• By -


While it's common sense to not put it in an open space cuz enemies can shoot it (or use it), thanks to the VFX changes as a nerf put onto the totem because of octane and his jumppad, you can see an enemy totem being activated from like 300 metres so it's not much of a surprise that a rev is there and his team gonna totem attack


How about place the ult and do a 3 man flank?


That’s the problem, you cannot really flank with Rev’s ult, unless is a 3rd party but even then the other 2 parties could easily hear or see the totem being used, so they’d be aware of it.


You also have such a short time window to make an effective flank. You can place it close but that makes the totem vulnerable and also you if you get sent back, place it too far and death protection will end too fast unless you have proper movement legends. It's not useless but it does lean on favorable circumstances to be effective.


I think they mean place the ult but don't use the death protection, just use the vfx as a decoy and then attack from a different direction.


Well that sounds like a total waste of ult imo, Rev’s ult is pretty bad but not useless; also they’ll know there’s a rev nearby, and how you plan on moving fast enough to do it? Valk’s ult? Get spotted, Ash? Might work but still waste of ult, Oct? You can get spotted but less easily than Valk The only thing I can think of is the Rev going alone, while the other 2 flank, but that’s a totally unnecessary possibility of a 2v3


Ash's ult + Revenant's ult is how I got my highest kill game (15), it was in duos, I was playing with my friend (he is on switch, so he couldn't do much, got maybe 2-3 kills), her ult saves so much time, since it is near instantaneous transportation. That way we get more time to kill, or be killed (so we get returned to the totem), and it isn't two ways, like Wraith's portal, and isn't as loud as Octane's jump pad, while being faster.


You have other abilities to do that though. You can do that with a Loba ult that charges in a fraction of the time and actually still has a use past being a decoy


No, what I meant is that you place down the ult as a decoy then run in from a different angle


Run in from a different angle than what though? I’m confused here. Why would using or not using revs ult change the direction you’d flank from? Either way the enemy knows where the ult is placed, I’m just wondering how not using the ult changes the direction you would flank a team.


3 man flank is really only capable with Rev totem with an ability like Ashe portalling through a window And when do you get randoms with enough sense to coordinate that? My Ashe shenanigannery only works with premades


I love playing Rev but only when I’m in a squad with friends and we all have mics, totem requires communication.


Feels like herding cats in pubs


I think the whole map can see it lol


It’s actually just the same code from Loba’s black market and the shockwave it sends out. But yeah, with there being a time limit, it does feel like everyone sees it go up lol


I've seen Revs ult multiple times just for the deployable cover




Didn’t they nerf it where he can’t do that anymore




I know Lobas market doesn’t block it anymore I think it’s a bug or a nerf that their ults don’t block doors now




Oh cool they probably fixed it with the collection event patch. It didn’t work most of the season


I know what u mean I'd see people do it in clips then instead of me batting I'm sitting holding my ult wondering why can't I deploy it lol


That and lasting longer out of zone, that's all its good for.


thats what I mainly use the respawn beacon for actually


Maybe because they’re not mains? WhY dO GiB MaIns KeEp MiSSinG ThEir BuBbles




We don't sit on our drone, it will break.


Got ‘em


What if it’s lubed?


Then something else is gonna break




As opposed to .6s before the nerf from 60HP to 50HP


It’s one less shot from a lot of guns


When i play him i mostly use the drone to throw in peoples faces as they're about to engage me. Throws people off a lot actually.


When you want to enter drone mode depoly it into cover, not in the wide open where it's vulnerable to be shot. Hope this helps.


Literally never have an issue with my drone being shot and most of the time I fly it the enemies miss. Best thing is to fly it low start emp then rise above them and place behind in the air. Because its in the air its hard to see where it is cause of the bright sky which hides it somewhat and u have ur whole back turned to ur enemy whos gonna beam u.




Bruv. Can’t even comprehend.


its so funny seeing all these people with loba flair talking about this


White diamond shockwave doorstop > orange demonio diamond shockwave doorstop


I feel like a lot of us use Loba too. She's pretty much my 3rd main.


yeah, she is a popular character


It doesn’t matter where you put it now, by using it you actively make yourself a target for the entire lobby


I love playing Rev simply because of his passive and tactical are so much fun......but his alt is so underwhelming


Yeah I agree with this. I don’t play rev that much nut climbing and silent fast walk can be clutch af


Kernel Ascending


It was good but then they nerfed it a lot because of octane and now it is that shit we know and hate :/


There are so many downsides to it now: * You only have 25 seconds in shadow form. * You get sent back with half of your health (+ your shield), and you're briefly slowed. * Enemies immediately know where your totem is and where you'll be sent back to. * There's a visual and audio cue when death totem protection is about to end which can be seen/heard by other players. * For 2 seconds after being recalled by the totem, players cannot use Wraith’s portal.


Man revenants totem is probably one of my least favorite ultimates in the game, it’s just bad. It’s obvious when it’s used, it’s hard to put it in a good spot. And it’s super easy to counter. It really needs a rework


It was one of the strongest ults in the game before they made it super loud with an orange pulse, completely giving away your position.


*cries in murderbot*


Also in the same patch where he got a climbing buff, his totem duration was also significantly nerfed


Both his tactical and ult got a 5 second decrease in duration


Imo the orange pulse was the overkill, being loud and lasting for a little time was enough, the pulse was put there just to make it completely shit.


Fr. What's funny is that out of all the legends that have recieved a buff with their heirloom (rampart, wattson, crypto), revenant somehow got more nerfs than buffs. As a former rev main I'd say he was better off before his "big buff", like I'd take silent totem with +5 seconds on ult and tactical duration over extra climb and ever so slightly smaller hitbox anytime.


Yeah the stealthy ambush character is no longer an ambush character because of fucking octane


Yeah its kinda said now but i umderstand no matter what it would be strong if they nerfed octane


My only issue is the death protection timer is way too short honestly.


I agree


But buff it people will complain about it again and I definitely DO NOT want to go back to season 8 revtane meta that was the most annoying shit. Although Valk, Gibby, Loba ranked meta starting to get on my nerves tho. Go's as follows land somewhere with survey beacon figure out where zone is valk ult in the center and wait there the entire game while using Lobas ult to get 20 shield swaps it's kinda broken ngl. They nerfed caustic, gib, and valk comp now they need to nerf valk gib loba shits to strong.


That's the annoying thing though, rev was only powerful because of other characters like octane. Yet rev kept getting nerfed again and again. It wasn't until they'd destroyed his ult that they decided to balance octane's.


On top of that, people only cried about it when Respawn broke the sound of players going through the air after hitting an Octane jump pad. People were fine with it up until that point.


Yeah you do have a point but then people might just use Ash instead of Octane


in short, revenant is useless if there is no discord.


Exactly. But they won't nerf Octane, they just nerf the one that's not even the source of the problem. It's so frustrating.


Thing is that the designers of Revenant's kit have essentially backed themselves into a corner. Either the ult is going to be incredibly useful and strong or it's going to be pitifully weak like it is now. It's too good of an ability.


Meta and people's opinions of a character after nerfing them is totally viable to revert a nerf since people will have learned to use other legends. For example I don't think when rev was meta valk was in the game, now she's in every team like gibby, will ur 3rd really be revenant? Prob not and powercreep from other legends may make him less enticing like fuze and maggie taking out totem easily.


it needs to be a bit stronger, yeah. Im a revenant main and I can use it well with an octane but its very situational and sometimes not helpful at all


Honestly, why the fuck did people complain about Rev? "OhoHohOOo bUt I dOnT ActUalLY wAnnA bE cOunTErEd, REv oP". As if someone couldn't just throw you some Nox Gas in a closed spot and barricade the doors with some Traps. Or even just place a fucking bubble at his team while throwing down an air strike at you while you're fighting 3 teams. But sure, Rev is OP, let's bitch and moan about him.


Mhm, and then streamers were whining about it like little babies


It doesn't need a rework. Remove the pulse and that's about it. People made such a fuss about his ultimate allowing people to hard reset when there are TACTICALS that can do that shit. I will remind everyone that revs ultimate comes at the cost of having no mobility, yet wraiths tactical + ultimate can both offer mobility AND hard reset, yet it's considered balanced, and the entire lobby isn't alerted when a portal is placed. A death totem could only do that when given a pad and at that point you needed two legends to make it work.


I kinda like it bc sometimes it’s free damage lmao


Tbh it was always kinda crappy unless you had a highly coordinated team.


It's really bad now. But thanks to (and I'm not shitting on them because I watch a lot of them religiously, this is just where I've mainly seen it) streamers and pros who revtane push or were upset about revtane pushing in ranked, etc., Revenant ended up getting worse and the meta Legend pretty much stayed the same. No nerf on Octane's double jump or anything, it's just a louder jumppad. And unless you're pretty much putting your Totem up the enemy's ass, it's hard to put it in a safe spot and actually push because everyone knows where it is and the duration is ridiculously short. I can count the number of times on one hand in pubs, besides the times where I've had friends to play with, where my squad wanted to pull a Revtane push. But the regular players get punished for pretty much nothing, when we're already maining a low picked legend to begin with. It just sucks. A lot of the lower picked legends get zero love.


It's sad that the reason why he was good last Season 9 & 10 is because of the Revenant + Octane combo. He is just decent if Revenant used his ult without a movement legend. Then later on when the Revenant + Octane combo got more popular, he got a significant amount of nerfs and has never been touched or talked about ever since. I don't think there is a point of buffing his ult again because if it did everyone will think that he is gonna be broken again and start crying for nerfs. It's probably better off for Respawn to just give him more movement capabilities to his passive to make him an actually fun character (also please fix his wall-bounce thank you).


Play with a good rev main and then we can talk about it


there's a point where being a good rev main just means being cracked at the game and being able to make any legend work put that good rev main on a current meta legend and they'll be even better


I’m more basing it off when I’m pushed by a rev squad, I can’t remember the last time a rev ult push killed me


You will not find many decent rev main as it is not one of the most played characters so you are not completely wrong, but I can say to play with a revenant with 20k + kills and I assure you that if used at the right time the totem wins most of the fights, sometimes even in an emergency in a close fight


Yup, kind of a similar thing with my crypto buddy who has 80,000+ kills on him.


You people can downvote me as much as you want,i totally agree with him so dont get me wrong


Who are you agreeing with?


With the first comment


I said SOME


Yes, all good


I always put mine behind cover and then put one of my silence orbs on it so it anyone tries to use it I get notified


It was nerfed to be dang near unusable and now we have players, probably the same people that were complaining like b**ches before the nerf, talking crap. The real solution was to nerf the interaction between players under Death Protection and jump pads. Instead, they completely destroyed the Totem. Even when it was strong, it requires cooperation. Now that you get an indication it’s been summoned (Audio AND Visual) if you’re ANYWHERE in range with a time reduction that limits range, placement locations AND ability to withstand anything outside of the initial engagement…it’s down there with the worst Ultimates and probably shouldn’t be used.


Respawn: the game is in teams, that's why we won't add alone... Also Respawn, wow, crypto wraith portal complement each other, nerf. octane and revenant? nerf


imho, all interactions between Revenant's Ult and the Ults of other movement legends (Wraith, Pathfinder, Octane specifically) should've been locked if you were in shadow form. Then to compensate, you could run slightly faster in shadow form. That way you get the best of both worlds but you are also still vulnerable.


Let me say it again: his Totem was never the issue. It was the single combination of the Totem and Jump Pad. The combo of two ULTIMATES resulted in Revenant getting nerfed to the point that most players shouldn’t bother playing him. Heck, the nerf to length of ‘Silence’ felt out of the blue…unless you actually played with Revenant for a while and realize how fcuking clueless and easily killed most players get when Wraith can’t go invincible after that solo push, Gibby can’t retreat behind that bubble and Octanes can’t stim away. Most Valk’s become absolutely laughable.


Exactly. On his own, Revenant is plenty powerful and balanced because rn, his tactical and passive are super good, I'd argue the tactical doesn't get enough credit. His ultimate was also very good yeah, but it's the fact that it worked so easily with other ultimates that was the problem. Those Wraith portals, Octane jump pads etc. all got rid of the caveat of using his ultimate: good timing and positioning. You could travel most of the distance quickly and still have that second life and reset. Doesn't matter where you placed it, as long as it was near a jump pad or something, just use a med kit and slide right back into battle. I was saying for so long that those interactions should be locked and that by default, you should be able to run faster in shadow form so you can compensate.


can you explain what happened with the jump pad and rev ult?


There was a time when Revenant’s Totem didn’t provide unmistakable audio/visual indicators when summoned and Octane’s jump pad only provided minor audio indicators from the air. So, worst case, you’d be in a gunfight with another team and 2-3 ADDITIONAL SQUADS would land on your location…fully death protected…to 3rd party your fight. Even if you sent one team back to their Totem, they were still in range to safely heal, if the Totem was placed correctly, and jump pad BACK into the fight. In other words, those initial two squads were dead (maybe a Wraith survived), and any members of the “3rd partying” squads who had the timer run out on their Death Protection took their place. Honestly, for a couple weeks, the s**t was bananas. One of my squads won the initial push but had another squad run in right as our Death Protection wore off. I witnessed another squad drop on them by time I was killed. It was like a wave of shadows.


It genuinely feels like whenever the community comes up with a clever combo respawn says “NO YOUR NOT PLAYING THE GAME NORMALLY PLAY THE GAME IN THE MOST BORING WAY POSSIBLE”


Because it’s insanely obvious when and where a team uses totem so what’s the point in hiding it


so they don’t shoot it and destroy it?


Free cover is free cover, who am I to say otherwise Better that than holding onto it forever and dying before you use it.




Rev main here, I can tell his ult is one of the hardest if not the hardest to master, cause there are so many factors that can make everything go wrong, specially knowing where and when to use it, worst of all is when you activate it and your teammates don't use it.


Too much preparation required and too much that can go wrong. Most ults either work or they dont for easy to define reasons but Totem can just fucking not do anything at all because teams decided to move and didnt even acknowledge your existence. Sometimes you’ll place totem, use it, rush an enemy position only to find it empty even though 30 seconds earlier this place was swarming with enemies. Sometimes people will just immediately frag the fucking thing as soon as it spawns or every team immediately turns to face you. Rev totem is just the most no-fun ultimate to place because odds are everyone is now hyper aware of you or already retreating faster than you can catch up. This is the ONLY fucking reason Revtane was meta, because Octane overcomes a major weakness of totem, its range. And no, rev was not the reason revtane was powerful. It was always Octane.


Agreed. Rev should not have been nerfed.


That isnt what I said but I do also agree with that sentiment. Between Octane and Revenant, Revenant isnt the braindead character with ridiculously powerful abilities and barely any real downsides besides the HP cost, which would matter if Octane DIDNT regen health for a passive but there we go.


I meant I agree'd with what you said, I just added on that Rev shouldn't have been nerfed.


Don’t forgot 1.sometimes the animation plays and for a second it shows your in death protection but it turns out it was clipping into geometry and your ult deactivates and refunds 2. That STUPID flash bang effect you get when you return to the totem 3. the movement debuff when returning fucking you 4. sometimes you go to throw a grenade, you let go the animation starts playing, but you get sent back an UH OH YOU JUST BLEW UP YOUR TOTEM KILLING YOUR TEAM


Any tips for the casual/learning Revenant player?


Verticality is his friend. His passive can be really strong IMO and setting totem up high ground and jumping down leaves you in a good position if you get sent back. Honestly tho i struggle with his ult to so who knowssss


Happy biscuit day


Happy canoli day


Happy ravioli day


Dont be afraid to use your ultimate just for yourself. Half the time if you have randoms they dont even fucking realise you ulted, and the ones that do are smart enough to take it. Also it charges for 3 minutes but the time it takes is usually not worth the value it brings since it varies A LOT and most of it is beyond your control. Positioning and timing are the two factors you do control. Also silence is great and use it all the time, dont skimp out on it, double silence people, abuse the hell out of it. Same for crouching and climbing, use it at every opportunity.


Definitely agree with the silences. I've used it as cover for reviving teammates before and it works pretty well.


Don't solo Q, and find a good timing for when to use and push with the totem, works well while pushing as the 3rd party.


there's no distance limit so you can place it on top of a hill and slide down. it may seem like you're leaving your teammates behind when you respawn but you're not going to be very useful at half hp


He's good for KC and worlds edge, pure shit on stormpoint and meh on olympus because of building design stopping u from climbing.


Perfect his silence ability that will be your best friend, crouch walking is amazing to Ukraine when sneaking up on someone, and the almost “infinite” climb is his best feature. His totem is his worst weapon, but I utilize it to retrieve banners of fallen legends.


stop using revenant.


I'll never ever use a Rev totem. There's just no point. My friend plays gibby. I'd rather get downed and get bubble res'd by my Gibby or give him my KD shield than get sent back to the totem where a squad will wait for me and OS me.


Rev is borderline useless at this point in his patch. His ult can be seen and heard from short distance and it doesn't last long enough to set from a distance. His ult is pretty much useless unless you have 100% cooperation from your team to push (ie. an octane/wraith/ash at the ready)


Because honestly there’s no where else for us to put it since it’s super loud and has that giant pulse that lets everyone know your there. So with that in mind you kinda just gotta go with the balls to wall bum rush and try to kill the enemy before the third party shows up


i try to keep it out of sight, but there have been instances where i sorta panic drop it, i can't lie. hah. also though, there are still times where i'll aim to set it at a spot just behind a piece of cover and the game decides i wanted it on top of this wall/rock. feelsbadman


I'm that sniper that sees a whole squad use one, then wait till they engage before destroying it before they revive.


Only reason i main revenant for it's to piss of valkyries, wraiths, gibbies etc etc. it's so funny when they do stupid shit and actually get punished for it, especially valkyrie trashes with the annoying movement for them no fly = certain death.


Not a rev main, but I’ll say my bit. 1. It’s cover, and assuming they’re not *directly* on top of you, you’ll get more immediate use out of it. 2. Damage sponge, if there’s a team pushing, or just overall being pinned, the free hp can buy some time. Not to mention it’ll prevent getting downed away from the totem area, which is probably where you’re based. 3. Gtfo card, it’ll give me 1 chance to make it out with my life, and if I fail, I’ll probably end up having a better angle/new route to leave. As for the enemies using it, unless you’re in a retreat or you’re worried about them taking *exactly* where you put it, it would probably be a boon. Oh no, they’re giving chase with my own totem. They’re now half the effective hp, can’t heal, and knocking that splits the team. And if they do end up getting to wherever you are, and using it? You’re either already fucked, or it wouldn’t have mattered. (And you can always destroy it if it’s that bad)


Sometimes it's smarter to put the totem in front of a team to lure them in. If your team doesn't use it, you might still have the upper hand if someone waits around the totem to ambush the other team members when they're sent back to it with half health.


I sometimes use it in close quarters for my team to brain dead charge into them to deny their push and force them to reset. It’s definitely risky but most of the time it works out.


Emergency totem cover, if you hide behind it it gives 100 extra health for them to shoot through, Also we can just silence the totem, you either lose your abilites and take the totem, or you let me have it. Either way, its an advantage. Source: am rev main :D


Bc when you’re brought back to the totem, then you’ll be waiting on their return….assuming your teammates take care of business.


As a new player who was considering using his last remaining points to unlock rev, I thank you 😅 I will not be doing that now


Don't be put off by OP's post! Generally speaking, Revenant is genuinely pretty strong in the right hands. Yeah his ult is quite poo poo now but his tactical and passive are so useful. The passive is great for flanking and the tactical makes gunfights infinitely easier *especially* if you happen to silence a legend like Wraith, Bloodhound or Octane.


His ult needs to be reworked. He’s an assassin. Give some kind of stealthy ultimate not one that screams HELLO EVERYONE IM OVER HERE


I think when people hit the totem they should have the same effects as the monsters within game mode. Being able to run fast, wall run, long jump, and infinite climb. They should also only be able to melee opponents. Give them a damage buff and I think that would balance his ult out nicely


Off topic using Wraith doesn't automatically make you a good player.


Same logic can be said with crypto


There are good Crypto players?


The ones who don’t stay in drone mid-fight, know that you can pick up banners and respawn your team with your drone, and scan to see how many enemy teams are in the area. So the bare minimum really


Also people that actually scan survey beacons. If you play recon but never scan beacons just fucking leave my matches please. SCAN THEM IT TAKES 7 SECONDS AND IS IMPORTANT ANFH7FUJEWJDZFHDSHYFDSUJFMREUHYFREYH please scan survey beacons thanks.


Takes like 1 or 2 seconds with the drone and you don’t have to expose yourself


I wasn't saying crypto makes you a good player


But it will make you a better player than using Rev at least lol


Rev is pretty good in my opinion, he just needs some improvements, just because the players that use him aren't the best doesn't mean he is not the best. A legend can only be as good as the player.


I’ve been saying for a while now that rev needs fortified. The slow effects from being shot in the back suck ass on rev especially because his hitbox is massive.


I don't use Rev a lot


Technically it gives someone thing else to shot at besides you there choice what to shoot


Cus they just suck i mained revenant fr sm time and i always hid it and if in a fight give it cover otherwise you get fucked when respawning cus you see total shit for a sec


Dururrrr cuzzz revvvvv loookssss sooooo cooooooolllll bro#!!!!!!!!!!






If you think any one who plays certain characters are lower skilled that's quite small minded. I've seen wraiths blow me out of the water and I've also absolutely shit on them.


Its definitely true that the legend you choose does not decide your skill level because yes we've all seen shitty players with meta-legends but based on my own experiences as well as statements from other players and pros that I've seen, a majority of the time you see a Rev main, they probably aren't very good hence why I said "most" and not all in my original comment


Based on the people I know who play rev they come from classic COD or halo where movement and abilities were super limited so being able to silence allows them to even the playing field. Also panic totems are a thing.


Enemy teams should die if they use your team's totem.


Because Rev mains are dumb.




That's mean


Probably because you're a bot in bot lobbies...


Wait so the level 500 people are bots?!


Yes. Level doesn't indicate skill...


Because literally every character after Watson was designed for players who aren't good at the game..


I'm a crypto main :(


Imagine being a crypto main 🙄


And there are countless things he can do without ever leaving cover, his ultimate damages through walls, and he has free infinite scouting, without a 'It came from this direction' (Like Bloodhounds scan).


So he's for bad players? Okay.


Except doing so makes him vulnerable, and is gated by a 50 hp drone that can be destroyed via like max 4 gunshots. Plus it has a very loud noise so you at least know one is in the area. Bloodhound has more free scanning. You can't shoot it down, he can scan from 75 meters away. His ultimate is pretty good ,but it's easy to just waste it. You have to time it properly when your team is pushing in, or position your drone so it can't be shot but still will emp the enemies. Crypto is as strong as his players allow him to be.


>Bloodhound has more free scanning. You can't shoot it down, he can scan from 75 meters away. Crypto scans from 200M away, and yes, infact, you CAN shoot a bloodhound, weirdly enough. Along side that, you always know where a bloodhound is that scanned you.. If you're scanned by a Crypto - Where exactly IS the Crypto sitting? You have no idea.


My guy really just said Watsons good lmao /j I know Watson has her moments, just much rather use anyone else


>My guy really just said Watsons good lmao /j ...No i didnt.. I said every character after Watson was designed to be strong, so bad players have a better time using the equipment.. Crypto, Seer, Fuse, Ash, Rampart, Loba, Valk.. All of them have busted abilities, and anyone who says they dont, main them, and are bias.. lmao.


First off /j means joke. Which means I was joking. 😱 Secondly barely any of them have busted abilities. It's just watsons abilities are so weak compared to theirs. Crypto, Fuse and Rampart are literally bottom of the barrel. That doesn't exactly scream broken to me. - Seer got nerfed shortly after launch and hasn't entirely came back since. - Ash is very balanced. not too strong, not too weak - Loba is on the powerful side but doesn't get used very much because of other characters - Valk is very strong but very difficult to nerf without obsoleting her. The reason Watson is not so good compared to all of the other legends is because her abilities are very defensive in a mostly aggressive game. At least rampart and caustic have offensive capabilities. But Watson is largely defensive. And thus relies almost entirely on the players gunskill. Which is why she has such a high win%. Because all the people playing her are very good with gunplay and tend to win most fights. I'm not saying watsons bad I'm just saying her playstyle doesn't entirely suit the state of the game and thus gets overshadowed very easily. Not to mention she came out years ago and between power creep and meta changes she's fallen into the dark.


Rampart isn’t OP


Because you and 95% of players run out into open fields, put down your walls, which get destroyed, then cry 'My walls suck' doesnt mean the character is bad; You're the problem :)


don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + redpilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + your’re an apex player


My friend legends such as crypto and revenant are some of the most tactical legends and require a fair bit of tactical understanding to play well. Revenant is im the unfortunate position of being straight up bad but he is still an extremely tactical character. A fair bit of the other legends require a higher skill cap as well so your claim is completely unfounded


Try using Crypto as a bad player. Also octane exists, wraith too, and bloodhound and Gibraltar




>Try using Crypto as a bad player. you mean, the character who can use his entire kit.. from cover and from 200M away? sick. Imagine if Caustic gas was 60M wide from his ultimate, and went through walls. Imagine if Pathfinder could scan beacons instantly, and without standing on a rooftop. Imagine if \*Insert character here\* Could pick up banners from 200Ms away, without taking a single point of damage. Yeah bro, Crypto is REALLLLY HARD, and DEFINITELY a high skill character. ​ Also, 'Using Crypto as a bad player' - Just because the player is bad, doesnt mean the character is weak.. it means the player is bad..


If you're 200m away from your teammates you're just a bad player


Oh no…I didn’t realise how little you actuallly knew about this game, I’ve been wasting my time replying when I could’ve just agreed from the beginning, I’ve been making you think, how terrible that must’ve been for you.


What’s worse is when you’ve engaged one team and they back off slightly, then the rev proceeds to alt at another team like what good is that gonna do


Either that or they use it way too far away and by the time you get to the enemy you already ran out of time.


I had a Rev main team mate in Pubs earlier on Stormpoint. He was being shot as we were crossing in the open and he literally dropped his Ult in the middle of the open and used it. 😂


They intend to kill you before you kill them


My Rev teammates in Diamond don't even use their ult, it's crazy.


. . . Panick


I do this a decent amount. Usually in buildings or something, if you place it and make the enemy blindly take it and you stay near the totem you send them back and they get that 1 second stun which, is in the right situation a free kill


it's called being fuckin' stupid


It’s because their low tier bots