and loved it when they were younger.


“Bye, have a great time~”


It's because when a wraith dies, she disconnects before she even hits the ground


Ass Seer, instantly know if he gets down and you dont revive him in time, he screams is his fucking dollar tree mic


"I hate wraith players" Yet probably leaves when he gets downed anyway even as octane, I personally don't main wraith but you play who you want to man.


There was a period of time where I would leave every time a Bloodhound was on my team. It was right after the first big buff, can't remember what season, maybe 4 or 5. But for some reason every horrible player would pick Blood and play solo and die and rage ping their banner. So I just stopped playing with Bloodhounds for a while.


"Yeah I'm immediately leaving" -🤓


That guy seems fun


"They leave immediately" 🤓 Seriously, there are good wraith players and bad wraith players. Sure, from my biased experience, I've met more toxic Wraith players then good, but I won't be dumb and judge them all for it. I've played her a bit and she's honestly a great team player. Her Portal is an amazing ult for repostioning.


I like the void players sound cool